
Literary Impact Quotes

There are 143 quotes

"Books are literary when they redefine genres and spawn countless references or retellings."
"It was fascinating to see how some of the vampire tradition informed future vampire traditions."
"A character that has been performed and portrayed more than any ever created."
"Gilgamesh has had such a profound effect on many of its readers over the years that some declare it to be the greatest masterpiece ever constructed."
"The most important aspect in determining if the novel was indeed a remarkable escape not from reality, but into reality, is if a reader reflects on the words after the last page is turned."
"Terry Pratchett is three big deals happening in the same trench coat."
"Crime and Punishment is the book that essentially made me a Christian. I mean that's the book that changed my life."
"A lot of us didn't even realize Baldwin was gay... to me he's an author, he's one of the most brilliant people you're ever going to hear from."
"I hadn't fully realized just how powerful words can be." - Saffie Hadley, Noughts and Crosses
"These books have captured the imaginations of generations, leaving us with a sense of wonder and a burning desire to uncover their secrets."
"Now we’re reading the lines, the exact exchanges that so moved them."
"I thought I knew everything. Your book comes along and I realized I knew nothing."
"The sign of a really good book is when you miss the characters after finishing reading it."
"That's freaking awesome you probably won't sell as many copies but guess what you're doing really good in the world."
"Tolkien has set the bar for the entire concept of world-building."
"Victoria Schwab has quickly become one of my favorite authors of all time."
"Surely, Ted Geisel would be happy to know that even years after his death, his stories are still making a difference with children everywhere."
"Like a rock star of today, when Poe would walk down the street, dressed all in black, people would call him The Raven, shouting out the poem’s famous refrain, 'Nevermore!'"
"I appreciated the impact this man had on English literature. Look, I'm happy for him, but if I never had to read another one of his books, it would be too soon."
"This book is genuinely a masterpiece, and I feel like kind of shaped me."
"It's one of the most memorable books I've ever read."
"This was so good... That hurt in a good way... This was so good."
"It is such a good book and on another note apart from the like Persian ethnicity and like identity aspect of this the thing that I think that this book does so beautifully is the way that it talks about mental health."
"Some books when you close them give you an exclamation point feeling."
"This book gave me, for the first time, one of those moments that you're reading, and you're like, 'No, no, no, no, effing way that just happens.'"
"You don't stop thinking about a book just because you finished it, that's true."
"Every so often an author comes along whose work defines a generation."
"I don't regret writing 'The Weight'; it'll help somebody."
"I just wanted to express my gratitude to Jared Kushner for reviving interest in my book."
"It is not an exaggeration to say that countless people have been able to experience stories and enter fantastic worlds that they wouldn't have been able to otherwise because of his work."
"This book is making me like Charles a little bit more."
"His works inspired, enthralled, and comforted me."
"That part of this sequence with her and Michael I thought was done really well."
"Without a doubt was one of the series that got me into reading and writing from a young age."
"It is so beautifully done. I also have no idea why like the two Neil Gaiman middle grade spooky books I've read have been some of the scariest books I've ever read."
"Uncle Tom’s Cabin changed hearts about slavery."
"A bunch of low brow picks I could go for here but I'm actually going to recommend something quite profound from JC uh it's called book with a jump scare in it."
"Lord of the Rings is starting to come back into the public consciousness because it's been 20 years."
"The last 30 pages of this book are electrifying."
"The blend of mystery and solving, first love and horrible loss was just phenomenal."
"This book redefined what it meant to learn and love and live."
"Having the characters accept the mist as their new reality is poignant and packs more of a punch."
"They say that after the Bible and Shakespeare, Lewis Carroll is the most potent author on earth."
"I don't think you very often have the opportunity frankly to read something and go you know something this could really impact how we view a particular genre."
"Some of these were even big enough to get their own film adaptations."
"It's also, I will argue, the book that truly cemented Alex Ross's super stardom as a comic book artist."
"Terry Pratchett's untimely death in 2015 after a long battle with Alzheimer's disease was a cosmically unfair tragedy that I am still not fully over mourning."
"He could not have known the impact his Gothic tales of the macabre and mysterious would have."
"Neil Gaiman at least in this book is just so expert at like creating heart strings you didn't know you have and then absolutely just ripping them to shreds but it's fine."
"The Comedian's death at the beginning of Watchmen was the first domino in a chain reaction that not only changed how his fellow superheroes saw themselves but how readers saw superheroes."
"Gravity's Rainbow is poignant and profound beyond belief, there are passages that simply send chills through me."
"Many authors set out to write a first draft of history—especially journalists. With 'A Very Stable Genius,' Phil and Carole have succeeded in doing just that."
"Burning books is the final level of censorship."
"If people consider it to have literary merit and to have done something for its genre and people consider it a classic then it's a classic."
"The ending actually made me want to go back and reread it."
"JK Rowling's reaction is that she is very flattered by the fact there is such great interest in her Harry Potter series."
"It's incredible that a book written 73 years ago can do that."
"This is one of the easiest five stars I've ever given. I would invent a sixth star for this book."
"Jamie and Claire have infiltrated my body, my mind, and my heart."
"In 1943 Ayn Rand, Isabel Paterson, and Rose Wilder Lane published their seminal works."
"Lovecraft's works have exerted enormous influence on horror fiction."
"It's hugely gratifying... to have a book come back to you like that."
