
Mainstream Adoption Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"We're starting to see a lot of these technologies coming together. In the next five or ten years, a lot of this is going to be mainstream."
"NFTs will emerge as an alternative asset class... mainstream adoption."
"This is the moment for Bitcoin to cross the chasm and really seen mainstream adoption."
"AI is definitely starting to break into the mainstream and it's going to become a very prominent thing in all of our Lives it's going to happen very very fast."
"We want to bring this to the mainstream for everybody to take advantage of."
"Achieving mainstream users, that is the only north star of the project."
"2021, 22, and 23 are where we see EVs go from something on the outside... to super mainstream."
"Digital communities are also very likely to become the mainstream."
"Mainstream adoption is coming to crypto... the writing is on the wall."
"Keep your eyes on the Lord and keep doing right. Keep fighting the good fight."
"Bitcoin has hit the mainstream vernacular, but newcomers are slow to realize that it's possible to buy, sell, and transfer fractions of the leading cryptocurrency."
"These features end up getting utilized by the mainstream anyway, and boy is that satisfying."
"We are aiming to bring crypto to the mainstream."
"The story of NFTs has been basically mainstream adoption and mainstream interest."
"It has to happen eventually for crypto to be truly mainstream."
"Mainstream hedge funds pour billions of dollars into crypto."
"Crypto is going to become even more mainstream and even more widely adopted."
"NFTs are mainstream now with so many musicians, artists, and everything getting into NFTs it's definitely bringing a lot of new investors to the crypto space."
"YouTube in five years will be mainstream, it's never stopped growing."
"NFTs are the true mainstream entree to cryptocurrency."
"Anarchism is being spread into mainstream culture in music, comic books, animations, stand-up comedy, film, and video games."
"Let's see what mainstream adoption really looks like if we really bring in a billion people in the next few years and Cardano's got a better product."
"I am really hopeful that they could start to normalize financial privacy to a mainstream audience with this move."
"Battery electric vehicles are just going to take longer to become mainstream than the media would like us to believe."
"Usually, anime movies or niche events, two days in a hundred or so theaters. Dragon Ball played in 3,000 theaters."
"Crypto is slowly becoming mainstream, and it's going to be mainstream before most people even think it will."
"Mainstream adoption just change in general is very hard to get through a lot of people's heads."
"All of the institutions are moving in on this, they're all in on this now, like this is going to become very mainstream."
"Last year, AI made a dramatic leap to the mainstream."
"Bitcoin could be at the start of massive mainstream transformation."
"First off, it should be clear to everyone at this point that to get mainstream adoption, we're gonna need mainstream platforms."
"How cool would that be if you're able to start bringing in mainstream adoption into crypto?"
"Cryptocurrencies are not only mainstream, but they are completely popular."
"Crypto is actually really starting to hit the mainstream."
"Electric vehicle sales are taking off and going mainstream."
"I think the story of this year will be the year that Bitcoin entered the mainstream, that it moved from the early adopter to the early majority."
"we need more and more uh large household names to sort of understand and prove that web 3 can be mainstream adoption it's more likely that they'll do something very small to begin with and they're not going to probably lead the way"
"It's the number one cryptocurrency on the planet, it's been around for over a decade and it's going mainstream."
"Natural organic has obviously started as a niche trend and now that's a mainstream thing."
"By 2026, our survey respondents expect to have Bitcoin in the portfolio; that in itself is mainstream."
"Bitcoin is probably the easiest for most people because there are mainstream sites that sell it."
"As Bitcoin continues to grow mainstream, the more stable and secure it's going to become."
"It's really intriguing to see one of these things actually making its way into the mainstream."
"Is it possible that this is the breakout moment for geothermal, the one that will make it go mainstream?"
"The first time ever that TradFi is really attempting to bring this industry into the mainstream."
"The big news is that Kodi helps bring Cardano's NFT to the mainstream."