
Standard Model Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"What we might be on the edge of finding is some extension of the standard model that will... explain this peculiar periodic table of particles that we currently have at a deeper level."
"If the standard model of cosmology is correct, then these ten to the nine, ten to the ten solar mass galaxies formed in only 150 to 200 million years, which is absolutely physically impossible."
"The standard model... describes all the matter that we know about in the universe... in a relatively sort of economical way."
"If you do find something that the standard model cannot explain, it could point to some extra ingredient, something that we don't know that we could at the same time be the culprit for all of the things that we cannot explain with the standard model."
"Quantum mechanics, those waves now, extended 3-dimensional objects, underpin this thing called the standard model of particle physics."
"We know that the standard model of particle physics is not the end of the story for the universe."
"It's a 4.2 sigma result, little more than four standard deviations between the standard model prediction and the actual experimental measurement."
"At its core, the Standard Model is built on the foundation of quantum mechanics and special relativity, incorporating both into a unified framework known as quantum field theory."
"We know that there's something wrong with just throwing together general relativity with the standard model so we need something more."
"The standard model explains forces at the subatomic level as the result of an exchange of force-carrying particles known as gauge bosons."
"The discovery of the Higgs boson at CERN in 2012 confirmed the standard model's predictions."
"No one in 1970s, very, very few people were thinking about quantum gravity. They were still having fun with the standard model."
"We're left with a bit of a quandary which is that we have the standard model particle physics it's everything we've ever seen test should interacted with detected and it's none of those."
"This is known as the Higgs mechanism and plays a critical role in the standard model of particle physics."
"In the standard model, it explains why particles such as the W and Z bosons have masses, while other gauge bosons like the photon and gluon are massless."
"The prediction of the standard model that the universe is not past eternal but had a beginning has been confirmed over and over again."
"The mystery particles defy the standard model of particle physics."
"The standard model provided a rational basis for this work on current algebra quantum chromodynamics."
"The standard model automatically conserves baryon and lepton number, suggesting they are not fundamental symmetries."
"This is the last great question of the standard model."
"We've gone through nine generators of the standard model."
"The standard model is SU(3) cross SU(2) cross U(1)."
"The standard model of physics, developed more than 50 years ago, explains this structure in terms of quarks, gluons, and their interactions."
"This sort of makes it a big deal, a huge deal, such a huge deal as a matter of fact that certain scientists have already started speculating that it could maybe invalidate the Standard Model of physics."
"He was the theorist behind much of the standard model of particle physics, the quarks and leptons and how they merge together."
"Electricity magnetism, the nuclear weak force, and the nuclear strong force comprise what is known as the standard model of particle physics."
"The standard model of particle physics has been totally successful."
"You could express the entire standard model in a single algebraic expression that describes the fields and the particles and their interactions."
"The standard model is confirmed to a lot of precision in every experiment that's been done since then."
"It's way more exciting than the standard car."
"The standard model has been good at explaining many things, but it's not a full theory."
"At a hundred TeV collider, we get to see the standard model start acting like it wants to look in the massless limit."
"The Volvo V90 Cross Country doesn't look too different up front than the standard V90."
"Particle physics has constructed a standard model that explains almost everything we observed."
"The current best theory that physicists have for understanding the forces of nature, their fields, and the particles that those forces and fields interact with, is called the Standard Model."
"We totally understand all of these wonderful approximate symmetries of the standard model."
"The standard model seems to predict what we actually find in nature."
"One of the amazing things about the standard model is not only is it enormously successful, very frustrating because it has all these free parameters but has no competitors."
"The Higgs boson is a key ingredient in the standard model which to date has been 100% successful in all of its predictions."
"Neutrino physics are an interesting discovery because they force us to revisit some of the things in the standard model that we thought were correct."
"The standard model is an SU(3) cross SU(2) cross U(1)."
"The group Theory extends the SU(3) cross SU(2) cross U(1) of the standard model."
"The standard model says that there are six basic quarks, six basic electrons, four basic gauge bosons, and then finally a Higgs boson."
"The standard model is the best description we have of literally all that exists in the universe."
"The standard model is an effective field theory."
"Every prediction of the standard model is consistent with every experiment that's ever been done."
"There's never been a prediction of the standard model that has ever been nullified by an experiment."
"The standard model has become one of the most tested models in science."