
Warrior Quotes

There are 699 quotes

"The greatest warrior on the battlefield is the peaceful warrior, the warrior that maintains equanimity in the midst of chaos and turmoil."
"How did you pass away? I was a warrior in the empress guards during the Qing dynasty."
"In your veins runs the blood of legendary warriors."
"Arminius was hailed as a great warrior and, in the eyes of some, is Germany's first hero."
"Samus would exhibit a trait which they believed a warrior could not have: compassion."
"A legion of immortal nearly indestructible warriors."
"Rivali's abilities come together to create one of the most formidable warriors Hyrule has ever seen."
"Numerous deities acknowledged Goku as the most powerful warrior of universe 7."
"The Honourable warrior they called the desert fox."
"I once thought death was the end, but now as a warrior of Maldraxxas, I see that it was only the beginning."
"The Space Marine Dreadnought, revered as ageless forebears, destined for a life of endless battle."
"They represented a fusion of the medieval calling of warrior on the one hand with the medieval calling of religious on the other hand."
"The ax was the sole artifact found buried with the remains of the man, suggesting that this person identified himself as a warrior above anything else."
"Rogal Dorn's greatest son, the warrior, the hero, the legend, the First Templar Sigismund."
"The strongest warrior in the universe will soon rise up."
"The warrior sharpens his blade even in times of peace."
"The ideal King was a powerful Warrior who could lead his people to Victory."
"She's absolutely one of the toughest most dangerous warriors we've ever added to the game."
"Lü Bu is an amazing warrior and really that's all he cares about. He just wants to fight."
"God had a man by the name of David and David was a worshipping warrior."
"God is raising up spiritual warriors in these last days."
"Graypaw, Firepaw, you have shown great courage tonight... We welcome you as full warriors of ThunderClan."
"I honor the warrior spirit that built the railroads, the cities, and the bridges that bring us in contact with one another."
"The strength of a warrior lies in their self, not their weapon."
"Grimlock is one of the most powerful warriors in the universe."
"Embrace that inner warrior to overcome challenges and find solutions."
"Carry the souls of those you killed with you to become something beyond a monster, a true warrior."
"She is a warrior, she's a natural warrior."
"A broken weapon is no excuse to surrender if you're truly a warrior."
"Mars and Pisces next to Neptune in Pisces is such a pure embodiment of spiritual warrior energy."
"It was almost like the Kevlar vest of the ancient Egyptian world."
"Together they tell the story of Tutankhamun as a warrior, not a boy, but a man who may have made the ultimate sacrifice."
"This is Tutankhamun the warrior king."
"Inside every warrior there is a latent potential waiting to be unlocked."
"You are a warrior, you're a sweet sweet Warrior."
"One of history’s greatest women warriors had fought her last battle, and fought it well."
"The mighty Ajax was veiled and honored as a great warrior."
"You're a warrior of light, you fight from unconditional love."
"A warrior who personified high ideals and upheld moral principles, his was a soul steadfast."
"The death of a warrior is the highest honor."
"What do you wanna be remembered as, man? As a warrior. I fight for what I love."
"He's just such a warrior, he just never gives up."
"He was a brave Warrior who died for his homeland."
"You are a warrior reclaiming your power after difficult times."
"A warrior is not defined by how he lives, but by how he dies."
"She carried love, and that's the kind of warrior she was."
"Piccolo might train him, whipping him into shape as an actual warrior."
"Michael is more than a warrior; he has the special task of protecting Israel, proving to be a leader among the Angels."
"Anakin Skywalker was referred to as an unstoppable warrior by the time of Revenge of the Sith."
"You're a true spiritual warrior and you are thus attracting true spiritual warriors to you as well."
"Death dealer is a skilled Warrior loyal to Shang Chi's father when his boss ordered him to train his son he became the most brutal teacher you could imagine."
"A warrior never runs away from danger."
"You're also this warrior sort of a person, someone who would fight for what you believe in, you're not afraid to stand up for yourself."
"This then is the point at which Europe was cleft in two, the place where a 25-year-old warrior changed the course of history."
