
Religious Hope Quotes

There are 174 quotes

"He will wipe every tear from their eyes; there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."
"O Israel, hope in the Lord; for with the Lord there is steadfast love, and with him is plentiful redemption."
"Someday, probably at or near the resurrection, we will get our pre-mortal memories back... we will have even more abundant reasons to praise God forever."
"This book came to give all of humanity hope. Today Muslims don't even find hope in it. That's a tragedy."
"Jesus Christ is coming soon to catch away his people, those that are looking for his return and are born again of his Spirit will be caught up to meet him in the air."
"I'm glad Jesus is coming to pick us up and by the way, hurry I know, I know, isn't it true?"
"How can a Believer not take Glad Tidings that the doors of Jannah are open... and how can a sinner not take Glad Tidings that the doors of the fire are shut."
"Even so, come Lord Jesus, come get us out of here."
"I pray that you've learned something I pray that this isn't blessing to you."
"The gospel is the hope of Eternity with him."
"There is a blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ."
"Fortunately, the Christian hope is that beyond the grave, you know, John is safe in the arms of God."
"When you see these things begin to happen, then look up and lift up your head, because your Redemption draws nigh."
"The word of God, the Bible, is our only sure hope in this world today."
"It will be worth it all... the day we hear the trumpet of God sound."
"The God of all hope is going to bring us through this national crisis."
"Every Sabbath is a reminder that Jesus is our soon-coming king."
"There is a hope, and that hope is in the fact that Jesus Christ is going to come again."
"A victory over the devil, let a mighty revival of baptisms come to their city, come to their home."
"The promise and pattern of his return was meant to fill them and us with an unfailing and unfading hope."
"I wanna see blind schools empty. I want to see coffins empty. I want to see it all."
"May Allah make us all from the people of Paradise."
"Begin to happen, look up, for your redemption draws near."
"In times like this, we need God's blessing, the whole world does."
"Our light shall break forth like the morning, and that righteousness will go before us, and the Lord will be our reward."
"We look forward not to the escape of the soul from the body, but to the resurrection of the dead."
"The definitive truth of Christian doctrine can only be hoped for as any evidence for it is always unseen."
"The resurrection of Jesus was the greatest promise of Hope beyond the grave."
"Where will you be when God does his quick work? Under the blood, the protection of the blood of Jesus Christ."
"Mary's assumption gives us hope that our life has more meaning than it does on this earth."
"God wants to give you this gift... I hope and I pray that your desire for the gift has been kindled."
"We need Jesus, I think for real. Like if he came back now, it'd be great."
"Glory is going to hit this year in certain hot spots and do nothing but keep increasing."
"Our ultimate hope as Christians is not on whether the United States of America turns back to its origins, but on the soon appearing of Jesus Christ to rescue us out of this world."
"There's going to be something even greater than what we have, and greater than Azusa Street."
"Look to Jesus, he is our only hope in this lost and broken world." - Brittany Dawn
"And when these things begin to come to pass then look up, lift up your heads for your redemption draws nigh."
"I'm believing God that before I die, we'll look just like heaven."
"Perhaps one day Christians can finally settle our disagreements and reunite under one Banner as it was in the past."
"I remain confident of this, I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living."
"Maybe there's a promising future, maybe there's a resurgence of Christianity on the horizon."
"The hope is in Yeshua, he is the gate, he is the way, he is the truth, he is the life."
"I'm still trusting God for an outbreak of Revival."
"Sometimes you do have those moments where you remember that talk we all love: Sunday will come."
"Sunday always comes, Resurrection is a promise and it is a prophecy."
"Jesus if you are who you claim to be take control of my life I don't know how to live I don't even know if I want to live but I want life I don't have it now."
"It is good to be put to death by men to look for hope from god to be raised up again by him."
"People need to know that God has the power to transform a life. This is the hope that we have."
"May God for Christ's sake give it to every one of you and convert you."
"When I die, I want to hear these words: 'Well done, good and faithful servant.'"
"May Allah allow us to see Ramadan, may Allah allow us to see Ramadan, may Allah allow us to see Ramadan."
"There is a king that is coming and his name is Jesus."
"For those of you who have been believing and contending for Revival it's coming."
