
Employability Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"You want to build a portfolio of skills and assets that will convince your employer to take you on rather than someone else."
"If you can have both of these skills in one, you're pretty much never going to be looking for a job; they're going to be looking for you."
"You might not realize this, but you're actually actively learning real world skills that companies are paying big money for."
"If you are valuable enough people will hire you no matter where you are."
"Develop a skill that people are willing to pay for."
"Be useful; people in demand are always in high demand."
"When you say what do I want, I want Netflix to come back and say because we said she was a legend we're gonna give her a 20 million dollar payday like we gave to Chris Rock and Dave Chappelle."
"The whole goal of this remember is to get a job you want to pass that and collects come a grown-up nurse and get your job and you want to be hired somewhere so you want to be hireable in the eyes of these employers."
"Build yourself up. It doesn't have to be lifting weights; you don't have to look like the golden one. Build a skill, do something that makes you more employable, something that makes you better in your life. That's all you have to do."
"If you have a job and you jump in and take a shot at entrepreneurship, you are so much more employable after the fact."
"You have to have differentiated skill sets to make yourself more valuable to the employer."
"Once you become self-employed, you become unemployable."
"Did you know that you're building some crazy skills, marketable skills like Linux and networking knowledge that you can put on a resume?"
"Proper topology makes you a lot more employable."
"Just pick Python. Your end goal here is to be as employable as possible."
"If you can articulate your thoughts in a literary format, you will never be without a job."
"You got to get recruiter interest by showing that you're highly employable with the skills you have because you can solve real problems."
"Excel proficiency would be an edge in the workplace."
"The first thing you have to learn to sell is actually yourself because if you can't sell yourself in a job interview nobody is going to hire you."
"...if they see that you understand this stuff it makes you much more hirable..."
"Do they want to employ someone who can resolve challenging situations themselves? Yes, of course they do."
"The more you focus on your abilities the more hirable you are the more you focus on what people want you to be good at the more hirable you are the more Foundation knowledge you have the easier it is to debug problems that come up."
"If you do not upgrade yourself, if you do not get yourself the right skills, do you think you're going to be employable? No, I don't think so."
"Understanding QuickBooks and having confidence around using the software can make you really, really employable."
"Being able to problem solve and sell your skills, everyone needs that."
"I know I am an employable human being and if all else fails, I will get a job."
"I think that it's a marketable skill I think that there's businesses out there that are just looking for people that have that initiative to learn about that not just the trade itself but how you remain safe in that."
"A CV is an advertisement of you. It's meant to convey why you're the perfect fit for the job and make you sound really employable."
"I can guarantee you that anytime he wants to get a job there are going to be dozens of people that know exactly what he's capable of and want to bring them on to the team."
"Now is a great time to learn new skills so that when you get back into the market, you become more employable."
"If you can articulate your thoughts on paper, you will never be without a job."
"Social skills tend to be far more important than ability or knowledge when it comes to getting the job."
"Law is one of the most employable subjects; it develops really key skills that are transferable across a number of careers and areas."
"It is the fifth most employable subject after only medicine and education."
"Can you actually go from never having written a line of code in your life to being hired as a software engineer by just going through, say, three months coding boot camp? The answer is yes, absolutely yes."
"If you're valuable to someone else, then you'll never go broke."
"Companies say they want recent grads who are teachable and can learn quickly."
"Write your unit tests and get good at unit tests because it makes you employable and it makes it so that your code doesn't stink."
"You're very employable and you'll land on your feet."
"The thing that makes you really employable is making everyone else sound better."
"What employers are looking for is, 'Am I going to have to bend over backwards to train this person?'"
"If you want to become more employable, then you should probably learn how to create web applications."
"Micro-credentials are becoming really important when it comes to boosting your employability."
"Our competencies being associated with graduate employability."
"Everything you do to become and stay highly employable needs to address getting an interview and passing the interview."
"It's the technical skills that will get you the job, but it's the personal skills that will keep you the job."
"Actually getting really specifically good at what you're interested in is like a hireable quality."
"The top five employable skills are teamwork, leadership, problem solving, initiative, and communication."
"Every skill set you have makes you a better designer, a better candidate for that job."
"This is the type of site that will get you work really, really easily, honestly."
"Soft skills are the common skills that are required for most jobs."
"Employers are looking for your skills and abilities to calculate, use formulas and functions, as well as to use data analysis techniques and make business decisions."
"The more well-rounded you are, the more leverage you have, and the harder you are to replace."
"You go through the course and then your employability goes up."
"The job market's most sought after skills are people skills."
"The main reason you're going to be employable is because you're helpful."
"Reading is one of those things that makes you an employable musician."
"SQL is always listed as one of the top skills that employers are looking for."
"I produce employable working dancers, not 'competition kids.'"
"React will just give you the best chance of being hireable."
"Putting our graduates in demand on the job market."
"If you're not coachable, you're not employable."
"The more jobs the better it looks on your CV."
"You are clearly an employable person, you're earning a good salary, you have the skills to do a freelancing job, you could get another job."
"If you are punctual, smartly dressed, and quite friendly, you can actually get pretty far in most jobs without being that good at anything."
"The engineering program has strong industry projects aiming to build upon students' knowledge and experience to prepare them for further study or employability."
"If you graduate with a computer science degree, you are a hundred percent employable."
"Increase in vocational training... that would help to make them more employable and so reduce unemployment."
"The combination of practice and theories in the UK curriculum will help build up your employability skills."
"Starting a company makes you very employable as well."
"The University of Sydney ranks number one in Australia and number five in the world in terms of graduate employability."
"You begin evolving to the kind of person that people want to hire."
"You'll develop transferable skills such as problem-solving, teamworking, communication skills."
"If you build a perfect '57 Chevy from scratch, I can hire you in a heartbeat because I know what one of those looks like, and I know how well you did at it."