
Civil Disobedience Quotes

There are 241 quotes

"Civil disobedience is the line. You are breaking the law, but we all kind of go okay, we get it. It's to get the attention of the lawmakers so that they change the world."
"A law that is unjust should not be followed."
"This is the 27th time I have been arrested, and I ain't going to jail no more. The only way we gonna stop them is to take over."
"Unless there is sustained mass civil disobedience to put pressure on two political parties and a system that is completely captured by corporate power, then what's coming...will not be good."
"The film is a celebration of nonviolent civil disobedience and what it looks like in the extreme."
"Social justice at its core of civil disobedience for quality is a good thing."
"The first step is to be angry and organize and stop being civil. We need to see what happens when people stop being polite and start getting real."
"Peaceful demonstration, civil disobedience is also a part of democracy."
"You may get arrested a couple of times. That's okay."
"Riots are no good, protests are good. We need civil protests."
"Look how little it took for Gandhi to work against the salt laws of the British...Nature gives it for free; we need it; we've always made it; we will violate your laws; we will continue to make salt."
"Civil disobedience has caused a lot of good in this world."
"An individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust... is in reality expressing the very highest respect for law."
"Complying with unbiblical and unjust government laws is neither faithful nor loving."
"I'm not a fan of blocking off roads I'm not a fan of violating the law but that is not a principle for the democrats it only depends on what your cause is."
"Being here is to commit an act of civil disobedience."
"Because the fact is that increasingly we live in a country where only those who disobey disobey Will Survive."
"There is such a thing as good trouble. Activists have a long history of breaking the law to do what is right."
"You need to find your backbone. You stand up because the only thing that's actually going to fix this is the mass majority of people saying no, we're not doing that."
"The only thing that's actually going to fix this is the mass majority of people saying no we're not [ __ ] doing that and then not do it."
"Regular people got mad when people see non-violent civil disobedience peaceful protesters saying respect me they're like that's right you should respect the working class."
"The solution is mass non-compliance at a top to bottom level."
"Civil disobedience can really get out of hand if it gets large enough that the government and its military might is just not big enough to actually contain."
"Non-violent disobedience is the most effective way to get change."
"We don't destroy your life and throw away the key. We arrest you to stop you from doing the illegal thing. It's called non-violent civil disobedience."
"There comes a time when men of good conscience must disobey orders that are unjust."
"We've got to just say no, do not accept this, do not just say we are not doing this, we will not be intimidated."
"We need to send an overwhelming message to this administration that the American people will not comply."
"Isn't that amazing? Civil disobedience on a massive scale."
"If you, as an individual, [are] willing to stand up and say no to whatever injustice you're facing, non-violent civil disobedience, that's the way to do it, absolutely."
"Mass non-compliance is the way that we should be rolling right now."
"Mass disobedience is what America needs more than ever right now."
"Any hope comes from sustained mass civil disobedience."
"There comes a time when men of good conscience will defy orders given to hand over to force a man to hand his child over to the state. Not while I'm captain."
"I have enormous respect for people who do not comply with the mandates and make serious sacrifices."
"Non-violence of disobedience is the mechanism by which we allow people to protest the system."
"They executed a shopping trip at Trader Joe's without a mask against all the odds when the government told them they couldn't and Stripped Away all their freedom they [ __ ] did it."
"Scientists endorse mass civil disobedience to force climate action."
"At what point do we withdraw our compliance? I would say immediately, right now."
"We have to uphold our end of the bargain which is the non-compliance part."
"I'm against violence. Civil disobedience and violence are two completely different things. We don't want to destroy our country in a shooting war with other Americans."
"I may have to put on my coat one of these days and kiss you all goodbye and say I'm going to the church, and I might be in prison tonight because that's where we're headed. And it's worth it, amen."
"If they do try to lock us down again, I think you'll see mass disobedience."
"Disobedience to tyrants as obedience to God."
"We're standing up, even the sheriffs upstate. Are you crazy?"
"You're going to enforce Thanksgiving? I can only have 10 people. Would you like to know how many people I had?"
