
Seasonal Changes Quotes

There are 158 quotes

"Our house should serve us in our current season of life...stuff is meant to make our life easier, not harder."
"Forza Horizon 4's biggest draw card is its constantly shifting seasons."
"Every time this time of year, I get the seasonal blues."
"All energy on earth comes from the Sun and in the summertime there's more sunlight, plants make more sugar, herbivores eat more sugar, and they get fatter."
"You might have one [winter], I've heard it gets wintry here and dark sometimes."
"Just embracing the seasons I think is so beautiful."
"It's that time of the year to adjust the next on my guitars. Come on, summer!"
"That hair is natural. Sometimes he might dye his roots black. Right now his roots are blonde, changes with the seasons."
"March in terms of things are blooming and blossoming."
"When we fall away from the sun or tilt away from the sun, know that things will soon be done. Winter solstice."
"The new moon before the spring equinox attracts things to us the feminine energy attracts well masculine energy goes and gets what it wants."
"Springtime is going to be a more better time for your love life."
"The camouflage trend is definitely kind of going out this fall and we're really just not seeing a lot of camouflage."
"October, November, December: stepping into a new version of yourself, a year of flow and harmony."
"Jumping into the seasons that we have here, we have all four seasons but they're much... they're some of them are really, really short."
"Every snotty nose little kid in a classroom, it's year-round."
"Autumn is my favorite time of the year. I love fall fashion, crisp air, and the changing of the leaves."
"Concerns are also rising about power supplies as temperatures fall."
"The Sun's annual journey from tropic to tropic, solstice to solstice, is what determines the length and character of days, nights, and seasons."
"It's a mood thing, it's a season thing, it's kind of a music thing."
"I think everything else is feeling the cooler temperatures, and everything's just improving so much."
"Wins do get easier. That's something we don't talk about enough, but through the middle of the season and towards the fantasy playoffs, there are going to be easier wins."
"It'll soon be summer here in the northern hemisphere... plenty of things change with the seasons."
"Forza Horizon 4 takes place in Great Britain, offering stunning views and the most detailed world we've ever seen in the series. The addition of seasons keeps the world feeling fresh every week."
"What does success look like in this season? What just happens in the winter? What happens in Spring? What do we need to do now to get the Ukrainians ready in the spring for the next phase?"
"The incredible Red Sea Beach in Panjin, China, turns red every autumn due to the red grass genus seaweed."
"She's been avoiding the unexpected but here comes Scorpio season, you can't avoid it."
"When you live out in the country you tend to notice things like leaves, bugs that hatch from year to year."
"As the days get shorter, nighttime magic is coming back to Disney's Animal Kingdom."
"Spring follows winter inevitably, believe that. That's some truth right there."
"You're definitely stepping into your power this fall season."
"Their first award was the LVMH special jury prize in 2015."
"The bags were a real hit, especially as they got smaller through the seasons."
"I love infusing my home with seasonal touches especially in the fall."
"It's just that time of the year where everyone is kind of telling themselves that they're getting a new fresh start."
"Sawsbuck are calm and easy to tame during the season when they take on this form, so it's the perfect time to make one your partner."
"It's just like a warm and toasty look which I wasn't expecting in the summertime but it carried me straight through into the fall."
"Spring is gonna make its way to us with a slew of gifts."
"One of my favorite things to do to bring in seasonal touches is pillow covers."
"Passover would eventually slip into winter, then fall, then back to the spring."
"Having seasons in your game enhances everything you do in gameplay. It makes time more interesting, keeps you engaged, and brings in more challenges."
"Your gut bacteria can actually change dramatically based on what time of year it is."
"It's fall time, so make sure to stay warm and cozy with friends and family."
"It especially helps me during the colder months where my skin can get kind of itchy."
"Renewal and rebirth... with the new moon... and the coming Equinox."
"I love fall and spring, summer is way too hot."
