
Personal Duty Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"I kind of owe it to myself and my grandfather, to everyone before him, to keep those recipes alive, cabbage or no cabbage."
"Create somebody within yourself where people can respect and keep it up that is your duty and your obligation to your very existence."
"You know yourself. You know your obligation to Allah. Stick to it, hold on to the rope of Allah, stay firm upon your religion."
"Time and again, I felt it was my duty to cover up his dirty deeds rather than to listen to my own inner voice and my moral compass."
"SubhanAllah, a person needs to fear Allah as much as they can."
"She has really done it in her way, that really important sense of duty."
"Perhaps your most important job as a human being is to stand up for the things you believe in."
"Be a decent human being. That's your dharma."
"He doesn't want to be a hero; he wants to protect his home and his family, not the world."
"Success is not an option, it is your duty, your obligation, your responsibility."
"Your job is to take care of your family, take care of your neighbors. That's a full-time job."
"You have within you a guiding principle which is your duty to yourself and society."
"You have an obligation... stand up for what's right."
"It is absolutely your civic duty to speak the truth as often."
"Every person has a role to play in this pandemic in a sense of duty to ensure that they take every precaution that they can to protect themselves."
"It's not my job, the impact is God's, but I hope it matters."
"The first duty of any man or woman is to be truly what he or she is as an individual."
"I never advocate staying home simply because as a person of color, people literally die for me to have rights like voting. So I have voted in every election that there has been since I became of age and I will continue to do so."
"You ignore it, but yes, that's what I'm saying, man. It's just the responsibility I have is greater than me at this point."
"It's amazing that this story keeps coming to me and it's my job to present them to the world."
"It's imperative that you do share of your light with others."
"And it is in that moment that Harry realizes how badly Voldemort needs to be stopped, the kind of damage he's capable of inflicting, and that if there is anything he can do to relieve other's suffering, he must do it."
"The sailor loves the girl but that's not his place."
"I'm supposed to use this money smartly to invest and help people. It's what your father said to do in his will, something you never do."
"His task is to be outside this realm of human drama."
"I have to do my job so that I can be the man my wife thinks I am so I can be the father that my children believe me to be."
"My biggest responsibility in my life is my brother."
"I suppose for me it's because I have obligations already, you know I've got a family who I've got to protect."
"If you can grow outside, then it is your duty to try this."
"I did it because that's what I was supposed to do."
"Somebody has to keep them honest... I think I can count on you."
"We each have a responsibility for the world in which we live."
"I felt like sharing this with you is simply a moral obligation."
"Your responsibility, Jeff, is to live for the one who died for you."
"I never wanted it, I never asked for it, but I accepted it because the north is my home."
"I feel like you're still protecting to this day. You're damn right."
"I can't wait to be there for my kid says Sebastian who works as a security guard at a distribution center."
"It's a responsibility that I have... to me more than anything, it's a responsibility."
"It is Our obligation to rise to the occasion, to summon the courage, our strength, our determination to struggle."
"Everyone has the right to determine how their body is used... that is the basis of consent and bodily autonomy."
"To observe myself. This inescapable duty to observe one's self."
"Everybody has a responsibility to themselves and to the community."
"Success comes from doing what you're supposed to do."
"When all this is said and done, when everything's over, what a man gotta do? I gotta go home."
"I conceal carry every day because I believe it's a duty as a trained man."
"I believe that I'm responsible to take care of my household, my wife, and my children."
"We owe it to the institution to try our best to be healthy."
"I am rebuilding society. That is my duty at this point."
"It is our duty to use those gifts to do what is right."
"It's time for me to go my wife needs me that's why she was calling she doesn't need me i would like to do msu i was up for msu but i need to go and uh i need to go and be uh husband unfortunately."
"Marriage is not something you do for yourself. It is something you do for everything else other than you: duty, respect, honor."
"Someone familiar would need to be there to take care of her."
"It's nobody else's responsibility to do that."
"My duty to him is to be myself whatever that may be so that he can be himself."
"I have a duty to myself, my future family, and everyone out there to go live the life of my dreams."
"Your highest sense of duty is always to yourself."
"Following one's own Dharma is more important than doing another person's Dharma perfectly."
"To realize one's destiny is a person's only real obligation."
"For most people, figuring out what your Dharma is and doing your Dharma is far more important."
"Just remember to always be kind to yourself, you owe it to yourself."
"I'm the only person that can take responsibility, and it's better me than you or the kid."
"I think we owe ourselves and our community an obligation to do it."
"We all have our own responsibility in our communities and for our own health."
"Deepening in consciousness is the obligation of every person and the most important form of service you can offer the world."
"He had to protect his precious sister."
"There is nowhere to hide from responsibility."
"This is more than a matter of feud between myself and Tasayo, my Lord Iliando. The Empire has been plunged into change, and it is up to you and me and others like us to decide whether the result is good or ill."
"To realize one's destiny, that is one's only obligation."
"Why should your occupation or duties in life interfere with your spiritual effort?"
"It's your responsibility to safeguard that child."
"I guess I just feel some sort of deep responsibility."
"One can perform one's own dharma, though lesser in merit, is better than the dharma of another."
"Duty to my neighbor, at any rate as my neighbor conceives it, may not be the whole of my duty."
"I have to do what I have to do for my family."
"It is not your duty to keep people happy, but it is your duty to not bring misery to people."
"Sometimes your Dharma is to look out for yourself."
"If responsibility is rightfully yours, no evasion, or ignorance, or passing the blame can shift the burden to someone else."
"It should be a matter of personal responsibility."
"Absolute banger, it is my duty to shed spotlight on this fragrance."