
Stereotype Quotes

There are 870 quotes

"Stereotype threat predicts that people who are in some way stereotyped as being inadequate at math or in other areas of education will in turn experience decreased performances in those areas."
"There's like this weird fetishization of the rational man that every male fancies himself to be like an Aristotelian figure."
"The villains are a generic evil empire centered around the most destructive of the four elements."
"Dave has 'get off my lawn' grumpy old man syndrome. Don't be a Dave."
"Trump is a collection of all the worst stereotypes that Americans have."
"There was a narrative out there about what it means to be a black feminist, and it's been equated with being an angry black woman."
"There's nothing more bidable or malleable than a white liberal journalist."
"The evil businessman trope is so well-established."
"If you're not attracted to black women, you're gay... and he would back it up with an angle."
"You can be a Karen without being a [__]. You can."
"You're not Chinese, they eat everything, right?"
"Russian people are not evil, they are insanely friendly."
"The teenager with the heavy-lidded eyes and baggy clothes doesn’t conform to our usual expectations for female singers."
"I don't like the way people say if you believe there's a conspiracy you must be talking to the coffee pot and wearing a tinfoil hat."
"They hate that because they continue to create a picture of people who love Jesus as literal terrorists."
"He straight up tells us he made the mongol terror and the [ __ ] stereotype into an entire species."
"The Misfits is an elegy to the dumb blonde she never was."
"She's a strong independent black woman who don't need no man."
"There's a stereotype that we are entitled lazy snowflakes."
"I'm a gay Latino because that's...what he...his stick is."
"Melania Trump, you know those movies where the beautiful but mysterious woman with a foreign accent is actually a secret assassin? Well, maybe we should have seen this coming."
"Black people make everything trend. Stop stereotyping your own people."
"I think the charismatic lone wolf scientist is basically relegated to Hollywood movies."
"I couldn't tell you act straight." As if there's a way to act straight, act gay, act whatever.
"He sounds gay when he talks." Definitely a big stereotype.
"Conservative women are prettier and happier than left-wing women."
"I more meant the living in my mom's basement virgin vibe."
"My dad had publicity. 'Oh, you got a Mafia father.' I fought."
"Americans are just arrogant and ignorant as if 325.7 million people were molded into one monolithic entity."
"Nobody is meaner than a woman as she drives a Beemer."
"I guess you're just doomed to be a serial killer regardless."
"We're like the old guys sitting in the bar, smoking a cigar."
"I don't want people to feel like every Muslim is a terrorist, like that's why I don't really talk about it." - A powerful quote about identity and representation.
"Brokeback Mountain is often jokingly referred to as the gay cowboy movie."
"People classify him as kind of a lone wolf hacker programmer type."
"Not everybody's lazy, not everybody's looking for a handout. Some people have a drive and a goal, and that's how we all should be."
"There's like a muggers' walk, a stereotypical way a mugger would walk in South Africa."
"You're Jewish, right? You need to be a manager."
"Farmers aren't lazy, but farmers are technologically advanced."
"It's really kind of a gross stereotype."
"Too many people stereotype, judge people, and label them."
"Most Christians are nice, lovely people that have a moral and ethical code because of their faith."
"...he is the dumb jock himbo archetype, which is an archetype that I think is a super fun time."
"This is the most Boomer agendered point I can think of."
"I'm trying to think if there's something weird, not a huge sweets person, so when people get sad, there's like the stereotype that you go to get ice cream, it's not me at all."
"He's a sheriff, and like the moment he talks to a black person, it's 'What's up my brother?'"
"Out of context clips, the sole reason why people think anime fans look like this, when in reality, they look like this."
"You're definitely not the butthole here. You're also not a Karen in my opinion. Karen's are people that complain about things that do not need to be complained about."
"A Karen plus alcohol is a deadly combination."
"British people are so bloody friendly."
"They think everyone in the West is a Christian."
"They were projections. Oh, Tammy's lazy? No, correction, Chad is lazy."
"To act like crying is reserved for only one gender is kind of an Antiquated way of thinking."
"Women like this are such a headache okay, you wouldn't even want them to be the mother of your child in the first place."