"In society, totalitarian state where all your thoughts are policed, do not comply."
"I got an illegal haircut in my house today. Come and get me, Eric Garcetti, you dirtbag."
"The idea is just to fight the Russians... this is a very strange way of understanding war."
"If your tactic is nonviolent, if you spell out exactly what your principles are and why you're violating some law, then that demonstrates a kind of moral seriousness."
"Chicago police officers defying vaccine reporting mandate."
"He was jailed for being rude to a bureaucrat."
"Protests erupted, protesters chanting 'no to War' as police carried out arrests."
"The way to protest isn't by blocking roads, stocking ambulances, police cars, stopping the public getting to work. It just makes people angry."
"If you don't like that legal situation, I fully encourage you to take some proactive steps to change it."
"Civil disobedience...but when we start talking money they listen."
"I refuse to see the law or the court as justified and so I am removing my consent from this interaction."
"Christians should be prepared for civil disobedience if forced to act against God's commandments."
"Civil disobedience is still a very important concept in any sensible democracy, any real democracy."
"Laws do not need to be followed, and masks are off."
"An act of civil disobedience has the ability to affect great change."
"If there is a law that is unconstitutional, then rebellion is your duty."
"I'm ready to go to jail if I need to because I knew I wasn't doing anything wrong."
"My friends, so long as we have a constitution they cannot just tell us to do as we are told."
"Civil disobedience... you're really trying to make the system of laws better by showing the injustice."
"Unbelievable cruelty towards people standing up for what they believe in is seldom what wins the support of people, especially in the long lens of history."
"Non-violent civil disobedience can awaken many people who enforce these restrictions."
"Jury nullification is a powerful way to protest government."
"I'm not anti-government. It's just a reminder that sometimes we do need to push back against our government."
"It's time for civil disobedience in a peaceful way."
"Public damage is to show the state that you shouldn't do this. This is a penalty, say you better get your [__] together, we're going to cost more money."
"Why are we following the law when we know it's not righteous?"
"Civil disobedience is a part of democratic society"
"It's like a cosmic civil disobedience we need to do but instead of storming the gates area 51 where you're just gonna get blown up."
"Power to the people! The opportunity to say you will not comply with anything that you do not agree with or stand for."
"If that's what it comes down to... I won't be complying with any demand from the state."
"You're not fighting City Hall you're just ignoring City Hall."
"ADAPT is one of the most effective civil disobedience groups in America."
"Disobedience against this kind of corruption, it's almost our duty."
"We have to have a level of non-compliance as a large majority of people, and then also we have to vote and be active in not letting these things happen."
"We're not going to be complicit... we're not going to turn a blind eye."
"Ignore Pretty Patel, get out on the streets, and make your voice heard."
"Civil disobedience is actually a correct and necessary part of a functioning democratic society."
"I would have been disappointed if we left there without a trespass. This is a badge of honor."
"In going against orders and being willing to be vilified to save the ordinary people."
"Challenge authority and defy the law when the law is unjust."
"Trump just threatened to suspend Congress. I will grab a picket sign and I will be marching down to DC."
"It's time to stop complying with our own slavery."
"Thousands of demonstrators bypassed security barricades, climbed on the roofs, broke windows, and invaded all three buildings."
"When civility leads to death, revolting is the only logical reaction."
"Non-violence civil disobedience and mass non-compliance... if every single person in Australia just said 'nah,' there is no power."
"Civil disobedience and riots are in the bedrock of the American character in history."
"Forced lockdowns are not things that people will basically Stand By and endure any longer."
"If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he's obligated to do so."
"These people want to create unjust laws and I agree with Jefferson if a law is unjust a man is not only right to disobey it he is obligated to do so."
"One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws."
"He says the plan is not to occupy DC but shut down the highway around it."
"Non-compliance and not wearing a mask, it can be expressive protected first amendment speech."
"Disobedience to tyranny is obedience to God."
"Protests are meant to be inconvenient for those being protested against."
"Peaceful non-compliance is the secret, based in love and following the example set by Christ."
