
Doctor Who Quotes

There are 629 quotes

"The special effects have traditionally been a bit of a problem for Doctor Who, but Season eleven has great production values. It looks really good."
"Jodie Whittaker... she's fine at being quirky, she's fine at capturing a normal standard conversation between the doctor and friends."
"The centaurs are a return to form for such an iconic yet consistently mishandled Doctor Who monster."
"Flux finally uses monsters to achieve a similar shared universe effect."
"The Division: influencing timelines and bending even the Weeping Angels to their will."
"Doctor Who's future secured with Russell T. Davies taking over."
"Flux: reconnecting with the roots of the show and embracing chaos."
"The crossover begins when Earth and 26 other planets are stolen by the Daleks with Davros's help."
"This story was created to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Doctor Who and also to raise money for the BBC charity Children in Need."
"Series 4 is the gold standard of Doctor Who."
"It's the undisputed peak of Doctor Who both in quality and dominance on the TV landscape."
"The day of the doctor managed to achieve the impossible more than once."
"The Doctor Is In, get ready to meet wibbly wobbly and timey wimey."
"It's the end, but the moment has been prepared for."
"The Next Doctor introduced popular British actor David Morrissey as supposedly the Doctor."
"The Doctor is spot on with his characterization straight out the gate."
"Dr. Who all 10 previous seasons and Beyond streaming exclusively on HBO max Wow okay whether you watch Doctor Who or not that is a big huge deal"
"As bad as writing is nowadays, it is sad to see one of the greatest of all time, a goat for Doctor Who, pass." - YouTuber
"Doctor Who is one of television's all-time most beloved series on both sides of the pond."
"Series 1 stripped Doctor Who down to its essentials and reimagined it for the modern TV landscape—it was essentially a reboot, dropping most of the baggage of classic Who and forging its own path ahead."
"The Sixth Doctor is witty, sarcastic, and hilariously rude."
"There's always going to be room to try something new and exciting with Doctor Who."
"Casting is everything. If you're asking in effect was not casting stars, well generally speaking one doesn't on Doctor Who."
"The first Doctor was a human scientist: When An Unearthly Child aired in 1963, the concept of Gallifrey, Time Lords, and regeneration did not exist in the minds of the writers or producers."
"It's a great payoff to that ongoing storyline, explaining why Mr. Saxon was so interested in the Doctor and Martha because he's actually one of the Doctor's oldest enemies lurking in the shadows."
"It's simply a way to make the Doctor universe more inclusive and diverse."
"The Doctor and his companions have fought around 400 unique monsters, aliens, villains throughout the series."
"Peter Davison's blond highlights were meant to turn him into a gay icon."
"Billie Piper played Rose Tyler, the first companion to have a proper romantic relationship with the Doctor."
"The Christmas invasion shows us never-before-seen layers to the doctor's personality."
"I'm the doctor. Do everything I tell you, don't ask stupid questions, and don't wander off."
"Doctor Who has always been famous for its rotating lead role, keeping things fresh and moving the show in a constant forward motion."
"The promise of a fresh new regeneration cycle is the perfect character dangle in front of the master."
"He couldn't care less about power or status, he just wants to travel and help out where he can."
"The five doctors is by far the most ambitious multi-doctor story up until Day of the Doctor."
"This is by far one of my favorite Matt Smith stories because it has everything you could ever want in a Doctor Who story."
"Stagnation is a fate arguably worse than cancellation for a show like Doctor Who."
"Turn left is an absolutely perfect episode of Doctor Who."
"It's also the perfect way to both explain Rose's mysterious cameos whilst also leading perfectly into the blockbuster finale."
"This is my firm belief that River Song's happy ending remains the biggest lie Stephen Moffat ever told in Doctor Who."
"Best start to a new season of the Doctor ever, as far as I'm concerned."
"The Master decided to destroy Gallifrey, killing all the Time Lords and leaving the citadel in ruins."
"I want RTD to get political... to maybe address the current political landscape through the lens of Doctor Who and tell us it's going to be okay."
