
Economic Resilience Quotes

There are 172 quotes

"We've survived crashes before, much worse than the one we're in."
"Despite Russia being slapped with the most comprehensive sanctions imposed on a major power in nearly a century, the Russian economy has defied all odds."
"The UK economy is immensely resilient, and it will come back."
"The economy is like a windshield, and you know if I keep throwing rocks at a windshield, the first few may bounce off, but eventually, the rocks are going to start coming through the windshield."
"If you look at it, the consumer is holding up amazingly."
"Some people's careers are just Recession Proof."
"Part of the reason that we haven't seen the financial system teeter during this major economic shock was because of those guardrails that we put in place."
"We love the luxury markets because they're not as affected as everyone else."
"How do you make the economy more resilient? What happens when something like this happens again? And something like this will happen again."
"An Estee Lauder is pretty resistant to recessions, a makeup company, so they're kind of one of the kings of makeup."
"The Mall of America opened during a recession but flourished when the economy bounced back."
"Falling gas prices even in the midst of a Ukrainian-Russian war."
"For all the hits we've taken... America still has the largest, most prosperous economy in the world."
"The Russian economy seems remarkably stable and resilient given all of the circumstances."
"They're almost getting to the point where they're too big to fail."
"China is in a difficult economic situation at the moment, no doubt, but an outright collapse in the second largest economy in the world is very unlikely."
"The stock market rises over time despite many short-term setbacks."
"India's GDP growth has been resilient over the years, even amid major challenges like the pandemic."
"Real estate typically doesn't fall that much during a crash and rebounds very quick."
"Success through deleveraging, no matter what type."
"President Biden highlighted ongoing U.S assistance to help Moldova strengthen its political and economic resilience... and to address the effects of Russia's war against Ukraine."
"We are not reducing our production in a meaningful way, recession or not, so it's certainly recession resilient."
"Restaurants in the best position to survive."
"The london economy is capable of bouncing back very strongly."
"Our financial system has remained stable thanks to the determined actions of the Central Bank, the government, and our largest financial institutions."
"The only shops which really seem to have immunity are the ones which require actual human-performed services such as tattooing or hairdressing."
"The reason that the United States economy leaps forward is because we're literally the only country on earth that is a major industrial power that has not been completely wrecked all the way to the ground."
"Silver is being utilized by sectors of the economy that are going to be more recession-proof."
"The games industry is more lucrative than ever, gaming is one of the only forms of entertainment not impacted by the pandemic/recession."
"I think if you take a look at the actual numbers, you're talking about a 50% revenue growth during a pandemic."
"Human behavior will be different than it actually is... People will continue to buy their morning coffee recession or not."
"Even the lower income segments aren't pulling back on discretionary spending yet." - JPMorgan earnings call
"The best part about it is these are all completely recession-proof."
"The need for the dollar has actually grown and not been damaged following Russia's invasion of Ukraine."
"Things might be a bit more expensive, but they will be much more resilient."
"I have a multi tens of billions of dollar fund to both protect your community and help make it more resilient."
"History has shown that the stock market goes up, it goes down, but in the long term run it always recovers and has been coming out further on top."
"Assets maybe gold survives in that period and doesn't dump but even in during covet if we remember the covet collapse even gold dumped."
"At the end of the day, the commodities will win."
"Russia has proved astonishingly resilient in the face of U.S. sanctions pressure."
"How can you make sure that you survive and thrive this economic storm that is likely coming our way?"
"McDonald's and Coca-Cola shares jumped Wednesday after the companies reported rising demand even in the face of price hikes."
"Value pricing: Creating long-term value for customers, even during external factors like recessions."
"It tells us that despite the inflation, despite the high gas prices, people are still wanting to reconnect with their friends and their family and their loved ones."
"Delta almost doubled up cash and cash equivalents year-over-year, that's huge."
"Again to me that's out performance on gold, it shows you buyers are coming in even with the dollar strength."
"The beauty of all of that if you're a shareholder for McDonald's that even when the recession happens they're not gonna reduce their prices."
"Canada went into this crisis with a far better fiscal position than just about any other G7 country."
"Financial preparedness: the economic collapse in the US and Argentina demonstrate the importance of having an emergency fund, investments in tangible assets like gold and silver, and reducing reliance on banks."
"The importance of strengthening our economy and making it more resilient to shocks like that in the future."
"A recession is not always catastrophically damaging and it doesn't always leave you with nothing left over by the time we've recovered."
"Americans, we can endure higher prices for food and gas if it means putting the screws to Putin."
"The American consumer has been resilient despite all odds."
"Assets in your own possession only is what's going to survive this."
"Innovative companies THRIVE during economically challenging times."
"Your innate abundance and prosperity frequency is not connected to external systems... you can still ride these waves with a sense of your own power."
"Despite the coronavirus issue, stocks on Wall Street surged on Tuesday."
"Bitcoin is rapidly coming to be seen as the biggest and most valuable safe haven asset our world has ever experienced."
"I think companies like Chipotle, Starbucks, Texas Roadhouse, McDonald's... have done really well for the past two years."
"Never missed a dividend, including during the 2020 crash."
"Small businesses account for over half, sometimes 75% of all job growth in recessions."
"A recession is not the end-all be-all... Latin America have all seen similar recessions and all of them despite global financial crises alike have bounced back."
"Financial confidence is knowing that doesn't matter what happens to the economy, you can still generate income."
"The market gives us the ability to fail and then to succeed, and that's important on a number of levels."
"Wall Street is going to be fine, alright? I'm not worried about hedge fund guys."
"Tesla can survive a recession. Few other Automotive manufacturers can."
