
Requests Quotes

There are 161 quotes

"One of the most requested things that I've ever had on the channel, as far as DLC goes, is the Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare DLC."
"One final Epcot note, you know that lovely little ride Soarin we talked about earlier if possible try requesting a place in row B1 cast members won't always be able to accommodate this but it's definitely worth trying."
"It's also one of the most asked things to be returned to the game."
"Let me know in the comment section below what other challenges you want to see on the channel."
"They might be tall and bitter, but their request is short and sweet."
"Write your list down. Let your requests be made known."
"Could we please refrain from throwing footballs at me - I know you're really good at it."
"Let us know if there's other videos we can react to like this."
"Please is a polite phrase used when you want something from someone else."
"I'm once again asking for your financial support."
"Salute to him give us more from The Eurythmics."
"Can I have flowers please? Talk work, Nintendo!"
"If you have a Warlock in your party, they probably are going to be asking you like please make me this."
"Please don't ever ignore me like that again."
"Occasionally I hear people say 'Well I don't want to overdo it.' 'I don’t want to ask for things I shouldn’t ask for.'... 'Weary the Lord until He blesses you.'"
"We appreciate the ship ones as well, but do more environmental reviews because you doing lost ships, I did lost environments."
"Please, please send me a copy of the game!" - Excitement!
"Give me that for free, it's just give me that for free."
"Suggesting more videos you want to see again, more of the compilation people, because you seem to love them and I do as well."
"Thank you so much. We had some requests for youth sizes when it came out, because they weren't there originally. So they have since been added."
"I thought it would be so funny, you know how people hold up phones during DJ sets? I did that with 'Play Taylor Swift' and randomly no one plays it."
"Comment down below if you have any requests for videos that you'd like me to film over the holidays when I've not got as much work."
"The less you use, the less likely people are to ask you to make them food."
"Can you photoshop out me double chin and make me look younger?"
"Aaron Bowers is asking if we take requests, we absolutely love requests."
"Before you go, I need two things from you guys."
"We ain't on that. Yeah, I mean, because we had a few concerts in the [__] and some of the [__] them [__] was asking for on the rider they was asking her for anything but if a [__] naked Mexican chick man [__] wanted everything."
"You're not asking them to spend money you're not asking too much of them to ask them of this."
"Kids will ask for crazy things, their imaginations are huge."
"Another request I've had several times is automatic."
"If you have a movie or monster you’d like me to talk about beating, let me know."
"We asked the kids today like if there's anything you're really hoping for that we haven't taken into account you need to say now, like a basketball court whatever in the driveway you know nothing too extravagant."
"We're just gonna do your requests from here on out, so literally just leave requests down below."
"I will never ask anything of you that you're not willing to give."
"Every request I ever give to him is something he will never waste and every tear I ever shed in the waiting for a 'yes' is something he will never waste."
"God I want that movie so damn bad man DC if you're watching still do it please still do it we want a Batman Beyond we do."
"My only thing I want for Mother's Day is for no one to ask me what's for dinner, okay? No one asked me, 'What should we have for dinner? What are we eating for dinner?'"
"No, [ __ ] come here let me talk to you again I need a Handler they need a Handler dude he was mad there."
"Next up, some last requests that give new meaning to the idea of resting in peace and comfort."
"And the amount of favors she asks to me afterwards really is mind-blowing."
"These are my wishes. They should be honored."
"Put a Thanksgiving on there anyway and present your requests to God."
"The server machine would need the network analyst license, but everybody that references the server is just making a rest request and it'll just return the results."
"Every day when I wake up in my DM, I get over 10 messages. People are asking me for money. What are they for? Whatever, school fees, my mom is sick, I want to go abroad and stay. Every day, every single day."
"But listeners loved it, and flooded the stations with requests for 'Bring Me to Life.'"
"Can I have some dinosaur juice please, Miss Rabbit?"
"Thank you guys for suggesting this particular song for me to take a look at. Keep those suggestions and requests coming."
"So if you would like me to do a video on that, then I would love to do that for you."
"Of prayers and requests, with this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord's people in Jesus' name."
"I wish they would stop, don't do no more."
"One Two Step by Sierra and missell is a big one I love that also who let the dogss out every wedding I go to I request who Let The Dogs Out never play it I think they think that I'm joking but I think who Let The Dogs Out is such a fun song."
"Asking for an email is super easy."
"We don't make requests from a place of deficit; use your debit card of faith."
"Please keep those requests coming through. I love it when you guys request what you want to see."
"Please shout out any requests for reviews in the comments section."
"I'd really appreciate it if you do all those things that YouTubers ask for, which is to subscribe to my channel, give this video a thumbs up, and drop a comment down below."
"This was a patreon request if you guys want to request any movies you can do that down below on the patreon page."
"We get rider lists, and for big names, it's called a rider list."
"We've been getting a lot of requests on how we actually sound design, not just like remakes and stuff."
"People come up to me and hug me in airplanes and say, 'If you see Jim Brewer, give him a hug for me.'"
"Thank you very much. You want to see the BR Blue Merchant Navy hauling some Southern coaches. That is totally doable."
"Do not beg for letters of recommendation, okay? If somebody says no, be polite, be thoughtful."
"I want to wish my friend a Merry Christmas. I want to help ask you to stop taking the candy."
"The only thing I ask your honor is to address any tether, anything like that, I would abide by court orders."
"This is a video that a lot of you guys requested."
"He actually requested that I make it again soon."
"We've had a lot of requests from our viewers to show more about current events, you know some of the flies, some of the techniques we use, and actually how you catch them."
"If you have any questions or video requests leave them down below."