"...you drive a golf in Germany you are a basic [__] like you have done you have no creativity it is it's like choosing a Camry here yeah right..."
"Country music is white people's music"
"Honestly because most girls are taken about they freak out I'm not like other girls."
"I feel like they get a bad rap for being kind of crazy when in reality they just love a good tune."
"Asians have been dominating the Microsoft Excel World Championship for the last four years."
"If you said, 'Patrice, that hosting job you did was so good that one time,' he's a big black man so he's like, 'Hey, how you doing?'"
"Monsanto is essentially your stereotypical evil conglomerate company."
"Isn't it funny how when people say 'be a man,' they usually don't mean show empathy for your loved ones and connect with them on an intimate level?"
"I'll tell you why men stopped wearing hats because they were tired of looking like this."
"Everybody in their ethnicity, all the men in their ethnicity have hair on their back for the rest of eternity."
"Black man don't cheat though, we already knew this."
"An accent is not a measure of intelligence."
"I've never had a highborn. All bad guys are rapists."
"We all like to picture ninjas as these uber badasses that would soon as kill you as look at you."
"Wearing lots of pink and dressing like a bimbo doesn't define how feminine you are ladies."
"When Caucasian people see a black man that can outthink them and be more creative than them y'all label them crazy."
"A black man has his own mind and follows his vision against the odds regardless of what anybody says."
"A black man has went to be canceled and the people that tried to cancel was forced to get back in bed with him because of the business they had to do."
"Women always more lucky than men when you see a degenerate Gambler, somebody that's down on their luck, have lost everything in a casino, it's always a man, you never see a woman like that."
"Somehow, a generation of young men and boys got brainwashed into realizing masculinity was a negative when it's natural to their behavior."
"Mexicans hustle, bro. You never catch a Mexican being lazy."
"Asians really are the best drivers. You have to go over there to get it. You cross the street in Vietnam, the cars don't stop."
"That's the classic idea of an English manager."
"So as it is it just feels like a lame damsel in distress thing."
"Aviation is one of the gayest industries on the planet."
"Girls like bad boys more than the good ones."
"White people problems, I think is what that is. Do you turn the heat on or off? What do you do?"
"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't be talking about my looks or being pretty or anything like that because that's reinforcing a stereotype and that's problematic."
"Name a kind of uniform that can make even a nerdy guy look attractive."
"...skin care isn't something that guys need to do. Hold your horses their skinny jeans."
"In this case, you know he's easy. Former car salesman, it's like, you know, over-talking your sale and just chasing the guy out of the dealership."
"This is the most British thing ever."
"ENTJs are not soulless; they have a nice soft, cushy center and they're amazing human beings."
"Age is no indication of ability, spies, meet the granny."
"Just because you're a smaller female doesn't mean you can't ride a big bike like this just because it's heavy or intimidating I'm one of the people to show you that it's definitely doable."
"Don't get pigeonholed or get made to believe that femininity has one look because you are individual and you have a personality."
"Moms are pretty incredible, you know? Most moms, they have their hair all chopped off, and like, I had to cut my hair off. I got a mom haircut."
"Why are we saying things that moms do are like embarrassing or not desirable? Like a mom bod and a mom haircut, you know what I'm talking about?"
"...you can't keep a true himbo down."
"If you see one hipster, there's probably 40 more under your bed, judging your music."
"Everybody knows the only reason why people play alliance because they want the op passive of uh the freedom of the alliance for PVP that is the only reason why people play alliance."
"We were always told it was a problem estate."
"This looks like the male equivalent of 'can I speak to your manager' and also the manager, and also the manager at the same time, his duality, yeah. This is Cruel de William."
"It'd be like telling a black guy to not write gangsta rap music because the stereotypes encoded in it will reaffirm conservative biases towards black people."
"When you think about a dealership, oftentimes there's a negative connotation to it."
"I wouldn't write this thing off as a Karen mobile this thing definitely has sleeper potential."
"The billionaire is the one wearing sweatpants, a dirty t-shirt, and flip-flops walking down Rodeo Drive."
"The best way to make a woman happy is to give her a luxury car."
"White people don't want Starbucks, white people don't want free McDonald's."