"Ultimately, everybody's risking a lot of resiliency in the US economy by not dealing with this problem."
"Has the economy ever always recovered? Yes, it has."
"If people purchase real estate with the expectation that they will not have Equity growth for seven to ten years, they will be in a better situation to handle the recession."
"Despite growing global concerns, the auction houses remain optimistic for the art market."
"Living below your means is the best protection against inflation."
"The Tesla Model Y recently became the best-selling car in all of Europe even during a painful economic year."
"Tesla, Apple, and semiconductor companies are insulated from this lack of spending."
"No matter where you're at with your money and no matter the state of the economy, you actually can get on a path to building wealth."
"When you look back historically what you see is that gold is never worth nothing when the bottom falls out of everything else."
"Tesla's doing this exactly they can weather this kind of economic storm much better."
"Fearless finances. And she's going to share exactly what you need to do to secure your bag regardless of the ups and downs of the economy or the stock market."
"The ability of the U.S. economy to withstand higher interest rates is probably at the highest level in 20 years."
"Europe makes it through the winter without big issues...the consensus is getting too pessimistic."
"Record cash flow profits in the midst of a pandemic - everyone else is shrinking."
"It's not going to keep you from being able to exchange."
"As inflation goes up, people still need their teeth drilled so you can increase your wage accordingly."
"Art investment comes with many benefits... can provide a totally independent form of investment... solid choice during times of economic instability."
"The market right now is saying, 'Look Fed, do not Fed, who cares recession, no recession, who cares?'"
"He has 'F you money' that you can't actually really bankrupt him even if you bank up the platform."
"Gold and silver cannot bankrupt, and everything else in the system can."
"We went down economically the least. It was projected we'd lose 2.2 million people."
"Tesla's fundamentals can prove more resilient in a more challenging economic scenario versus the competing OEMs."
"We're still gonna stick to the same routine of buying the dip method."
"This is a time right now you better be your own central bank, or you better be as self-sufficient as you possibly can."
"Gold and silver usually do well when times are tough."
"The resilience of India's economy amidst global realignments lies in effective negotiations and capital inflows."
"The British economy did take a hit and they responded in their typical fashion by going to Copenhagen and blowing a bunch of stuff up."
"We need to figure out how people can retain access to the economy even in the event of massive technological change or societal change."
"Regardless of the negative news, the market is still green and it's going up."
"Bitcoin is still strong and growing stronger, despite the headwinds, the macro conditions with inflation with war with everything else."
"Because of their versatility, the RV industry actually tends to thrive in times of economic downturn."
"Fine Art tends to retain value during periods of economic crisis."
"Our economy is innovative, industrious, and resilient because the American people are innovative, industrious, and resilient."
"It's a challenging period, but our economy has seen challenging times before and it is resilient."
"Bitcoin and Ethereum are going to do very well in this recessionary environment."
"When you think gold and silver are dead, it always comes back because that is the money."
"Consumers are remaining undaunted by inflation."
"It seems like in some way maybe that happened for real because it happened because we filmed it and my fans I didn't do like a free show or anything like that."
"The person with the least amount of debt, holding assets, holding cash, holding silver, gold, has preparations, has diversity, they're the ones that are going to weather the storm."
"Recession-proof like, 'Bad, let me book the jet, we're going to do a mastermind.'"
"Stay strong and also have a diversified portfolio."
"We experienced the smallest contraction of any major country anywhere in the world."
"Once you find the floor, you can't go down more."
"The only people who survive this are those that understand what money never dies."
"I think Tesla is actually going to be relatively recession-proof."
"Not all hope is lost and that the cycle albeit it's going to take longer than a lot of people were calling for it's still in play here."
"It's not as bad as expected if the rest of the market was in a major high."
"Israel's ability to protect itself today and adapt its economy to the new post-global village reality will in large part determine how it survives and prospers in the post-global village now world now taking shape."
"Knowing how to do a skill with your hands will always come in handy no matter what stage you are in life and no matter what the economy is like."
"Innovation solves problems and has historically gained share during turbulent times."
"Gold doesn't really care about any of this. It's going to do just fine."
"The American people can remain confident in the soundness in the resilience of our financial system."
"If you have financial independence, the passing crowd can't economically cancel you."
"The Covenant is superior to every economic climate."
"Free market capitalism is actually anti-fragile."
"Economic activity in the first quarter of the year proved resilient and labor markets are quite tight in many places."
"2023 wasn't all about economic hardships in the Caribbean; certain nations not only withstood these challenges but also thrived, charting a course of positive economic growth."
"The U.S. economy has been a lot more resilient over the last 12 months than we would have expected."
"Burlington had shown its ability to adapt and prosper through economic change."
"Recession proof: where are they gonna move if the market falls apart? Mobile homes are about as affordable as houses can get these days."
"Our economies have proven resilient in a number of consecutive shocks."
"No matter what the economic climate is, there are some things that people will keep on buying."
"No matter how bad the economy gets, you're still going to buy toilet paper."
"The economy itself remained resilient."
"The U.S. economy is strong enough to withstand tightening of rates."
"I'm actually optimistic. I think that the markets are proving to be resilient."
"I think economies have really shown how resilient they are."
"Japan's excellent public services, healthcare, and education ensure a high standard of living, softening any economic slowdown."
"The U.S. economy continues to be resilient, with consumers still spending."
"The labor market is rather resilient and it still is, and that is really what is keeping the economy afloat."
"This has given the country’s economy every reason to fail—and fail quite spectacularly—yet this hasn’t happened."
"You can live with much higher levels of interest rates than people realize."
"The labor market has been resilient."
"I love needs-based business models; it's kind of a recession play to be quite honest."