
Audience Targeting Quotes

There are 181 quotes

"Find your smallest viable audience. Know who it's for and who it's not for."
"Don't have anyone on who would dare criticize the machine, and they are chasing after an audience. That is corruption."
"When you try to appeal to everybody, you end up not truly catering to anybody."
"With Sonic the Hedgehog, they attempted to appeal to an older audience with someone who was more hip, cool, resonated with Gen X."
"Decide on what audience you want to reach on YouTube, and start talking to them, and I guarantee you the subscribers will take care of themselves."
"Everybody has to understand, their content literally isn't made for everyone."
"Not everything has to be for you. Content that is clearly intended for someone who is not you is not an affront to you."
"By bringing in lots more nostalgic aspects that cater to a very specific demographic you run the risk of the product being more about that than about being something new."
"It's perfectly fine for the Cuphead show to target younger children and not adults or gamers who played the original game."
"When you try to cater to everybody, you end up pleasing nobody."
"The smallest viable audience is more attainable than ever before."
"There are some superhumans among us who just aren't really affected by horror... this particular list is for the rest of us."
"We either get one that's dedicated just the fans in which case critters gonna on it because they don't get it right but the fans will love it"
"We took a step back, we understood and defined who we're targeting, how we want the app to feel, and we were able to create something radically different."
"Lookalike audiences are essentially what the name suggests... that's when you're really going to see big big results."
"This game really is for the hardcore classic retro fan."
"She's not actively choosing to make content for kids."
"The levels are thankfully shorter and easier to navigate than Princess and the Pauper, and rather than being a strategic environmental puzzler, this one feels more like a straight platformer, which I think works better for the younger audience."
"Gamers don't have to be your audience. They've gone on over again about this idea."
"If you create content for moderate conservatives, they'll come."
"Both of these companies are killing it. They sell the same product but to a very different and specific audience."
"It was edgy, dark, and made just as much for adults as it was for children."
"Customer lists are a powerful way to upload a direct audience for either building a lookalike audience or running a remarketing campaign."
"AI marketers can use this to automatically generate content best suited for a particular subset of their audience."
"Save time and effort with saved audiences for future campaigns. ⏳ Streamline your targeting for better results. #MarketingEfficiency"
"Testing different marketing angles allows Facebook and Instagram to find the perfect audience for you."
"It's important to note that audience targeting isn't as dialed in as keywords."
"It's easy to see the value of boosting your own content and creating targeted promotions to reach a specific audience of LinkedIn members."
"Pixar do not make kid films, they make kid-friendly films, and there's a big difference between the two."
"My channel is not a kid channel. It's not meant for kids. My channel is for the same demographic that Family Guy or South Park or Robot Chicken."
"A marketer that's not prepared for that constantly shifting atmosphere is really missing where audiences are going."
"Our rationale was, on one hand, we can create content for the internet first, and then the people who will see it will be the people who will want us to come to their campus."
"His effortless wit and improvisational skills put every other host to shame."
"If you have great products and you put that products in front of the right audience it will sell."
"The film was almost a parody of parodies of James Bond... a seemingly very specific audience to hit."
"They're playing all the hits for the people who are it's like going to Comic Con for Marvel fans right like that's who they're speaking to and you can't reach the rest of the country that way."
"How did Green Book win Best Picture? It's only evidence of who this movie was really made for."
"If every game has to be made for everyone, we'll lose what makes them special."
"The best way to scale look-alike audience is to start to group the most successful LLAs into one ad set."
"It's intellectual junk food geared toward a low-information audience."
"That's how you convert people to the progressive movement."
"Identify who your audience is and sell to them."
"When black eyeballs go, that's where the advertising money goes."
"The reason the show was not picked up was Executives thought it wouldn't draw enough of an audience if it doesn't cater to boys."
"There's literally no target demographic for this meat carrot."
"Create videos for a specific niche... Would the type of audience who click on this video also want to click on all of the rest of the videos on my channel?"
"They are making decisions based on what they believe their audience wants to watch. That's strengthening them as brands and it strengthens League of Legends by making sure it is consistently the most-watched game on Twitch."
"You think Cole and Drake are going after the same exact audience? No, but they're both in the top ten, they'd like to, yeah, they'd like to share some but no, they're not going after the same audience."
"The reboot at its core is attempting to please a much younger audience and the fact that it's already into its third season proves it's being successful in its own nature."
"Focus on that target audience. Don't get mad if your stuff doesn't grow."
"As a creator, it's deciding on those few things. Who is your content for and how is your content serving that audience?"
