
Audience Reception Quotes

There are 206 quotes

"Bridgerton is one of those cultural anomalies where despite its many flaws, critics love it, audiences love it, and everyone, including people who didn't love it, wants it to succeed."
"This is a film that most people are bound to really love."
"Diablo III was initially started by Blizzard North before being cancelled and... Diablo 3, as it ended up, is a smash hit regardless of whether you like it or not."
"The audience that loves your work, maybe even hates you a little for it, but ultimately the audience that understands your work and appreciates it for exactly what it is."
"Survivor was breaking new ground, and it's kind of weird that people didn't respond to it more positively."
"With the stand-alones I go in with these with with with no expectations because if it isn't good it's easy to just brush aside."
"Some in Hollywood are kind of split on it, but audiences love this movie. I love this movie."
"This movie more than delivered excellent action film bring on extraction very pleased cannot wait."
"If we like it and we're proud of it, then hopefully the people gonna love it."
"That was the character you handed me that was the character I wanted to play, and now you mad that people like the black character."
"We're just gonna make stuff and uh, hope that people like it."
"The overall end result of a film... determine[s] the level of scrutiny moviegoers give that film." - Senor Ashish
"If Captain Marvel fails or disappoints or just doesn't do it for the general audiences it won't be because men hate women or women hate men, it will be because everything about Captain Marvel feels manufactured."
"Challenging expectations, that was incredible."
"It didn't bend over backwards to please every single possible member of its audience but instead was unapologetically itself."
"I can't even think about that... right now I'm just so happy that people are really liking the record."
"Everything was set up for a banger, and bangers he did receive."
"My audience never had a problem with the humor, and I just thought, why should I censor myself?"
"Audiences seem to love it as it was rewarded an A-plus CinemaScore."
"You can get weird, and people are forgiving."
"When a filmmaker makes something, they still care about how their thing is received."
"I just made this, put it out. So since people seem to like that, I'm gonna keep doing it."
"Audiences will accept some pretty wild things as familiar and comfortable if the POV characters are familiar and comfortable with them."
"People take things too seriously but you're also, like, you can tell by your views, you're killing it, people are loving it, like, you guys are."
"Audiences don't hate diverse characters, what they hate is being slammed as bigots for rejecting bad work from pretentious, unskilled activists."
"He's interested the studios might like it they might not lock it the audience may like it then I I have to tell the story and this is how I want to tell it."
"Some people loved it and that was really the point."
"Word of mouth is good, I think the movie delivers."
"People aren't skipping solo because it sucked."
"A lot of folks in the audience really love Jak 3, and that’s fine. I get it, it’s just that I think the game could have been a lot better if different choices were made in regards to its focus and difficulty design."
"Pairing these two back was a huge misstep and this is the biggest reason the show's own fans don't like revisiting it."
"Audiences got a taste of what that would have looked like in the poorly received 'Grease 2'."
"It doesn't matter if people enjoy it because they'll only see it once, put it out there and who cares?"
"They're going to really get what you're putting, they're going to really love it."
"I want this to stand on its own breath and if people are gonna like it they're gonna like it because of what it is and not because vanoss made it you know, no, that's right."
"Sometimes, hits don't always work in verses."
"The change in tone and design wasn't something anyone was asking for, but it did end all the stories that started in Beast Wars."
"It's a game that stood out even amongst other games that didn't have a good audience response."
"Nothing that he put out everyone was going to be satisfied with."
"Dave had a moment where it became clear to him that his white audience wasn't getting the joke."
"It's like seeing the reception on everyone, seems to love the show."
"All we want as comedians is the opportunity to try to be funny, whether it's funny or not is left up to the reception of the audience."
"I always knew that this film would be loved around the world."
"I guess I had an idea that people would love this movie but in no way shape or form could I have thought it was going to be as big as it has been."
"I always approach art like that. I'm gonna make what I want and I hope people will like it."
"Superman the movie... was both a critical and financial success... fans and mainstream audiences loved it."
"The only thing that really matters is how you're being received by that crowd."
"I'm enjoying this, so like, if the people love it then let's do it."
"With these forces combined, it's no wonder audiences continue to accept this mission."
