
Environmental Advocacy Quotes

There are 157 quotes

"The Way of Water connects us all, and that is why we always have to fight for what we love."
"This was the most important moment. We need to listen to the words of the people on the land. Nature is the earth and it is other beings."
"I would make them understand that we cannot eat coal, we cannot drink oil, and we cannot breathe so-called natural gas."
"I do hope you succeed in making ecological issues as one of the major major goals of the globe."
"The act includes more than $360 billion to address climate change - something the White House and major environmental groups are touting as a huge win."
"We should accelerate the transition to sustainable energy."
"Bernie said that we needed to take environmental action immediately and with agency."
"It is encouraging to see how you have opened the eyes of the world to the urgency to protect our planet, our only home."
"I care passionately about the wildlife. I'm passionate about the natural world."
"The only way you're going to get political buy-in in the long run for this is if you can show you can live better."
"If you're concerned about the planet, give your money something good to do."
"Coexistence can work, but only if all of us are prepared to embrace it."
"The ecological case for doing that is unassailable."
"Our future depends on us making the switch to clean, green electric cars today."
"He's the sustainable Prince... pushing this sustainable agenda."
"It is that willingness to really embrace change in the interests of people and the planet that is our hope of navigating this."
"The polar bears are gonna be okay, however with you gone and with no children to share your ideas there will be no one left to protect those polar bears."
"If the bee goes away, we're done as a society in the world, that is a really good in distress he made that point."
"There are five or six great reasons to stop burning coal and stop burning oil."
"When you talk about environmental I am truly environmentalist."
"We must make the rescue of the environment the central organizing principle for civilization." - Al Gore
"They had the CGI dinosaur with Jack Black as the narrator being like you're all going to go extinct like the dinosaurs if you use fossil fuels you Africans."
"This cause more than anything else will buy time, time to prevent the worst-case scenario, time to save lives."
"I'm honoring FlyQuest for not only deciding to be the environmentally conscious team but winning."
"Who's against using the Sun, a lot of clean energy and so forth?"
"I never imagined 12 yrs later, we’d ever be doing large-scale projects like this to help the ants on a more global-scale, but yet here we are."
"Irrespective of what people think of me, I do want what's best for the environment."
"Unless someone like you cares a whole lot that nothing is going to get better, it's not."
"Here's a guy that also cares about the environment, he cares about progressive policies."
"I think we encourage those who have done very well, especially those who care about climate change, to support a fair tax code."
"If everybody just gave five dollars the seas would be clean as [ __ ] right about now but you didn't give nothing."
"I just want more Bidets out there. It's not like a money-making... it's just 'cause I think Bidets are cool."
"That plastic bag you see in the gutter or floating in a stream or washed up on the beach, multiply that by 100 billion. Yikes, am I right?"
"The real important thing... is ultimately moving away from our addiction to hydrocarbons." - Stressing the importance of long-term energy sustainability amidst global conflicts.
"Stop using single-use plastics and especially straws."
"You can't have it both ways: you can't support war and then lecture me about climate change."
"We need individuals to change, but we also need the system to change."
"The bottom line is we can turn to renewables."
"I think that this is a very, very popular idea that appeals to our sense of who doesn't want a healthy planet, who doesn't want happy healthy animals, who doesn't want a healthy body."
"They weren't a threat, they were saying look, don't blow up this beautiful planet."
"Future generations deserve a planet that is healthy and habitable."
"What is the alternative to saving the planet for our kids and future generations?"
"The only thing that can save places like Borneo... is that we can make the people that live there have a better, more sustainable future."
"So, props to these kids because they're fighting not just for themselves, but they're fighting for everyone in the state of Montana."
"We are celebrating Earth Day by raising money for the Waterkeeper Alliance with the cast of 'ER' this shows club 'Stars in the House'."
"Get off the Bad concrete, Get on the Good concrete."
"Earth Crisis changed lives and planted seeds for activism."
"Let's keep coming together... hopefully as a worldwide voice on this planet."
"When someone asks you about Nordstream 2 being blown up by the United States, we want you to just remind the audience that they should buy an electric car and get solar panels on their roof."
"A solid argument: the surface world is harming the underwater kingdoms with pollution and ecological disasters."
"We have the power. My generation has to live with some of these problems for the next 60, 70, 80 years and we're not going to allow it to happen."
"If you care about the environment, why are you shilling crypto?" - The Kavanagh
"You got to talk about climate change in a bold way."
"We have a moral responsibility to ensure a habitable planet for future generations."
"All of us can use our voice to protect our Earth and the Universe."
"I think if you told people about hey you know do you want the bald eagles to be extinct you'd be like hell no."
"When we talk about climate change, we're talking about saving ourselves."
"We seek to receive and amplify a message of life-sustaining living and habits that Humanity needs to hear today."
"If we save Alberta, we may actually just save the rest of Canada as well."
"Climate activism was no longer about the future, it was about the present."
"Trees are a common-sense solution. I encourage everyone to run out today, get your tree, and plant it as soon as possible." - Dave Joyce
"It gives a little sense not just of his passion for nature and the environment but also his forward-looking nature."
"Perhaps it's beauty that will save the earth."
"We need the whole world to stand up as one to stop hesitating and start acting." - Kira Rudik
"Everybody should be obsessed with mushrooms... they play critical roles in the ecosystem."
"This isn't an issue that belongs to right or left, this is everybody's issue."
"Let's be protectors of life, Earth, creation, and imagination. Be the change you want to see."
"Thanks for helping to keep the earth a cleaner place to live."
"We must collectively focus on halting the destruction of the biosphere."