"Keep it fun, keep it light, that's what I want from Doctor Who."
"Doctor Who should be subtle enough that children don't need to worry... but obvious enough that adults can watch it and go, 'Okay, yeah, now I see what you're doing there. Clever.'"
"Martha is notable for being the first black female companion and the first black full-time companion."
"Don't blink. Don't even blink. Blink and you're dead."
"Diving back into the world of Doctor Who... it honestly got me really excited for this upcoming season."
"Doctor Who became the little show that could."
"The eighth doctor was a breath of fresh air, handsome and romantic with a zest for life and thirst for adventure"
"The 13th doctor was an entirely clean break from the trauma of the time war and was arguably the most vibrant and full of life incarnation since the eighth doctor"
"The timeless child was the doctor as a child, experimented upon by the Time Lords and resulting in at least seven separate incarnations of the doctor"
"The episode addresses its core questions and themes in the perfect Doctor Who way."
"There's a reason this is such an iconic moment in Doctor Who."
"Then you had series 9, which was widely panned by the fandom, mainly due to the betrayal of the Doctor and Claraa."
"Overall, while the whole 'good man' arc in series 8 was an interesting one, I feel like immediately portraying this new Doctor as very morally questionable, especially when so many were already skeptical about him, didn't really help."
"Then in 'Face the Raven,' where the Doctor realizes Claraa is going to die and fully snaps. He genuinely wants to go full god mode and ruin me's life if it means saving Clara, but Claraa ends up being the one to bring him back down to earth."
"Then in 'The Girl Who Died,' the Doctor decides she's going to save a Sherrif from Death, specifically thinking back to that time in the 'Fires of Pompeii' where he saved Kilus and his family."
"'Then the Doctor spends 4 and a half billion years in a confession dial, dying over and over while slowly breaking down an almost impenetrable wall. Can you blame him for waking up on the wrong side of the bed afterwards?'"
"What happened to make pretty much the whole Capaldi era go from bad writing to being lauded as the best period of the show? Well, Chris Chibnall."
"No one can kill Doctor Who but me."
"Doctor Who's one of the few shows that tries to make it work."
"I'm a doctor, I'm 903 years old, and I'm Gonna Save all of your lives."
"To me, it's the villains...terrifying, unique foes for the Doctor to have a bit of a rumba with."
"To many people, Tom Baker is the greatest Doctor Who of them all."
"Marvel got the rights to make Doctor Who comics."
"The idea that the Doctor was just any other Time Lord had been abandoned... even by the time of the Fourth Doctor."
"The cybermen are in my opinion possibly the greatest doctor who monster."
"The 15th doctor and Ruby are a great combination but I feel like I should emphasize just how fun they are together."
"They bounce off each other so well and I feel like Ruby is also a breath of fresh air after the companions of the Chibnall era."
"He just kind of comes onto the screen and you're like brilliant yep Doctor Who I want to spend time with you."
"Christmas and Doctor Who kind of go hand in hand."
"The 15th Doctor isn't some moody, edgy, lonely god like the past modern doctors were."
"'Is that what you did to him? Turned her into a soldier?' This line is so weighty for showing the consequences of traveling with the 10th Doctor."
"RTD is leading a bright new age for Who with a clever special that is both an excellent jumping on point for new fans as well as being a sequel story to his first era."
"I'll leave you with this I think Tomb of the Cyberman might actually be one of my favorite Doctor Who stories of all time."
"Series 8 shows how much the show is capable of pulling off and I really appreciate that even if most other fans don't."
"It says a lot about the 12th Doctor and his struggles with his emotions, especially when he's facing another loss so soon after Hell Bent."
"The young time agent having redeemed herself for her melling in time and kidnapping of the doctor with an implication that the doctor will eventually check back in on her down the line."
"Clara had just jumped headfirst into the Doctor's time stream, scattering herself across his personal history and becoming the impossible girl, seemingly trapped in some sort of doctory purgatory."
"The Silence are a hugely underrated villain and absolutely would have been Moffat's biggest addition to the Rogues Gallery if he hadn't dreamed up the Weeping Angels first."