"The snow kind of falls and accumulates and then over time it kind of melts and sinks in."
"It's time to get ready for a cold, dark winter."
"This season is going to be hugely different because of the World Cup being in the middle."
"Let's just get into it so I started breaking out about two winters ago."
"Sex isn't always like this huge thing inside of your marriage. Sometimes there's different seasons, and that's okay."
"It's one of my favorite times a year where you're just seeing life kind of sprout up all around you it's so inspiring and just so needed."
"Jewelry in autumn is extremely important... I changed my jewelry from summer to autumn."
"It's the renewal of the earth also during spring, so Mother Earth is waking up, and it's also a great time for spiritual growth."
"The idea is that seasons are transformative enough to where it becomes exciting to play the same game again because you're going through it with a completely different lens."
"The street lights often served no real purpose, especially in the winters when evening dawned on us with pitch black darkness."
"Every autumn, Bird Rock’s eponymous denizens migrate south to warmer climes, leaving Rocher aux Oiseaux silent and desolate."
"And God moves in unique ways in different seasons and there are seasons when men don't want to do what they're supposed to do and God will leapfrog over them."
"Just by swapping that out it totally shifts the look of the entire room to that cozy fall vibe."
"Winter is the time when the weak things get killed off and allows the strong to really Thrive when the spring comes."
"The energy is perfect for ripening, that's the energy that is around you this week."
"Something that I feel like really helps set the tone for fall but doesn't cost a lot of money is swapping out smaller artwork pieces."
"Winter is coming: Prepare for a difficult season, both fiscally and from a weather perspective."
"The landslides were caused by severe winter rains, some people say that since the construction of the scenic road it has never been fully functional north to south for more than one year at a time."
"Love Is in the Air: April showers bring May lovers."
"Success is starting to look a bit more golden in December."
"This is actually our third summer here on our property."
"Fall Guys gonna be free to play starting next month with a brand new season."
"The panicles start out creamy white, then turn glorious shades of pinks and mauves."
"Ari and the Secret of the Seasons: An action-adventure game where you play as a young girl who gains the ability to manipulate the seasons around her."
"Things may be slotting into place in December... some of you are getting a bonus... financially rewarding things on your way."
"The situation continues as it is doing by autumn and winter then the situation is going to become incredibly difficult both economically and eventually politically."
"Winter always makes you appreciate the summer, it really does."
"People will be very surprised with this next season."
"People are so engaged in the transfer window and then it closes, and they just lose interest in the most important part."
"This unique formation of clouds and lightning changes its frequency throughout the year."
"I love the combination of color, it's going to be fun to watch what they do throughout this season."
"October is a very relational month, especially as it gets into deeper relationships towards the end."
"Welcome to Taurus season: nature blooms, love blooms, romance blooms."
"Humans have habits, but we need to modify them with the seasons because you are an animal."
"Enjoy this weather because it's about to be so, so hot."
"The wind is whipping, it is significantly colder than yesterday, fall is in full swing people."
"You don't want to use those same heavy serums and moisturizers and everything in the daytime as you did during the winter time, and at some point, your skin's just going to let you know."
"In every season, I just kind of add a few little pieces here and there."
"The shortest day of the year is the 21st of December, but because the night goes into the 22nd, it turns out to be the longest night of the year."
"I absolutely love changing out artwork throughout the house at any time of the year."
"I love autumn and everything that comes with it: the temperature change, the leaves, and the brisk air."
"I always find this time of year as the seasons change and the mornings get darker it's just so much harder to maintain the discipline, the motivation, the energy."
"It's important because tortoises function better with seasonal changes."
"We judge a season not by the date on the calendar, but by the availability of our favorite species of fish."
"Isn't that amazing I love the foliage I mean it's the foliage is downturn now but you know in the season it's much more like strong."
"I always get to this point of the year where my flower beds are just looking so like, oh, like so tired and weary, but not my hydrangeas."
"They change it five times a year for the five different seasons."
