
Cure Quotes

There are 320 quotes

"Well, I suggest we try to find other survivors, band together and find a cure, or fight to the death trying."
"The virus of sin has a cure, found in the life-giving, resurrecting work of the Lord Jesus Christ."
"The good news is there is a universal cure for most back pains."
"The disease that we could not solve in the past would be cured."
"From beginning to end, everything that we are doing is about venturing bravely and boldly into a cure."
"I dream of a world without EB, and right now it's time to turn our dream of a cure into a reality."
"For every problem there is a cure waiting to be found... But to prevent it altogether should be the standard we set."
"You have to plan for there never being a cure."
"Gratitude is the cure for chronic dissatisfaction."
"Oh, it's all the prizes from before. Before he died, he told me this is the cure machine. So if we can get all the ingredients to put in this dispenser, I think I can be turned back to normal. I know just what to do."
"He might have a cure for all these diseases in the world right"
"We want people to achieve a full recovery with no strong desire to go back into dangerous eating again, and that's a cure."
"We have the Cure and what that is, is first really is three-step process: camaraderie, education, and fun."
"Because when he knows the cause then he can find the cure."
"You have actually cured cancer?" "Yes, yes."
"A little dose of love will cure all."
"You can't give someone a cure until they admit they have cancer."
"The cure for brain disorders is often outside the brain."
"Realizing that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."
"Human beings are a disease, and we are the cure."
"What makes these people special? Because many times when you go to the doctor you hear that eczema cannot be cured."
"It's actually the cure. Saturn can strengthen a weakness at a south node or it reveals it."
"Believe that there is going to be an answer soon, a cure."
"Sin is humanly incurable. It is a disease so deep that it can only be cured by the blood of the Divine physician."
"Lind put some so-called scurvy cures to the test by conducting the first known medical trial and found that the answer lay in this, the humble lemon."
"Cure means it goes away and it never comes back."
"Vega Punk will be able to cure the disease, let's just leave it at that."
"The only cure for fear is believing fully in the love of God."
"We can treat the symptoms as much as we do with asthma but we aren't necessarily going to cure the problem."
"The NPS is the root cure of every single disease of the heart."
"The cure for insecurity is rooted in identity, not titles or appearances."
"Wow, that is a nice cure. It's not sticky or goopy or weird."
"There's only one cure, one total cure, and that's why Jesus Christ came down to this earth. He came and shed his own blood that a cure might be provided by God for you."
"There is only one cure for fear, that cure is love."
"It cures zombieism, build your own for Loco, basically."
"Burnout is not cured by finding a dream job."
"I think the cure is human connection. That's staying busy and human connection, I guess. Also, that's what all of us crave at the middle of the day. That's our biggest addiction, if you want to be easy about it, but everyone wants that. It's love, of course."
"For the first time, it was shown that disease could actually be cured."
"She wanted to start a holy water cure."
"You could choose who you choose. You could possibly give a cure to everyone. Everyone, yes. Of everything. You'd say you're better than Jesus."
"Joker knows that Batman is the only person who could 100% get the Cure."
"He is convinced that they have found a cure for all the diseases in the world; thus the Noah Project is born."
"It's an awful disease, awful disease, and we have to find a cure."
"The treatment works, with his greyscale now cured."
"It can easily be cured with an ablation procedure which is often done in childhood if the problem is detected early but if the problem is detected in adulthood then we can perform this at any age."
"Is Fallout hinting at a cure for ghoulism?"
"Everything has a cure except for two things: death and old age."
"This is a cure, this is medication, Al-Quran."
"Zemzem is a cure... the problem is not Zemzem, the problem is the hearts."
"Nothing lasts forever, but it's as close to a cure as you can get."
"In order to know how to cure an illness, one must first know everything about the illness or poison and use that knowledge to their advantage."
"Another crucial part of the hangover cure."
"Prevention is better than cure is what I think personally."
"Unfortunately, Ray has a fever and the only cure is pretty rare to find."
"The cure for cancer... it's not gonna be for poor people."
"this has basically totally cured me of mine"
"There is a light at the end of the tunnel. I truly believe there will be a cure for this one day."
"There's also going to be like a very tight hug, even if it's not kissing, and this tight hug will feel like, ah, the cure to the poison."
"I know I will see a day where this virus is cured."
"The cure to addiction is making better choices."
"There is no vaccine, or there is no imminent cure, right around the corner."
"I feel like we gotta go talk to Magic Johnson because he's the only other person with the cure for AIDS."
"If you're not sick, then don't take the medicine, but if you are, use the cure."
"You're desperate to do this without him. You're not trying to cure her; you're trying to prove. Stop the tape. Zoom in on the anastomosis."
"Type 2 diabetes is 100 percent curable with a healthy diet and associated weight loss."
"An ounce of prevention is certainly worth a pound of cure."
