
Public Demand Quotes

There are 165 quotes

"People seek out genuine thought and genuine entertainment more so than they used to."
"We have got to act now. That is what the American people want."
"Nigeria's security situation is precarious. Nigerians are tired of excuses and explanations; they want protection for their lives and property."
"Because small increases in public transit use can have big social benefits. It might even make public transit itself better because it shows that there's demand."
"We need those Epstein perpetrators indicted, we need those Epstein procurers indicted, and we're not going to settle for anything less."
"People aren't looking for more of the same, they're looking for change."
"If people didn't want my whatever on whatever they wouldn't have called in."
"Every Angry Boomer that is screaming for Tucker to do something right now is right."
"You gain legitimacy from economic growth only temporarily and then people demand more."
"We're getting to the point where I think the we as the people are starting to demand that these companies take like environmental issues."
"The fans want to see it, and that's... I mean, I think that should be said. They're like, 'If, if, if kid wants to do it and I know Jake... Jake would be down.'"
"Secretary Clinton cannot ignore the voices of activists asking her to reject fossil fuel money."
"Give the people what they want, that's what Conkey told me yesterday."
"Finally listening to people who have been asking us for decades to do something about this unacceptable scourge of gun violence."
"Where's congress on this? Congress, do your job!"
"I think there are going to be a lot of people who rightly will demand accountability."
"Ordinary people demand performance and real value from those in power."
"People want jobs, people want better healthcare, across the board premiums are too damn high."
"At this point, it really is dependent on citizens and workers to demand change."
"You've got to give the people what they want. Best friends."
"The people of the United States have not failed in their need, their registered of mandates that they want direct, vigorous action."
"There's absolutely a demand to have another round of checks hit the American people's hands."
"An org is not going to change until the money and the audience says, 'Yo, you need to [ __ ] step up and change it.'"
"People want to see a diverse representation, that's very important."
"You've got to give the people what they want."
"Our democracy is only going to be as strong as we the people demand that it be."
"What the British public want right now is action and results and less of the chat."
"Where is the accountability, ladies and gentlemen?"
"This is what the people are demanding and I'm a representative of the people. I represent my district, they're demanding this."
"This is exactly what people were asking for."
"We're NFL players, and we cannot participate, but we know, please, give the people what they want. Give them more money."
"The media gives what the people actually want... anger, outrage."
"What shows, other than this, would you want to see brought back in the same style? All of them. Like American Gladiators is one that we've talked about. Everybody's been dying for that to come back."
"If you were able to get the people to demand greater UFO transparency and do it intelligently, it would happen."
"We demand, on behalf of the ordinary people of Nigeria, that the federal government provides answers."
"We want answers, we want to know what's going on, we want to know what's happening."
"The American public wants honesty, they want truth."
"People ain't asking for to pay them for their damn autograph if they wasn't good."
"I think the most important thing these days is to demand that leaders have stopped compromising their principles for partisan political points."
"People want openness, they want honesty... they don't want [__] they want real life."
"Washington is horribly broken. We the people must rise up and demand action."
"This happened in the middle of the whole YES Movement thing where fans were clambering for Daniel Bryan to get a break."
"The public outcry is enough maybe things really will change and 60fps will always be a standard."
"People want information, they want to know that it's honest, they want to know that it's accurate."
"There was a solid agreement that we'd need more content like this in the world."
"I give the people what they want... ugly as hell but it's what they want."
"These people need answers, they need the truth."
"Transparency is not political. Transparency is not for Republicans or Democrats. Transparency is what the American people want."
"Trump's going down because people want a leader to come in to unite."
"Critics say it will ruin the allure of the game, but with injuries becoming more frequent and severe, many are demanding more."
"People want it, yeah, people definitely want it. You gotta deliver. Justice for Henry, can we get Justice for Henry in the comments? Justice for Henry, let's go!"
"People are really crying out for some kind of systemic change."
"I'm gonna give the people what they wanted, not just what they needed."
"If enough of us asked, we might see Hit and Run again."
"We want universal healthcare... That's what a lot of people just, you know, I feel like a lot of the Democratic Party's messaging has been centered around."
"We need all of the footage released, we need explanations, and transcript releases and explanations for the contradictions."
"The American people deserve the truth and the answers."
"We need to make change when millions of people demand that change."
"People are demanding change and considering drastic measures like breakup."
"Give the public what they want and they'll come out for it."
"Outside the neighborhood wandering citizens were demanding the authorities to deal with the infected inside."
"Let's Stand United in demanding accountability for Fanny Willis and her cohorts. Their actions are an affront to our Republic and they must answer for their crimes."
"They're not hungry for nonsense, they're hungry for something that makes sense."
"The good news is that there's over 80 different lawmakers... that want a fourth stimulus check."
"We sit here screaming in this country that we pay blood sweat tears tax dollars everything to support we need help."
"You gotta give the people what they want. It's Christmas. Christmas is here."
