
Virtual Quotes

There are 154 quotes

"Welcome to Connect 2021. I'm Melinda Davenport. As we know, Connect has gone virtual for the second year in a row, and here at Meta, we just can't wait to connect IRL just as soon as we can."
"Disney Magic. Just because we can't all be together in person this Pride season, doesn't mean that we cannot celebrate our pride together."
"Miss Earth is very unique this year because they are doing a virtual pageant."
"Profit will be tied to how much you keep being their virtual partner."
"I fully expect that we're going to be doing like virtual shopping in by the end of three years."
"Good afternoon to everyone out there, wherever you may be, and welcome to this virtual event."
"Virtual relationships and intimacy in exchange for game items was pretty common in MMOs."
"Most of what you will find for labs you can run virtually these days."
"I am making over a YouTuber's bedroom from start to finish completely virtually."
"It's all gonna be virtual but I'm very excited."
"Reduce distractions during virtual interviews, maintain good lighting, and use proper equipment to enhance the experience."
"This Beauty of Joseon SPF 50 sunscreen made by Gen Z was super popular on TikTok."
"A VTuber's concept is the overall conceptualization stage that must happen before a Vtuber is born. It is the metaphorical seed you plant to make a Vtuber blossom."
"A VTuber's concept is the foundation for everything related to a Vtuber. It's the Vtuber's identity, a thesis statement of the core of a Vtuber."
"A VTuber's concept can be the reason why a VTuber sinks or swims in an oversaturated market or more importantly- whether a Vtuber connects with their own persona and community they strive to build."
"Once you have a VTuber character concept you are confident in, Congratulations! You can finally move forward to the fun parts- like choosing graphics, writing lore, and of course designing your VTuber character."
"Some of the real-life events happening in the US will be replicated in the game with the same locations where players can take part in Virtual competitions and win in-game rewards."
"This first time we do this virtual everything I've seen so far has been wonderful."
"The reunion was good. It was so much better than what I expected to be, quite honest with you. It gave the vibe as if they were in the studio. I don't think them doing it virtually hindered us or took away the reunion feeling at all one bit. I mean, y'all tell me, I enjoyed it."
"I just want to hug so many of you through the screen."
"Virtual dates, do those things with your partner. Do virtual dates, which is what we do with my hubby. Virtual dates, you go on a date with your man even though he's not with you."
"It's basically loads of restaurants in one building, and they only do virtual restaurants."
"I'm now going to have some dinner. I'm actually going to cook dinner with Saff on FaceTime because we haven't had a proper catchup in ages."
"It's really fantastic to see there are starting to be more and more events that are actually also happening in person in addition to just virtual events like this evening on SocialFlight Live."
"It's just different, and there'll be stuff that works on Zoom that doesn't work live."
"Next week we're going to be doing virtual or logical switching and logical routing so that should be where we get into the really cool stuff."
"Think of an NFT in its current form as a virtual token that cannot be copied, almost like a bitcoin with the serial number on it."
"It feels like ages since we hung out, really thanks to lockdown and virtual school and all that."
"Eventually we figured out that we should just keep going but at the virtual frontier."
"I'm just a digital girl in a digital world man."
"It really is it's just it's like virtual surgery it's just like painting back areas on the face and they've just got better at doing it."
"Welcome to the 2020 virtual NECAD conference."
"It's really wonderful to be here today, even if it's virtual."
"Virtual influencers have their own careers, personalities, backstories, families, boyfriends, all these things that you would find from a real life influencer."
"Lots of love and warm hugs across the screen."
"Zoom author events are here to stay, allowing kinds of access we didn't have before."
"What's worse is that it wasn't the fact that there was any real infidelity going on. In fact, it was a virtual infidelity that my imagined self was not good enough for him, and that's what she found more upsetting than the fact that in reality."
"Welcome to the virtual cutting club."
"The place that you stood on is more than just a virtual reality. It's an alternate dimension."
"Happy holidays from the Holo queen."
"By becoming a virtual member, you'll be able to deepen your connections with members and friends here in Tulsa and with members wherever you are."
"Virtual members have access to pastoral care, to personal prayers, and also receive invitations to exclusive web events."
"I feel closer to them than some people I've known for years."
"I feel like I know a lot of you now, which is crazy because we've never met in real life."
"You get to explore the world when you can't travel."
"Virtual connections can be surprisingly meaningful."
"We met virtually, and I hope someday I'll get to see some of you in person."
"I'm so excited to take you on this virtual tour of Dartmouth's campus and I hope that you get to explore some of the things that make Dartmouth a really special place."
"We hope that you've enjoyed our virtual worship experience."
"Welcome to Handy Dad TV, I'm Chris Hyder, your virtual dad in the cloud."
"Kyra's the first virtual influencer of India, and she is killing it."
"Maybe we can plan a virtual dinner date or watch a movie together. What do you think?"
"The image is virtual because the image is produced by reflected rays."
"It'll be a ton of fun, and the best part is it's virtual and completely free."
"It's like a whole new world when you're on here, it just feels like you're completely separate from the outside world."
"For now, from me and Jez from virtual Glasgow, it's good night and ride on."
"I'm very lucky to have shared this space virtually with all of you, this is very very special."
"Virtual worship has healed people from church hurt."
"The world of utopian virtual does not have hunger, pain, nor war, just miles and miles of sleek glossy 3D renders, planes, and polygons representing the heightened standards of a modern virtual living."
"A display of sparkling digital bliss, the world of farside virtual is nothing less than technologically overpowered."