"A cure is absolutely essential to bring them back to a normal quality of life, and that's what we are trying to do here at AGT."
"I've heard they found a cure for dyslexia. It's music to my ass."
"The only way to cure madness is by adding more madness."
"Incurable only means that the medical world hasn't figured out a way to cure it."
"Entitlement is a disease, and gratitude is the cure."
"You can't cure what you don't know."
"Every illness that Allah Almighty has brought down, He's brought with it its cure."
"Antibiotic is what it is, the antidote of the poison that's trying to kill you."
"...officially you're cured and I sort of explain what cure in obstructive sleep apnea means in in this video here"
"The ultimate cure was spreading, and no one could stop it."
"Brachytherapy is associated with excellent long-term cure."
"This is the only cure that a team of doctors has prescribed."
"Depression is often described as a deep darkness, and light can literally help cure it."
"Fasting flat out cures type 2 diabetes."
"Diabetes is curable, it is reversible."
"Friendship isn't the disease, it's the Cure."
"Fasting, if fasting was to suppress the urge of azina, then most definitely it's also a cure for those who have these homosexual urges."
"...instead of genetic disease being something that you're born with and then you live with throughout your entire life...we could maybe have a way to go in and cure those diseases completely."
"...the idea of curing genetic disease is a no-brainer."
"The reality is this: no cure for narcissism exists. No cure is on the horizon."
"But there is a cure for narcissism that you possess, and that is the utilization of my work."
"My goal when I see a patient with a newly diagnosed sarcoma is to cure them."
"Curing only manages the symptoms."
"Anyone who thought love was a cure for all things was a misguided fool."
"Unfortunately, there's only one cure: marriage."
"I feel like a Coke cures a hangover or if you have a belly ache."
"The Quran is a cure for ignorance and doubt."
"There's a cure for every disease physical or spiritual."
"Seek a cure, but not through impermissible means."
"For every illness Allah has sent to Earth, he's also sent a cure or a treatment."
"Every disease is a musical problem... every cure is a musical solution."
"I'm going to be 17 forever. Oh, 17 is a bad age. I don't blame her. Let's get you that cure."
"I firmly believe that there's a cure for cancer."
"A cure isn't necessarily imminent but this anniversary is a reminder of how critical that scientific work is."
"There is no wonder cure, there's only one cure, and it is the human body."
"A diet is a cure that doesn't work for a disease that doesn't exist."
"The ritual is pretty simple: all you have to do is to endure a visit to the deepest pits of hell without being rude and you might be cured."
"It's the cure, it's the secret, it's literally the secret to everything you want - the body you want, the health you want, and the life you want."
"Every one of these diseases is curable, every single one of them."
"Spread the Cure, not the infection."
"With early detection, it's 100% curable."
"The cure for psychoanalysis: more good questions."
"Unfortunately, Rin-chan, Itachi's disease seems to be mutative. I've done continuous research for a cure since I arrived in Konoha, but all I can do right now is prolong it."
"Someone affected by type 2 diabetes with a normal blood sugar on a keto diet is fixed, it's cured, it's not there."
"What I'm about to share with you is 100 percent chance of being cured of your anxiety."
"Cure rates can be as high as 70 or 80 percent."
"An ounce of prevention is worth point four kilograms of cure."
"Community is the cure for narcissism"
"There is a cure in nature for anything that ails man."
"Treatment aims not only for cure but also to prolong life and increase the quality of life while minimizing side effects."
"The goal of radiation therapy is not only to cure but also to prolong life and improve quality of life while minimizing side effects."
"The wretched experience in the labyrinth completely and utterly cured me of my need to be thrilled by fear."
"The cure for human suffering is more suffering. The cure is power, and now I have it."
"Just as the body has physical illness, the heart has spiritual illness."
"The Quran is a complete cure for spiritual illnesses and physical illnesses."
"No one else should have died of heart disease. We had the cure. We've had it for decades."
"The goal of treating your prostate cancer even with high-risk disease is a cure."
"...we all want you to have a remission we want you to get that cure it's very important to us and we want to be here to help you..."
"...we see it all the time people get cured frequently in this modern era..."
"The essential cure is directly related to a sufficient diagnosis."
"It's not just Ally's biopsy that's being examined and worked on for treatment and a cure, it's many many others that are fighting the same battle."
"I really do want to find a cure for this disease."
"Christ alone is your cure and my cure."
"Simply knowing what causes this is the most important step in trying to cure it."
"Metabolic therapy offers the potential for cure, not just another therapeutic option. It's a paradigm shift in cure, not treat."
"If you are ten years disease-free, to a first-order approximation, you're cancer-free."
"I believe that 9 out of 10 people who go to a psychiatrist don't need to go. What they need is to find someone who will genuinely love them with God's love and they will be cured."
"I had a dream that I had a Dr Pepper on my bedside table and the Dr Pepper cured all covid symptoms."