"Holyfield was a warrior unrivaled, a brutal brawler with technical ability, limitless willpower, and an eagerness to take on any and every challenge."
"Vlad Tepish was a fierce warrior, capable of standing firm against entire legions of enemies."
"Nothing captures the imagination quite like the daring fights of a brave warrior."
"...real warriors who committed utterly awesome feats that put anime and cartoon fights to shame."
"The most consistently repeated theme throughout the entire Bible in describing the Messiah is the Divine Warrior."
"Jesus comes back as a warrior, stomping His enemies like grapes."
"He's a whole warrior of the night now. Oh, what, he's Batman? Conquer flames, that's it. You're a demon. No, no, I'm not a demon. I'm not a demon. Get off me."
"Warriors hold an unwavering resolution that allows them to disregard even that fear and allow them to die fighting."
"ABBA is remembered as a charismatic Warrior figure who was renowned for his legendary fighting skills."
"You're a warrior, a sweet warrior."
"Forget the blood. Determination and willingness to fight stop the bleeding for a warrior."
"In times of war or uncertainty, there's a special breed of warrior forged by adversity, he stands alongside America's finest special operations forces to serve his country, the American people, and protect their way of life."
"That's what Lankorteza does, he is a warrior."
"Quetzl the Protector was the Old One venerated as a Warrior God and protector whose servants were famously tough and resolute in their assigned roles, like the Saurus Temple Guard."
"Now is not the time to people please anyone. You are fighting, you are at war, you are a freaking warrior, and warriors don't people please. Warriors kick butt."
"The worst part is that a warrior will never defeat an opponent using only his own methods. To win, the warrior will have to throw away all the glory, suffering, and experience accumulated over a lifetime and then start all over again."
"He's a fighter's fighter, he's a born warrior, the Iron Lion."
"A student is disciplined. It is only through discipline that you will experience the freedom of a warrior."
"I always saw myself as a warrior. I was told I was strong. I can do anything, and I believed it. Still do."
"Being a warrior is not necessarily about going out and killing people. It's about keeping the peace as well."
"Courage is not muscle and strength, it is about standing up for what is right, and that is the warrior way."
"You have this warrior quality to you."
"...Arya may actually be more like a cross of a Valkyrie and an Ulfhednar warrior."
"Not a warrior, though he would fight. Not born a king, but would become one anyway."
"Son Gohan trained hard to become a powerful warrior in his father’s image."
"Name of warrior, portrait of warrior."
"He fought with his own arm with a sword of Laban. This is not just a gray-haired old man on top of a tower; this is a warrior."
"Be a lion and be a warrior. You're a king but you've got to be a humble and a gentle king. You gotta know when to use the sword and when not to use the sword."
"Your name is Victorious Warrior victory'."
"There is zero shortcut for building the type of warrior that you need to be."
"Life is about doing the work of being a warrior, but also we have a duty to be happy."
"The healthy Warrior is very alert, astute, skilled, focused, aggressive in a positive way, strategic, and very self-disciplined."
"It's my work to fight fight. I'm being born for war you know like I'm inside in the warrior like don't care about when you come fights come you don't care about money on things you know what they're behind you like just fight and we'll see what's happening."
"I'm inside in the warrior like don't care about when you come fights come you don't care about money on things you know what they're behind you like just fight and we'll see what's happening."
"They called him the warrior for a reason."
"Can you imagine anything more humiliating for a Klingon warrior?"
"Warriors are like eagles, they might share the side of a mountain now and then, but they never flock."
"You are a warrior and you deserve a Warrior's death."
"Every warrior hopes a good death will find him."
"Every warrior wants a good death."
"She tells him that because she said she has never met a man who could beat her in battle she isn't a woman but a warrior."
"She's going to be badass Warrior Wonder Woman, but also equipped with um, the weapons of Peace being that of compassion."
"Bjorn's invincibility in battle further cemented his place in Viking lore as an almost mythical Warrior."
"I love the grizzled, gritty warrior characters."
