
Life Success Quotes

There are 159 quotes

"If you are a person who does the right thing... is honest with a good heart, is genuinely polite to everyone he meets, you get very far in life."
"If you really want to be happy, what you have to do is to align what you think, say, and do. When those three things have no separation, I think you're going to be really happy and healthier, wealthier, and more successful in life."
"You cannot have a great life without developing work ethic."
"It's time for you to start understanding that relationships are what makes you a successful life."
"If you can win the battle in your mind, then you can win the battle for life. Where the mind goes the man follows." - Joyce
"Your life's success or misery is so driven by the person that you choose to partner with... it can be a 10x massive unlock for your life."
"The more humble you can be about your intellect and the things that you do not know, the farther in life you'll get, financially and otherwise."
"Having an education and a job does not necessarily mean you have a successful life."
"Habits at the end of the day are going to take you further in life than motivation."
"If you wake up every day and you go to work and you're getting paid for something that you love doing then I think you're winning at life."
"If someone's telling you just hold, hold on baby, hold, hold, they're just idiots, right? They're not gonna help you be successful in life."
"Right thought and a right attitude are the basis of success and prosperity."
"In conclusion, in order for man to succeed in life, God provided him with two means, education and physical activity."
"It's not just about, 'I got it, I got it, it's me, me, me.' There are so many other components to making life successful."
"Discipline is a foundation to life. Success doesn't know these things about cold or early or tired; it just knows if you showed up or not."
"The secret to life for me is work. That's the equation of life."
"I've never met a group of people that are kicking this much ass at life, that are this happy."
"If you don't believe, you're not gonna go anywhere in life."
"Relationships are everything, man. Understand that."
"Success in school isn't a precursor for success in life."
"Success in life isn't determined by school success."
"The easier it is for them, the more liable they are to succeed in life."
"You're not defined by the successes that you have in your mind in your life."
"In order to be successful... graduate from high school, don't have a kid before you're 20 and get married before you have a kid."
"If you have a global skill of just being more persuasive, you should be able to see that in the results they achieve in life."
"Direct my steps in the right direction in order to obtain your favor and blessings. Favor me in all that I do so that I will excel in life."
"I created such like a level of wealth if you will and just overall like success in life and and in all aspects that I shifted from self-preservation to like generational preservation."
"Understanding your income is one of the keys to a successful life." - Charlie Munger
"No matter how healthy, affluent, or strong you are, if you reject the Lord's will, you will fail."
"The anointing empowers you to excel in life for the rest of your life."
"The best way to get what you want in life is just to deserve what you want."
"I got the power now I'm doing good in the game so I'm doing good in life."
"You know life can take you to some incredible places if you're really, really good at it."
"He deserves to have a great football career and just a great life."
"No success of dunya can cover the misery if Allah has promised it."
"My life is great, I'm able to do this, and I'm still having a really wonderful life."
"Having the job you want, that's an accomplishment. Having the life you want, that's success."
"The life triumphant is that which places what a man gives to the world in creative expression far ahead of that which he takes from it."
"They're successful and put together in terms of their life."
"You need to pursue that passion, and abundance will follow."
"You can't really get nothing in life unless you show up your authentic self."
"People use experiences like ours as excuses not to win, but if you utilize those disadvantages as unfair advantages, then you win big in life."
"The parables were messages that would empower citizens to live a successful and empowered life."
"Successful life requires sacrifices, being focused, determined, and disciplined."
"You don't need plastic surgery to succeed in life or be happy."
"One who realizes his own real spiritual identity... can never really fail."
"Obeying the laws brings peace and success in life."
"If you're not sure of your own value and goals, the world will never reward you."
"Secrets of the Autistic Millionaire: It's got nothing to do with money and everything to do with living a successful life on the spectrum."
"The way to live your life and have a successful life is to work for it it's to graft."
"Before you can achieve anything in life, you have to overcome your internal conflicts."
"Just because you don't succeed in class doesn't mean you won't succeed in life."
"Red pill ain't got nothing to do with your level of Education your level of Career Success or your level of financial success has nothing to do with that nothing zero man." - Professor Allen Roger Curry
"If you get to be 65 or 70... and the people that you want to have love, you actually do love, you're a success."
"There's not a limited amount of success or happiness or joy or fulfillment in the world."
"The people who are the most successful in life never went to college."
"Ultimately, your actions are the biggest impact on whether or not you have a successful, fulfilling life or not."
"It's going to help you with your sufferings, it can help you with your emotions, it's going to help you with the success, it's going to help you with the people you attract in your life, and so forth."
"When you've done enough work, the universe starts working for you."
"Hard work will get you anywhere you want to in life."
"Every good thing in life benefits from compounding."
"If you want stuff in life, you have to work for it, there's no way around it."
"Success in life is impossible without other people."
"Discipline is very, very important. Without a proper discipline schedule, you cannot really go anywhere in life."
"Facts and realities will help you get what you want in life."
"If more information were the answer, we'd all be billionaires with six-pack abs."
"When you combine street knowledge with academic knowledge, you really can't be stopped in this world."
"Are you resolved to have health, happiness, and material prosperity and to be more widely useful? Then you will have them. You will, without the shadow of a doubt, get there. You could not fail if you tried."
"Nothing compounds better in life than applied knowledge."
"Achieving balance is key to success, both in relationships and in life."
"Good luck on your trades, crypto, stocks, and all your life endeavors as a whole."
"You have goals, you have dreams, and then one day you just realize... they start coming true."
"Now, you can spend all your energy dwelling, and blaming, or you can realize that if you're capable of taking on responsibility, and going forward right now, you will win in life."
