
Shock Quotes

There are 3151 quotes

"A shocking development has shaken neighboring country Belarus."
"Niels Bohr himself said, 'Anyone who isn't shocked by quantum theory hasn't understood it.'"
"The sheer volume and connection of any kind of sex trafficking ring that he allegedly may have been running is what is going to come probably as the most surprising to folks."
"She stood opposed to the boy who was sitting on the ground, shock covering his face as he stared in disbelief and silence at the woman who had saved him."
"What a shock – culture shock, weather shock, everything good shock."
"This president's ability to shock and to generate scandal is really limitless."
"I'm going to reveal to you some things that are very shocking, some things that probably blow your mind completely."
"It saddened me the way things were done, it definitely was a shock considering that we were kind of told that we had job security."
"The news was so shocking that many of his fans seemingly couldn't believe it."
"It's all about that. That's what's so shocking is that we're actually going backwards."
"Threads reached 30 million users in just one day, shocking everyone."
"Holy [ __ ] dude, wow. I mean, it's funny, it's [ __ ] up but it's funny."
"But no explanation will ever make us forget the shock of this live moment."
"I accidentally ended dozens of lives. I was stunned."
"Silence, I know this comes as a shock, but it's for the greater good of the world."
"Wow… it’s… it’s so violently tragic out of nowhere."
"I just [ __ ] killed someone. It was amazing. I don't know how to feel at the moment. Lol, I'm kind of nervous and shaky though right now. Okay, I gotta go to church now."
"How is this a cake, literally a crime against humanity."
"What you just witnessed is a series of horrifying impossibilities."
"I'm actually just in shock because people are not seeing what the big issue is here."
"Fifteen feet in front of me stood this thing, nothing on this earth resembles this."
"The tower moment is a real shock wave to your core, but it brings positive transformation."
"If it was Kanye West, we'd lose our [ __ ] mind."
"The scandal honestly left my titties shaken not stirred."
"It's actually shocking. I've covered the court for 15 years and the court has gone on for centuries before that but this is exceptionally rare that something like this would happen."
"Just imagine the horror of going into that room, opening that door, looking in, and just seeing a mother slashed to pieces on the floor, blood everywhere."
"Niels Bohr, one of the pioneers of this field, once said that anyone who could contemplate quantum mechanics without being profoundly shocked, they haven't understood it."
"So yeah, there were a lot of just very gross things that were happening in the movie that I didn't expect and that I wasn't prepared for."
"I killed them all, Joe. And not just the men, but the women and the Children."
"When we came across his birth certificate, it was the most unreal. I couldn't-- I can't think of a word to put into it. It was unreal. I can't believe this."
"So you don't care about Russians, what the [__]."
"I'm in total shock that this is happening to me."
"The market's going to be in for one hell of a rude awakening."
"What scientists discovered in Chernobyl shocked the whole world."
"Senator Tammy Duckworth says this is unlike anything I've ever seen on domestic soil. This is a shameful day."
"Have you ever wished that you can unsee, unhear, or unlearn something? Well, this is one of those moments."
"It is shocking to non-believers, but yet we have believers who are okay with the things that are going on."
"It seems that when a number of Japanese people came over to Hawaii they brought minina over with them... it seems that the woman who saw her was so freaked out."
"I just can't believe it... I just can't believe it."
"I literally just saw that. That's the creepiest thing ever. Oh my God, dude. I know for a fact that was Villar. Wait, he's literally... It's gone."
"One of the most horrific MCU deaths was Frank in the first Ant-Man movie."
"What holy [ __ ] four million dollars? Well, get the [ __ ] out, I'm gonna do some crimes."
"I just couldn't believe it when I was listening to it late last night. I was just like, oh my God."
"They actually did the embalming in the kitchen."
"How could she even just pick up a knife to cause harm, never mind kill someone?"
"I can't believe Grace told Malcolm Fade about Annabelle. I cannot believe that."
"Imagine your boss said [__] everything you stand for and called you a c in public like that."
"Serious? There's blood coming straight from the top of this big-ass head."
"So surreal... I can't believe something like this could happen."
"I'm shocked. He was a wonderful and sweet kid to be around."
"This is a war among cousins, completely shocking."
"That's fucked up, but also, that's fucking great if he did that."
"So much for immunity bro, literally yeah he was a hundred percent murdered today."
"Fear the day there's just a big shit on the floor."
"This is absolutely insane. This is like an absolute ton of money to be making."
"That's the big news of today. I'm shocked. I thought he would go 30 years."
"It's her. It's the dead girl. But I have no time to process the implications of this realization."
"This case is just ultimately shocking, isn't it?"
"It's surreal," you think these things will never happen to you when you know someone and they die.
"The sickest [__] that he's ever seen in his life."
"Imagine being fired, arrested, and divorced the same day."
"France counts several dozen children who are online influencers and earn up to 150,000 euros holy [ __ ] per month."
"This mother hires a hit man all right mama has a hit man to kill her own three-year-old son"
"A story that you think has to be made up but the frightening thing is the story is real."
"They opened up the latch, pulled open the door and to their surprise out of the refrigerator tumbled a little girl."