"You can't just go do that and then go home, I'm sorry that Joe has to be the bearer of bad news. They were pulling one woman off and someone asked why are they kicking off the plane? Freedom of speech? No, you stormed the Capitol, miss."
"We've gotten away with some [ __ ] so I can totally see this group of white people. No, it's our country, it's my Capitol, I can storm and break everything and harm people in there and be fine."
"This is what's so powerful about Pastor Coates being in a jail cell right now."
"One protester even got herself arrested on multiple felony charges for attacking police with deadly bees."
"If enough people stand up, get pissed off enough, and just even non-violently say no, we're not going to do this, the politician... they're not going to do anything against that."
"If there's something I'm called to do as a Christian, and the government tells me not to, I'm gonna do it anyways."
"Just because it's the law, doesn't mean it's a just law. Unjust laws should not be supported in any capacity."
"To engage in civil disobedience which is to break the law in order to uphold the higher moral law."
"I'm going to comply with the law but I'm not going to register the guns."
"When governments are stupid, don't be surprised if people try to get around them."
"You have a moral right to oppose an immoral law."
"Non-violent civil disobedience, we need an investigation."
"If you outlaw abortion, law-abiding women have to break the law. If you ban firearms, lifetime serial criminals will obey the law."
"Peaceful non-compliance has always, always, always been the objective here."
"Civil disobedience is not always bad if the intentions and goals are just."
"Now is the greatest clarion call for mass civil disobedience."
"Civil disobedience is not a new concept but it's always been a controversial one."
"Civil disobedience challenges society to engage morally."
"We will always support everyone's right to peacefully protest but what is happening nightly in some parts of portland is not that."
"People in powerful places, those that would actually be making arrests enforcing these laws or standing up and saying I won't be enforcing that, I don't agree with that."
"It's shocking even to say this than the sort of civil disobedience that Gandhi advocated."
"Just because something is a law doesn't mean that it's okay. Some of the worst laws in history have been overturned by people openly defying them." - Misty
"Protests can and often should be inconvenient."
"A group of notable athletes used their platform raised their voice and started to cause good trouble."
"We need massive public demonstrations of civil disobedience."
"Thomas Jefferson was pretty clear... 'You may have to take up arms against the corrupt government.'"
"We have got to have civil disobedience in order to let them know that we are serious when we're talking about voting rights."
"If enough of us just walked away and said no, leave us the hell alone."
"All I am asking for is honest investigation which takes courage."
"This is what united non-compliance looks like."
"The only way this ends is if there's a mass public movement of civil disobedience."
"How does it not benefit you to loot Target? The only reason I didn't loot Target before is because I was upholding my end of the social contract."
"Once enough people in America, once enough people vaccinated or unvaccinated decide to say, 'I'm not listening to these tyrannical rules,' your whole world, your whole country will change."
"Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty; the obedient must be slaves." - Henry David Thoreau
"If a thousand men were not to pay their tax bills this year, that would not be a violent and bloody measure."
"We have to do organized and sustained civil disobedience."
"The power is not created from the barrel of a gun... if the people withdraw their compliance, authorities suddenly have no power." - Vladimir Bukovsky, 1979
"All men recognize The Rite of Revolution: that is the right to refuse allegiance to and to resist the government when its tyranny or its efficiency are great and undeniable." - Henry David Thoreau
"Martin Luther King said we have a moral obligation to disobey unjust laws." - Neil Oliver
"Laws have always been broken to facilitate substantive change."
"Civil disobedience is gonna have to be our way out of this."
"Civil disobedience in the proper manner to unconstitutional provisions can be an effective political strategy."
"If people just said no to the government, the government would not function properly."
"It's time for some good old-fashioned civil disobedience."
"They were effective in showing that level of Civil Disobedience and getting arrested but they did so in a way that was not violent."
"Karma has donated five dollars if you're sick of politics don't join a party just engage in civil disobedience"
"Civil disobedience is where God's people say I can't do something if it is wrong and the government commands it."
"Any man who breaks the law that conscience tells him is unjust and willingly accepts the penalty is at that moment expressing the very highest respect for law."
