
Worker Empowerment Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Corporate concentration and anti-competitive practices like non-compete agreements and misclassification have stifled wages for workers and reduced their power to bargain for dignity and respect in the workplace."
"We cannot risk undermining one of the successes of the current economy: for the first time in decades, workers are finally starting to gain a little power in the economy."
"We need a movement of workers in this country to carry through our agenda."
"Empowering workers is a good thing. We want a strong working class, we want a middle class."
"Company walkouts, a unified voice, the message that access to one’s labor should be considered a privilege and not a fucking right."
"If I leave you with only one thing on this post-labor Day video, it's to think about unionizing."
"Starbucks workers across the country: 'Hey, it's possible. They actually did it. Now we can have a shot at doing it too.'"
"Empower the workers, liberate colonies, and redefine our nation's future."
"Workers deserve a fair share of the benefits they help create for an enterprise."
"Unions are good for democracy, worker power is good for democracy."
"Hell yeah I want a good contract and I'm ready to go to strike."
"I think there is a new climate of worker boldness, a genuine sort of uprising."
"The democratization of the economic sphere is workers controlling their pursuits in their work, controlling their workplaces."
"Trade unions and worker councils should form the basis of a socialist society, true."
"Worker power is essential to building our economy back better."
"Being part of the union really allows you to use your collective voice."
"Worker co-ops are real businesses run by people who have been exploited in the mainstream economy."
"We need to give working people in this country more power over their own lives."
"American workers rose up in 2016 and decided to end this American carnage."
"The great thing about universal basic income is it makes it much harder to push around and exploit workers."
"Power, it always will be about power... but workers are sort of reflecting and reevaluating the power that they do have."
"We have your backs... you're doing whatever you are within your right to seek this formation of a union."
"American workers are now flexing their muscles."
"This economy belongs to people. We don't work for the economy. The economy should be working for us."
"The power of the strike is even greater, even more extraordinary."
"If that can be the daily interaction of the working class around the world and not just a once a year conference then we'll really start to see what the working class can achieve in an international capacity."
"Every time we flex the collective muscle of the working class, some rich asshole has a very bad day."
"We've got to zero in on poverty and the empowerment of workers."
"It's not just defiance that's contagious, it's the reclaiming of dignity and power by workers."
"Workers kind of woke up... they realized that they have some leverage."
"Socialist society is where the workers control industry, it's a democracy."
"Strikes are the one weapon that the working class has, the only weapon."
"We have to push for essential workers going on strike."
"We as workers deserve to be able to negotiate Fair Labor with our employers."
"Workers are rejecting that mentality and really embracing a solidarity that's incredibly encouraging to see."
"We're on the edge of a massive strike: Tens of thousands of workers are ready to fight."
"The workers...would democratically design their transitions."
"This freedom dividend I'm championing was actually proposed by Andy Stern who used to run the SEIU and he said that this would be a game-changer for workers because it would just make us much much more free and harder to push around and exploit."
"The strength of the labor movement lies in the power of solidarity between us all as workers."
"Every time people take power into their own hands like this and withhold their labor there's nothing in the world more powerful than that."
"Changes occurred among workers who formed labor organizations to ensure better wages and working conditions."
"The only way average Americans are going to get a fair share of the gains is if they have more bargaining power, as they did 50 years ago when a third of all workers in the private sector were unionized."
"Reducing workers' alienation from their labor would be a knock-on effect of opening up the market to individual initiatives."
"Workers have the power, if they're willing to realize it and use it."
"There is every reason to hope jobs designed by workers will be more enjoyable than ones designed by capitalists or coordinators."
"Anything that's going to be positive, anything that's going to be progressive, is going to be generated by people who do the math at their place of business, communicate to each other the condition of their labor, and find a sense of autonomy and control over their lives."
"Don't bet against the American worker. Don't bet against the American people."
"This contract sets a new standard in the labor movement and raises the bar for all workers."