
Higgs Boson Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"The Higgs boson... proof that this field is out there and that's why finding it was so important."
"The large Hadron Collider did indeed settle this question by finding the Higgs boson, the elusive particle whose corresponding field pervades the universe."
"The Higgs boson... was finally scientifically proven to be fact in 2012... a much clearer and definite picture of reality as we know it."
"The quest for the Higgs: Driven by the pure desire to understand nature."
"Completing the puzzle: The Higgs boson as the final piece of the Standard Model."
"Seeing the Higgs and nothing else so far is by far the most shocking thing that could have happened."
"The reason why the Higgs boson is a concept is hard to grasp is because you need to stop thinking of the world in terms of particles; you need to start thinking of it in terms of fields."
"The Higgs boson preferentially will decay into top quarks."
"So if you want to watch if you know want to be a spectator in the sport and you want to watch what happens this is the thing to watch for next whether the Higgs decays are consistent with the standard model."
"The Higgs boson that was produced in the laboratory appears to decay into two photons a little too quickly about one and a half times too quickly."
"It describes how everything in the universe is made of 12 different types of matter particles, interacting with 3 forces, all bound together by a rather special particle called the Higgs boson."
"The upcoming physics season will focus on the study of the properties of the Higgs and the search for physics beyond the standard model."
"Muons couple more strongly to the Higgs boson for example and more than that they just have a little bit more oomph to make virtual particles and to be affected by them."
"The discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012, a particle associated with the Higgs field, provided a key piece of evidence supporting the theoretical framework describing the electroweak force and its significance."
"The Higgs boson gives mass to all things in the universe."
"The God particle is known as the Higgs boson and it shapes and sizes everything that we know of in existence."
"The Higgs particle is has a much smaller mass than what another particle that we had detected before."
"Understanding something about the origin of the Higgs is really understanding something about why the world wasn't vastly more boring than it could have been."
"We can produce 10 million clean Higgs particles in a muon collider."
"The discovery of the Higgs Boson didn't result in a vacuum collapse or the Earth being pulled into a black hole."
"This is known as the Higgs mechanism and plays a critical role in the standard model of particle physics."
"The discovery of the Higgs boson marked a turning point in the confirmation of the standard model."
"Discovering the Higgs boson is not just discovering the existence of a particle."
"These photons are the tell-tale sign of a Higgs being created and then decaying."
"The Higgs boson is the thing that gives everything mass."
"The Higgs boson... the mechanism by which matter acquires dynamically the property of mass."
"The Higgs particle is associated with a field that sets the mass of all other particles in the universe."
"The discovery, or really the confirmation of the Higgs Boson is recent."
"...Higgs boson only actually explains one percent of mass of everything; it does not explain all of the mass in the universe."
"Particles from the future were coming back in time to destroy the Higgs boson and to stop it from being invented."
"Searching for the Higgs boson was like looking for a needle in a stack of needles."
"The Higgs boson particle could cause a catastrophic vacuum decay that would result in the complete collapse of both time and space."
"In the year 2012, the so-called Higgs boson was discovered there."
"The big question in high-energy physics is how we move beyond the standard model now that we've found the Higgs boson."
"The Higgs boson is a tiny little vibration in a field called the Higgs field."
"The Higgs boson is often referred to as the 'God particle'."
"Big leap in our precision Higgs couplings as well as factors of 10, 20 on the S&T parameters."
"If Higgs fields exist, there must be a quantum particle, a ripple in the Higgs field, and that is the Higgs boson."
"The Higgs boson... is responsible for giving mass to particles and hence the larger objects like us."
"The inevitability of physical laws: Why the Higgs has to exist."
"Without understanding the notion of fields, you don't get the Higgs boson."
"The Higgs boson will have mass because it is from an oscillation in the field up and down the walls of the valley."
"The Dirac equation for three dimensions... will take you on route to a mass term which ultimately leads to the Higgs boson."
"We have a discovery. We've observed a new particle consistent with the Higgs boson. It's a milestone. I think we can all be proud."
"The groundbreaking discovery of the Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider."
"The journey to discover the Higgs boson proposed in 1964 and found in 2012 has raised questions among science."
"The Higgs boson... is its own anti-particle."
"The achievements of this research center are monumental, at the center of such scientific advances is the discovery of the Higgs boson."
"Waves in the Higgs fluid are the Higgs boson that you may have heard so much about."
"The discovery of the Higgs boson has been a big deal; without it, there'd be no atoms, no heavy nuclei, weak interactions would not be weak, radioactivity would be a strong force, life would be impossible."