"This unfulfilled anticipation is for a king who is Yet to Come, a king whose rule will never end, who will usher in the Kingdom of God's righteous, just, and good rule."
"May our Sabbath experience be in anticipation of resting in Christ until that day."
"May we be amongst those whom Allah boasts about."
"The only thing that is going to save Nigeria is the mercy of God."
"Your faith can move mountains, your hope is anchored in Christ."
"This is our everlasting hope that we've learned for and we look for the return of Jesus Christ back to this earth to redeem his own."
"All of us would be praying people is my prayer."
"Your citizenship is in heaven and we are expecting a savior from there to come here and transform everything."
"To be with Jesus is rad. It's really a profound hope."
"Let the king of glory return to this Earth, let the lion of the tribe of Judah be the king of kings and Lord of lords forever and forever."
"Whether they have passed on or they are alive, they can be sure that they'd be caught up to meet the Lord in the air at the appointed time."
"May you come to know his mercy, his grace, his favor like you've never seen before."
"If God does not keep his promises to Israel, the Christian has no hope."
"That's the bad news... the good news is... Jesus is going to come... his second coming."
"Surely Allah will accept one of those tens of thousands of times."
"Let your hearts be comforted concerning Zion."
"For the people of God, the news is always good."
"May Allah count us amongst his supporters and may Allah subhanahu ta'ala keep our hearts pure, may Allah keep our cause pure, may Allah keep our feet firm."
"There's no hope in politics there's only hope in God."
"As it is written eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that love him."
"God who began the good work within you will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns"
"True Christians have a hope that they will be saved based upon the good grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."
"May we soon see the triumph of immaculate heart, the era of peace."
"May the Lord bless you with wisdom beyond your years."
"How do you get back to the purifying hope of longing for Christ's return?"
"Jesus said when you see these signs of the end times start happening, don't get down. Don't get discouraged. Look up, I'm on my way, your redemption draws near."
"Our hope is in God, our hope is in the Sacred Heart of Jesus."
"The first thing is that you pray that it should not happen in your lifetime at least it can be delayed, and secondly, you prepare yourself for the preaching and spreading of The Message of Islam."
"The light of the glory of God is going to shine on his people in these times."
"Let's pray that the consecration happens this year."
"May your face continually shine upon us, and may your favor and glory be evident in every aspect of our lives."
"God will bring good out of this because that's his job description and that's what he's going to do."
"We have a savior. We have a promise. We are going to be a testimony."
"Praise the Lord, the greatest of all resets is going to be when Jesus comes back."
"I hope that when one day when I pass on to be with Jesus, it's in the middle of a witness."
"Hope thou and God yet will I praise him who is the glory and the lifter of my head." - Unknown
"Lord, let your mercy be on us as we place our trust in you."
"You can look but don't stay long because he is not here in this dead place. He is not here; he is risen."
"For your shame may God grant you access to the garment of favor forever."
"The resurrection was a first installment on the power that God's going to use at the end of time to renew the world brought into the present now."
"Comfort and encourage one another with the promise of our reunion with believers who have died."
"I will see you guys tomorrow... we will make it to Jannah, all of us."
"I hope you experience shalom, the peace of God."
"Let us be full of hope in the victory of the Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary."
"You're gonna see miracles like you've only dreamt about."
"We're hoping that the Holy Spirit falls like the day of Pentecost."
"May our whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."
"The biggest problem in this country is a massive portion of the church is in the corner of the people that are destroying the country."
"Our blessed hope is that god has promised us to escape the wrath to come."
"Let your blessings follow me everywhere I go."
"If we have hope beyond the grave through Resurrection, then we can look back over all of human history."
"Pray specifically for your family: 'God, revive my family!'"
"The Blessed hope starts to look like a live preserver thrown our Direction."
"May you listen to your Shepherd may you follow his voice may he lead you through your pain and may you know the hope and the healing that we can only find through our Lord and savior Jesus."
"We're waiting for the Lord and when the Lord shows up, our bodies are going to be transformed."
"The gospel is the good news of our salvation."
"May abundant blessing, O Lord we pray, descend upon your people who have honored the death of your son in the hope of the resurrection."
