
Progressive Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"Nintendo dipped its foot into the gender puddle long before Gamergate bros were old enough to put together words, let alone open up the trans debate."
"The terms progressive and liberal have virtually nothing to do with each other anymore."
"Progressive politicians regularly find themselves defanged by their corporate counterparts."
"The aggressive progressives ended up being the ones that were right and doing the good reporting on it."
"Democrats, y'all should listen a bit to Andrew Yang."
"Your generation is in many ways the most Progressive generation in the modern history of this country."
"It's critically important that the Biden administration appoint progressive leaders... because this is about making investments and policy decisions that will create an advanced American society."
"In a world focusing on equality, they did not sexualize the one woman."
"Reactionaries are gnostics with a hard-line conservative looking mindset that's actually equally Progressive."
"Getting organized... is really the only thing historically that has dragged the labor party towards more progressive policies."
"She's not one of these johnny come lately progressives."
"She checks off a ton of boxes...progressive base would really get behind."
"Medicare for all who want it is an amazing middle step."
"It's a project that's both smarter and a lot more progressive in its mingling of influences and its exploration of masculinity."
"Ratatouille is one of Pixar's most progressive films... it looks at what's happening today and considers how the world could be better in the future."
"You have so many ideas and visions, you're very progressive, perhaps futuristic."
"It's ahead of its time. It was ahead of its time. It's still ahead of its time."
"If there's one sacrament in progressive Christianity, it's deconstruction."
"The chief aim of progressive activism is to transform the U.S. political economy, not to pass the baton of neoliberal incrementalism between generations."
"A more Progressive pivot from their genre-blurring post-hardcore Roots while maintaining a lot of their tuneful intensity."
"This dude is just light years ahead of what of our thinking right now."
"This has to be the most Progressive kid show I've ever seen like Jesus Christ tell me you voted for Biden without telling me you voted for Biden."
"This is not your average Aristocrat we're talking about this is a millennial Duke techsavvy Progressive and keenly aware of his generational context."
"She wanted me to have the finest education, so she took me to a progressive school."
"Marie was a woman way ahead of her time."
"It is actually kind of one of the most woke shows out there."
"Star Trek has always been very, very progressive, strongly in favor of inclusion and diversity and social justice."
"...he was always going down the road many more steps than that way ahead of his time."
"There's so much Progressive thought happening and these people all chose to hold on to a nuclear family the way they wanted it that felt dated or traditional at the time."
"Generation Z views are incredibly progressive."
"There are politically progressive forms of Satanism that are taking the world by storm."
"Dementia is terminal and it is progressive."
"If you read the New Testament and listen to the things that Jesus is actually saying, you can't help but be struck that the teachings of Jesus are very, very Progressive."
"you have now this is the difference of emphasis between Progressive Christian churches and with my broad the call uh reactionary our Conservative Christian churches"
"We have to be more progressive, we have to be ahead of the curve."
"It's a great opportunity to play with one of the most successful progressive rock metal bands in the history of music."
"My congregation belongs to the United Church of Canada, probably the most progressive Christian denomination in the world."
"You seem like a forward kind of thinking man."
"I try to be adventurous and progressive in some material and others I try to be as down home and as ethnic as possible."
"These are the first lines of the progressive Doctor Who's incarnations."
"They are such brilliant visionaries and strategists, so progressive, so open-minded."
"Alexandria can feel spirited, young, and progressive."
"The film overall has a very progressive mindset."
"This film is really progressive, even for 1988."
"While Genghis Khan might be remembered best for the fear he instilled in his enemies, he was in reality a pretty progressive ruler."
"Democrats need someone who can connect up at the gut level with people where they are but still have a progressive agenda."
"Definitely a legendary progressive rock band formed in Toronto, Canada in 1968."
"The AG's statement of fundamental truths contains a point on sanctification which presents a progressive sanctification view."
"Religion should be progressive, should be liberal."
"It's not extremely complex music, but it's progressive and it's just really interesting."
"Progressives generally have an authoritarian view of the world."
"This is pretty cool, really. Kind of, there's like a prog element to it as well."
"I forget those things which are behind and I reach forward to those things that are ahead."
"Scandinavian society was fairly progressive."
"The show is progressive; it talks about asexuality, about mental illness, and about diversity."
"This is really cool for kind of more off-kilter and progressive rhythms."
"He wanted women to have political rights; he wanted to end slavery."
"I would venture to say that this was my entry point to extreme progressive music."
"It's moving, it's beautiful, it's perfect, it's progressive."
"Vue is called the progressive framework."
"Being progressive in scope means framework uses a layer design that allows features to be opted in, in a progressive manner."
"I really liked this one a lot. Everything that I said about it being a really good book for specifically white progressive people to read, it's still very important."
"Montessori was part of the progressive movement in education that was happening at the time, but she was the first to put the theories into practice."
"I thought this was actually a pretty progressive film for its time."
"Every single day is a small victory, every single day is a step in the right direction."
"Most of the progressive painters in postwar San Francisco taught or studied at the California School of Fine Arts."
"Think about progressive Web Apps as... engagement conversion."
"The progressive web app pillars are really just about doing that: providing a great user experience."