"Chopper will one day be the one to cure all the unfortunate users of the smile devil fruits."
"Leprosy is a perfect analogy of sin; it's always deadly, incurable apart from a miraculous touch by God."
"A curse is meant to hurt, but a cure is meant to heal."
"Our goal is to find the cure for multiple myeloma."
"Prevention is worth a pound of the Cure."
"Prevention is definitely better than cure."
"...trying to develop a cure for HIV."
"This could be the cure for a person's problems."
"I left academia to work on the cure, to work on conservation of ocean life full time."
"This is how you go from insecure to I found the Cure."
"Winning cures just about everything."
"Did I say cancer has been solved? All sorts of cancers? They're all solved."
"We know this story is an old and proven one, it is winning that cures all."
"Winning is a cure for all diseases."
"I have the cure. What do you want for it? Freedom. I can give you that."
"Transplant is curative these days in almost eighty percent of the patients and about 90% of the patients survive regardless of donor type."
"If you had the cure for cancer, you would not be sitting at home; you'd be telling the world where the cure is. In Jesus, you find the answers to the deepest questions of the soul."
"You are an incredible group of people who are passionate, well informed about this research, and dedicated to finding a cure."
"Let's all work together; let's make Alzheimer's a scourge of the past."
"It's called drunken noodles for various stories, but I like to think of them as a really good hangover cure."
"We define cure in two ways: one is called a functional cure and the other is a sterilizing cure."
"For all this time, he never gave up hope that she could be cured."
"Immunotherapies actually do have some cytotoxic potentials, so you can cure people with immunotherapies."
"Diabetes is not just a manageable disease; it's a curable disease. You can restore your sensitivity to insulin."
"We have to separate these two because most of the time we deal with paroxysmal fibrillation because I can cure that."
"All those diseases that come from it are caused by diet and they can be cured by diet."
"In the end, we managed to secure the cure and halt the spread of the plague, but our victory came at a great cost."
"My hope is that I'll find a cure for myself, so I can live a normal life like everybody else."
"Wait, you might be able to cure your sister from becoming a demon," he said as Tundra turned around and looked at him.
"Radiation kills cancer; it's not just a temporizing or palliative treatment, we're actually trying to cure patients."
"Exercise is a miracle cure for a wide range of conditions from cancer to dementia."
"The only cure for loneliness are these strong, healthy personal relationships."
"Screening is important, right? If you catch it early, you've got a better chance of being cured of the disease."
"Finally, Shu uses his new void to destroy Makoto's soul and cure Sa's illness, putting an end to the virus once and for all."
"Realize that always when we do surgery or radiation the goal is cure."
"We see aging as a disease, a curable disease."
"I hope the antidote works. I hope this whole horrible thing ends and we all get to live happily ever after."
"I had a universal donor in 2013 and this donor cured 29 consecutive patients."
"The convergence between DNA sequencing, artificial intelligence, and gene editing is going to cure disease."
"This is a lot of Neurology we'd call a cure, there not a lot of conditions that we can cure a hundred percent."
"Clout is a virus, please help us find a cure."
"Find a cure for the Frostmore palsy before time runs out."
"There are no consistently safe, reliable, and effective treatments and there is no scientifically known cure for gastroparesis."
"We long for cures above all else; we don't want to just treat the symptoms of this illness, we want to rid ourselves of it."
"The cure for zombies is hilariously simple."
"I am very close, and it is my duty in life to rid the world of it. You see, the cure to end all cures."
"Indeed, my cure is most effective."
"O mankind, there has come to you a warning from your Lord and a cure for that which is in the breasts."
"Preparing vaccine... This disease is caused by millions of bacteria, an invisible army of killers. But if you can isolate them, then inject them back into their victims, they fight their own disease."
"The motto at Holy Cross Hospital is absolute cure."
"It's the holy grail of liver disease worldwide forever, and that's curing hepatitis B."
"We can cure a person of Hep C with double or triple therapy in a couple of months."
"To fear the worst oft cures the worse."
"It is a single treatment that will permanently cure you."
"The literal cure for at least this kind of cancer was funded by the public and by charity."
"The plague is gone for good. We cured it."
"I decided to take a hot bath. There must be quite a few things a hot bath won't cure, but I don't know many of them."
"Whatever happened to me is the key to finding the vaccine."
"Everything I could find said there is no cure, finally a glimmer of hope."
"It's the people living with spondylitis and their families and friends who continue to lead the quest to find a cure."
"Death is a disease. There's a cure."
"The breakthrough highlights the potential for curing HIV in older adults with blood cancers."
"Knowing the nature of a disease is usually an essential first step to finding a cure."
"There are four known ways to cure lycanthropy."
"Giving the condition to somebody with dormant werewolf genes passes on their disease entirely and cures whoever passed it on."
"Having it cured with vampirism by a pure-blooded vampire will completely purge the werewolf disease."