"Heaven Sent strips away the armor of the doctor and shows us the vulnerable person underneath, someone who is still like us despite all his abilities and intelligence."
"Out of all the Doctors, the Tenth Doctor has arguably the most scary stories by a large margin."
"The Timeless Children dropped the cannon bomb that sent Doctor Who fans into hysteria by revealing that William Hartnell was not the first doctor."
"this sequence between the metac crisis doctor and Donna is absolutely iconic"
"Which Doctor Who story were you most excited for to see a release on home media?"
"It's the most perfect choice to focus on the human Doctor and to pull it right back."
"Was the Doctor's decision not to destroy the Daleks his greatest mistake?"
"Tom Baker is often voted the most popular Doctor of them all."
"For me, this is the story where Doctor Who went from being one of the shows I really enjoyed watching as a youngin to a show that I most enjoyed watching."
"Why couldn't the Fifth Doctor have used the same trick that the Thirteenth Doctor did?"
"God, Dimensions in Time is bad. It's irredeemably bad on every level."
"unfortunately we don't get an exact concrete number on how old the fifth doctor was in his entire era"
"I think Moffat's return specifically is what the show really needs."
"I'm massively looking forward to seeing what Moffat has cooked up for the new era and the new Doctor."
"seeing the 12th doctor discover the same Morpheus experiments taking place thousands of years before the events of sleep no more I feel like this would have fleshed out concept a lot more and added a lot to the premise especially with the villainous Sandman"
"Without Liver Monsters, it's difficult to know whether we'd have got some fan favorite stories such as Blink and Turn Left."
"This incredible story takes a step back from the usual action-packed chaos of Doctor Who and instead takes its time to reflect upon childhood fears, complex human emotions, and the absolutely haunting premise of a monster so advanced it can literally never be seen or perceived."
"What the heck, why haven't you guessed Day of the Doctor?"
"The dating of the UNIT stories, the Doctor being a human, then a Time Lord, then half human, then a completely unknown species... These are just a few of the various retcons and lore-changing developments the show has seen."
"David Tenant's doctor had feelings for Rose I mean seemed it's obvious that he did."
"If I were in Rose's situation and this dude came to stay at my mom's house and I'm living there, just knowing how I am, I'd be catching feelings. And everyone does who's ever been around the Doctor."
"Doctor Who has a habit, especially the newer Who stuff, seems to just come up with these concepts and ideas and never follows through on them."
"Hopefully, this isn't the last time we see David Tennant's Doctor because this feels like a sendoff for him."
"Traveling through time and space isn't any fun if there isn't someone there to ask, 'What is it, Doctor?'"
"The Doctor travels with companions. Most of which don't fare well in the end."
"The Doctor is not actually Gallifreyan. She's from another dimension."
"Doctor Who is a short gay black Rwandan gentleman."
"Lots of people are already scared of the dark, but Doctor Who manages to make it even more frightening."
"Scaroth may be a one-off villain, but his unique circumstances and ability to match wits with the Doctor make him a particularly memorable one."
"If you took out the TARDIS and its crew, there's nothing remotely sci-fi about the story."
"It's nicely done and stylish but has less reason to exist as a Doctor Who story than that unused pasta maker you have jammed in the back of a cupboard."
"'Change, my dear. And it seems not a moment too soon.'"
"Doctor Who is a story about normal people from our world our time who discovered that there's a much more Fantastical world right under their feet."
"Doctor Who is at its best when it's swinging between weird more out there Concepts and more readily accessible scenarios."
"I think the main underlying point is that people like Doctor Who for different reasons and that's why everyone has such different tastes."
"Even at its worst in quotation marks Doctor Who is far above the rest of the competition."
"...this all felt so natural and such a good fit. This is where the first doctor went away to in the 10th Planet. It fits seamlessly into the law."
"Huge moments in who include first landing on Skaro, the Doctor's exile on Earth, and the fall of the 11th on Trenzalore."
"It's clear why Moffat had the confidence to give Capaldi the show's first one-hander."
