
Planet Quotes

There are 459 quotes

"We only get one planet, and we have to take care of it."
"Without this beautiful planet, we would have probably been gone a long time ago."
"I don't know how you can deny that we are not having an effect on the planet because it's very obvious."
"Doppelganger was a hypothetical planet in the same orbit as Earth, but always directly opposite us, so we couldn't see it, 'cause it was always hidden behind the sun."
"We've gone from this Martian landscape... to a planet with green trees and water and a blue sky."
"A smaller global population has its perks... the planet certainly isn't complaining."
"This is our home. This is the only planet we live on."
"It's the first of its kind, a habitable planet orbiting a white dwarf- and it doesn't have much longer left to live."
"It feels so great to take care of our planet."
"There is so much hope for life on this planet."
"The lushly forested planet Mustafar is inhabited by off-worlder Lady Korvax."
"I am very optimistic about the next two decades on this planet."
"Our planet has an incredible ability to regenerate and to see new growth."
"Everybody's favorite planet, everybody's favorite."
"Venus is the Golden Mean to the Earth. And what does it stand for? It stands for beauty."
"We're also in this together with all the animals on the planet."
"We love the Earth, it is our planet."
"Ours is a restless planet where mountains swell on surging tides of molten rock."
"The future of the planet depends on it."
"We are energy and obviously the planet's energy as well."
"It is to the best of the planet that we come together, stop calling each other evil, and learn to cooperate a little bit more with one another."
"Unity and cooperation for the good of the planet is the theme of 2024."
"This is one of the greatest vehicles to ever grace our planet."
"Meet Corro 7b, a planet where it constantly rains rocks."
"J1407b has 30 rings spanning across over 110 million miles. Let that sink in."
"The Great Pyramid... encodes the dimensions of our planet."
"Oh my gosh, it's like a little planet, oh that is beautiful."
"The planet is a pristine, unbelievable jewel, a being of great intelligence."
"What a crazy place this is, a rocky planet near a star with all this green stuff that takes sunlight and turns it into food."
"It could look so beautiful that every morsel of food we touched not only was good for us but was good for the planet."
"If you live in keeping with the planet, with other people, with creatures, that's what it all comes down to really."
"The two of you very much could be doing things for the planet together."
"Our ancient Planet still hides its secrets."
"Earth is mainly blue, with water making up no less than 70% of our surface."
"Jupiter yeah like the planet you know."
"We have to think of Atlantis in relationship to a complete pattern of the planet."
"Our survival depends on our ability to ultimately get off the planet."
"Approximately every 27 million years, give or take, large-scale extinctions occurred on our planet."
"It's a creation of a kind of a self-maintaining system by the activity of all sorts of life on the planet."
"We're in a phase of very rapid energy shifts on the planet."
"We sometimes forget the most important intergenerational responsibility is with the planet."
"Better human, better planet is absolutely faster to achieve than money, fame, and power because you can do it right now, right now."
"A planet might be a dangerous place, then tamed and then untamed or lost for a time, but unless it’s a truly dead world, it wouldn’t stay as any kind of world for long, even a deathworld."
"The atmosphere itself is shrinking while the mass of the planet is growing."
"This might be the best luxury sedan on the planet right now."
"If you could jerk off on one planet which planet would you do it on probably probably like I would do it on Saturn."
"You're going to cause a heavy storm in this planet, a shift that's massive, it's big."
"Our journey to the miraculous nooks of our planet comes to an end for now."
"The essence of the planet that we're on is pure love."
"Let's keep learning about this planet and all the amazing animals who live here and do whatever we can to protect them."
"Saturn is the second largest gas giant planet and it has a beautiful ring system around it."
"Death is just the same as taking back a loan from the planet."
"We are living on a privileged planet, one of the most special places in all of creation."
"This is Earth, our planet, a planet that provides us with all we need and more."
"Earth: a truly remarkable specimen of space, known for its diverse range of ecosystems, distinct seasons, dynamic geological activity, and of course, life."
"The winds of our planet are this fascinating weave of interplaying forces."
"I'm always trying to save the planet."
"We're in the middle of the sixth great Extinction event that the planet has ever experienced."
"Alpha Centauri may harbor an Earth-like planet."
"Dathomir is a Savage Planet that regularly sires whole hosts of horrific monsters and wicked Spiritual Beings."
"Conservation is how we save the animals that live on our planet."
"How can we sustain all these people on the planet, or rather, how many people can this planet sustain? That is the question."
"Our planet is a very strange place."
"The level of methane rises and falls as seasonal intervals in the year, almost as if the planet is breathing."
