
Criminal Justice Reform Quotes

There are 124 quotes

"Trump’s biggest accomplishment was his signing of the First Step Act, one of the biggest criminal justice reform laws in American history."
"The solution is not more police; the solution is better police. The solution is better economic investment. The solution is the deconstruction of the criminal justice system as we understand it."
"The sole purpose of laws should be to reduce crime. And if prison systems are doing the opposite of that, then something has to change."
"We need to stop locking people up for drugs... treat that like a medical issue."
"Marijuana should be legalized all across the country and those people should be freed."
"I believe that most of the folk who are struggling with addiction need health care and treatment, not permanent incarceration."
"The jury did his job, and hopefully, we here in Congress will do our job and pass criminal justice reform."
"True crime stories can bring attention to important issues such as Criminal Justice Reform, Victim Advocacy, and societal injustices."
"I want to help so many people. I have such a passion for criminal justice reform."
"I believe in the legalization of marijuana which... will be a major step forward in the struggle for a fairer, less racist criminal justice system."
"Restorative justice is saying we're centering the person who is harmed and you're asking what they need... it's an alternative to a system that is purely punitive and tells you that there are good guys and bad guys."
"I'm for full legalization...and pardon everyone who's in jail for a low-level nonviolent drug offense."
"When we're talking about really addressing our criminal justice system, we still don't have a lot of people in those positions, and district attorneys hold a lot of power."
"We have to send fewer people to prison for shorter periods of time and then when they're here do things like this."
"If your goal is actually to make life better for people and to solve the problem it's not gonna be solved by putting folks in jail who are dealing with addiction."
"No one should go to jail for a drug offense, no one should go to jail for the use of a drug, they should go to drug rehabilitation."
"No one should be going to jail because they have a drug problem they should be going to rehabilitation not to jail."
"President Trump and I have fought for criminal justice reform, thank you."
"We will get rid of private prisons and cash bail." - Senator Harris
"We will decriminalize marijuana and we will expunge the records of those who have been convicted." - Senator Harris
"They are former inmates, people that went to jail who are getting a fresh start thanks to the landmark criminal justice reform bill that I signed into law."
"A system that focuses on restoration and preventing future harm is not a system that would ever have the death penalty."
"My philosophy is more education, less incarceration."
"Our incarceration is wasteful, it's economically wasteful, it's socially wasteful."
"We are going to end private prisons and detention centers in America."
"Criminal justice reform, prison reform, historically black colleges and universities, I got them funded."
"The emphasis is no longer on how many people we can lock up, but on what they've become when they walk out the gate."
"I think unless you're like a violent offender there's really a lot of other paths that we could go down other than the very flawed and corrupt criminal justice system in our country."
"If he pardoned all the nonviolent marijuana-related offenses and stuff, I'd be like, 'That should be shocking.'"
"Most of my work revolves around political education and on the ground strategy to close prisons and support and free criminalized survivors of domestic and gender and sexual violence."
"Keeping people out of prison for low-level crimes is obviously ideal."
"We must end the practice of corporations profiting off the suffering of incarcerated people in their families."
"This is by far the most radical proposal to overhaul the American criminal justice system that has ever been put through on any sort of presidential platform."
"We must end the war on drugs that has disproportionately affected black and brown people."
"Abolish the death penalty and all mandatory minimums."
"We need to end private prisons and reform what goes on in our prisons."
"Changing the way that we classify drugs and how we criminalize all of that would probably be the second thing."
"We should pay people to stay out of jail because we spend so much when they're in jail."
"Felon voting: restore voting rights after prison."
"I passed criminal justice reform to give former prisoners a second chance at life."
"In terms of what presidents can do on crime I'll give Donald Trump a little bit of credit for the first step act."
"Black people may be more likely to side with black political figures in general when it concerns the topic of criminal justice reform."
"We need to invest in our children in jobs and education, not more jails and more incarceration."
"We must end a broken and racist criminal justice system."
"Our visions have to be bigger than 'let's lock them up.'"
"I don't think drug addicts should be in jail period..."
"We need to rehabilitate these men and women, get them prepared to enter back into society and help make the society better. They're fully capable of that, we just have to figure out a way to give them a chance."
"A world with fewer prisons or no prisons would be a better world."
"This is not necessary. We can do something about this as a society rather than lock people up and throw the key away."
"The criminal justice system needs to be transparent, absolutely."
"Drug addicts should be in treatment, not jail."