"thank you Wes 4.99 the novel Darth Plagueis by James lucino makes the prequels much better"
"It's amazing that a whole genre has been inspired by a few books."
"Words so innocent and powerful as they are, standing in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become in the hands of one who knows how to combine them."
"Choosing to trust him meant it hurt more when the book started to take its toll on Simon."
"Words matter. Words create and build and convey not only idea but character. They bring these people to life."
"I absolutely loved it and got so immersed in it and so attached to the characters that I just cried so much by the time I got to the end of it."
"Writing the book has made me so much better as a writer."
"Easily over a hundred thousand copies sold, with endless reissues and different editions."
"The publication of the Screwtape Letters made him an American celebrity."
"It's brutal, it's so brutal, and also it's the only way that this book ever could have gone."
"I just felt like so many parts of this book were written for me."
"The amount of tears I let out reading this book was absolutely unreal."
"Films and stories are powerful. More people know about the philosophy of Lewis and Tolkien because they told it through stories."
"But a book about a dragon riding college and a shadow Daddy are not the cause of these issues but it is in fact just the most recent example in a long long line of popular books."
"I'm chasing that hit ever since, and if I can do that to a reader, then I've passed something on."
"Corey became like a spiritual grandmother to me through her book 'Each New Day.'"
"Ali Hazelwood came out of nowhere and has gone viral for probably three years in a row now for a good reason."
"All of these fantasy games that I've played over the years owe just about everything to Tolkien."
"I just finished the book. It's so good. A book has not made me feel something like this in very long."
"Tolkien ruined fantasy? No, he was so good that fantasy for the next 20 years just iterated."
"So I think that at least for people who are who cool read it honestly, it's going to have the effect that we're hoping it's gonna have."
"It was just absolutely a whirlwind of emotions."
"This is literally the best Memoir that I have ever read in my life and I think that everybody needs to pick this up."
"It proves that God has a sense of humor because God is accomplishing through a fiction series what the church won't talk about."
"William Shakespeare... this man invented 300 words that we still use today." - Dan Tavis
"I haven't been able to stop thinking about this book and I feel like I have to be careful when I pitch it."
"First things first, The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. Taylor Jenkins Reid has us in a chokehold."
"He changed the world of literature in so many ways."
"Despite recent controversies, Harry Potter as a whole continues to remain culturally relevant."
"It's definitely a book that can do that... it is very, very dark."
"Interview with the Vampire changed the landscape."
"The Outsiders holds a special... place for me because that was the I read that book when I was 12."
"I have to pick Any Man by Amber Tamblyn, literally well and truly buried into my soul."
"...there really wasn't anything like Sandman before it..."
"Great novelists illuminate worlds we dimly know or they explore new realms of experience that had been sequestered from the Canon. That is great novels either open a door or they turn on the lights. Toni Morrison did it all. She opened the door and she turned on the lights."
"She is one of the most influential writers of our generation."
"City of Bones is a classic. Wouldn't be here without it. It laid the groundwork for this world that we would absolutely fall in love with."
"That is an incredible opening line guys I can't say enough about that line that's just magnificent and that prologue holy hell it just completely just ripped over my mind's eye with what was going on."
"Some will and later in this video I want to include the voices of people who have been profoundly moved by Rebecca Kwang's writing."
"Realm of the Elderlings not only impressed me, it impacted me. I think that it taught me a lot of lessons as a reader, as a human being, and empathy."
"It's a powerful moving book, but it was such a page turner, and such a profound book that I thought I couldn't make up my mind if it would be the greatest art film or the greatest action film ever made."
"This book is dedicated to Anya, to Art's mother, and it's just like every single page of this book is important to the effect that you get reading it."
"It's all in the writing... it leaps off the page."
"The Mistborn series contains one of my favorite characters of all time."
"The Lord of the Rings was an outstanding spectacle that became the basis for the fantasy genre we know today."
"University Professor Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak was the first translator of Derrida's major works into English, opening up his ideas to a new audience."
"Despite being flawed, the book was highly influential to writers who proceeded to incorporate many of its speculative themes into their work."
"You wanna know why we cannot see all the light? It's because we're too busy crying over this book."
"I would give up anything to just wipe my memory of this one and be able to reread it for the first time again."
"If I'd never written that book about your mother, none of this would have happened."
"Strange the Dreamer pulled me in, gutted me, and I felt so strongly for these characters."
"I feel like my life is so much better now that I've read Harry Potter."
"The character Sherlock Holmes undoubtedly took over Conan Doyle's life."
"She wrote it and she says that she got hundreds of letters saying that this book saved people and it made them feel seen in a way that no book ever had before."
"It taught me so many life lessons about appreciating life."
"We will try to see how the different waves of feminism have impacted literary theory."
"Harry Potter was there for millions when millions didn't have anyone there for them."
"This book changes everything, it changes the landscape of the series."
"If you are at all interested in fantastic fiction, you must read Michael Moorcock. He changed the field single-handedly; he is a giant."
"What's so fascinating to me is 'Wild' would be the exact same book whether two people had read it or two million people had read it."
"I'll be thinking about that book forever."
"This novel changed me as a person."
"I think it needs recognition for the fact that it pioneered the YA genre."
"This was the book where I began to realize that oh, Robin Hobb really might be it for me."
"It just blows my mind that such a short Novella was able to cover so many things."
"This book is stunning; it's very hard to read but it's amazing."
"It's just the most beautiful book and from what I've heard, it's really impactful and it has a really nice message in it as well."