"Joker got a B+ from audiences for offer cinema score."
"I just hope that you enjoyed it, which it seems like a lot of people did."
"If you make four albums that are very much like volume one two three and four of the same idea if volume five is really different there's a lot of people who are just not gonna like that."
"Just Mercy... got an A+ from the audiences from CinemaScore."
"Different kinds of people out there are going to get different things out of stories."
"It's impossible to make a movie that everyone's gonna love."
"Often the simplest explanation is the most likely one: the reason why people don't go and see the movie is because it was awful."
"I really hope you guys like it and I'm really nervous and I've worked really hard on it."
"Shia plays tennis bad boy John McEnroe. Many people like this film, even those who don't like tennis and even people who don't like Shia LaBeouf."
"Soul did something incredible... it's clearly struck a chord with all sorts of new audiences and if it works with children too then that's a big thumbs up."
"No old men allowed, and many of their works from here on out would feature endings that would divide and frustrate those popcorn eaters who prefer formulaic traditionally structured conclusions."
"The film was well received over here but the psychological details were overlooked."
"Empire Strikes Back is not a truly terrible movie... it's not as fresh and funny and surprising and witty but it is nice and inoffensive."
"At the end of the day, Morbius never found its audience and is indeed a failure."
"Nobody thought you made a solo movie based on the most annoying character from Suicide Squad and nobody saw it."
"It might be a decent FNAF movie to the fans but it is a horrible horror movie to everybody else."
"It's not alarming. It's not a fantastic hold, but it's not something that's gonna raise a lot of alarm bells."
"Word of mouth is not going to be a problem. Had an A+ CinemaScore, that is the highest cinema score of any spider-man movie ever. Well earned."
"The critics were reviewing it as if it was Taming of the Shrew or something while the fans went in there to see a DC movie, a superhero movie, and they loved it."
"The reveal was met with overwhelmingly positive reactions."
"If you do a movie that has a lot of characters people like and you do it well and you don't shove politics into it, people actually like it. Imagine that. I know, right? Mind blown."
"I hope people appreciate it and enjoy it because it makes the world feel even though it's a fake world."
"The game launched to a huge round of applause."
"It's the type of surreal comedy that audiences seem to really respond to today."
"Consistently crank out quality content that the majority of the audiences and the critics enjoy and love."
"I would change... I would be a little nicer to people who didn't like the movie."
"There were moments in this movie even today with the audience, a jaded bunch of genre pundits, even they were Ghibli too."
"Early positive reception from the audience gave the staff hope for the future of the show."
"Absolutely hilarious for all the right reasons."
"If you're too original, people might stray away from that because people like familiarity too."
"You made something that you knew one person would like and it turns out there's a lot of people that also like the same thing so it was a success for that reason."
"Alexei though stole the show he was so docile and heartwarming."
"The more I did it, the more it seemed like the fans loved it, and I was like okay, I can be myself."
"The general reception from you guys has been absolutely mad."
"I wonder how people who have never played Dungeons and Dragons will feel about this movie, and I loved hearing from so many people who have never played D&D that they loved the movie too."
"We just want to see good stories with good characters, and we're not against diversity. We're against forced diversity."
"This is a different side of Jackie Chan that American audiences have seen."
"Maybe they'll think it's boring, maybe they won't believe you, maybe they'll think it's fake."
"Women were more interested in a less political movie starring a beautiful and feminine heroine like Wonder Woman."
"The Mandalorian was an instant hit with both casual audiences and hardcore fans alike, making it another pop culture staple for the already beloved franchise."
"Maybe it's my opinion and a whole host of other reviews because Blue Beetle has got the highest Rotten Tomato scores for DC this year."
"I just want people to like the stuff that I'm making."
"The movie also becomes a meta commentary on Miles Morales the character and the way you know a black Spider-Man was received at conceptually by audiences."
"This is another one man that uh sometimes our audience pushes back on and I don't understand just because I think that PlayStation bringing some of these games over to PC is fantastic."
"They made him a joke, your character was always a joke."
"I think people are gonna really really enjoy this."
"Zack Snyder's Justice League won't change minds, but it's worth enjoying."