"I believe in criminal justice reform, but it should be fair across political lines."
"Let's abolish the death penalty and be one of the normal countries around the world and we don't need it. Let's join the civilized world."
"We need to get smarter on crime, not dumber."
"Stop private prisons - they're the biggest scam in this country."
"The first thing we should do in prisons is stop private prisons."
"Hopefully we can get some momentum behind just massive pardons for all these people locked up on marijuana charges"
"Cash bail is another goddamn important thing... Bernie proposed legislation to get rid of cash bail in 2018."
"I think there is an argument to be made that someone who has committed a crime in the past but paid their debts to society should have their rights restored."
"Conversation about mass incarceration has delegitimized the assumptions."
"The criminal justice system is broken: we have more people in jail than any other country."
"I've given some indication of the kind of issues I'll want to be a voice on. There's some very important reforms to the criminal justice system coming forward."
"Biden pardons thousands for simple possession of marijuana."
"Deschedule marijuana, deschedule cannabis from a schedule one drug. Those people, all non-violent drug offenders should be allowed out of jail and their records should be expunged."
"The first step act... aims to reduce repeat offending and expands early release programs."
"Oswald was so successful that Disney was able to expand their animation team."
"There is no argument for keeping non-violent felons disarmed."
"We need bold changes in our criminal justice system. We need to start treating prisoners like human beings."
"The bottom line is to not incarcerate people for anything marijuana related... it should be legal."
"Criminal justice reform is not about politics. We are human beings." - Tanisha Bannister
"Criminal justice reform is not a partisan issue."
"Polly’s case also led to the enacting of the Three Strikes Law."
"Prisons are big business. We know that. But we can combat that by providing those opportunities, opening up the pathways for people truly to have a chance to change their lives."
"This is called the First Step Act which implies there should be a second, absolutely, and a third and a fourth, and hopefully the full decarceration of people from prison and jail."
"I wasn't for mandatory minimums, I wasn't for three strikes."
"If we address the challenges affecting criminal justice, we'll make our communities safer and, certainly indeed, I believe, make our communities more prosperous as well."
"Nearly 3,100 inmates are being released from BOP custody due to the increase in good time credits applied to reduce their sentences under the First Step Act."
"Our entire nation wins when citizens with a record succeed."
"I gave former prisoners a second chance by signing our landmark criminal justice reform."
"Stop putting people in prison for smoking a joint and save the prisons for the murderers and the rapists."
"Outgoing Oregon governor Kate Brown has announced that she will commute the sentences of all 17 individuals on Oregon's death row to life in prison sentences which is admirable good on Kate Brown."
"Restorative justice involves examining the harmful impact of actions and repairing the harm done."
"As president, I will end this destructive system, pass the End Money Bail Act, and provide resources directly to states and counties to implement a pre-trial money-free system."
"Let's end the war on drugs, end mass incarceration, and take all those resources and go after the monsters."
"Criminal Justice Reform, we can't keep putting people in jail, it doesn't work."
"Advocating for Criminal Justice Reform, addressing racial profiling, and promoting Equitable opportunities are vital steps toward dismantling this deeply rooted stereotype."
"Clearly the data suggests that there is no public safety value in prosecuting these level offenses." - State Attorney for Baltimore
"The answer to every one of our problems in America is not throw him in the jail and throw away the key."
"Marijuana for personal use should not be a criminal offense."
"No one should be in a local jail or state prison for that reason either."
"President Trump signed the historic First Step Act into law. 90% of those who have had their sentence reduced are black Americans."
"President Trump proposed the Second Step act partner with corporate America to create opportunities for former prisoners to rejoin Society."
"Part of the discussion about reform of criminal justice policy has to be an acknowledgment that crime does occur."
"The criminal justice system overwhelmingly needs to change."
"I believe in criminal justice reform more than anything. What I've seen in the United States prison system... I get mad whenever I think about that."
"The number one problem in our communities is prison reform."
"Remove them out of the criminal justice system so that we can refocus our criminal justice system on the most dangerous."
"Everything you just said is almost a call to action in criminal justice reform."
"Rehabilitation versus incarceration, it's proven over and over again that just incarceration is not working."
"There's a better way than putting just people in prison and only focusing on the crime."
"It's like enforced my trust in also like this Finnish prison system, where like giving chances to put people like you, it's awesome."
"We as a society need to revamp our jail and prison systems, and I don't mean tomorrow, I mean ASAP."
"I think we need to stop treating people who are addicted like criminals."