"Amazing trailer, and they clearly know the audience."
"I think when you're trying to cater yourself towards a certain audience, in some ways you lose what you actually want to do."
"What who is this for do you not I mean if this is for people just like rock music or metalcore or metal or whatever this is this is for someone who likes something a bit more you know I mean."
"That's how you market things. You find something that works for a group and then you use it."
"Setting up look-alike audiences is super important for scaling."
"Keeping Poveglia off-limits might be the best way to honor not only its past, but also those who were never allowed to leave."
"Toei's big idea was to go way younger but also way retro."
"The technology could help with finding audiences, segmenting audiences, and figuring out where those audiences are getting their information from."
"But easily the most well known shovelware hangout spot was the Nintendo Wii having the audience of the console primarily be families who might cut a developer's had a field day with this system."
"Facebook wants you to make sales. Facebook audience insights allows you to create an audience of people who will be most likely to buy your product."
"The review is less aimed at those who have already owned and played the game and more aimed at those who have not played it yet."
"Targeting abroad has worked significantly better for me."
"High value videos for your audience avatar, that's what ultimately drives views."
"Project Cars 3 succeeds in adapting the sim titles for an arcade audience."
"Pick an audience that you wanna make content for, pick a type of content that you'd love to make, that would be a great fit for that particular audience, and don't stop."
"This isn't a solution looking for a problem but an evolution looking for an audience."
"They want Final Fantasy 16 to resonate the most with English speakers."
"If I started doing that, I'd attract more people, but I don't know if I'd be bringing in the type of people that I'd actually want."
"As well as the intensity of the storytelling. Basically, this is low-budget exploitation filmmaking aimed squarely at that audience, but it does the job."
"There's no reason to really reject it other than you're just insistent that there's no way Mark would use Homer for this, but obviously Mark would use Homer for this because he's writing Greek to readers of Greek."
"Hyper-targeting and creating marketing bubbles that other people are completely unaware of."
"This adaptation, despite ostensibly being for kids and Game of Thrones fans, coddles its audience."
"There's never good when only one demo, in this case males 18 to 34, driving the box office."
"With so many politicians embracing live streaming it has become the latest medium of a choice to connect with older younger audiences."
"Woke propaganda appeals to two audiences: the woke and the undecided."
"Nintendo accomplished it by targeting an audience beyond the average gamer."
"This movie, first of all, great. A lot of fun. More, you were asking earlier, 'Is it a kids' movie or is it one of those cartoons that's kind of like for adults?' This is just for kids, okay? This is just for kids."
"You have to kind of know where your audience lives before you even start."
"Editing smart, story choice for the audience."
"Seriously, who was the intended audience for this?"
"This is the first one that doesn't play to a general audience."
"Sometimes a game has an audience, and you should probably make it for that audience."
"We work in a media ecosystem... where a lot of our content is just producing stuff that we know our own audiences are gonna like."
"Why would you think for one minute that movie was made for children?"
"Men have been over sexualized in the media as well, mainly to appeal to the female audience."
"I sometimes wonder if this spin-off could have been largely successful if it went through a few reworks and was aged up for the right audience."
"You're uploading content that YouTube doesn't actually know there's an audience for."
"Post conversion content that targets and attracts people in your target audience."
"Can your video connect with a particular type of audience? And they will go find that audience for you."
"You can design for these audiences and you can do your initial go to market for these audiences."
"Depending on the target audience that your intent is when you build that site."
"Target the right audience for maximum impact."
"People who have visited your website are far more likely to be interested in buying, inquiring, whatever it is you want them to do than people who haven't."
"Custom audience segments allow you to include people with specific interests or behaviors."
"These people are highly likely to be interested in whatever I have to offer if they're similar to my existing customers, it's going to be a no-brainer, it's going to work really well. That's what a look-alike audience is."
"You want to be adding as many audiences as you can, you can add up to 100, but once again you want to be adding only audiences that are converting."
"Your video is going to come up as a search result and land in the hands of your perfect ideal viewer."
"Remember that one thing that's really important here is how far down the funnel these people are that you are using in your custom audiences to base your lookalikes off."
"Good content plus the right audience equals cheap ads. Good content, bad targeting equals not cheap, maybe, but not good."
"You choose your audience. Think about who you're targeting your community for. Identify their pain and their roadblocks, invert them to find out what things your community are probably going to want to learn about."
"Google AdWords is all about A/B split testing and finding out which audience works best for you."
"Advertisers want to be where the eyeballs are."
"You can actually build these look-alike audiences who find other women who are interested in the same things to play that ad in front of."