"Why hide the data? I would like to demand right now here and now that they release the data on which their conclusions are made."
"It would be nice to see the federal government forced to tell the truth about something."
"Is Crash 4 'It's About Time' the sequel we've all been asking for? Absolutely."
"There's a hunger for truth, clarity, and courage."
"People demand authenticity now because they get it so much."
"The world is hungry for legitimacy and genuineness."
"Twitter users are urging Joe Biden to introduce another round of stimulus cash as inflation fears mount."
"A rematch with Titan has been requested by many people so we are considering it."
"It was the thirst, that's what people wanted to see."
"An overnight success... literally the first day Blockbuster opened they had to lock the doors to keep the crowd down."
"We need to be aware ourselves, but we need to force them to give us information that proves beyond a reasonable doubt."
"The genie is out of the bottle and the public wants it."
"People are desperate for the truth from the media and from their politicians, and they're not getting it."
"Well, the worst thing in the world would be to spend all this time on something and then have it and be like, 'you know, people don't really want that.'"
"I think there is now a a pretty loud roar wanting some change."
"Pharmacies have sold out of fever and cold medicines."
"But only two days after his release, fans were demanding Wyatt's return."
"Can we get a petition that cinnamon honey butter should cover all rolls from now on?"
"If you've been doing this for 15 years, release the tapes! Release the tapes!" - Diamond
"Tracy Allard must be expelled from the cabinet."
"All we want is transparency, and transparency is what we need."
"Immediately after Caesar's death, the people agitated for guarantees that his land redistribution plan would not be rolled back."
"The clamor for change on the NHS is going to be so great and he I don't think he'll be allowed to do the radical stuff and he'll be out."
"Only liars will satisfy when you demand of the government things that it can't do."
"Let's expect more out of our elected officials okay yes yeah it's pretty easy."
"Common sense is absolutely what this country is begging for."
"You've been successful because now people want what you have."
"Americans want a swift accounting for Trump's crimes."
"It's imperative that we the American people demand not just dreams but realistic Pathways that respect both our aspirations and our daily realities."
"Take it from the millions of people across America that are asking something to happen."
"People want action and leadership from their president... if you don't give it to them they will look further and further afield until they find it."
"The second that you make what people cannot live without, they want to be part of you and they want everything that you have to offer till the end of time."
"There's less land available to produce food, but the public wants more food and cheaper."
"Let's demand that they retrain these police officers correctly and let's demand that they have accountability."
"If the people want to see scarecrow, who am I to say that they can't see scarecrow?"
"Americans don't want more political theatrics; they want actions and solutions to bring down costs."
"It's the people going to the banks and saying, 'You better fix this or we're going to fix it.'"
"Nearly 25,000 people have signed a petition to bring inside job back and reverse the cancellation."
"The message has not changed... largest protest we've seen thus far... they want change."
"The demands for his release are just, you know, it just reinforces how urgent it is."
"We are going to give the people what the people want."
"You've got to give the public what they want."
"Marvel knows what the public want."
"This is what everybody wanted to see."
"It's basically just for all the people that wanted to see it."
"I believe in giving the people what they want."
"I'm just giving the people what they want."
"From the sheer demand of the people wanting me to face my fears, I am here."
"The public is entitled to insist on transformative change with measurable, sustainable outcomes."
"Give the people what they want is a pretty reliable guide to success."
"It's no longer Democrat or Republican; people want us to deal with this."
"No one asked for more female superheroes? Literally half the population asked for it."
"Accessible, affordable, reliable health care - the public is demanding it."
"If it's what the people want, then okay."
"The public today is using the internet; they want and they deserve the highest quality care."
"On the other side of this, when hyperinflations have occurred, people demand solutions."
"People want to see real and they want more organic."
"I feel like people are hungry for a new rock band."
"Literature had gone so far away from the perceived reality of the espionage business that people were crying out to have their perceptions of the reality reflected in a new kind of book."
"I know what the people want. They want the Dipper cam."
"We're crowd pleasers; we give the people what they want."
"This is what a lot of people have been asking for, to kind of get away from a lot of the processed foods."
"It's not rocket science; it's a matter of putting your finger around the pulse and giving the people what they want."
"The American people want a plan to fight and conquer this disease."
"Educate the people, and then the people demand real healthy choices."
"The American people want results right now; they don't want bickering."
"There was so much of public demand in Japan that they had to bring back the screenings again."
"A lot of people are crying out for it, so why isn't it bigger?"
"Getting a lot of calls for you for president."
"People gotta get what the people want."
"I gave the people what they wanted."
"This is what the people want. It's provocative; gets the people going."
"At the end of the day, you got to give the people what they want."
"People want to see real, they want to see authentic."
"Demands for concrete measures to protect children online are rising nationwide."
"It's what the people been wanting, man."
"People want that, people have wanted that for a long time."
"We'll figure it out. That's what the people want; we'll figure out a way to do it."