"Continue to reveal that spirit of wisdom and revelation that they would know you better and the hope to which you've called us for your glory alone."
"One day, we're going to walk through the gates into the New Jerusalem."
"I see in younger Catholics such as many I'm sure who are listening tonight that to me is a great sign of hope, those who have hung in there despite these difficulties."
"Cheryl Russell: 'I still believe we are going home very very soon... I'm encouraged that it could still be any moment that the sky will split and Jesus will call us home.'"
"God wants more for America than America wants for herself."
"The blessings of God will spread upon you in 2019."
"Be thankful, Christ will keep us from that hour, the second coming, be patient, Christ is going to right all wrongs, even the every ethnic wrong, every environmental wrong, every wrong in this world."
"Ultimately, they'll come to a knowledge of Jesus Christ, and that's my hope."
"Oh, to be with Him! I asked for no other bliss and cannot imagine anything more heavenly."
"If you open the door for me, I'll come into your darkness and change it into light."
"Give Him no rest until He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth."
"Healthy, beautiful children in Jesus' name."
"Please God, we'll see the coming of true miach quickly in our time."
"For so an entrance will be supplied to you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."
"When you see this, your heart shall rejoice, and your bones shall flourish like grass."
"Oh grave, where is thy victory? Oh death, where is thy sting?"
"As we have borne the image of the man of dust, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly man."
"Thank you that Jesus is the center of the book of Revelation, and that we can find hope, confidence, and courage for the future."
"Be presented as the first fruits of Christ unto God, having faith and obtained a good hope of glory in him before he manifested himself in the flesh."
"At His right hand, pleasures forevermore."
"We live our life hoping, praying, supplicating, wishing, and thinking good that Inshallah, Allah will send us into Jannah."
"Biblical hope means I have a confident expectation."
"Do not let our sister be parted from you, but by your glorious power give her light, joy, and peace in heaven where you live forever and ever. Amen."
"God's word provides hope, it provides light, and it speaks into our situation."
"Lift up your heads and rejoice, your Redemption draweth nigh."
"Lord, give us power in the last days."
"But we are looking forward to the new heavens and a new earth he has promised, a world filled with God's righteousness."
"Everything shall be restored to its perfect frame."
"That's what the Bible says will occur, and please God that will happen soon when all nations will speak in a pure speech."
"America will be saved, your nation will be saved, the power of the Living God is going to be demonstrated."
"I can't wait for eternity, join the song they're already singing: Holy, Holy, Holy are you, Lord."
"It is His will that all come to repentance."
"Thank God we got some anchors: the hope of eternal salvation, the fulfillment of his will."
"New Earth is then created by God without any more suffering."
"Let His light shine on you, and His countenance be upon you."
"We are called unto an inheritance incorruptible, undefiled, that fadeth not away."
"God doesn't want any to perish but all to be saved."
"Open up our eyes to behold the wonders of your glory, show us our place in your endtime plan."
"O sanctifying Spirit, I beg and implore you to come and do it quickly, make your will known to all."
"May the good Lord provide atonement for everyone who prepares his heart to seek God."
"Thus says the Lord, 'I will return to Zion and dwell in the midst of Jerusalem. Then Jerusalem will be called the city of truth, and the mountain of the Lord of hosts will be called the holy mountain.'"
"He's the God of restoration, He's the God of re-creation."
"The important thing is that in the future the church will be presented to Christ."
"And may God keep you in the hollow of God's hand until we meet again."
"The Blessed God shall come down teaching."
"There is a Savior, there is hope."
"We can be together forever through the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ."
"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, which the ultimate peace of Jerusalem happens when we see Jesus who comes the second coming where he will rule and reign from Jerusalem."
"May God accept all your good deeds, fastings, prayers, and may we get closer to Him, inshallah."
"There is hope, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and that is through the Lord Jesus Christ."
"May the protection of Allah always be upon you and may you never be unsuccessful."
"The only hope for the world is Jesus."
"We obviously like the hidayah for everyone."
"He's prepared a place... I go to prepare a place for you."
"I hope you guys have an amazing last month ahead and may Allah accept all of our efforts to please him, in sha Allah."
"My heart's desire is that you come to know the true Living God."