"It introduces a likable cast of companions who are more fleshed out here than for most of the era."
"It's a brilliant farewell to the 11th Doctor with a wonderful regeneration scene."
"Both these stories are very powerful stories to tell and they really highlight how good the secondary companion dynamic could be in New Who."
"Widely regarded as one of the best Doctor Who stories ever: Heaven Sent."
"The End of Time, Tennant’s final story as the Doctor, is a celebration of the five-year Davies era."
"This rather clever method has been applied to Doctor Who, generally with pretty good results."
"The Seventh Doctor is a wonderful incarnation and one of my personal favorites."
"One of my favorite things about Doctor Who is the idea of a shared universe."
"The back half of series one, it's like Dalek, Father's Day, the Empty Child/Doctor Dances, and especially the series finale two-parter. Those are all some of my favorite stories the show's ever done."
"Big thoughts on 'Twice Upon a Time,' this ending is beautiful, Moffat and Capaldi's profound swan song to the character."
"If you want to call yourself a Doctor Who fan with a straight face you need to have seen this."
"This is the first time the first doctor was to be animated in color as well as in a 16x9 aspect ratio."
"Doctor Who developed its Infamous hide behind the sofa reputation."
"...but as a standalone Blockbuster Doctor Who Adventure it's something else, it's fun, frequently funny, the Daleks and the Cybermen are mostly well implemented, and I love everything about the master."
"The Doctor and his companions arrive on what seems to be a happy and carefree colony in the far future, but behind this cheerful exterior, the colony has been secretly infiltrated by a race of giant parasitic creatures called the Macra."
"The Doctor is convinced he can hear something in the pipes while work continues, sentient aggressive seaweed begins attacking the base and taking over the personnel one by one, creating a spearhead from which it will launch its attack and enslave the entire human race."
"The TARDIS has been stolen, leaving the Doctor and Jamie stranded on 1966 Earth, the duo's investigations lead them to a mysterious antique shop where they are quickly kidnapped and the Doctor is forced to come face to face with an old enemy."
"There's almost nothing more heartbreaking on TV than a Doctor Who Regeneration."
"The revenge that he enacts on the Family of Blood remains one of the darkest moments in the history of Doctor Who."
"I absolutely adore the idea of putting Clara inside a Dalek."
"This plan was quickly undone by the Doctor's friends."
"The second doctor and Jamie are sent on a mission by the time Lords."
"...I think this was actually a really good idea and I like the presentation of 15 as a confident and reassuring figure for the Doctor who gives him a hug and encourages him to finally slow down while this new Doctor goes off to continue exploring."
"The BBC saw old Doctor Who as a good source of revenue."
"The heart of the evil of the Daleks is fascism."
"Doctor as we get him is I really like Sylvester McCoy as the doctor but his initial start his first season honestly is not great and you really get the feeling that they didn't know how to write for his version of the doctor yet."
"So on the 7th of October 2018 we got our first taste of Chibnall's vision for Doctor Who with 'The Woman Who Fell to Earth'."
"If you ask 100 fans of Doctor Who what their favorite story is, an overwhelming majority of them will have Blink in at least their top five."
"However, we have actually seen that it's possible for someone to be turned into a weeping angel which we saw happen to the doctor herself."
"The universe of doctor is endless both physically and creatively so not everything needs an answer the weeping angels thrive on mystery and captured the imaginations of fans and casual viewers alike because of their terrifying premise and unknown origin."
"Doctor Who has been on the air for 59 years."
"I think it is so pretty. I'm glad I picked this up because it's different and it's going to be fun for the summer."
"It's like Chris gibnell took this meteorite of Doctor Who mythology and doctors lining up a number of doctors and everything we know drop this meteorite."
"One minute they can be wolfing down fish fingers and custard, and the next they're pointing a loaded gun at an alien war criminal, and you truly believe they might actually pull the trigger."
"The new sixth doctor range... was such a welcome surprise in 2022."
"Old Lang Syne is easily the standout Ninth Doctor story of 2022."
"Stories such as Old Lang Syne and Salvation 9 are top tier Doctor Who."
