
Last Resort Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"War can only be accepted as an absolute last resort."
"The option to use them should only be used as a matter of last resort, and only in the most urgent and dire of situations. We are not in one of those situations now."
"Surgery is a last line of defense to restore health and well-being only after all other options have been attempted."
"Riots, rebellions, uprisings, whatever you want to call them, are never a community's first option; they're the last resort."
"It gave me another chance in the watch world as we started YouTube as the last resort of saving the company."
"We need to pray for angels to save us because that's what you do when you have no other options left."
"Mekhane's Kiss isn't a superweapon, it's a Hail Mary."
"U.S. military power must be our tool of last resort, not our first."
"Starlink should mostly be looked at as kind of a last resort for internet service."
"Boycott became a last resort because they weren't able to have a voice."
"Oppressed people have the right to engage in a violent uprising when all other options have been exhausted."
"Violence is justified when all other options are exhausted."
"We're their last hope, generally by the time they get to us they're in extreme pain."
"This peace treaty in itself was something short of a final choice if this did not work then there would be no other options for Aaron to try and talk to people their politics and negotiations wouldn't be a possibility."
"Violence is not my thing, but we're out of options here."
"I want to talk to nobody. You gotta let them in the eyes. That's my only, like, 'Yo, I don't know if you're [ __ ] around but at least I'm gonna look in your [ __ ] last resort.'"
"Cut my life into pieces, this is my last resort."
"Ultimately the use of all of these weapons should be a last resort."
"Using deadly force should be the last resort, not the first resort."
"I don't know if it will work but it's all I got right now."
"For me personally, violence is only to be used as an absolute last resort."
"It could be like a back door 'hail mary save my ass' kind of thing."
"Violence is something that is the last resort. It should be the last choice."
"Always avoid violence at all costs until you're at the point where there is no other available option."
"Men and nations act wisely only after they have exhausted every other opportunity or resource."
"Surgery is only for people with conservative treatment fails."
"Divorce is regarded as a last resort and approached with a lot of caution."
"Violence, we can use violence, but always as a last [__] resort."
"Antibiotics should be kept the last resort, life-saving measures."
"It's time for my last resort. The final place I think these tickets could be hiding."
"Government is a last resort, not a first resource."
"It's like grabbing a tree as you fall off a cliff."
"A breakup should be very serious; it should be when all other options have been exhausted."
"The only option left was to get help."
"It's going to be the basilic. That's the last resort."
"It was time to pull out their Ace in the Hole."
"I'm going to do something that'll make me useless afterwards, but there's no other choice. It's our last ditch effort to win this."
"As a last resort, you use violence."
"The Houston was their last chance of finding out who was responsible for the thefts."
"I always said porn would be my last resort when everything else is failing."
"Taco Bell is actually my last resort."
"A just war must be undertaken only as a last resort."
"People who come to us, they say the same thing: it is their last hope."
"War is the very very very last resort."
"Self-defense is an option of last resort."
"I am a firm believer that weight loss surgery should be your absolute last-ditch resort."
"Shooting should always be the absolute last resort."
"While underground shelters and crisis response measures are a last resort, if a crisis does strike, Finland will be ready."
"It is always only as a last resort that serves the safety, security, and freedom of the American people."
"Taking a kid away from their parents should be the option of last resort."
"Confrontation should be a last resort."
"I would generally consider pesticides a last resort. I want to try and discourage the pests from even being attracted and being successful in that field."
"Bugging out is definitely not ideal; it is something that is an absolute last resort."
"I understand that the donations are like Last Resort."
"War, when all else fails, they take you to war."
"Before all else fails, tell the truth."
"Violence is always a last resort."
"I think strike action should be a working man's last desperate weapon."
"I always had respect for life; I always thought like killing should be the last option."
"Deprivation of liberty is the very last thing they should think about doing."
"I think if you go to war, war is something you should only do very seriously, it should only be as a last resort."
"Industrial action is after a long process of negotiation and frustration, and it's only taken as a last resort."
"Court is supposed to be a last resort."
"Violence must only be seen as a last resort."
"Strikes in essential services should be absolutely the last resort."
"Personal protective equipment should always be regarded as the last resort."
"When do we say enough is enough? Jace, you don't know war. I do. It must be our last resort."
"I drew close to the standing lamp that was my last line of defense."
"Heaven help us, there is no other way."
"I'm the man you call when you have no other options."
"The sort of ultimate option of trying to lock things down probably was the only route open at that time."
"I'm always against poison, this should always be your last if not even an option."
"I don't like fighting; I use fighting as a last resort."
"Force should always be the last means used."