
Hubris Quotes

There are 140 quotes

"This means that instead of easily defeating level one bandits, I will instead rapidly learn the true meaning of hubris."
"The story of Icarus tells the tale of hubris and blind confidence and the dangers of, in a strange way, maybe believing in one's capabilities too much to the point where it defies logic."
"Meritocracy has a dark side because it generates hubris among the winners and humiliation among those who are left behind."
"The number one reason that leaders fail is because of hubris."
"Empires in decay embrace and almost willful suicide, blinded by their hubris and unable to face the reality of their diminishing power."
"It's this act of behaving as though they were gods that Greeks called hubris, this arrogant, violent, arrogant kind of exercise of power."
"It's incredibly seductive, the fatal conceit that we are so wise that we can control the economy top down."
"The hubris of Ludwig might have been his own undoing. Bounce back behind them, good try."
"Hubris, it is my greatest weakness. Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer."
"The problem is people in Hollywood have always thought of themselves as America's moral betters and they just are not."
"The man who helped build the Spurs empire ended up being the one to tear it down with his own hubris."
"You think you were the greatest in the world and you were at the height of everything. You're absolutely not a god and you're going to be cast down to the underworld."
"Atlantis is the go-to example these days for a great civilization brought to ruin by its own hubristic decadence."
"Mortal, the god killer. You think yourself our equal, but you are nothing but a grain of sand beneath my feet."
"The Love of Money was greed and hubris that led to the fall."
"When you start to believe that you have some grand destiny that is elevated above and beyond other human beings, you're in a lot of trouble."
"The second victim, if not the first victim of anyone's hubris, is themselves."
"This was birthed in complete arrogance and hubris... all of it gone poof like it was never ever there."
"The arrogant ambition to 'conquer and transform nature' was bound to fail."
"I think so many people think that they're invincible and if they're successful, they can do whatever they want and say whatever they want."
"Imagine the hubris it takes to believe you have the authority to control people's lives and then repeatedly send the wrong resources and people to do the wrong jobs in the wrong parts of the world."
"You thought you could be superior to me? You thought a mortal like you could face me, a God of destruction with thousands of years of existence? Ridiculous."
"Pride goeth before a fall or as we know it these days in modern parlance, f around and find out."
"Pride comes before destruction. Ask the right question, man."
"Success is a lousy teacher, it seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose. Complex ambition, they gon' love me for my ambition."
"It's the same kind of mentality as the devil saying I will be above God."
"Arrogance will kill you. Know-it-all attitude will get you killed, hands down."
"Rudy flew too close to the Sun... you can't do that and avoid getting burned forever."
"Pride goes before destruction." - Proverbs 16:18
"A story of man's overreach and his tragic reckoning with his own suffering creation."
"For me, Titanic is so much more than simply an exercise in forensic archaeology. Part of the Titanic parable is of arrogance, of hubris, of the sense that we're too big to fail."
"You are not the judge of God. This is incredible folly that you think you can sit in a place and judge the god of creation. Your soul is in danger when you are shaking your fist at the Creator."
"China might be flying a little too close to the sun."
"It should be an example to all that hubris is the death of us all."
"Pride is the downfall of a lot of people."
"Meritocratic hubris is the tendency of winners to inhale too deeply of their success, to forget the luck and good fortune that helped them on their way."
"So as always, Voldemort is his own ultimate undoing."
"Hubba hubba hubba, money money money, who do you trust?"
"The hubris of Chatty patties has been the downfall of man since the beginning of time."
"We think we've got the answers to things, rather like the story of the sorcerer's apprentice."
"According to the legends, Atlantis became so powerful and had waged war on so many of its neighboring cultures that Zeus himself decided to sink the nation to make the Atlantians pay for their hubris."
"This story is funny in a very basic way that I think everyone understands about all comedy. Hubris."
"They thought nothing would ever go wrong for them."
"When you play god, then god damn it you come up with some stupid likes."
"That's the essence of human arrogance."
"Námo could be compared to the Greek character Niobe, who was punished for her hubris by the death of all 14 of her children."
"It's fine making bricks, but the fact that you want to make a name for yourself, almost as a challenge to God and his ideal, now that's where you're reaching a little too far."
"This is the story of hubris, a story of betrayal, and a story of blind optimism that led them off of the Brooklyn Bridge."
"He's just made himself equal to God."
"You think you're unbreakable, you're on top of the world."
"History isn't kind to those who play God."
"I think you need some amount of naivete or youthful hubris to be able to make such a decision."
"Babylon's rise and fall stand as a warning to all who would exalt themselves against the Most High."
"This is like the Titanic, one of the most beautiful things that had been made, but you could also see the hubris on display that would sink it."
"Overconfidence in organizations looks like arrogance, hubris, and grandiosity."