"If you guys want to see another frog video, let your boy know in the comment section down below."
"The weirdest face paint I've done is someone asked me to do Jesus on them."
"If someone asks you to stop what you're doing, just ask for ten more minutes."
"Prayer is a platform for obtaining requests and making petitions."
"The peace of the world hinges on whether the requests of the Mother of God are carried out completely and correctly."
"I've been trying to convince the promoter to bring Chris because I get inundated with requests for you."
"Any suggestions from any other videos you want me to make, post them in the comments."
"If you have any other video requests, leave them in the comments below."
"If you have any Thanksgiving or Christmas themed tutorial requests then definitely let me know."
"A controller is something that accepts HTTP requests and sends back a response to the client."
"I've got so many requests to do more cooking videos."
"If you have any video ideas, please let me know; I'd love to hear them."
"We have the ability to really change, you know, do interesting things with the request itself."
"It's a big deal, it's something that lots of people have been asking for."
"The strangest request I ever heard of was to my predecessor to strew a bed of orchids along a platform for an arriving Hollywood star."
"We've had a lot of requests from people who've tried this puzzle and haven't managed to solve it."
"If you guys want me to make more videos about any subject, let me know."
"The controller's purpose is to receive specific requests for the application."
"Sweet Home Alabama, one of the most requested songs on YouTube guitar channels."
"Level four is the level where at family gatherings you're going to start getting requests from your grandma to play us something."
"Let me know in the comments below what you think or what kind of video you want to see next."
"Tell me if there's anything you want me to open specifically."
"Some of my favorite things to make are like custom requests."
"I like getting requests from you guys, so if there's something that you haven't seen yet that you want to see, I take requests."
"I started taking requests from you guys when it comes to content."
"She has an enduring popularity; I get more requests to talk about her than almost any other Tudor player."
"If you have a movie you'd like to see me break down, let me know in the comments down below."
"I also like having extras on hand because that was something I used to get a lot of requests for from people; they liked to have handmade by me sympathy cards to give because obviously they're a lot more personal."
"Hit that subscribe button and post those requests, whatever haircuts you'd like to see."
"Got a classic for you today that I haven't gotten to, been a lot of requests, and finally getting around to doing it."
"What is the most unreasonable request you've made in your career, and how did it turn out?"
"This is our server component, so it's going to request this as it builds the website."
"The more people ask for things, the more you get done."
"The best RFIs are very clear and concise."
"Let me know in the comments down below what other videos you want me to do."
"We received hundreds of requests about coming to the Hemingways here in Karen, Nairobi, Kenya."
"You have to be extremely precise in the things that you ask for."
"If you guys have got any requests of stuff that you want me to try out, I'll do my best and try to put it out there for you guys."
"Let this be a lesson to you all: ask for the things you want; usually, the worst people could say is no."
"Hi and welcome to my channel by popular requests."
"If you have any requests, please comment below and let me know."
"Cinderella is requested the most out of all the more classic princesses."
"Let me know what you want to see, and I will film something again for you soon."
"When you ask someone for something, you should always say please."
"I am getting a serious amount of requests to go here and there... suddenly it's not just local anymore."
"I love the specific parts of each request."
"It's a good little request this one, thank you."
"If you have any other non-mainstream cool hair that you want to see, please leave it in the comments below."
"In GraphQL, there are two types of requests: a query and a mutation."
"A million-plus, this is actually the number of requests an average that we receive per second."
"This has been a really highly requested topic."
"When you ask for things is just as important as how you ask for them."
"It is really important that we learn to pay attention to what we ask the ancestors for."
"There's something about the spontaneity and unpredictability of all the different requests that really forced me to loosen up and not take myself so seriously."
"If you've got any requests for Coronation Day, let me know."
"Thank you so much Lisa, thank you guys again, thank you for all the requests, keep them coming in."
"Do everything you can to promote in people the trust that when you make a request, it is a request and not a demand."
"We're gonna be drawing whatever you request."
"We're taking some requests this morning."
"If you have any requests, please let me know."
"Let me know what other kinds of videos you want to see."
"Due to oddly popular requests, y'all want to see the song transitions again."
"I do listen to your guys's requests, I mean obviously wouldn't be able to do everyone's requests."
"Any last requests? Maybe just a little privacy."
"This is a song I've been getting a lot of requests for."
"Welcome to my channel, I've had a lot of requests from you guys."
"So over the past six months, I've had a couple people request that when I'm doing these mini albums if I could please leave two pages without any pockets or fold outs."
"While you're out tomorrow, can you pick up a can of coffee and a pint of half and half?"
"Leave a comment below if there's something you want me to cover specifically from a beginner standpoint."
"I generally do what is requested of me within the request."
"Let us know what kind of videos or tutorials you'd like to see next."
"Let me know in the comments below who you would like me to draw next."
"Let's actually send a request to the endpoint we created previously."
"It's pretty much what you guys have been asking for."
"Please leave your video requests below or if you guys have ideas or things you really want to see."
"If you ask, you shall receive; the more you guys ask for me to draw something, the more persuaded I am to do it."
"Perfect timing because also I have been getting what I feel like to be a lot of requests to test out more Korean beauty products."
"I hope you guys enjoyed this little haul, let me know if you want me to film more of these."
"I'm going to do a Fluke 101 review because people have asked for that."
"Let us know in the comments what you've liked best so far and what you'd like to see."
"How do you reply when relatives ask you to knit stuff for them? Honestly, none of my relatives ask me to knit things for them."
"Let me know if there's anything you want to see on my channel because I would love to film it for you guys."
"Let me know down in the comments what you want to see for Christmas."