
Community Bonding Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"Love gives us empathy for others; it actually strengthens our bond as people, as a community, as an ecosystem."
"The memories that sports create, the bonds that it creates, it's a responsibility."
"They branded these women to bring each other closer, it was a bonding experience."
"You guys are better than farts, come on, come on guys, you guys are better than farts. I know you guys are better than farts, come on guys!"
"It used to be people grew up together, there's deep communication, trust, and affection. By comparison, people on dating sites are justifiably wary."
"Loss is actually what binds them together as found family."
"I try my best to be super nerds just like all of you."
"It's a luxury good, it's something to enjoy, it's something that brings communities together, it's something to share."
"Many reservations have implemented language immersion programs that bring tribe members together to strengthen the use of their ancestral speech."
"The simple joy of human contact, of people coming together in local communities, is incredibly precious."
"Community, I think FPV has one of the best communities... If you know someone at FPV, you're automatically friends with them."
"Everybody come in for a hug, if you would like one."
"Hopefully you guys get to feel the happiness that I'm feeling... you know hopefully you guys get to feel what I'm feeling."
"Every adversity gives us an opportunity to get closer to each other."
"I brought everyone some marshmallows for the roast."
"Seeing you all connect in this way has helped us carry on."
"Love is the answer to everything, guys, because Sonic loves to oof people and eat chili dogs, and we love Adam's mom, right?"
"I appreciate that sister, big bomb, big bomb."
"The combined experience of being around people who look like you, go through the same struggles, speak the same language, and are also black is something that I can't put into words."
"I know I'm pretending I'm jealous but in reality just seeing them all sat there makes me very very happy."
"It's not only because you get the best crypto information, but it's because we're a family here."
"We need to link up together and strengthen ourselves as a nation."
"Do not miss it, and I truly love every single one of you."
"Having a thing that brings people together is important."
"These guys make the cutest babies, I swear, literally any of these angel children could have played Cinderella."
"Yo, we're bringing back the Nami appreciation corner, boys."
"I don't like calling people fans because, like I said, they're more like my family."
"You're not my fan, you're not though, you're not. You just [ __ ] with me and I [ __ ] with you."
"Small-town America where everyone knows everyone and no one is outside the realms of safety."
"Adversity tends to bring people together and bond them."
"Let's hug each other and let's find truth together."
"The healthiest, happiest and even safest are Americans who live lives intertwined with their neighbors."
"Religions fulfill a very important role... religion meaning of the term religion is to bind people together."
"Nothing brings people closer together quite like tearing them apart. It's beautiful."
"He became a friend of the people. He wasn't particularly outgoing. He wasn't a back slapper. But people accepted him for what he was-- and that was just a genuinely nice person."
"All we have to do is speak it, there's power in our words."
"At every single convention, we end up crying with someone because people want to support and share their stories."
"The best antidote... is by strong and meaningful human scale bonds, Community bonds... human scale relations is the answer."
"The fundamental principles of faith enshrined in the Shahada and the tawheed therein which bind the umma in an eternal bond of unity."
"On Wall Street Silver and the Reddit community, they find camaraderie and other people who think the same way they do."
"It's hard to hate somebody if you're also singing together on Sundays."
"I kind of see the community like I kind of imagine they had a lot of experiences hanging out with the boys working on something really cool kind of similar to how the elite community is now."
"Manchester United is more than a football club. It's more than a football club and it doesn't matter where you're from or how old you are. This is our club."
"There was something bigger than all of us that brought us all together."
"We went through that struggle all together and we came out a stronger community, a more loving community."
"Please make dua for me, make dua that Allah accepts, make dua that Allah guides us all."
"The silver lining of all this is that it brings people closer together."
"I love you guys so much with my whole heart."
"We preached about the love of God, we sang about the love of God, and we loved on one another."
"If they're wearing your team's jersey, you immediately feel a kinship with them."
"It's okay to disagree, respect and tolerate each other's views, even go for a beer with someone you've argued with."
"From the outside looking in, it definitely looks like the whole black student body is very connected."
"Practice kindness aggressively, hug each other more."
"Just found out that my favorite streamer suffered a loss so I'm chipping in a bit more. Thank you for your donation."
"I love my Green Bay people our fan base my dear dear friends at the organization on every level my friends in the community."
"I miss football, it's something that you talk to guys that are done playing, I think everybody misses it."
"This is our heart and soul. This is why we're fans, man."
"I appreciate you guys, you know, you guys are awesome."
"One Piece is something that brings all of us together, that ties people like an invisible rope, uniting us as one despite our differences."
"Have yourselves a most wonderful evening and remember to stay weird fam."
"Children is the one thing that brings people together because they're innocent."
"Connecting, gathering, collecting ourselves but also through this amazing community which I am so very grateful to be a part of."
"Football is a vehicle for Community, a version of tribalism that's safe. It's a vehicle for Romanticism, heroes, etc."
"Remember to have yourself a most wonderful evening and stay weird, fam."
"You guys are as weird as I am, and that's why I love you."
"I appreciate that you guys love my videos and the true weirdos."
"From feeling like I left with family to knowing that I can go back."
"Wereats are gregarious creatures, finding joy and community in challenges and banter."
"I think the magic of fandoms is that people can bond over a similar interest, and that's just really cool."
"Let's get down to some tarot, a little look-see at love, relationships, tribe members, family members."
"I feel sad that we're going to be gone from you guys for two weeks because I have to say that over this year with COVID and everything happening I feel that we've formed a stronger bond than ever."
"I'm pretty sure over time we'll all end up fishing with each other at one point or another."
"I'm glad you're enjoying them too."
"It's awesome just how close the community is with drifting."
"It's important to feel connected to your community."
"Wishing you all very happy holidays with all of your loved ones."