"You have to create different pins with different formats and different design goals, each different pin will appeal to a certain set of people in a specific stage of their buyer's journey."
"Lookalike audiences can be incredibly effective even today."
"Find your audience... the key to it is find your audience."
"...the key to it is find your audience."
"It's like doing market research. You can't be successful selling anything unless you understand where your audience is or your customer base is located and how to reach them with your sales message."
"For success with Google ads, it's not just about targeting Search terms, it's also about targeting the right types of audiences."
"Affinity audiences are basically what are people's interests and habits, what do they have an affinity for?"
"Ali keeps his titles and thumbnails perfectly simplistic, often focusing on specific audiences and using keywords for discoverability."
"Wonder Woman was a particularly interesting character, created by a psychologist, Dr. William Moulton Marston, as a way to go after the girl audience."
"The reason that most ads don't work is because they're saying the wrong things to the wrong people or in other words the offer that they're making is either unrelated or unappealing."
"I just feel like the kind of time that we're living in right now, it's really important that we're targeting that audience."
"How do we transform data into knowledge? Well, there's not one path only to get there. It all depends on the raw material we're trying to transform and who we're trying to reach."
"Remarketing audiences are probably going to be the easiest low-hanging fruit."
"Create look-alike audiences. It's a great feature by Facebook. It really allows you to reach a target audience very similar to the audience you already have."
"This stream is predominantly for non-Muslims."
"If you are into watching furniture flips, thrift flips, trash to treasures, or high-end flips, then this video is definitely for you."
"So invest more in owned media and in your own strategy the content you create the story you tell through those channels and then of course don't be afraid to engage the local influencer the local key opinion leaders to help connect you with the right audience."
"So if you wanted to target a different audience, there could be a potential gap that you can fill with your product."
"Audience research is crucial to spending your ads budget much more effectively."
"To ensure your videos reach the relevant audience on YouTube, you need to optimize the title, description, and video tags."
"He's trying to appeal less to the classic rock fan and more to the younger indie rock crowd."
"Figure out what forms of content fit your target audience's preferences."
"Promote our videos on social media platforms, blogs, and websites that cater to our target audience."
"It's actually what people are looking for and searching for, so we have a much higher chance of this video taking off and performing."
"It is important for me us well to find the right format for the right audience."
"The single most effective cold audience targeting option that you can use when it comes to Facebook advertising is people that are very similar to people that have already bought your product."
"I'm a real estate investor, and I earn people money; that's what you want to come up with to target your audience."
"I want to feed in this lead information and Facebook to use its algorithm to then improve the performance of my ads by finding more people like my current leads."
"I think if you're looking for a younger audience, you need to make references to things that younger kids will know about."
"Marketing is not brainwashing... it's finding your audience and then giving them what they actually already want."
"So depending on where your main audience is, you want to select the data center which is closest to your audience."
"It's important to understand what works for whom and why in terms of targeting."
"You don't want just any viewer, you want the right viewer because that builds longevity on the platform."
"Target your audience using emails to further communicate with that particular segmented audience."
"What a look-alike audience is, is using Facebook's algorithm to your advantage."
"You need to understand your audience and know how to target the right audience."
"If you just consistently put out the right content, the right people will find it."
"In-feed ads can be a really good way to get in front of a target audience."
"Writing to market is picking an underserved genre that you know has a ravenous appetite and then giving that market exactly what it wants."
"It does not matter how dope a product or service is if you're talking to the wrong people."
"You definitely want to create retargeting audiences and look-alike audiences based off your retargeting audiences."
"When Instagram knows who your audience is, it becomes considerably easier to grow."
"Create an audience with attributes similar to your best performing subscribers."
"Angry white males is a good audience to get, I mean, they mobilize and they listen."
"Firebase helps you target the right audience at the right time with the right message."
"When uploading your app, you can also target quite specifically your audience."
"I try to think about what's the age that I'm trying to reach, who are the audience there, what is the message I think that specific audience needs to hear."
"Find the people that are going to like it and post it there."
"I don't want to just throw the content everywhere... your Facebook audience is different than your Twitter audience."
"If you're looking to get better results from Facebook, use look-alike audiences."
"Google Ads combined custom intent audiences and custom affinity audiences into one type of audience called a custom audience."
"This isn't just about Google, it's also about organizing your content so you can promote your best content to the right visitors."
"The right product for the right kind of target audience is what you need to analyze."
"You need to get really clear for yourself about exactly who your subscribers are going to be and what value they're going to get out of watching your videos."