"In the Heat of combat, as to defy the worst odds, to fight when necessary, to attack when outnumbered. All these things comprise the life of a man dedicated as a warrior."
"David is the embodiment of both a warrior and a worshiper."
"Ivar is the epitome of a Viking being a traveling Warrior."
"So here i am a man preaching to women about the need to be a warrior but throughout the animal kingdom you know the fiercest warrior is always the mother."
"It is only through discipline that you will experience the freedom of a warrior."
"The road to becoming a warrior is paved with discipline."
"He was a warrior. He wasn't a peacetime soldier."
"Bushido became the way. To stop evil, to intercept the spear, to go to war. To be this force that was Bushido, that was the way."
"When your life is on the line, you want to make use of all your tools. No warrior should be willing to die with his swords at his side without having made use of his tools."
"The warrior is not ready for battle until he has come to know peace this is the way of the warrior."
"The warrior must overcome the hunger within him lest it possess him entirely."
"A tall man with flowing hair was seen firing from the same place on the parapet during the entire siege."
"That's like the vibe of the paladin warrior who's like praying before battle, like 'Please forgive me for the things I am about to write, I am sorry to all my opponents, I have to go super saiyan!'"
"I'm honored to be in your presence, young warrior."
"Musashi is by far one of the most significant figures in Japanese history, and while so much of his fame is credited to his combat prowess, we often forget to think of Musashi the man when we think instead of Musashi the warrior."
"By definition, a knight was a mounted warrior."
"You are a true warrior endowed with remarkable qualities."
"Not everybody that's a warrior has been to the service, but everybody that's been to the service is a warrior."
"Muichiro proved himself to be a phenomenal warrior, a worthy Hashira, and a selfless comrade despite being only 14 years old."
"...you can feel like a medieval warrior while bashing the skulls of rotting corpses."
"You better have some warrior in you before you go to the lover stage."
"Goku was the type of warrior who had inner peace, mastering Super Saiyan would come second nature to him."
"Lubu is someone who can kill really accomplished generals with his bare hands."
"Strong, fearless, and ready for battle, a warrior is a fighter from any time period or culture."
"The way the samurai is found in not fearing death."
"It was actually a female warrior."
"Your story is unbelievable... you're an absolute Warrior, you're an inspiration to me."
"Against an army of immortals, one soulful warrior must draw first blood."
"The concept of a furious Warrior... across a lot of particularly in the European cultures."
"You came here as a warrior for peace."
"I must stress that I am a warrior and in no way versed in the disciplines of songs. But while I am no connoisseur, even I find myself moved once in a while by the sight of an extraordinary performance."
"I treated you like a girl when I should have treated you like a warrior."
"The warrior who has fought for us is a God," they cried.
"Being a true kunoichi meant she was a warrior, not a..."
"A real fight, a fighter, a warrior."
"To be a warrior for human dignity and potential for all people."
"Warrior delivers more clotheslines."
"He wanted to die a warrior's death, and he died with a red-hot machine gun in his hand. Wow."
"It's because of him, it's because of warriors like him, that make our country the way it is, right?"
"Somebody who is an environmentalist who says I'm going to put all of my efforts and all of my personal feeling all of my love into making the planet Greener and safer you name it that is a warrior lover."
"Let's create a Warrior without the shadow."
"A philosopher Warrior, well that's what we have for you today."
"Whoever I'm speaking to, you are a spiritual warrior and you're very [__] magical."
"Then I challenge you. One Warrior to another."
"Another Skari warrior, blue Ami boid."
"He's the ultimate football warrior."
"If I was learning something like being a fighter, a warrior, something that was useful and got respect, well, things would be different."
"Let the spirit of the warrior guide you."
"Embrace the mentality of a warrior, and may your journey be one of purpose."
"The heart of a warrior is not measured by their physical prowess but by the depth of their character and the unwavering resolve to live with honor and purpose."
"Honor is the bedrock upon which the warrior's character is built and it permeates every aspect of their life."
"Resilience is the beating heart of the warrior's mentality."
"Practice the way of the warrior, and you will find victory."
"The greatest battle any warrior faces is the one within themselves."