"It's a chance to reflect on how we can improve our planet."
"If you don't follow your truth and your ancestors, you may not have your body to continue on this planet."
"Climate change is the looming mega disaster for this planet."
"But, I've also learned that the guys that race this race are actually some of the greatest mountain bike racers on the planet."
"We are 6.5 billion in our family, we have one home, it's a planet."
"Wolverine, he's the coolest [ __ ] on the planet like that's so cool that's all you need to know."
"The planet is plagued by severe winds that often turn into powerful storms."
"This planet isn't likely to have liquid water on its surface."
"The planet is not a seminar, a planet is a huge active complex system."
"The planet doesn't really care greatly about what we think."
"Idyllic was the perfect description for Naboo, it was a relatively small temperate planet rich in wildlife and blessed with extremely fertile soil."
"What we're thinking about is a peaceful planet. We're not thinking about anything else."
"...he would go from planet to planet killing war-torn worlds and helping to create peace everywhere he went."
"Jupiter is a planet that likes to help us feel hopeful."
"...directly measures the orbital period of the planet responsible for it."
"We need to imagine the planet as a place for more than human livelihoods."
"No technology could insulate them from the primal power of the planet."
"The planet is Arrakis, also known as Dune."
"Billionaires are providing immense value for the planet."
"E-bikes also bring benefits to the planet and other people."
"Mars: A freezing cold planet with a surface covered in reddish dust."
"So the first time we see the planet exploding there's explosions that are causing each crack first and then it all blows up in one go here it immediately all blows up in one go and all the cracks happen simultaneously but we get this excellent burst of energy."
"Pandora's atmosphere is extraordinarily thick with carbon dioxide methane and hydrogen sulfide compared to Earth making it toxic for air breathing animals."
"...we can save the planet by getting more food growing on trees."
"...saving the planet that we're doing here."
"The moment where Earth, the planet we cherish and inhabit, [__] explodes."
"Whatever you're healing for yourself personally, you're actually helping clean it up on the planet."
"The Proterozoic is arguably the time when life took over the planet."
"All we want is a ride off this shitty planet. No offense, it ain't my shitty planet."
"The axis of Uranus is tilted, relative to its orbit, by 98 degrees."
"Your perspectives on the planet would be so interesting for a lot of people because I think you're just so further ahead from so many people."
"Your embodiment is literally a gift to the entire planet."
"Someday we will learn to tame the very planet itself."
"We're all human and we can work together and make the planet a better place."
"It's largely because of animal agriculture that farming is the worst thing we've ever done to the planet."
"It's clearly the most influential text on the planet, I would say."
"What’s interesting is that while the planet will appear larger and larger as it gets more massive, it will actually peak out when you get to about Saturn’s size."
"A flawed clone, yet he was able to effectively subjugate an entire planet. Yikes."
"How can you not enjoy this planet?"
"Earth is a pretty amazing planet, it has everything we need: air, water, food, and our family and friends."
"The first-ever recording of the sound of another planet."
"Steeped in the dark side, Malachor is a lonely planet on the Galaxy's edge."
"The harsh rocky world of Geonosis is located in the outer rim near Tatooine and encircled by a ring of dangerous tumbling debris."
"Collectively you shift the emotional makeup of the planet."
"Trest 2B is a planet where night never ends, and it's not your regular night with stars shining in the beautiful skies. Here it's pitch dark and scorching hot."
"The word Martian means relating to which planet?"
"We have to do this for our planet."
"The gravity on our planet is so strong that everybody there must bend over and walk four-legged."
"Well, might as well destroy this planet."
"When it comes to saving the planet, nothing is certainly trying its best right there as well."
"Every person has something to offer to what we become as a planet, as an Earth community."
"What it is is, the Earth is a big ball of rock and stone and all these things, and it's compressed into layers."
"I think the planet is going to be fine. We may not make it, but the planet will be great."
"We have to take fantastically good care of it because it's the only planet we've got really."
"The more people that wake up the better off the planet's going to be."
"The fate of the entire planet is in our hands," Fluffy warned.
"We have a water-covered planet to first approximation."
"We saved the environment with all these trees, oh my goodness we saved the planet everybody."
"We are part of the planet, but most importantly, we are connected to it."
"Maybe we aren't destined to just fight war after war until we destroy the planet."
"It really is like a beautiful looking Planet isn't it?"
"So basically, you're wearing a part of creation around your neck when you're wearing this because this is the interior of a planet."
"The concepts are interesting so one of them being Solaris which in this one the alien is a planet that is pretty much an ocean."