"The phrase 'tarot cards' elicits the thought of more spirit mediums and fortune telling than it does a card game played by old men for 4 hours a day."
"I would like to see Marilyn go on to win. She's got the majority of them right and it'll dismiss that myth that blondes are dumb."
"It just completely flipped the preconception you have of a Birmingham accent."
"Every Old Man in anime is freaking Immortal and Invincible."
"Nobody's going to call me an adulterer, but if somebody has thoughts about the opposite sex, we automatically attribute it to homosexuality or you're gay."
"You know what they say about small packages."
"Colombians are great business people."
"You look like I bought cocaine from you in Grand Theft Auto"
"As noted, the West Country accent directly inspired the way pirates stereotypically speak in Hollywood productions."
"Perhaps the most popular 'pirate speak' expression that comes from this is 'arrrr'..."
"I hope I don't sound ridiculous but it's like Dick Cheney. Old white guy."
"The villain of this movie is just the Karen."
"Having everybody be seen in a positive attitude breaks these stereotypes and prejudices."
"Generation X was perceived as lazy and passive."
"You look like a kid that listens to alternative pop."
"I've never seen a [ __ ] sit down. The [ __ ] got some money you don't want to tell nobody."
"When people think about sociopaths, they automatically think murderers."
"Everyone that I've ever met from Louisiana has just been the coolest, most country, most fun to be around, enjoying life type of person."
"Men really do think women are that dumb, that's why it works."
"Women view men as walking wallets."
"Don't let anybody tell you you can't do blonde as a black woman. I hate that narrative."
"That's like dancers dancers and gym this people forget are like the freakiest athletes of all freaky"
"Just because you wouldn't normally sleep with someone like me doesn't mean that you wouldn't when you were drunk."
"I think a Chinese guy delivers on a bicycle, you get the food though, like 20 minutes later, delivered right to your table with a Band-Aid. What's better than that? Who's better than [__] you?"
"Americans have the undeserved reputation of being the most materialistic civilization that ever existed."
"This is an enormous state with an enormous population many of whom are redneck pieces of [ __ ]."
"You're too pretty to be autistic."
"I'm gay everybody, and I'm a stereotypical gay character. Listen to my voice, guess what? I'm gay."
"As a big guy you have to either become a Mafia Boss or a restaurant owner."
"Not all religious people are bad unthinking stupid people."
"I think motorcyclists were seen as, 'Why are you riding these things? They're leaking oil constantly and smelly and loud.'"
"The only thing I know if we weren't Christian people, he would be one of those people y'all talking about."
"It's not like women like masculinity or strength or heroism or anything."
"Until the Japanese came along we all assumed that cars break down."
"I think that's what you're seeing a lot of this day and age: women emasculating men because it's the fastest way to bring down that ego."
"Every single Italian drives their car to the max, they merge on the highway and they're 60 horsepower, they're going to the red line in first, second, third, fourth and maybe fifth."
"A Catholic is worse than a witch."
"I just want to show the world that you don't have to eat steak twice a day and take protein shakes to be a good fighter."
"I think if this video is going to the general public outside of America, people probably think fast food Burgers, greasy and that's it."
"I know that's the stereotype you know I didn't need Abracadabra I needed someone who had been Where I Stood who had made the journey."
"It's interesting because when you hear about San Diego you think Mini Coopers and surfboards for people who ain't never really been down that's where Jelani came from so yeah Coopers and surfboards but it's it's quite different."
"Many people in Europe think if you get injured and can't pay for it, you'll just die in the street."
"Just because I watch anime doesn't mean I interject Japanese words in my speech... but not because I watch anime."
"Remember a great time right um and you know, I can already tell this Matthew you're typical what uh I meet every time I come down here."
"The blonde hero arrives in the throne room single-handedly dropping the average IQ of the room by 20 points."
"Angry black woman" is not a superhero costume. It's really hard.
"The majority of black men are doing the right thing. If they were, 60 percent of black families would not be headed by women, and our communities would not be the same."
"There's nothing more powerful to stop a woman in their career tracks than the sentence 'but your children need you at home.'"
"When something looks like it's about to get good, it's followed up by something stupid stereotypical."
