
Mother-daughter Relationship Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"In the summer before I went off to university, my mom and I decided to go on a trip together, just the two of us."
"Your mother loves you because you're her daughter."
"Joanne was passing all of her traits onto her only daughter Alyssa, who was already becoming a bright, smart, and talented young lady."
"Petite Maman - stunning, magical realism portraying the complex bond between a mother and daughter."
"The manipulation and the control between this mother and daughter..."
"A mother is her daughter's first example of what a woman should be."
"This show is about a mother and daughter who are best friends as well as being mother-daughter."
"Catherine was devoted to Mary and was fiercely ambitious for her daughter."
"Gracie was everything to her, she was 100% there for Gracie."
"Mothers look at their daughters as their competition."
"Merida's relationship with her mother is inspired by my daughter Emma's relationship with me."
"She says to me, 'Matt, even though I died back when she was younger, what was so beautiful is that I get to be such a big part in her life and I get to see her grow up in so many different ways."
"A mother will always have a special bond with her daughter."
"Matches with your skirt, Mom. Try out the purple one. My favorite color is purple."
"Even for myself, I grew up with a mom who was not happy. She was not in a happy marriage and she always put me and my sister first."
"I promise I'll be the best Queen ever for you, Mommy."
"Can you talk to your mama right now about your heart? Can you tell her, can you say, 'Mom, growing up, I needed you to tell me I was a beautiful girl'?"
"When a mother has a daughter as smart as you, she listens."
"Mom, I'm not you. That's what I'm trying to make certain."
"Moms and daughters shouldn't be competitive."
"Yeah, I'm very glad that the final mother-daughter-centered story is what the film ended up being about."
"One of the biggest keys to becoming autonomous and becoming your own woman is disappointing your mother."
"You're going to have to create a new sense of self, and she's going to have to get to know the new version of you."
"A woman would introduce her daughter to more and more independence; she would encourage her to make decisions that she may not agree with."
"Thank you for being there for me, Mom. I love you."
"I have never met a child like Mara who cares more for her mother."
"Ultimately, it's a heartwarming show that showcases a sweet relationship between a young mother and daughter and all of their other complicated and often comical relationships."
"I love that dynamic; I like that she gets along with her mom and she can discuss anything she wants to with her mom."
"...the mother daughter bond... you hold on to that and everything starts opening up."
"I always say, 'Oh my mom's my best friend.'"
"A daughter's biggest influence is her mother. Whatever she sees you do, she is gonna want to do."
"A mother has to be friendly towards, not friends with her daughter."
"My mom would sit down with me and tell me about how she loves certain dresses and thinks they would look really good on me."
"She likes coming home; she likes spending time with her mom."
"Everyone will see your dirty pillows. Those aren't dirty pillows, Mama, they're breasts."
"We don't have a day for us to just be mom and daughter; we need to do that."
"Denise decided to talk frankly with her mother and told her everything, asking for advice on how to proceed."
"She's very witty; she's a smarty pants. My mom is my mother, but she's also my friend."
"I love hanging out with my mom because she gets me, we're always on the same wavelength."
"She was really close to her mom since she was the only girl in the family."
"She was very, very close to her mom, like her mom was her best friend."
"I love you, too, sweetie. I love you so much."
"It had been a great weekend with her daughter."
"For all the girls who are yet to get their period and who already have them, you need to talk to your mom."
"Dear mother, I was made quite sad by your letter... I am concerned that you're not taking proper care of your health."
"But I gotta say, the mom and the daughter did everything that they could to survive, and they did."
"This movie is a love story but it's also about mothers and daughters, the secrets women keep, the pasts they leave behind as they look for their futures."
"Wow, this is so beautiful, Mom! Look at the view from here, this is so pretty," she said.
"It's a moving and unforgettable exploration of the powerful bond between mother and daughter set on the breathtaking Amalfi Coast."
"Mother daughter best friends forever."
"It's about grief, really, a memoir about the author and her relationship with her mother before she passed away from cancer."