
Political Response Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"We've seen gas hitting four dollars a gallon in 2008, and the response from the right was 'drill baby drill.'"
"You're breeding reactionary forces politically. This is just about actually public safety. This is about protecting people."
"How do you not come out and immediately condemn this? Not three days later, but immediately condemn this language."
"One of the responses to the threat posed by the parallel military structure represented by Wagner is to build up an additional parallel military structure represented by Rosgvardiya."
"As a government we're going to be very thoughtful about any further steps that need to be taken."
"As the families and friends of the mh-17 victims mourn, the world watches and waits to see what Russia will do next."
"I think that on something like the Affordable Care Act, you have people who are benefiting right now from Obamacare who either don't know it's Obamacare or consider that as a given and then end up voting on Second Amendment rights."
"The fact is that Donald Trump was a direct response to Barack Obama in a thousand ways."
"The scale of this backlash from the government, the horrific violence that we just heard, is indicative of just what a threat the regime believes these protests are."
"They went low, and in response, we went high."
"Wisconsin's Governor is calling a march by neo-Nazis through downtown Madison truly revolting."
"The President refused pleas, as he watched the violence at the Capitol on television."
"So one person who will not be talking about or reacting in any way to Donald Trump's CPAC speech is President Joe Biden."
"Thankfully, the president at the time listened to the public rage."
"Justin Trudeau has gone into full panic mode."
"Those stories are heartbreaking and Javid's answer wholly unsatisfactory."
"It's refreshing to see a governor see a horrible thing happen to children... and saying enough is enough."
"We need to have this conversation. Every mass shooting, we just... there's just silence. And there's prayers are offered. But no real solutions." - Nancy Mace
"How the United States responds to this challenge will have historic implications."
"Norway expelled 15 Russian diplomats over allegations of espionage."
"So many people feel that the government have got this wrong that I think they will have to do a U-turn."
"And just days after the massacre, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced a ban on semi-automatic weapons."
"Representative Ilhan Omar: 'We cannot be too bold in responding to the pandemic.'"
"Administration's efforts to reform gun control have been met with mixed reactions. Gun control advocates have praised the administration's efforts."
"Well Kevin I guess they're just more upset about the election uh you know theft than you are wow."
"The cure for coronavirus is not authoritarianism."
"The policies in this budget are truly radical, wildly unacceptable."
"When somebody can come around and say, 'Look, I am for these progressive policies.'"
"I do think we could do that because a lot of the angst that caused the Republicans to vote for Trump was the same angst is that they're feeling."
"The fraudulent election results and the strengthening communist grip on power created a need for anti-communist forces to rally together."
"I mean, in all the time since Roe went down, have you seen any major effort at the state or the federal level to say, 'Okay, now we live in pro-life America'?"
"If you ignore us, we will have no choice but to embrace the military technical response which is this operation."
"American workers rose up in 2016 and decided to end this American carnage."
"Our actions will be proportionate to the scale of this crisis."
"Black gun ownership has risen across the country since the 2016 election."
"Trump was not the reflection of hate in white people. He was a reaction to the state of distress inflicted upon them by an establishment that either manipulated them, took them for granted, or ignored them altogether."
"Whether and how the Israelis will respond, that's going to be up to them."
"How is this anything but homegrown extremism? How are we not responding to this in a way equal to after 9/11?"
"They expect us to be rioting right now. We never rioted when Obama got into office."
"Politicians start feeling the heat, so they start dreaming up ways to assist."
"Putin, who had been prepared owing to anti-war protests organized within Russia's borders, promptly dispatched Russian Security Forces to the region."
"Donald Trump also has responded to this too."
"If you think Trump's CARES Act was a necessary and compassionate response to COVID, you're not going to be able to vote your way out of this mess."
"In response to that threat, the consternation was expressed by his opponents."
"The president has been briefed on this situation in New York. It appears to be a helicopter crash. He's continuing to monitor the situation."
"The only way to respond is to vote out all of the Republicans who have made this happen." - Kitty Colbert
"China responded to Pelosi's visit with test launches of ballistic missiles."
"Biden's slow-footed response on abortion was just the latest example of a failure to meet the moment."
"McCarthy apparently saying he plans to urge the former president to resign from office."
"I think there are enough people in the United States, both on the left and the right, to recognize that the precedent that's being set by the Canadian government here and how they respond to this is very dangerous."
"You can see in the response to that extraordinary impassioned speech just how hungry as you rightly stated voters are, Democrats are, disaffected Dems in particular."
"It is nice for us to have a win... the Dutch are actually doing something about the weft in their country."
"These balloons scare the hell out of me. What are you guys going to do about this, man?"
"Bitcoin has captured politicians and central bankers' attentions, and now they are actively moving against it."
"In a time of crisis, you don't stop being human." - Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador's reaction to Trump's actions.
"Incredibly foolish choice given that David's original reporting has already forced congressional action and actual political change."
"In response, Trump tweeted that social media platforms totally silenced conservative voices and that he would strongly regulate or close them down."
"Populism is political blowback against social disruption."
"Texas Governor Greg Abbott declares disaster in state over border crisis."
"Mayor Adams out of New York same thing he's saying all hands on deck this immigration thing is turning into a catastrophe for us."
"The distance between a world in which it failed and the one we live in isn't that far."
"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says the GOP victory won't change the Democrats' approach."
"Putin's response to the crisis was swift and decisive."
"...the United States has experienced a significant amount of change... demographic change... technological change... women getting new rights... and what you're going to have is a reaction to these changes from the white protestant majority of the United States."
"I think Zelenskyy's response was the thing that just... I don't even think NATO was expecting that response out of him."