"But this whole planet is in accelerated evolution right now."
"A planet is said to appear out of nowhere and devour the sun."
"What is the carrying capacity of the planet, you know? Sure, maybe it's another 10 billion people, but at what cost?"
"I really love my time on this planet and I want to enjoy it as much as I can."
"Your town might be good for now, but it's all part of the same planet."
"The fate of the planet depends on it, and I had to guard it with my life."
"Planet Earth, my favorite planet probably."
"One of the problems that we have on the planet is that we have air pollution."
"Humans and our physical planet are in some ways mesmerizing."
"The story of life on our fertile planet is awesome and wonderful."
"Orbiting this at a distance of roughly 92 million miles is an utterly insignificant little blue green planet."
"The whole planet is one giant living, breathing cell, with all its working parts linked in symbiosis."
"This planet is the only home I've ever known, Scott."
"Jupiter can even be considered our shield to some extent."
"It's their duty to defend the planet."
"I'm so happy that we can meet like this, on this crazy little planet that we call home."
"We are all connected on this planet; we all depend on each other's behavior."
"We gotta take care of our planet to take care of our kids."
"There's no better teacher than the planet itself."
"If something damages the planet, it damages each of us as individuals."
"The earth really is not just another planet."
"This is a first of its kind mission testing a way to one day save our planet."
"Planetary defense is a global Endeavor and it is very possible to save our planet."
"Earth is objectively speaking, the best planet."
"We don't have to have everything in common to agree that we all share this planet together."
"We're all human beings sharing this resource, this very fragile, very beautiful planet floating in space."
"We are biological species, and we live on a planet, and we need to respect the boundaries of the planet itself intrinsically sets for us."
"Humans are consuming and dissipating the planet faster than nature can regenerate."
"You are the guardian of this damn planet, you know good and well what you should do."
"The quality of relationships of how we relate to each other, to the planet, and to ourselves."
"There's a lot more wrong with this planet than just oil spills."
"We have this one planet and we have to look after it."
"It's not about saving the planet... the planet does not give a flying toss what we do. It's us, it's all the living creatures on the surface of the planet that are in a bit of trouble."
"The planet belongs to the holobionts, and we're just passengers."
"We often times forget how adaptive the planet is really and how strong it is."
"We are holding everyone's health in our hands, the health of the planet and the health of the people."
"Every ounce of energy we spend fighting each other is an ounce of energy we're not spending protecting our fragile planet."
"We ourselves are the antennas, and we have a spiritual responsibility to the planet."
"It's great. I love the planet. Perfect."
"They are some of the most incredible animals on the planet."
"The finiteness of the planet is one of your starting assumptions."
"Believe in this small planet that the only way to win the future is to share it."
"He's the most skilled fighter on the planet, simple as that."
"A planet that looks like something out of a Star Wars movie."
"You all live on me, so work like bees in a hive and keep this planet really healthy so that we can all thrive."
"It's really important but it also means a lot to people to think that they are contributing to our fragile suffering struggling planet."
"Jupiter is the planet that gives opportunities."
"It's up to you to save this planet so that he may visit us again."
"My name is Mars, I am red in color and the fourth planet from the Sun."
"My name's Uranus, I am blue in color, I'm the seventh planet from the Sun."
"We're here to talk about wages, we're here to talk about education, we're here to talk about saving our planet."
"The final unification of our planet is the natural culmination of a cosmic process of organization."
"We love sustainability, we love the planet."
"Our planet is not fully spherical as it slightly flattens when rotating."
"Venus is the second planet from the Sun, so why is it the hottest planet in the solar system?"
"Our planet will survive and enter a new phase in its extraordinary history."
"The planet is our ship through space; space is the ocean."
"It's a greater planet when we all work together and create more opportunities for the other people coming behind."
"We need to soften these edges and understand that we all share this planet."
"This planet is our home together; this universe is our origin, our story together."
"We need to keep the planet habitable."
"Too much water is a problem, too little water is a problem, our planet has exactly the right amount of water."
"Jupiter is a huge and fascinating planet, made mostly of hydrogen and helium, just like our sun."
"What about the eternal gratitude of an entire planet?"
"Neptune is a beautiful blue color."
"We have to live together on this same planet."
"The planet will be here for a long, long, long time after we're gone, and it will heal itself."
"Individuals care more than ever about the planet."
"What kind of planet do we want? It seems to me that geosciences people... have a fundamental role to play."
"Animal agriculture has literally changed the face of our planet."
"We have to save this goddamn planet."
"We're sharing this planet; we should be united."
"Oh, Earth is such a beautiful planet!"