
Ongoing Struggle Quotes

There are 107 quotes

"This isn't Black history; this is American history. And in fact, it's not even history at all; it's just another chapter in a story that's still being written."
"As a black feminist... as long as [human rights, dignity, and equity] need isn't met, we're still going to keep fighting."
"I've always been transparent about my journey with addiction. What I've learned is that this illness is not something that disappears or fades with time. It is something I must continue to overcome and I'm not done yet."
"No, it's not over. Certainly, the fight is not over."
"The ongoing struggle for African-American rights and representation in America is a complex and multi-faceted issue that has been ongoing since the earliest days of the nation's history."
"The fight's not over, the fight is not over."
"People do understand that we've turned the tide on it, we haven't yet finally defeated it and that is the reality that we have to face."
"I really want to thank you for supporting me on this journey and it's not over I still deal with breakouts"
"It's not over by any stretch of the imagination. This has to just be the start."
"We've won the battle, not the war. Keep your head up and keep moving."
"The people who made it off the ship were grateful to be alive but their nightmare was far from over."
"The fight will continue, but we will have the cavalry with us."
"The war is not over, but the battle continues."
"I don’t think they realize that this really is a movement, and that we’re not done."
"Anxiety is something that a lot of people have to deal with on a constant basis."
"Can you just remind people that the struggle they're facing there is ongoing?"
"The struggle for women's empowerment is ongoing."
"This is far from over; the story is just beginning."
"Privacy will prevail in the crypto wars. It's an ongoing struggle."
"Mental health issues are an ongoing process to try and deal with, and most people don't ever get rid of their mental health issues, they just kind of learn to live with them."
"Ubisoft, we ain't finished, and you ain't finished until you're finished."
"This victory is really amazing, it's really exciting, you know it was definitely an uphill battle and one that continues on."
"The fight will always continue. That fight is not between the left and the right; that fight is between basically greed and humanity."
"Justice has always eluded black and brown people even to this day."
"The greatest cultural battle of our lives doesn't end now, it begins."
"Senior citizens, all right, well, let's continue this fight."
"The fight is far from over, I'm afraid, but we can really expect the Chris Ray Gun and Shoe On Head and Skeptic to be the ones who fought it until the damn thing was dead."
"People are going to get sick and tired... we're not going anywhere."
"Even if Bernie Sanders loses, is it time to throw in the towel then? No! The fight rages on and it will. It will rage. You know when it's over? Never. It's never [ __ ] over."
"The struggle for peace, justice, and sustainability goes on."
"It's some real stuff that I'm still dealing with, like I still got PTSD, like real stuff I do."
"It's like a living nightmare that never ends."
"You watch the things that happen in Europe and even to this day they will still fight for their liberty."
"This is real life, friend. It's happening now, and we can't help. It's not over yet."
"The battle may have been won then, but now the war, very different case."
"We may have lost the battle but we have not lost the war."
"The fight's never over, you just have to keep fighting."
"I look forward to continue going on ahead with us fighting for freedom of speech."
"Tubman is one of America's first civil-rights activists."
"The fight against slavery has only just begun."
"We are a continent of common values. Values that we fought for and continue to fight for."
"We all have our things and I think acceptance of oneself doesn't mean that you never face insecurity again."
"I trust God with my life and I hate that I feel like I'm still being abused despite the fact that I left."
"Equality is what we've been striving for; we're still working towards it."
"The fight goes on. These people aren't going away."
"As long as the enemy is still fighting the war is not going to be over."
"It's just Luke saying nope, the war is just beginning, the rebels are back and this ain't done."
"Until next time on behalf of all of us here at Rebel World Headquarters, goodbye and keep fighting for freedom."
"Every freedom that we have must be fought for continuously."
"This fight is not over until it's over, and our lives depend on it."
"I think it's going to be kind of an ongoing dance if you like with the virus."
"Independence is only the beginning our struggle."
"The story doesn't end here because Justice for Gabby doesn't end here."
"Let's not forget to keep fighting the good fight now more than ever."
"The battle for the digital world is still being waged. So we haven't lost yet. I fear we're losing."
"We can't let our guard down, we keep fighting."
"This is definitely one of the lost battles but the war, if you will, is far from over."
"Fear is not something you overcome once... it's an ongoing battle."
"The fight for life did not end with the Dobbs case, it continues."
"So far, so good, but the fight has just begun. Maybe the next generation will be able to take time out to rest, but we have too far to go and too much work to do."
"The fight is really only just getting started."
"Freedom-loving individuals are winning many battles across the board, but on the censorship stuff, it's getting worse over time." - Tim Pool
"I like to say, 'Yo, when y'all were colonized, you know y'all were suppressed but yet we were in slavery, we were oppressed and we're still oppressed.'"
"This is one win in the battle but it is not the end of the war."
"We got to be excited about this moment, about the fight that we've been putting up."
"Injustice is still present, and we must be willing to speak up against it."
"Women's rights is the unfinished business of the 21st century."
"It'll never be over until we get reparations and justice for every black man and woman in this country."
"Potentially thousands of children remain missing in Maui and the survivors there, they're fighting to survive each and every day."
"Defeating and overcoming depression, it's not that easy. I wish it was but it's not. Depression is a constant battle."
"The fight is not over, we're just getting started."
"Keep fighting the good fight, don't give up, we need to continue to be a light until the Lord returns, and that's happening soon."
"The battle is won, but not the war."
"I certainly don't think the fight is over."
"Monarch may have won this battle, but the war for miraculous has only just begun."
"The fight against crime is a never-ending series of battles."
"The battle was over but not the war."
"The fight still continues with me."
"I really was not at the end of a nightmare but at the beginning of one."
"The fight for equality would continue."
"Sometimes the storm is only the beginning of the pain."
"Everybody can celebrate now because this one battle is won, but the war is still going on."
"The struggle for equality in other areas of society continued even after the 19th amendment granted women suffrage."
"The battle and the war are not over yet."
"The spirit of an ongoing struggle for justice not yet fully achieved."
"You've won today, you've won the battle, but the war is not over."
"They say that history is written by the victors, but how can there be a victor if the war isn't over? The battle has only just begun."
"The fight continues, but I pray that that girl makes it."
"You have the final word. So this is not over."
"Be of good cheer. Why? Because it's not over yet."
"The battle has been won, but the war is far from over."
"This was a big battle won, but the war ain't over."
"We had won a battle, but not the war."
"This isn't over. This is still playing out; you're in the midst of it, so don't necessarily take it as a sign of failure or that things aren't going the way that you hope."
"We're a continuing part of a continuing struggle."
"It's a challenge that we are always fighting."
"We won the battle, but we haven't won the war yet."