
Culture Shock Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"Everything's done with paper here in Capital; it's a huge culture shock for people visiting."
"It's sort of like you're starving to death in some African country and then like someone flies you over to an industrialized country and you go into a grocery store and you realize they throw like a thousand pounds of food away a day."
"For me to get used to that because I've this doesn't happen in the UK ever right this does not happen in the UK unless I guess I went to a con but like out in LA I felt like I was just meeting so many people."
"I think like you guys would agree I was stunned upon returning to the States."
"I felt the culture shock and it did kind of make me feel really disoriented."
"It was short but it was just culture shock, you know, from being in a war zone to the United States resort, yeah, Hawaii or Aspen Colorado, either places like this is really different."
"Living in a big city can be quite overwhelming, especially when you are a foreigner."
"I always have the most culture shock when returning to the US."
"Kirk and his crew must time-travel back to 1986 San Francisco where they find a world of punk, pizza, and exact change buses."
"An ancient Roman would undoubtedly experience a profound sense of cognitive dissonance upon their initial arrival and exposure to the 21st century."
"It was a culture shock to come to LA because it was so segregated."
"The American flag and I suppose there's a very good reason as to why you know I didn't encounter this until I moved to America."
"Imagine being asked to go to a country where you don't speak the language."
"It was actually my first Halloween in the U.S."
"Another culture shock that I got in Kenya was the fact that Kenyans are so so patriotic they love their country like something else wow Kenyans love their country is that why they keep on complaining even when they have too much my dear Kenyans"
"You are going into a country in which the people live so primitively that you won't believe it. They don't even have proper toilets."
"Size also matters to Europeans when traveling in the States. In America, everything just seems bigger."
"Dude, it's crazy. They don't put clocks anywhere, they don't have windows in... Hold up, they don't have windows anywhere."
"Norway is beautiful. It really is. And like, I've never experienced anything like it here. So, I let going. But at the same time, it's like, they don't have Whataburger, so it's hard for me to like... So, what's either way?"
"It's interesting but it's interesting you know like you're in a coma you know in the 90s and you wake up now and everyone's like at the coffee shop just staring at the things and you're like what the [ __ ] is going on."
"I think a lot, you know, my shock of how cheap British groceries really are can be summed up with our trip to Tesco and the shock of the Tesco meal deal."
"Imagine getting your ass beat in a language you don't understand. That would be wild."
"This is weird because I'm used to London, guys."
"If you can have culture shock by relocating to another location in space, you could have future shocked by, in effect, relocating in time."
"Even though we still experience some culture shock after 6 years of living in Ecuador, some things are shocking in a good way."
"You just don't know what's going to happen, you can't really plan for dealing with a whole new culture and a whole new language."
"Japan is like taking your life, everything you know about your life, just reset it."
"The first thing I found really weird when I first landed at the Detroit airport for the first time ever in the United States was to see people walking around with giant coffee cups around the airport like that was really weird."
"Love culture shock and I get it by going beyond Europe."
"I was blown away by how different it was to what I expected but also just how friendly people were."
"Culture shock is a phrase that is used to describe the feeling of sensory overload that many people experience when they visit or move to a new country."
"When you finally reached Japan but you don't see any subtitles."
"It was definitely a culture shock because, you know, we're from America."
"Culture shock is basically that disorienting feeling that we have when we are in a place or a culture that is different from our own."
"This being country number two for me, I say double culture shock as an American but also coming from Bangkok, it's completely different here."
"I've had some cultural shocks because I had no idea that there was like free health care or at least to that extent."
"Space-time travel is very stressful; we can only imagine the impact of such a culture shock."
"Welcome to Japan, where... How are you not terrified?"
"The scenery around here is just so beautiful that being dropped into a concrete jungle like Los Angeles was a major culture shock for me."
"I got Beverly Hills'd in Hollywood."
"Socializing...if you have that when you first get to a country then all of the other things that are different won't be so difficult for you to deal with."
"From the minute you get off the plane, you're in a different world."
"The traffic and lights are a bit of a shock after three days of crossing half a nation through the Great Australian loneliness."
"For a young man from New England, the land of pilgrims and Puritan values, San Francisco and its infamous Barbary Coast must have been quite a culture shock."
"It's amazing, it just blew my mind how happy and friendly the people were."
"Berlin was a shock to us Californians: dark, cold, and snowing, but the audience at Deutschlandhalle was warm and wonderful."
"It really felt like something special, it really felt like something I've never seen before, it was a culture shock."
"For me to come from this very modest, humble environment and to get off a plane in London... I had walked into a whirlwind."
"For foreigners arriving from wealthy nations, the extreme poverty in which many Tanzanians live is frequently the most significant source of culture shock."
"I tried the bidet in Japan. Just... do."
"When Dylan Thomas, the Welsh poet, made his first trip to America, he said he was dismayed to find the plane full of gnomes, international spies, and Presbyterians."
"For the first time, everything was huge: big cars on big roads, big streets, and restaurants and malls."
"It's culture shock coming over here and having people that are just friendly and nice and don't have negative things to say."
"It was such a culture shock getting to know these nannies... it was two meetings that I will never forget."
"This was one of the biggest culture shocks that I experienced after I moved here to Germany."
"There's a term for the extreme disappointment, and it is called Paris syndrome."
"Did I mention how clean it is over there? That was probably like my biggest culture shock."
"An American in Moscow can certainly feel very foreign and have his eyes open wider than ever before."
"She was a New York girl; she couldn't stand the sticky heat, she struggled in the southern social scene, and like her father, she wasn't a fan of slavery."
"I don't know about you, but if I would have taken a nap in 1999 and didn't wake up until 20 years later in 2019, I would be in absolute shock at the increase of idiots I see when I go out in public."
"Coming from like safe Japan, like one of the safest countries in the world, to riding here, it's a big change."
"Once I stepped out of the apartment and went outside, I experienced something that I didn't think I would: culture shock."
"Culture shock is when you realize that the culture you're living in is not beneficial, and it's time to change your own culture."
"When I saw all the technological innovations in Japan, I felt like I came from a third-world country."
"Taking off your shoes in Japan is a shock."
"How utterly shocked, scared, and just plain confused a person from medieval times would be if they somehow just transplanted into present day."
"I think if you've never lived in Japan before or you've never really visited, it can be a little bit tough adjusting to the culture here as it is very different."
"They learn that they are in Japan and they speak a different language."