"It's a great library of content including the shows that we did earlier this year which if you haven't seen them yet they got great reviews for death before dishonor and super card of Honor."
"I think everyone can agree, 'Don't Breathe' killed it."
"But then after that that fades like for sure I'm happy that people are digging it and that so many people are enjoying the entire campaign it just feels great feels like we made something special for sure."
"I think it was very cool and very, very engaging."
"It's the great thing about what we do. It's so subjective. Are you funny to someone? And if someone might think a joke that you tell is the funniest [ __ ] thing they've ever heard, and someone else could be like, 'Who is this [ __ ]?'"
"Against All Odds, Rick and Morty just quietly had one of its best seasons in years and has seemingly won over a lot of Goodwill in the process."
"The audience loved this movie... the only rating that matters."
"People will get past the renumber if the stories are good."
"For good reason, it was honestly one of the better games to come out of this generation, surprising new and old fans alike."
"The fact is, audiences didn't love that movie enough."
"Anybody tells you they just made a hit movie before it comes out, they have no clue. The audience is always smarter than any of us."
"I want to wrap it up in a way that people like."
"If you believe you're doing a good job, the people that don't like it, it's probably not meant for them."
"You gotta tell the story that you're telling and know that not everyone is going to be happy with it."
"I think it's musically less interesting, although it does seem like rock fans are accepting her, so I guess she's getting what she wanted, and hopefully she's happy with that."
"If there's anything to take away from High Guardian Spice, it's a lesson of what not to do when telling a fantasy story."
"I think it's going to be a movie that evokes conversation and I think it's going to be beautifully visually appealing and I think the ideas behind it I think the audience will walk away with like a mixed bag of opinions."
"If you try to force an agenda down the audience's throat and they don't show up, guess what? It's not working. You gotta regroup and go back and say let them be creative, no guidelines."
"The way an album era ends plays a role in how the next album is received."
"We unironically and consistently got responses from people who were quite literally like, why would someone make a movie with an unlikable woman?"
"It doesn't matter if this story makes logical sense. What matters is how it's received by the people you're making it for."
"The reaction to Heyman on Raw has been mixed but more positive than negative. People recognize he is a creative genius and a master manipulator."
"It really just goes to show that you can't please everyone but I think as long as someone does what they're enjoying, the majority of people will enjoy watching it too."
"I think Sean like if he's if he's making feel-good music and having fun and for the type of Records he makes it'd be the perfect time for him to drop some music..."
"Dream Warriors was exactly what the audience wanted to see."
"Looking at the general response from the audience, watching Bleach Core 2 has been received extremely well overall."
"Taking a risk with this sequel... but happy to see people kind of warmed up to it in recent years."
"His [__] was outdated and unfunny, every single joke came out of a comedy set from 2020."
"The Second Runner is incredible and the critical and audience reception of the game at the time and now reflects that the game received almost universal praise."
"I have no qualms with anybody who watched and said ah that didn't really work for me like yeah that's unfortunate but that's cool um but I have loved and you what's really surprised me."
"The way I measure my impact is when I'm doing these shows like, okay if I do this tour and it's all sold out I know the album did what it was supposed to do."
"Avatar: The Way of Water's success in this era is stunning."
"You make something that someone wants to like and that they also do like."
"I don't care about current opinions with the movies, I will say I really did enjoy rogue one and based on audience and even critic reviews it looks like most people did enjoy the film."
"For everyone that loves to complain about these shows, we've been right all along."
"I think as this movie is discovered and people come to it over the years to come, people are gonna like this movie."
"It's got an 80 critic rating right now but more importantly now that it's played for audiences with over a thousand verified people who saw the movie ratings on Rotten Tomatoes."
"The Staircase... It splits the audience massively."
"We're very proud of the film and we've been blown away by the reaction."
"The curse includes and focuses on these things which means it risks alienating some viewers but I think this element is also what ends up making the curse artistically compelling."
"I think if you're a really good heel, 10% of the audience is always going to love you no matter what."
"Sometimes when some of those videos you work the hardest on do the poorest or like the ideas you're really proud of and then you throw up one of those videos and you go people are not going to like this one and then it does really really well."