"It's a time of year where it does get darker a little bit earlier; it is a magical place, Mapperton."
"Some people say that they get their harvest ready and get all their food to last the winter; we have to junk all summer because we know that when fall happens and the holidays, the pickings get a little bit more slim."
"The bulk of the season now, we look over to the other side, the more gradually sloping and breaking side, that's where we have our summertime structures."
"As summer's prominent thunderstorms begin to shake the Earth, the very first batches of mature King Salmon begin to stage at the river mouths."
"I feel like this time of year is kind of weird but good in a way of fashion."
"Our skin is dynamic; it changes with our environment and with the season."
"When November's arctic winds blow through North Dakota, one of the most spectacular sights in the natural world follows."
"As April unfolds, the world finds itself on the brink of extraordinary celestial and earthly phenomena."
"Fall is moving along here, pretty soon we'll be into Thanksgiving and then Christmas."
"It's like the changing of the seasons; my city doesn't change, it just looks different when it snows versus when it's hot."
"Have you noticed that the days are getting longer and that's really getting us all excited about caravanning?"
"The beach is beautiful right now, there is no seaweed on the beach at this time of year."
"It's only 80 degrees instead of 95, and the sun's a little bit lower in the sky, not as intense, it being December."
"But just because the ski season looks like a bust now doesn't mean it'll stay that way."
"It's mid-October, that special time of the season when Mother Nature blends beauty to harvest time and whitetail bucks feel a hormonal change causing them to move about searching for lady friends."
"These warm to cold seasonal changes could be so hard to navigate in terms of your wardrobe."
"Relationships are definitely going to give you a little bit of extra leeway in this time of year."
"I love kale that has been frosted on... it is so sweet and just completely different than what you grow in the warm weather."
"You'll notice in certain areas in June, there was a heightened level of greenness."
"A reindeer's eyes go through a range of hues; they're gold but in the winter change to blue."
"It's crazy, this is winter, and there's so much stuff going on, I wonder what summer is like."
"You can change your mind again and again, you can come back to the garden in different ways every single season."
"Each season bringing with it unique challenges and its own celebrations."
"It's beautiful outside, the pollen is out there, but it is absolutely beautiful."
"It's that time of year where it's hot in the sun, cold in the shade."
"It's actually like smoke season already, yeah, literally."
"It's wonderful to go out in nature and really observe how plants and trees grow from the seed all the way on, watching the changes through the seasons."
"I just wanted to normalize it if you get this way, particularly during this time of year, that it is totally normal."
"If you're in colder climates or if you're in the cold season, winter time for example, you tend to run slightly lighter engine oils than you do in hot conditions or in summer conditions."
"I knew that New York was getting warm now, that London was wet, that Rome was hot."
"We've had 8 baby goats this season."
"It's thriving in the 90-degree heat in mid-October."
"Days are getting longer, which means I have more light to work, more motivation, more everything."
"The level of methane rises and falls at seasonal intervals in the year, almost as if the planet is breathing it."
"It's not unusual in this part of the country for this time of year to go straight from a cool spring into the dead middle of summer."
"Everything is going to be okay, but I always have this sort of frantic feeling at this time of year."
"It's almost like seasonal affective disorder; we need sunlight because if you don't have these things, you become depressed."
"Live oaks tend to lose a great deal of their leaves in late January and December and then they grow a new flush of leaves in March when the light is starting to increase."
"I'm obsessed with florals; anything floral when floral comes out, that's my favorite time."
"Wonderful time for baby animals and soon for wildflowers."
"I feel like as we get towards fall and winter months, it's harder and harder to find time in the sunlight and like get good sunlight in my room."
"I like to decorate, keep my everyday decor there, just add those pops of each season."
"There's a reason for every season."
"With cooler weather means drier skin, so I wanted to do a video on how you can really beat that and still keep your skin looking healthy and glowy."
"I love summer so much, my products change during the summertime."