
Destigmatization Quotes

There are 115 quotes

"The purpose is to demystify talking about menstruation and realize that this is a conversation can be had between genders."
"A simple change in language can help us destigmatize mental health."
"The number of Americans seeking mental health treatment is almost twice as high as it was two decades ago, reflecting a historic recent decline in mental health but also an increase in Virtual care and positive trends of destigmatization."
"You need to be the first generation to destigmatize mental health."
"Never be ashamed to ask for help. Never, ever, ever. Any kind of help. Whether that be mental health help, medical help, financial help."
"The point of this video, however, is not to remind you that college can suck sometimes... The point is to help de-stigmatize this idea of opening up about our struggles."
"This is a channel where we raise awareness about and destigmatize dissociative identity disorder and other trauma-related disorders."
"My mission is to destigmatize obesity because destigmatizing taking away the weight stigma means that we can have an adult, non-hysterical conversation with people."
"Destigmatizing mental health and like seeking therapy is a good thing overall, healthy."
"Don't be ashamed to have a psychological disorder. Talk openly about it and get help because if you don't, you will continue living in your shell."
"The more people that start to talk about their struggles, the less stigmatized they're going to be."
"It's important to ask these questions to destigmatize mental health issues."
"It's important that people speak about these things. That is why everybody, as time goes on, is fighting for mental health disorders to not be so stigmatized."
"Let's just call it abortion and that helps to begin to destigmatize it."
"I support the de-stigmatization of steroids."
"I hope they think that schizophrenia isn't scary."
"Self-care shouldn't be a shame; it's about being responsive to yourself, giving yourself a break when you're having a tough day."
"HIV does not make people dangerous to know, so you can shake their hands and give them a hug; heaven knows they need it."
"I think it's important that teenagers know that words like vagina or testicles or penis aren't dirty words."
"We need to destigmatize the corporations and we need to regulate them. We mustn't stigmatize or shame the food itself or the people who are forced to eat it."
"Mental health is just something that really now more than ever needs to be destigmatized and addressed."
"One of my goals in life is to de-stigmatize therapy."
"It's really important to not stigmatize and pathologize being depressed."
"This is just me trying to share my story, so some people feel less alone and to destigmatize something that is very, very stigmatized in the best way that I can do that."
"We shatter the mental health stigma by talking about it... Make sure you also like, I said make sweet sweet love to that subscribe button."
"Mental illness is real...we must normalize acknowledging it and stop associating it with shame and humiliation."
"Things aren't to be ashamed of. I mean what is shameful about having prosthetics? Maybe nothing, right? That's so good for us all to hear though."
"It's time to stop being ashamed of normal human struggles."
"There's no longer any stigma associated with it because it is an illness."
"Surgery in general is becoming more destigmatized."
"Seeking mental health treatment is inspiring and empowering. It's not something that should be stigmatized ever for any reason."
"It's okay if you're not mentally healthy. Mental illnesses are much more common than you'd think. It doesn't make you crazy."
"There's no shame in doing this, get this, they're there to help you."
"Mental health is something that needs to be talked about, not put in a box and left in the next room. You need to talk about it with your family, with your kids."
"She helped destigmatize important conversations about sex."
"She helped to destigmatize addiction and shed light on the route to recovery."
"That's why I want to take the culture and normalize it and de-stigmatize it."
"There's no shame in mental illness."
"I'm trying to destigmatize singlehood."
"I'm trying to destigmatize singlehood and have people stand confidently in their singleness."
"Those are the situations that I run into on a regular basis, you know, I talk about on this channel like how serious addiction and recovery is because I firmly believe that we have to talk about it and destigmatize addiction."
"And I believe talk therapy is important. If it's simply just you talking to a camera like I'm doing right now, then do it without shame."
"Mental health is so important to me and I never want to add to the stigma or to make anybody with mental illness feel bad or feel less than."
"Therapy should not be stigmatized. It's about understanding yourself better, not just dealing with past trauma."
"Therapy shouldn't be frowned upon; it's not something that should be stigmatized. It's a mental hygiene, a way of getting to know yourself better."
"How about we make these things less shameful to talk about?"
"There's been a positive push towards destigmatizing mental illness in recent years."
"I just think you know, while on balance, like, there are, there always going to be, you know, gray areas, hopefully less and less once we like, shed a bit more light on the situation and take away that stigma for a lot of people, it's, it's a fun and safe way to make money."
"Now is a great time to destigmatize therapy."
"In recovery there is no shame and there is no blame and I think that that's important as well to talk about."