"The audience didn't have a problem with this alteration in the storyline as it wasn't a downgrade but an upgrade from the real-life version."
"It's a perfect example of how you can have a very light tone but still manage to pull off dark humor in a very crowd-pleasing way."
"...aiming for a tone reminiscent of the Roger Moore era since they felt audiences weren't fully embracing Dalton's violent hard-hitting 007 films..."
"But as always, the film gained favor with audiences over the years, and this film has since been revered as the quintessential spaghetti western."
"The movie was loved by audiences, and Greece quickly became a classic."
"In its heyday, Glee was the little Fox comedy that could, while the show did have its younger fans, many of whom aggregated on Tumblr, it was generally well-received by audiences across the board."
"This is something that I wanted to do I wanted to have the attack names in the show this was the decision that I made really early on some people will like it some people won't that's how it goes."
"This Memphis crowd, they're gonna eviscerate me."
"...nobody wanted to make was sounding better all the time to them. But what about the fans?"
"You've got to kind of take it like a man and hope the audience goes with it."
"It's why 'Left Behind' exists; it's why Pureflix was able to make four of these films in the first place."
"I know there's a lot of people who have been really loving the show and for us, it's been a real up and down journey from fine to, 'Oh, it's really good,' to bored to, 'What's going on? Come on, just get to the point faster.'"
"This film is way too depressing for young audiences. But as a kid, I loved this movie despite its dark nature and scary moments."
"It's got an 84 percent critic rating, which is not the best critic rating that a Bond film has had, but it's definitely a really good score. But more importantly than that, it's got a 90 audience rating right now."
"This is still such a risky move in movies to intentionally have characters so unlikable because even if we're not supposed to like them their annoyance can leave such a bad taste in the audience's mouths."
"...but despite it falling flat with critics, in the end, audiences love the movie and Young Guns went on to make $56 million on an $1 million budget..."
"Movies for committees and not for people anymore. These movies are soulless."
"But the uncertainty of that and I think look, I think this finale bought them a lot of goodwill to be honest with you."
"This was meant for [__] children, so if you've got a problem with that, shut the [__] [__] it's a good kids movie though."
"In the fifteen years since it was first broadcast, New Captain Scarlet has managed to overcome the poor treatment it received on initial broadcast and find a new audience on DVD, Blu-ray, and streaming services."
"That's when you know, you gotta hit, yes. When the girls like it too. I got comments from, you know, women, going, 'You guys have me crying. You guys have me crying.' So please spread the word."
"I think people like it. A lot of people saw the original."
"The next thing you know the ratings went through the roof."
"When you look at old films that you've made, all you see is like mistakes and stuff sometimes, but it's good to hear with an audience."
"To my surprise, people actually genuinely seemed to like it."
"They got a great recording of their first show. The crowd loved it."
"This is a real complete film that I think people are going to take seriously."
"If this is well received and people enjoy it, we'll do more."
"However, the audience reception was quite different; Highlander quickly garnered a dedicated fan base and achieved a kind of cult status among moviegoers."
"Most fans watching on TV loved it."
"Starlight is a really good addition to the cast, and she's already growing on me quite a bit."
"Ron's Gone Wrong has incredible audience scores."
"I'm glad that people seem to enjoy it."
"The return of the show has been extremely successful."
"In the digital age, people are hungry for this sort of thing. To be able to see something come to life on stage in this way, audiences have been tremendously receptive."
"It amazes me when I see people who embrace my style of comedy."
"It's always the best thing for movies when the movie is actually really good."
"With really strong audience scores and a solid critic score, there's a chance this film could have a strong second weekend."
"The films don't always work... but to be in something that the response is so majoritively positive, both with audiences and critically, that's lovely."
"The most satisfying part of making music and shooting videos is putting it out into the world and seeing what people think about it."
"It's rated about 10% by reviewers and 85% by audiences. That's quite a discrepancy."
"Don't be so hard on yourself. They're gonna listen to it no matter what you put in."
"At this point, you just have to put up the content that you want to put up, and some people are going to mess with it, and some people are not."
"I hope people like it, and I'm genuine about that."