"We can realize the urgency of approving climate policies that protect vulnerable populations."
"We've seen irrefutable proof that cycling could indeed save the world."
"Doing everything for the benefit of nature, the Earth, the animals, the trees, the plants, the snails, the slugs, everything."
"This planet, Humanity, its beauty... I fight for it."
"Just remember the next time you hear someone say well you know at some point it's going to be impossible to deny climate change no we're we're there it's actually happening right now." - Unknown Speaker
"If we can all do one little thing to save the planet, then why not do it?"
"Coco's message: Koko... reportedly left a message... calling humans stupid for hurting the environment."
"We have to stop these programs... that's our first and most important leap forward."
"It's really important to vote in every election to keep building momentum for environmental progress."
"We need to treat the fossil fuel industry like enemy number one."
"Just leave the petrochemicals in the ground it's not that hard we can leave the dimethyl siloxane we can we can smack a soms into other a soms and that smacks more acid into other atoms"
"Lean in the direction of supporting technologies that are sustainable."
"We're going to bring out young people who not only are interested but have to fight for real climate change."
"My mission here on YouTube is to help you make better decisions for yourself and for the planet, so future generations can live to their full potential."
"The night sky is part of the common patriarchal common heritage of humanity, states should restrict the number of satellites above a certain brightness."
"We have no time to waste. The time for action is now."
"You have the power - the power of sustainable resources."
"Eliminating animal farming would be more beneficial for the environment than taking all of the cars and planes and boats out of the equation."
"It is our water, it is our land to grow our food, it is our health, and it is us, and we the people."
"Encourage that, push for it, ask for it, demand it. Let them know that you would like to see them go green."
"The fight over electric cars was quite simply a fight about the future."
"Randy saved several lives as a park ranger and advocated for the protection of the wilderness."
"Don't choose extinction. Save your species before it's too late."
"We speak for Earth. Our obligation to survive and flourish is owed not just to ourselves but also to that cosmos ancient and vast from which we spring."
"Go Greta, stick it to the boomers, hell yeah."
"We can point fingers at Blizzard all we want... but if we really care about this game... then we need to begin looking for more immediate changes in our environment."
"Protect the kelp, protect the seas, protect the climate."
"Nothing speaks more volumes of truth than the defense of nature."
"I see it's gonna swing the other way. It's gonna bypass vegetarianism. It's gonna go full vegan."
"We cannot continue to let these people pull this baloney and especially when it comes to possibly destroying the future of this island, the coral reef, the water, the wind, the toxicity."
"This new book is a powerful call to action for environmental repair."
"If Americans use their cell phones one year longer on average, it would be the same reduction in pollution as taking 636,000 cars off the road."
"What's good for the environment is good for society, don't you know?"
"Climate change is the apex crisis of all time, and the US military is the primary crisis multiplier."
"The entire web of life... have no voice except for us."
"Vegetables are nature's magic. That's why we don't need to eat animals."
"Please have yourselves a damn good one, save the environment."
"His impact on Cinema and his commitment to Environmental Conservation continue to inspire audiences and filmmakers worldwide"
"You're doing it for the rest of us, you are the Hat Films eco warrior if you will."
"Liquid death is death to plastic. There are enough plastic bottles on the planet and you don't need to help create more."
"Do you really think I don't want clean energy in a cleaner environment? Of course I do."
"If you can't say that Tesla's a positive force for the world, do you really care about the environment?"
"I want plug-in hybrid electric vehicles to be more common."
"Clean the ocean and if we don't, we'll help. We'll help fill."
"It's amazing that you can utilize Forza Horizon to change people's perceptions on electric vehicles."
"It's a terrible indictment of my generation when Greta Thunberg stands up and says, 'You betrayed us.'"
"There's absolutely no reason to buy a gas car."
"Louisiana's coastline is worth fighting for."
"We've come to a time where we've got some big environmental problems which are happening, and we need people out there to be advocates for the environment."
"We want to change the culture; we want people to recognize that nature is not optional."
"So when I talk about soil not oil, I'm really talking about the birthing of an earth democracy."
"Waterkeeper Alliance is a global nonprofit that is focused solely on clean water."
"If you enjoy public lands like I do, please contact your elected official and ask them to support the Map Lands Act."
"The more people that have these kind of objectives and the more that they bring it to the public and to leaders, the more that humanity will come to understand that we really do need to get our act together and protect this planet."
"We're supposed to be leaders morally through the advocacy of human rights and environmental rights and liberal democracy."
"This week Pope Francis urged global action to combat climate change."
"Go and check out Anna Louisa; I absolutely adore their mission statement."
"Please continue to support the transition to zero emissions trucking."
"Cameron Diaz advocates for environmental consciousness, believing in reducing waste and minimizing environmental impact."
"Every aquarium needs air. That is a hill I'm willing to die on."
"That's what it's all about, send the water south."
"We should prioritize this planet, we should love and revere this planet; we are not separate from it."
"We want clean water. Sewage in rivers is unacceptable."
"I've spent the last 40 years of my career as an Environmental Lawyer and Advocate fighting large corporate polluters and corrupt government agencies."
"If they are on our side, are they listening to the environmental impact that we are making?"
"Barbie loves the ocean and is working towards a better future."
"You cannot keep destroying your environment for the sake of your short-term economic goals. You can't drink oil!"
"I'm a big fan of geothermal, and I'm glad you guys are making it more accessible."
"Take action today by joining Oceana at oceana.org."
"We want all the bees in this world we can get."
"That's the whole message that we're about, people getting out and connecting to nature."