"We need to create a space for people to say I have thoughts of killing myself sometimes. I had, you know, a daydream that I jumped off a bridge, and it actually made me feel good."
"Culturally, we need to destigmatize suicide. Certainly in religious settings, we need to support survivors of suicide loss."
"It's important to normalize these conversations."
"I love talking about midlife and menopause and normalizing the conversation about midlife and menopause."
"Therapy and medication are options. The goal is health. The goal is not about weakness or strength, the goal is health."
"There's less of a stigma to talking about depression than there once was."
"My other hope is that there is an increase in emphasis on destigmatizing HIV and decriminalizing HIV."
"...just giving voice to trauma is to just end the stigma and shift the shame."
"The only thing I think is better now is being able to discuss mental health."
"There is a lot of content out there, but one thing I do appreciate about it is it's destigmatizing conversations about mental health which is like what we need."
"Opening up the space and destigmatizing... talking."
"It's time to take the stigma off."
"As mental health professionals, we're always trying to destigmatize mental illness."
"I didn't realize until the past couple years that so many people suffer from things like anxiety and depression, and um, you know, I think it's good that we're all talking about it."
"Taylor's openness about her struggles with addiction helped destigmatize the topic."
"Let's break the stigma about grass and feet. Grass is cool, feet are cool."
"I think therapy in itself has become less and less of a stigma. It's just awesome. More people are just, it's just become more socially accepted."
"Destigmatizing mental health would be a wonderful thing to do."
"I'm helping either Inspire motivate or hopefully encourage people with mental health issues like to start a dialogue and I want to raise awareness I want to destigmatize the whole topic of mental health especially with men."
"I think one of the best things that's happened in the last few years is to kind of destigmatization of people getting help for their mental health and people going to therapy."
"I think it's important to talk about it and tell people because I think that's what takes the shame and the stigma away from it. And this is such a common thing, but for some reason, people aren't so open about it."
"This is exactly what we should be doing, we should be trying to destigmatize these illnesses."
"I think the more we talk about it, the less stigma there is around it and I don't think it's anything to be shy of or afraid of."
"...this is an invitation for us to know the stories behind people before creating those stigmas those taboos..."
"Shout Your Abortion is an effort to reject the stigma and shame."
"Certainly, there has been a greater awareness of emotional health and destigmatization of emotional illness matters over the last couple of decades."
"I want to destigmatize it, but also provide some true resources."
"God said to me, 'I'm going to destigmatize this subject so that my people can deal with what's already there in their soul.'"
"It's 2022, let's destigmatize a girl making a move first."
"Becoming proud or embracing one's disability is kind of a process of unloading all of that internalized ableism."
"She wrote over 60 books in her life as well as a nationally syndicated column and is commonly seen as a figure who spent her time to destigmatize the word 'witch' in modern culture."
"Let's have compassion for people who have tears and let's destigmatize talking about it."
"I think we try to take the stigma away from hair loss."
"I hope mental health stops being stigmatized for all people, and I hope that one day a person like me can get on this stage, ask a question about mental health, and no one will think twice about raising their hand."
"Talking about anxiety and mental health openly obviously destigmatizes it."
"It makes me so happy that I was able to help you feel seen and that I helped destigmatize ADHD and taking Adderall."
"Destigmatization of people who are going through some things mentally every single day."
"Pride wasn't just about visibility and acceptance, it was about destigmatizing and promoting public health."
"The more people talk about their mental health issues, the less stigma there's gonna be about not talking about it."
"We have to destigmatize cannabis and consider it as a viable means of trying to treat various different conditions."
"More people are consuming than they have in the past and destigmatization is occurring."
"You destigmatize sex, you destigmatize sexuality."
"Easy E's death brought attention to the AIDS epidemic and helped to destigmatize the disease within the hip-hop community."
"...the power of bringing it visible within communities and making it less stigmatized to have these discussions..."
"Continue the destigmatization of mental health."
"This is a community of people who are inherently mental health positive and committed to destigmatizing mental illness."
"It shouldn't be stigmatized, it should be freely spoken about, freely used, truly experienced."
"Take help from medicine, from a doctor if needed; take help from the psychiatrist, there's no shame in it at all."
"Mental health is such a big thing, and it should be less stigmatized."
"It has to be destigmatized; the shame has to be taken out of menopause."
"This is stuff that's always been whispered but no longer. It's no reason to whisper about this; it's nothing to be ashamed of."
"We should try and break the taboo around therapy because I just think it's so beneficial and so helpful."
"Communication engagement in the public is a really important part of the destigmatization."
"The destigmatization of comics will go a long way towards saving and normalizing and fixing sales in western comics."