"What happened next would go on to shock the state of Kentucky."
"The changes you're making may shock a lot of people, but they're necessary for you to get to where you want to go."
"I feel like even through the shock I feel grateful..."
"Someone wants loyalty, it's really shocking."
"I feel like I was in a marriage with a man for 24 years and I find out now he's cheating on me."
"Imagine that while you're out with your family enjoying a nice day of shopping, the local police blow up your house, reducing your sanctuary to rubble."
"You have a sudden shocking change in your relationships... in your relationship aspect of your life."
"Dumpster diving was more shocking than I thought it would be. It wasn't that I was finding rotten meat and moldy vegetables. I was finding perfectly good unexpired food."
"This is craziness, what's happening to me, this is just today, I've been, you know, I've been slapped around, I've been kicked, I've been punched."
"Most people look at that and go, 'That's [__] nuts. That's not who we are.'"
"Little did he know that his older brother literally had a plot to kill him it's so disturbing."
"It was incomprehensible to me, it was unconscionable."
"A fashion model and mother brutally murdered in Hong Kong...sending shock waves through the usually safe city."
"Speaking real quick, Brittany Griner... Bro nine years, hilarious."
"Three thousand five hundred dollars is insane."
"That will always be the thing that will shock me."
"How these companies are allowed to get away with this level of counterfeiting is flooring to me, especially when they have the [ __ ] balls to go up against one of the most powerful companies on the planet, Disney."
"It's not just surprised in a way where they don't think that you fit that role, I just feel like it's shocking them."
"Holy [__]! We really need to talk about this."
"The stunned cops arriving on the scene head described what they encountered as a bloodbath."
"Oh my god, I can't believe that just happened to me."
"That's what you got from that situation? You literally walk into Granny killing one of your friends and the first thing that goes through your head is 'wow, she can stand'."
"It's such an insane turn dude, that's so gross."
"This racism that's baked into Chinese society, it's just accepted and it will blow your mind. It will blow your mind, anyone from a Western country that's been PC their whole life."
"I nearly fell out of my skin because they were so polar opposite from the garbage that was being portrayed to us here in the USA."
"What he saw in those videos was purely evil."
"That is [__] crazy, this is horrible, I'm actually learning a lot."
"Every part of this was shocking to the soul."
"The most horrific thing I had ever seen in my life was looming over him."
"Wow that's crazy that is the craziest thing of all time."
"No warning, no context, just a jolt of shock and artistic trauma."
"It's incredible to think... jumped off of a bridge to their death."
"Shock creates such a freeze in the human body."
"This is exactly what we need: a real shock to the system."
"I thought my mom got stabbed... it was a deep realization effect."
"It was like a horror movie that became real life."
"It isn’t fulfilled yet. That should shock you."
"He was dazed as hell started crying and then threw up all over the floor."
"So let's talk to you, please. Pew-pew, it's going to be interesting because I think for most of the listeners that we have, they have heard of some of these news outlets that I'm going to talk about, but I was shocked by some of these percentages."
"It was like, 'Damn, this [expletive] is real.'"
"Literally chopped in half, I didn't know what it was at first, all I saw was a spine."
"The appalling murders of such a beloved couple stunned the Davis community."
"This chapter has left the One Piece fan base in a jaw-dropping, eye-opening state of mind blowage."
"They were so shocked... maybe he was involved."
"Shock is any situation in which there is inadequate tissue perfusion, resulting in ischemia followed by necrosis, and possibly organ failure if not reversed."
"This is absolutely sick, what in the world have you created?"
"Nothing better than a little shock to this." - Highlighting the transformative nature of training experiences.
"By the end of this... these guys were taking naked pregnant women out into the middle of fields and shooting them in the back of the head."
"If Luca Don Won this MVP award, would this be a travesty to you guys? No, not at all. It would be shocking, but it wouldn't be like oh we have to rethink the MVP award."
"That was not natural, look look what the hell was that? Christ that scared the [ __ ] out of me."
"It's like a car crash, bro, you can't help but look and see like what the [ __ ] happened."
"By taking someone away that we all have invested in for the last seven years and immediately saying look someone just came in here and they have a real problem with him and now he's dead."
"It felt like a bomb or something exploded but then you actually see everything just flying around all the debris."
"I felt like this couldn't actually be happening to me."
"I mean, it's just shocking times, but it's exciting times."
"Excuse me, what the [ __ ] did you just say to me?"
"It's like a 10-car pileup, you can't take your eyes off of it."
"I'm fully gagged that this was ever made into a televised competition."
"Wow. Oh my [] god man it's just nuts I feel bad for this [] I really do."
"The gruesome disposal of Helle's body shocked friends, family, and the local community."
"I've never seen anything like this, it was awful."
"Don't look at me like I just blew up a dove with a rocket launcher!"
"Apparently her friends were like killed in like a car bombing and she was crying about it."
"Recent events have seen the resurrection of Guilliman who's come back to lead the Imperium and is pretty horrified by what he's seeing."
"Some of you guys are literally Shook and that's F."
"This is possibly the craziest thing that's ever happened to us."
"Seven bodies had just been found in the garden of the home."