"You do nonviolent protests and let them beat you until their arms are tired."
"Your loyalty must be to your God not your government. That's civil disobedience."
"When law becomes the instrument of injustice and oppression, then it is not a crime to break that law."
"When a human law is not supported by the law of God, we have a duty to disobey such laws."
"Showing what proper Civil Disobedience looks like."
"When man's law or authority contradicts the higher law or authority of God, that's when civil disobedience is acceptable to God."
"When is civil disobedience acceptable to God? When man's law or authority contradicts the higher law or authority of God."
"Civil Disobedience has been a practice that has been cherished in this country for a long time."
"When I say massive Civil Disobedience, it doesn't have to include violence."
"Massive Civil Disobedience doesn't have to include violence."
"We have to have a movement which has a place for people just moving just beginning and a place for people whose anger and whose consciousness and whose awareness has gotten to the point where they're ready to do civil disobedience."
"The answer is not passivity; the answer is action, demonstrative action, protest, boycotts, strikes, even sabotage."
"I think there are times, for instance during the Vietnam War, when people might go into draft boards and destroy draft records as an act of protest against the war."
"The voice of the people in this county is such that the court shall not enter this courthouse until such time as the people shall have redress of the grievances they labor under at the present."
"I wanted him to see that there were times when the best thing you could do, you really needed to say no to a government policy even at the risk of prison."
"The nature of their resistance is to be very polite and completely peaceful but also full of conviction."
"A simple act of civil disobedience can make tremendous change."
"Gandhi led the Salt March which gained support and momentum."
"An unjust law is no law, and there is no obligation to obey it."
"We are engaging in civil disobedience; this is the true meaning of the history of pride."
"You are not obligated to obey any rule that you feel deeply is unjustifiable."
"Civil disobedience is actually a really powerful tool."
"Disruption is part and parcel of protests; it's how you get attention and draw attention to really big issues."
"The violation of the ban on fireworks at this time reflects a form of civil disobedience."
"I don't respect this law; I don't fear it; I won't obey it. It outlaws me, and I outlaw it."
"What ended alcohol prohibition in my country was not great political leadership; it was an unwillingness of 12 Americans to sit on a jury and put a 13th in jail for making gin in their bathtub."
"They might do something which isn't technically correct, maybe it's not legally correct, but they're doing it for purposes that, in their minds at least, are ethical."
"If a law is unjust, it is our moral responsibility to resist the unjust law."
"Civil disobedience is the act of breaking the law because you believe the law is unjust."
"Letter from a Birmingham Jail espouses civil disobedience."
"Non-cooperation with an evil system always remains an option."
"There's nothing wrong with protesting; that's not being disobedient."
"But because the midwives feared God, they refused to obey the king's orders."
"Civil disobedience is the most natural and reasonable means of expressing protest."
"Unjust laws exist; shall we be content to obey them, or shall we endeavor to amend them and obey them until we have succeeded, or shall we transgress them at once?"
"If the injustice is part of the necessary friction of the government, let it go, let it go; but if it is of such a nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then I say, break the law."
"If it is of such a nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then I say, break the law."
"This country was born in protest; the Declaration of Independence was protest."
"They delivered a public campaign not just of civil disobedience but engagement and spectacle on a scale that hadn't been seen anywhere since the French Revolution."
"When more than 50% of the people break a law, it ceases to be a law."
"Right or wrong, they had the guts to sit down and stand up for their rights."
"Troops ordered to disperse the crowds refused and joined the protesters instead."
"The idea of the individual conscience should reign supreme over any law that the state might stipulate."
"When the businesses stand up and say we're not going to do it, the government has always bent the knee to business."
"Civil disobedience usually refers to non-violent resistance to laws, carried out collectively and in public."
"By resisting injustice within the limits of fidelity to law, civil disobedience serves to inhibit departures from justice and correct them when they occur."
"Civil disobedience is just one part of an integral mechanism between society and the individual."
"Letter from a Birmingham Jail... encouraged people to break laws that were unjust."