"Home provides the listener's eardrums with an audio-induced virtual tour."
"Where would you like to render your dream home today?"
"This barrage of simulated celebrations providing you would be perfect background music to purchasing your first ever 3D rendered oceanic floating home."
"This album is your once-in-a-lifetime ticket to a place that nature could never create, only a predetermined terrain of virtual perfection."
"People love watching YouTubers, and most of the VTubers are... people just like watching cute anime girls."
"I meet you with love, light, and virtual hugs."
"It's pretty easy to understand why people like these V Tubers."
"We are going to be searching for the most viewed VTuber clips."
"Hard power is effective against non-violent resistance in the physical world; however, it has not proved successful at defeating virtual protest and virtual opponents."
"There are limitations of the virtual platform, but there are some advantages as well; it makes it easier to attend, you don't have to worry about the travel, you don't have to worry about the snow."
"Many of us aren't going to conferences or going to virtual conferences instead."
"I'm just inviting you virtually into my studio."
"This is using the virtual torque setup that we've touched on the gen fives."
"I hope that you can just feel it through the screen right now."
"The connection between something completely virtual and something utterly real is deeply and fundamentally unsettling to me on a human phenomenological level."
"I'm very committed to my virtual farm life, perhaps too committed."
"The loneliness that middle-aged and elderly people have nowhere to place finds solace on virtual online platforms."
"Those little presence dots are a lot of what makes it kind of feel like a virtual water cooler."
"My virtual sessions are fun, they're interactive."
"We went through the trenches of virtual education last year."
"We're moving to virtual worlds and physical worlds where we can engage each other in real time, anywhere, any place, at any moment."
"Sit down, buckle up, and get ready for what might just be my most complex virtual adventure yet."
"A virtual organization... consists of a small number of core full-time employees."
"Welcome all my friends across Canada and around the world to this extraordinary virtual conference."
"What happens when there's no distinction between the real and the virtual? What would reality be then?"
"People live in their own virtual reality right now."
"You can't beat the reality of these, well, not yet anyways."
"Being able to do this all virtually and for having your health professional be able to see all this information is just great."
"We help real events generate revenue virtually."
"I'm thrilled we're finally able to gather tonight and tomorrow, albeit virtually, to explore some of the important themes of the original conference."
"The beauty of racing on Zwift is that our competitors can race from wherever they are on the planet."
"You can virtually travel to any country across the globe."
"Giving you guys a hug through the camera lens."
"It's as if I received a virtual hug."
"She continued seeing as many people as possible by those virtual audiences."
"This physical reality is really a virtual reality."
"Neither artwork exists in the physical world at all, having been created entirely with digital technology."
"The Dream SMP has always been about reality. What's real, what's not."
"This is an advanced NFT, and we can use this framework of creating attributes for building entire worlds out of these NFTs."
"It's wonderful to meet you, albeit virtually."
"We look forward to virtually meeting you soon. Have a great day and see you soon. Bye!"
"It's gonna be all virtual, so you'll tune in on Facebook or you can tune in on YouTube."
"It's all virtual, so you can tune in from anywhere."
"Let's just hold each other, even though it is virtually."
"This is kind of like a good way to review products: virtual versus reality."
"A virtual mentor is better, way better."
"There's something to be said for having like a fake shopping cart or a fake wish list online."
"Buying and selling domains is kind of like being a virtual real estate tycoon."
"Tony the Tiger will become an interactive virtual YouTuber."
"What would happen if what you see in virtual reality looks like real life? Your brain's gonna be messed up because you won't be able to tell the difference."
"It's virtual, baby, it has to be."
"I feel like we're friends even though we've never met."
"By making an online persona, you can reinvent yourself and what you represent to occupy a virtual space."
"It's so much easier because it's done virtually now."
"I feel the love through the screen, I feel it."
"We're gonna try to recreate that somehow in the virtual space."
"Sending many virtual hugs your way."
"I believe that the next great architectural movement will be virtual."
"It feels like I'm interacting with an actual creature rather than just a traditional virtual pet."
"We had a really good community experience, we had virtual get-togethers."
"It's really fun and the class I'm talking about is actually a virtual class."
"We are sending virtual hugs because I miss it and we love you all."
"And voila, we have created a plausible virtual identity, pretty realistic, isn't it?"
"It's super important now that everything is becoming more virtual to protect yourself online."
"Think of it like San Diego Comic-Con but online."
"I'm sending you all a giant hug through the internet."
"This is our virtual thank you card, thank you so, so much."
"It's a big difference between like real life and the internet."
"We are virtually giving you a very happy birthday, Jason."
"Who needs a night out when you have a fantastic quiz master virtually right in front of you?"
"The virtual world is certainly beautiful, but people always inseparable from reality."
"We have to secure both the physical and the virtual."
"I was able to overcome and persevere during difficult times while teaching in a virtual setting."
"We present virtual events that transport the world's biggest names in knitting right into your home."
"Although we can't come together in real life right now, we can congregate in the virtual spaces and build community here."
"We can do things that are impossible in real world."
"It's a pleasure for me to join you in this virtual space and bring these specific messages."
"Even though I've personally never met Mikael, I seriously feel like we could be best friends."
"It's like we've been friends for years and we never met each other in person."
"Enter Maeve, a new hyper-realistic virtual girl group that has taken the K-pop scene by storm at an accelerating rate."
"One of my favorite parts of Zwift are its racing events, so I can jump on my bike from home and go head to head with pretty much anyone around the world at any time of day."
"We will lose something in being entirely virtual, so valuing the human connection that gives us joy at work is important."