"Marcus Butler is living proof of white boy mediocrity."
"Have you ever seen a skinny person drinking a Diet Coke?"
"He does look like a youth pastor."
"Society teaches people to automatically see every man as irresponsible."
"Apparently, no matter how strong and big it was, how many storms and heat waves it had endured, Earl had never met something like a Karen."
"My best joke just got better. My best joke, I think, is at Kmart. This is my impression of the black Little Mermaid: 'You want a fin? I got 20!'"
"The single woman has always been stigmatized as a lonely old spinster with too many cats."
"First date, her dad: I want her home before midnight. Me: But you already own her home. Dad, turning to daughter: If you don't sleep with him, I will."
"The Japanese people are so cute and happy all the time."
"A lot of people, they see that gangster [__], they try to put me in a certain category, when really, I'm an artist, I got all type of [__]."
"You look like someone who lives in Florida"
"Many people think Gundam is a very generic series of, you know, like an emo edgy teen miraculously coming across a state of an art Gundam robot and they miraculously know how to pilot it and end up saving the whole universe while finding a dude and some mask."
"She belongs to the streets. You can't turn a hoe into a housewife."
"The courage with which he and he confronted enraged mobs dissolved The Stereotype of the grinning submissive Uncle Tom."
"When done right, these kinds of shows can actually educate people and in the process fight negative stereotypes."
"Cynthia’s niche of evil is simply being a Karen."
"The quiet kid reaching in his backpack."
"Never make enemies with the quiet kid."
"Quiet kid, I don't make noise but my gun do."
"The book is based on the premise that you've got a normal healthy woman and not a chick that belongs to the streets."
"The idea that this work is only performed by people with trauma and people who were tricked into it."
"The trope of the starving artist is not only something that is put on creatives by wider society, it is also enforced, even celebrated and romanticized by many aspiring artists themselves."
"I don't mess with LA chicks. I don't talk to LA chicks. I don't date LA chicks, bro. LA chicks just leave me alone."
"I'm not that kind of girl because ghetto girls to me just sit in the house and keep a mess, bro."
"If there's principles, there are principles, meaning that it's certain things that men do, that's just what men do. Like, it's just a male mindset. It's certain things that are almost across the board for every man."
"The idea that everyone who self-describes as a feminist is a bra burning, no makeup wearing, fashion-hating lady is not true."
"If you have a man that doesn't act like a teenager, he's like one of a half of a percent of men."
"Can't believe he didn't cry during Titanic. Do men even have feelings?"
"But it’s also just like sad that we see a woman and assume she’s nurturing and we see a man and assume he’s a predator."
"That's at least my view, I do see sometimes people like, 'Oh, the Cali guys could get it.' I don't look at it that way no more, to me, it's just an automotive community. That's just the way I look at it."
"You're [__]. I mean, I don't want to say it's worse than a Karen. A Karen's obnoxious. A hockey mom just gets business done."
"St stereotypes are energy-saving devices that allow us to make efficient decisions based on past experience."
"The villain is already made clear. The big bad is just a heterosexual male. I mean, they check all the boxes."
"I removed my ample rings for job interviews. The whole biker thing, people will probably get the wrong idea about me."
"Snoop Dogg, everyone's pothead Uncle."
"I feel like if you watch my channel the only music that you think I listen to is like five seconds of summer."
"Nice guys finish last, true. But there are also some last guys who finish nice."
"It wasn't that long ago, but you were kind of a rarity, weren't you? A woman who was both sexy and funny."
"One of the reasons I like making this show is to smash the stereotype of what a hacker looks like."
"Women cheat better than men, yes."
"Also, it is common knowledge that Nigerians and scam are like five and six, even though it is nothing to be proud of."
"Ireland has some of the most polite people in Europe."
"99% of these women that call themselves prophetesses are single single mothers, they divorced."
"The ‘men are bad, women are good’ narrative is shattered."
"In England, you're either having tea, you've just had tea, or you're just about to have tea."
"Sam Liara said years ago, one of his coaches said he punches like a girl."
"British people are mostly played right. You just... I'd say that is grumpy."
"Best way to slow down traffic is just let old people drive. That's just it. It's as if they're permanent looking for a parking space."