"The warrior's legacy lives on through the hearts and actions of those they inspire."
"The path of the warrior is a journey worth undertaking."
"'I'm not made to be nice, to be blessed. I'm a warrior, a samurai, someone who is built to fight, built to kill. I'm glad you found the power you did, but you opened my eyes, Shield Hero. Opened my eyes to something I didn't think even existed.'"
"Cochise rose to lead the Apache and became an even greater warrior than his father-in-law mangas Coloradas."
"What is a warrior? A warrior is a way of life, a way of thinking, a way of being. Carlos Castaneda says we choose only once to be warriors or ordinary. We choose only once because choosing to be a warrior alters your fundamental approach to life."
"He embodies what 'nejo' means to him and his team, which we haven't touched on too much, but it's that Warrior chant. It's that willingness to get out there and put everything on the line. It's that call from the gods."
"Life in every breath, every life we take, the way of the warrior."
"Develop a Warrior's mindset; confront fear like a Warrior."
"Goan's greatest phase as a warrior is in Dragon Ball Super Superhero and Dragon Ball GT."
"But what about Goan in the S game? Some of you may ask. That was Goan at his prime level as a warrior in terms of mind, body, and spirit, right? Well, yes and no."
"I'd rather be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in war"
"It was a peaceful warrior but it was a warrior."
"We bring you the news here, we're informative, warrior, very."
"If you want to be a warrior, you need to know how to fight. You need to have a plan."
"Living like a warrior to me is about living with honor, living with discipline, living with respect."
"The hardest thing in the world for a warrior to be is himself."
"My father...they were not godly men as we are. The Warrior defends us, and help is always near if some dread foe should threaten."
"Leveling a warrior in World of Warcraft to level 60...that's firmly A tier."
"Bring to mind an area in your life that you might feel like a warrior or maybe an area in your life that you would like to feel like a warrior."
"Valkyrimon: The Warrior of another world."
"The essence of a warrior, of a samurai, is in the honor of their death."
"Adrenaline filled her veins and with the roar of a warrior."
"You are becoming stronger. You are now a warrior."
"Send them to a planet in the Holly system where they can meet death on their feet with a weapon in their hands, not tied and helpless. That is a Warrior's Way."
"Being this Warrior who knows how to just be a warrior, and then be a gentle kind artist who loves flowers."
"She's still a warrior, a powerful warrior."
"Bushido, the code of the warrior, was born."
"Never in his long and brilliant career as a warrior of the skies was this man caught unaware by the enemy."
"Choose the way of the warrior and find the peace that your soul longs for."
"You are a spirit Warrior, undefeated and unbeatable."
"She's an axe-wielding, goblin-beheading warrior! And she isn't just any warrior either— she's the strongest of them all!"
"Men disguising themselves as women for various reasons, but their justifications are always quite simple: They are warrior women, and that's it."
"A warrior always holds his weapons at the ready."
"The idea of the mounted warrior who fights with a lance and a couch and a saddle and plate armor or mail armor and obeys a code of chivalry, a code that is deeply."
"In other words, a warrior-poet hero."
"A warrior does not drop his weapons!"
"There's going to be a reappearance of warrior angels."
"I mean, she's just a warrior through and through."
"That's the greatest Warrior I've ever seen."
"That is one warrior who will be back. We hope very soon."
"'A true warrior doesn't need to use weapons.'"
"You are the one breaking the chains. You are the cosmic Warrior."
"The more we practice, the stronger you'll become as a warrior for the truth. Eventually, a society of Brave Hearts will arise."
"I really loved the true Warrior theme."
"Hail Odin, wise warrior, one-eyed wanderer!"
"Quo Verde, a fierce warrior, had earned the respect of his people through battlefield prowess."
"Arkuros stands at an impressive height of 12 feet, his gleaming golden armor and diamond-bladed long spear making him an awe-inspiring sight."
"Felena, despite her delicate beauty, is a fearsome Warrior often appearing in the form of a fair-skinned woman with brown hair and blue eyes, dressed in silk robes and a silver breastplate."