"No matter how successful you get in life, you should always keep a lineage and stay rooted in the simple pleasures of life."
"Yes, your crazy life will lead to success, possibly love."
"A lot of how you live your life and how you succeed in life is who you associate yourself with and who your friends are."
"You suffer now, and then at the end of the day, you will live your life as a champion."
"I just believed in myself and like I feel like that's why I have this life right now because I just like manifested it."
"Success in life itself is defined by the number of days that you enjoyed, the number of days that you actually were happy."
"Do what other people won't do so and you'll have what other people don't have."
"The real experts in the field uncover the more convinced I become that a successful life can belong to anyone who makes the attempt to explore his own deep reservoirs of talent and generally unused ability."
"Live in the moment... it's much more successful when you live in the moment."
"If you have the right marriage partner, that's probably the single greatest key to your daily happiness."
"Finding your why and your purpose, those are the most genuine things that are going to help you get to success in life."
"If you can use that same motivation towards everything you want to do in life, then you'll succeed at almost everything you do."
"It's amazing what she's managed to achieve in her life."
"Having a high level of self-confidence is the biggest indication of whether you're going to have a successful, fulfilling, and happy life."
"The number one influencing factor to a man's success or failure in life is who they choose as a spouse."
"Some of the most intelligent, wealthy, just best people that I've ever met barely graduated from high school."
"Success is the level of freedom you have to do whatever it is you want to do."
"The ability to just figure it out is huge when it comes to being successful in life."
"If you master just this one principle, then I promise you everything in your life that you touch or turn to Gold."
"Are you gonna win in your life? I'm not trying to sound like Charlie Sheen here."
"If you are happy with your life, then you're winning."
"Negativity like that only comes from One Direction, and believe me, it's never from those that are doing well in life."
"You are on the right track; on the other side, there is success and happiness."
"Winning at marriage, winning at your career, winning at money is a series of intentional acts."
"When you get to the very top, this is what you have."
"If you're almost 50 and still unmarried, don't think you have failed in life."
"Success in life is about using your energy correctly and focusing on what's important."
"Your life is your making. Your life is your karma."
"The attitude will get you far in life, I tell ya."
"Fame, romance, and fortune are yours for the taking."
"Success in life is achieved through contentment."
"If joy is not the measure of well-being or success, then your life is wasting." - Deepak Chopra
"Your decisions are what's going to determine your success, your financial abundance, your health and well-being, your love and your passion and happiness and joy in your life, your fulfillment."
"If all you succeed in doing in life is getting rich by buying little pieces of paper, it's a failed life."
"Being the queen bee in high school doesn't mean a successful life."
"He kind of single-handedly proves that looks maxing doesn't need to take place in order for you to win at life."
"They're really good at manifesting. It feels like people always see them as somebody who has it all, who always is able to get what they desire in life."
"Stay curious, use those critical thinking skills I know you have to kick some ass in life."
"Refuse to be poor, refuse to be sick, refuse to fail in life."
"Only three things to succeed in life: a wishbone, a backbone, and a funny bone."
"Both the rich and the poor have 24 hours, but your attitude and management of time is what dictates who you become in life."
"Love or goodwill takes every trick in the game of life."
"Putting people first is what actually creates success in business and in life."
"He's accomplished more in life than 99.99999% of people ever will."
"If something makes you happy and you could feed your family off of it, you're winning in life."
"Don't drop out of college; life is harder to succeed when you don't have that education."
"You may not win at basketball anymore, but you're gonna win at life if you just don't quit."
"The foundation of your faith dictates the success of everything in your life."
"I'm on top of the world; all my dreams are coming true."
"Intelligence and self-control... consistently find two traits that predict positive outcomes in life."
"Strong values make for a content life, regardless of material success."
"I now have a covenant in which it is agreed that the cosmic is supplying me with an abundance of all things necessary to live a successful and happy life."
"I will focus my energy on something positive; I will make my life a success."
"Sometimes great minds think alike; if you're quicker in life, you get ahead."
"Knowledge is a currency that will cause your life to win."
"Success in anything in life takes a massive amount of self-discipline."
"It isn't the most financially smart decision, but when you've succeeded in life and you've made enough money to spend some money on some things that you enjoy, I can see how it makes perfectly good sense."
"...how do you build a legacy like how do you build a life it's not just glorifying to God but it's successful because you did the next hard but right thing..."
"These are green flags, these are things to consider, these are conversations you need to have, these are topics you need to discuss and you need to be aware of these things so that you have the best odds of success in your relationship and in your life."
"The key to life success is, are we enjoying it?"
"Whatever success I've had in life has had more to do with knowing how to deal with not knowing than anything I know."
"We're more similar than we are different, but for the ways that we are different, it can determine what is success or happiness within one's life."
"Remember above all else that you are a massive legend, you deserve love, happiness, and success."
"Who you know gets you the furthest in life."
"You're absolutely smashing life, mate."
"Success in life isn't measured by the gold that we have, but by the people we love."
"To make it in this life, you gotta have self-awareness."
"When you become an alchemist and you're able to transmute anything into how you want it, you won at life."
"I think becoming a more faithful member is kind of like... it kind of sets my life up in a way that I can succeed."
"Winning at life while smelling good."
"Life is about balance. I want all the success, but what is it without the people you love?"
"Life is about performance; it gives you 10 minutes on stage or three hours on stage, you clicked, you clicked."
"To the degree that you give yourself excuses, your life will not work."
"You must learn to master in order to go far in life."
"Some people are born and they live a normal, happy life... and yet some people become head of the World Bank, president of a country, millionaires, or billionaires."
"You've won the game if you're living a happy life that's sustainable."
"Success in your career does not mean success in your life."