"Icarus will fly too close to the Sun and burn himself."
"We keep trying to be like God without God."
"Humanity was ascendant and felt its time had come. It felt invulnerable. But thus to all wars begin with hubris, with arrogance."
"Giants do die, the bigger they are, the harder they fall."
"Saul was effectively following the tragic hero archetype where he starts out as being the chosen one, he has given victories, he's given what he needs, and then he lets his own pride get the best of him."
"Humanity basks in its own glory. It's saying, 'Ah, aren't we fantastic? We've invented A.I.'"
"I'm not gonna be as headstrong and I will not let hubris be the downfall."
"Even God Himself cannot sink this ship."
"The line between hubris and hope is often a little bit thin cuz like yeah it's the interplay between those two things is is kind of the whole point of the Dilemma."
"Their greatest insanely arrogant achievement may also mean their destruction."
"Apollo is a really strong character in this and it's so sad to see his downfall, his hubris."
"The people aboard the Titanic: Nothing can kill us, we're rich. The ocean."
"I feel like when I think about the concept of being a god and like what that entails and what that holds... the higher you lift it, the harder you fall."
"Hubris is a flaw, and I am perfect, therefore, I don't have hubris."
"Titanic becomes mythic, a tragic metaphor for hubris and the terrible arithmetic of survival."
"Here’s a guy who is obviously smart — he didn’t just find the crashed timeship, he also knew what to do with it — but has been convinced by his own success that his brilliance was more important than the 29th century technology he was fortunate enough to stumble upon."
"At some point, this is going to happen. Some young man is going to walk into a situation thinking his doesn't stink, and it's going to turn badly for him."
"The very first new word I learned as a college freshman was hubris."
"The story of Babel is like they'll do what they want to do but it's actually to their own destruction."
"The Titanic, the hubris of man, the unsinkable ship."
"Every time he thought he was the greatest there ever was, he suffered a loss or had to rely on Sidious for something."
"Pride goes before the fall, right?"
"Humans like us were never meant to tamper with such powers. The moment we start meddling, we're punished."
"Remember not to get in over your head. If you get too confident and cocky, then it may lead to your downfall."
"Pride will eventually be your downfall."
"However, his arrogance and disregard for the power of love and unity ultimately lead to his downfall."
"Hubris, a world of visceral adventure."
"The strange and terrible gods of Hubris."
"For some, this made them content; for others, the ego went to their head, and they flew too close to the sun, only to crash and burn."
"...these people were... arrogant they were trying to put themselves co-equal with God..."
"Pride goeth before the fall, that's right, so they say."
"Let's take a look at a company that delivered a popular solution but whose hubris ultimately led to its downfall."
"When in the end you fail to save them, that's when you learn you've been messing with gods."
"What person of power could possibly resist crossing the ocean on a ship named Titanic?"
"God Himself couldn't sink this ship."
"Innovation's wonderful, medicine is wonderful, but when we try to play God and we try to gain infinite wisdom, we end up failing."
"The book is about the overconfidence and the hubris of humanity."
"Their inflated sense of self, their overconfidence, I think was their downfall."
"Pride is when we start to believe our own press, whenever we start to set up monuments of ourselves."
"Remember this word: hubris was the most common character flaw for Greek heroes."
"Your arrogance has led to your defeat."
"Hubris was the most common character flaw for Greek heroes; they think too highly of themselves, try to be gods, and end up getting smacked down for their sins."
"I am the king of kings, look upon ye mighty in despair."
"I believed I was God, I believed I was great, I didn't believe I had to train for no one, I thought everybody was afraid of me."
"They're acting as if they were the gods themselves."
"Look upon my work, ye Mighty, and despair! Around that is level sand stretches far away."
"Yes, he was killed by my hubris and my pride."
"If you have an excessive pride or self-confidence in your color blending, you might have hubris."
"The pride cometh right before the fall, God's son died for a song."
"The Greeks have been trying to teach us all about hubris for 2,000 years, and nobody ever seems to get it."
"I thought you were going to church every day, you flew too close to the sun."
"Pride will not save you, it will doom you."
"Never underestimate the power of hubris and how it can really sink people."
"Few men who dare to play God must pay a steep price for their arrogance."
"That's what happens when you play God."
"He played God, he tried to play God, and now he's just dealing with the consequences."
"Arrogance is the fatal flaw of all who wield the dark side."
"The pride always comes before the fall."
"Look at us, heavier than air travel; we played God, and this is what we get."
"Pride cometh before a fall... eventually that dark Hearts is going to do you."
"You were a great warrior, Tim, but your need to prove yourself will be your undoing."
"Oh heaven, how the mighty have fallen."
"I am Ozymandias, waster of electronics; look upon my works ye designer and despair."
"Arrogance can lead even the most experienced warrior to his grave."