
Mental Engagement Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"We can't always control the thoughts that pop up in our head... but what we do have control over is how we engage with those thoughts once they surface."
"Engaging the recesses of your mind is the most important thing. Then, the creative things happen."
"I'm impressed that I'm using my brain space for this."
"Heads up is always really fun. It's like playing chess or something."
"Engaging with something actively keeps your mind sharp."
"Always try to improve your training... use your brain a little bit in that sense."
"The mental warfare they have with each other while they're playing is just spectacular."
"Doom was there for me when I needed it most... It was a comforting presence, and because I actually had to use my brain and reflexes to play well, it took all of my focus away from what was worrying me."
"I've designed my life to make the things that I intentionally want to do with my life the most interesting things in the room for my mind to play with."
"We want to make our mind active by actively studying and meditating upon the Word of God."
"So via mentally, there are some things that demand a more than surface level analysis to fully enjoy."
"It's the kind of game where you're always thinking about it when you're not doing it."
"Retiring is one of the worst things you could do for your brain health. Use it or lose it."
"There is always the worry that my fire will be out when I return to camp. So I'm going to try a traditional method of keeping fire. Keeping my mind active is still my best path to survival."
"Simplicity stacked on top of more simplicity becomes mentally interesting."
"When you look at the impact that having to constantly engage in these discussions and mentally engage with responding to these incidents which happen again and again and again."
"God alone has the ability to get inside your mind if you're willing to open up."
"This is definitely an anti-anxiety and anti-stress kind of toy because it keeps you preoccupied."
"Keep this little riddle at the back of your mind."
"They miss the way your mind works, your intellect, your interesting outlook."
"Jasper Josephson's puzzles are a gift to the universe."
"Start something, keep the mind engaged with open loops. Finish it."
"I've learned to do the things that get my brain spinning on what I want it to be focused on."
"An active mind exponentially increases the results from every single thing that you do."
"You have to connect with a person on a mental standpoint."
"You're counting on the mind and on creativity."
"Be prepared to have your mind fully engaged around this time."
"Elite Beat Agents is crack cocaine for my brain. That game is so in my head."
"I understand the power of symbolism and recognize its importance."
"Flow state also known as being in the zone is a mental state in which a person performing an activity is fully immersed in the feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity."
"When a mind is engaged in voluntary challenge to accomplish something worthwhile in relation to your vision or the different goals in relation to your vision you'll find yourself in flow."
"I got from zero to 100K a month as one person."
"It's really fun because you always have to have your brain engaged because the game is changing all the time."
"That was fun, that was enjoyable because it allowed you to use your head, your creativity."
"Likes mental games, this type enjoys quiet games requiring thought. Chess and checkers are favorites with them."
"If we are not mentally engaged, we do nothing—or, at best, we do very little."
"Books get me a little more because it's all happening in the mind."
"This is great for your core, this is great for your coordination, your mind."
"Learning to play music... seems to pull from the most corners of our mind and I can't imagine that not being good for you."
"It makes you start using your brain."
"Keep your mind busy, keep your mind learning how to do new things and stuff like that."
"The mental stimulus is absolutely fantastic."
"After fitting all this in my head, I couldn't sleep. That's how it felt."
"Dripping with well put thoughts and smashing ideas, taking you to a whole new level of mental ecstasy."
"Jiu Jitsu is definitely an intense workout because you're using every muscle in your body, including your brain."
"When you're being creative, it affects your mind and your spirit."
"Just keep your mind busy, and then you'll be surprised how much you're not thinking about the negative stuff."
"We're exercising our muscle, we're exercising our brain."
"Doing the breakdowns is probably the most fun, it's the most mentally taxing but it's the most fun."
"I find that if I separate tasks and kind of keep my mind busy in switching things, it makes it just a little bit better to get it all done."
"I spent from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. brainstorming sketches... it's just your brain is then constantly working."
"So we've done a lot of work and used the body in a way that it's activated ourselves, our brain, we had to use our brain and our intelligence to take the right actions."
"These films blow your mind and make you frantically think."
"Having evidence is not enough if your mind cannot engage in straightforward thinking."
"Everything that we do here is going to be above your neck, meaning that your mind has to be in it."
"Mindfulness is the key to keeping your mind engaged."
"You have to stay so mentally engaged."
"Conversation should be able to stimulate your mind."
"You have to do something to keep your mind busy."
"They occupy the work part of my brain, they keep it busy, and so I feel like I can actually genuinely relax."
"I think it's a lot of fun, a lot of texture, and I think it'll keep you mentally interested."
"Just to give your mind something else to concentrate on."
"Your mind gets distracted when you're in the game, so you don't even realize how hard you're working."
"It's like a puzzle, and people enjoy puzzles because the mind likes to be given some information and then we try to fit in what we think that other thing would be."