"I truly cannot [ __ ] believe that this is me."
"People are just in shock by these increased costs particularly as I said, the middle and lower income Americans who I represent..."
"What's depicted on that video... I don't have the words to describe how horrific that was."
"The couple was in shock at how much money they were looking at."
"Just... Keep in mind, these were real people! I just... Wow..."
"The sudden turn of events left the three individuals in a state of complete shock."
"Wow, I'm worth about eight hundred and fifty-five thousand fucking dollars."
"This case is so shocking and the intent to kill so clear."
"So when she disappeared on September the 27th, 2014, her friends and family were shocked..."
"To my surprise and horror, I could shake hands with somebody inside."
"His best friend just vaporized in front of him."
"Oh man, oh god, what the hell... Oh, what are you, a porn star? Jesus."
"That is the most insane thing I've ever heard."
"The entire Community stands shocked at your actions."
"I've been going for 35 minutes and you in here laying with this hoe?"
"Apparently a resident had been visiting a friend's house... they claimed that they had just killed a mother and her child."
"Levophed is becoming the first-line drug in treatment in different areas of shock."
"Some of you have got to go, and I mean holy [ __ ] what he did honestly."
"It's shocking to see how people turn, how these people that you collaborate with for 15, 16 years, there's no humanity."
"Krystal Lee says when she walked into Kelsey bear's townhome she saw blood everywhere."
"Tesla's going stupid, I mean, is this kind of shocking?"
"The sheriff's dead! The sheriff's actually dead! No way, bro!"
"It's shocking, it's absolutely shocking business."
"I think these feelings were a mixture from shock to hurt to sad to anger to numbness and more anger and just I don't know so many mixed feelings."
"The most disturbing thing about the truck was the blood... the entire interior of the cab was drenched in even more blood than the man and his bags had been covered with."
"A boy as young as four years old, with 18 stab wounds."
"That was the craziest [ __ ] that ever happened to me in my life."
"Movies? Shocking, isn't it? But I kind of like ours."
"It's insane that this is even happening right now."
"New information coming out today, painting a shocking picture."
"Is this a nightmare? I can't accept the result like this!"
"No, I just love Hitler. I'd go come on yeah you can't say you love Hitler, you know."
"That's impossible but it's terrifying that he's shown it again."
"You totally shocked me with that. It's a lie. And it is shaming and it is grotesque."
"I was surrounded by bodies, students stacked high and formed into a tightly packed maze."
"It was one of Raw's early watershed moments, a genuine shock to anybody watching."
"If you saw this thing hovering over you, you'd know without a shadow of a doubt that shit just got supernatural up in this joint."
"He just falls all the way down, that's crazy."
"Absolutely outrageous what he's just done there."
"After a highly charged trial lasting 10 days, the verdict sent shock waves."
"If that's true, and I don't know if it is, I'm at a loss for words at the depravity of Michael Stauffer, at the absolute and utter depravity of someone doing something like that."
"Kavali needs to go back to its roots of shocking and for the right reasons."
"There's the difference between getting shocked, electroshock, and between getting electrocuted. If you're electrocuted, you're dead. If you're shocked, that means you survived."
"I couldn't even fathom what had happened because he, you know, this was the Lord."
"A 90s beatnik doing a spoken word piece about her genitals."
"I did not recognize the man that I was legally married to."
"Carol Sue Clayber, a 16-year-old with dreams as wide as the Kentucky skies, was brutally murdered."
"The discovery sent shockwaves through the community."
"This calculated attack on a civilian airliner... has shocked the world."
"I know you must have had a lot of 'oh my God, this is real' moments."
"Judging by the two girls' reaction to the situation, it appears as though they are both genuinely shocked and frightened."
"Oh, losers, broke. The NBA has suspended the season, are you fucking serious?"
"The Catholic world is shocked as am I that an Archbishop of the Catholic Church would knowingly give the Holy Eucharist, the body of Jesus Christ, to a Muslim."
"This is one of the most foul, egregious, disrespectful, crazy things that I've seen in my lifetime."
"Are you kidding me, someone left their dog out here while they went thrifting? I am just speechless."
"The president was horrified by that just as we all were."
"That felt like being hit by a lightning bolt. There's no going back."
"Jesus Christ one of them said, you've been missing for 15 years."
"Nobody believed anything I was saying because it was so outrageous."
"Just sitting in the car... now killed by the police, it's just crazy."
"What has just occurred is actually unbelievable."
"We're getting up soon, Barcelona fans cover your eyes in horror, we've just made Ansu Fati the next Luis Figo."
"What happened over the next few minutes would shock the world of aviation."
"I actually regard You and I as my favorite song of the year, it comes as a shock to many people but I don't care what you all think."
"Someone is going to shock you with some sort of truth revelation."
"The massacre in the garage on St. Valentine's Day, 1929, shocked the city of Chicago to its core."
"Apparently my father, 61-year-old Ali Ahmed Idris, who was appointed by Ogah Bwari, said 'Tifin' somebody. I said, 'Hey, Jesus Lord, is it that bad?'"
"A baby albino cyclops shark shocks fishermen."