"One of the things I loved about Doctor Who was because it always felt like a progressive show."
"You're kind of turning into Doctor Who before our very eyes."
"Doctor Who is a masterclass in horror."
"I really, really enjoyed that, much more than perhaps any other finale I've seen yet for Doctor Who."
"Recent series of Doctor Who have been a little more contentious with the audience, but there's no denying its worldwide popularity."
"The Sixth Doctor was in your face audacious, smug, cowardly, vicious—this doctor's introduction was made to challenge the audience."
"Colin Baker is easily one of my favorite actors to hold the role, not only is he a darling on the fandom front but he also has genuine affection for the show as well as a better understanding of the character than maybe sure runners at the time."
"The Sixth Doctor was retroactively fixed and we are all the better for it."
"This is one of the best stories of the Troughton era and possibly the best Cyberman one too."
"Season 12 launched not only a new Doctor, it launched a legend."
"The 20th year would be a celebratory one in many ways, with Doctor Who's fan base and public goodwill about to reach its 1980s peak."
"Comparing the Cartwheel Master Plan to the Timeless Child twist... apparently the Cartwheel approach was going to be a lot less explicit."
"It is really hard to imagine the Doctor Who universe without the late great Elizabeth Sladen."
"David Tennant is actually my favorite Doctor."
"In '76, it was beyond bold for the show to attempt to do the Doctor's homeworld justice."
"It's the only story that doesn't start or end with a companion traveling with the Doctor."
"Talons of Weng-Chiang sees the Doctor and Leela visiting Victorian London's East End."
"David Tennant as the doctor was one of the best things to happen in Doctor Who ever."
"Series 10: the introduction of Bill Potts and Nardole, an absolute delight."
"Doctor Who Flux: spinning out pure gold under the most harsh circumstances."
"The cracks in time are the work of the Doctor!"
"Only the Doctor can pilot the TARDIS."
"This is the 13th Doctor fridge magnet which will inspire you every time you dip into the fridge."
"It says a quote from the fourth doctor makes a suitable message for this laptop sticker."
"This is the 11th Doctor Matt Smith as he appeared in the snowmen 2012."
"I will not forget one line of this, not one day. I swear. I will always remember when the Doctor was me."
"As it comes in his last season 'The Time Warrior' stands as a great example of the Third Doctor finally getting an opportunity to travel in time as well as space and serves as a tantalising hint of what was to come."
"As a fitting bookend to his era he stumbles, frail and pale, from the TARDIS in much the same fashion as he had back in 1970."
"I love that it was kind of brief. You know, we don't want to detract too much from the 13th Doctor and her journey at this moment."
"John Nathan Turner and Andrew cartmel were attempting to rejuvenate the show by introducing fresh Concepts and a story arc."
"The Seventh Doctor era had a freshness brought upon him with the mystery and an emphasis literally on the who in Doctor Who."
"The two best examples of this are the curse of fenrik with an authentic feeling World War II military base setting and survival with the Suburban set in a peri rail actually being filmed in perivale itself."
"Unlike Doctor Who, Torchwood could let loose with swearing, blood, substances, and sex, amplifying new styles of storytelling."
"That's the most Doctor Who thing to happen."
"Yay, we've got more Doctor Who coming and we now know when it's coming, and we'll have the option to watch it at various points throughout the day depending on what works for us."
"Donna Noble in 'Journey's End' - best companion exit of modern Doctor Who."
"The doctor stands there going, 'Oh, we're in the biggest library in the universe, and I'm the Doctor, look me up.'"
"It's the introduction for a whole new generation to the Cybermen."
"It's a great Cyberman story making the monster scary again by modernizing them and improving them with a higher budget of new who."
"These cyborg monsters quickly became fan favorites, becoming the main adversary of the second doctor."
"When Doctor Who returned in 2005, it successfully revived the iconic Daleks."
"...it comes down to why does the doctor always have a human traveling with them and the answer to that is because they're humanized."
"The performances in Genesis show a race of people at a transitional state between Kaled and Dalek."