
Calorie Deficit Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"You've still got to put yourself in a calorie deficit or exercise to lose that weight."
"Nutrition and creating a calorie deficit are probably the most important factors in fat loss."
"Creating a calorie deficit doesn't have to be difficult... just simplify everything and block out all the noise."
"So, let's say your maintenance calories are 2500... and you create a 500 calorie deficit every day."
"You can lose weight even if you drink alcohol as long as you're still in a calorie deficit."
"Running to get lean really comes down to priorities when it comes to calorie deficits and concurrent training."
"As long as your diet is locked in, you're eating in a calorie deficit, you're eating enough protein, you're going to be just fine."
"The only way to ensure you're losing weight is to be in a calorie deficit... The only two things that matter... are to create the calorie deficit and eat enough protein."
"Fundamentally the only thing you need to lose fat is a calorie deficit. That is the core of what you need."
"I literally just started with nutrition and focused on getting a handle on that and mastering my calorie deficit from the start."
"You can eat fun foods like pizza, like ice cream, like pasta and still be in a calorie deficit, and I think that's amazing."
"You have to create a calorie deficit... Do strength training, do cardio."
"Don't let the Instagram influencers fool you, don't let anyone make you feel like you're broken, as long as you're in a calorie deficit, you can absolutely still lose weight."
"You need to be in a calorie deficit to burn fat."
"If 500 calories a day deficit isn't fast enough for you, know that you can boost it out to like 750 to a thousand a day."
"The biggest thing that drives being leaner is a calorie deficit."
"A calorie deficit is simply eating fewer calories than we expend, which results in weight loss over time."
"General physical activity can help promote a calorie deficit, but its impact on total daily energy expenditure may diminish over time."
"We need to eat in a calorie deficit to lose body weight over time."
"What ultimately determines whether you're losing fat is whether you're in a calorie deficit or not."
"Resistance training will provide a stimulus for muscle retention during a calorie deficit."
"You need to be in a calorie deficit, meaning you're eating fewer calories than you're burning every single day."
"Weight loss is largely determined by calorie deficits."
"It's easier to enter a calorie deficit through eating less than it is by moving more."
"We cannot talk about weight loss without talking about being in a calorie deficit."
"You cannot lose weight without being in a calorie deficit."
"To lose fat, we need to make sure you're in a calorie deficit."
"The beauty of intermittent fasting... you can do them ad libitum... most people will tend to incur a caloric deficit."
"Any diet, if followed correctly and puts you in a caloric deficit, can work for you."
"There is no body fat loss without a calorie deficit."
"Reverse dieting is strategically increasing your calories in order to improve your body composition, that's all it is."
"Being in a calorie deficit is the only way to lose fat."
"You don't lose weight because you work hard, you lose weight because you have a deficit of calories each day."
"Yes, you need to go into a calorie deficit, but you need to control how long you're in that deficit and you have to have periods of returning to maintenance. It must happen."
"So now you know that a calorie deficit means that you are consuming less calories per day than your body is burning."
"The thing that drives weight loss is eating consistently the right number of calories, being in a slight caloric deficit. That is how we melt away the pounds."
"All you need to do for an otherwise healthy person to lose weight is to be in a calorie deficit."
"Just because we've trained the body to burn fat... doesn't mean necessarily that it will burn fat. To do that, we have to create a calorie deficit."
"A calorie deficit is the bottom line when it comes to weight loss."
"...if you want to lose weight you have to be in a calorie deficit period."
"Don't look at it as if I say, 'Oh my God, I'm still eating all this food and I was losing weight.' I'm in a deficit."
"To lose weight, you need to be in a calorie deficit. It's as simple as that."
"You need to be in a calorie deficit, which just means you need to be consuming less calories than your body is actually burning."
"If you want to lose body fat, you need to be in a calorie deficit."
"The most sustainable way to create a calorie deficit is to roughly remove about 250 calories from food and burn 250 calories via walking."
"By being in a calorie deficit, you can get in better shape."
"If you're functioning in a calorie deficit, your body is burning more calories than it is taking in."
"At the end of the day, to lose body fat, you need to be burning more calories than you are taking in."
"Using a calorie range... no matter where you eat in that range, you are in a calorie deficit."
"A calorie deficit is how you're actually going to lose weight."
"Small changes in order to get you back into that calorie deficit might be all it takes."
"Having a modest calorie deficit allows you to lose weight in a slow and sustainable way, which is optimal for your physical and mental health."
"The only reason diets work is because you're following a calorie deficit."
"A calorie deficit is vital for successful fat loss."
"The more you move, the more calories you burn, and the easier it is to be in a deficit."
"If you want to lose body fat, you have to eat less calories than you're using up."
"The laws of thermodynamics do not change; you still need to be in a consistent calorie deficit to elicit fat loss over a period of time."
"The key to fat loss is creating the most enjoyable and most sustainable calorie deficit that you possibly can."
"With weight loss, the most important factor is that you're consuming a consistent calorie deficit."
"The only way to lose body fat is to be in a calorie deficit."
"The only way that you can lose weight is having a calorie deficit at the end of the day."
"You don't need to burn any calories to lose weight, you just have to be in a calorie deficit."
"Exercise alone is not going to just induce fat loss, you do have to be in a calorie deficit in order to lose fat."
"If you're eating less than what you are overall burning calorie-wise in a day, you will drop weight."
"I made sure I was eating in a calorie deficit, meaning that I was eating less calories than I burn in a day."
"To lose a pound of fat in a week, you need to burn 3,500 calories or be in a 3,500 calorie deficit."
"People who are obese... can absolutely gain muscle mass while on a calorie deficit."
"The goal for a calorie deficit is not to eat as little as possible to lose weight as quickly as possible, the goal is to eat as much as possible so you can lose weight as sustainably and enjoyably as possible."
"You have to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight."
"Dieting doesn't work, we know that, but being in a calorie deficit does work."
"Every 2,500 calorie deficit is a pound of weight lost."
"You literally can lose weight eating pretty much whatever you want as long as you're in a deficit."
"I'm all one for you know calorie deficit is the only way to lose weight."
"You have to be in a calorie deficit in order to lose fat."
"The heroic mechanisms that are required to maintain a calorie deficit is why we see people who lose weight and they gain it back."
"Adequate protein while in a calorie deficit is critical for maintaining muscle mass."
"To burn fat, you must be in a calorie deficit, and regardless of how you get to that deficit, whether it's from cardio, low carb, low protein, low fat, low whatever, if you're eating in any deficit, your body burns fat."
"When you're in a calorie deficit, and your body needs energy, it releases it from stored body fat from your adipose tissue, and so you get leaner."
"You do not lose weight from simply eating a low carb diet; that is not the secret. The secret is being in a calorie deficit."
"If you are consuming less calories than your body needs in a day and you're eating enough protein to ensure as you're losing weight, your body isn't cannibalizing the muscle on you due to a lack of amino acids, you are going to be just fine."
"Calories in, calories out. You need to eat in a deficit."
"If you want to lose weight, the most important thing, actually the only thing that works, is a calorie deficit."
"Creating a calorie deficit is still the ultimate bottom line when it comes to fat loss."
"To lose weight, it's all about calorie deficit. Calories in, calories out."
"You need to be in a calorie deficit, that means you have to be consuming less calories than you expend."