
CCP Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"The CCP never admits its mistakes. If it needs to appease the people, it will choose to punish some scapegoats."
"China now, for has just celebrated the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Chinese Communist Party. It is a Marxist Leninist party, which in the year 2022, takes Marxist Leninism deadly seriously."
"Eliminating the Chinese Communist Party is a matter of justice."
"In China, the CCP is the highest political authority; all citizens are subject to the CCP, and the law is also subject to the CCP."
"For a Chinese person to stand up and say anything that goes against the CCP takes incredible courage."
"The question is, when did the Chinese Communist Party know about it?"
"The Communist Party of China's involvement, influence, and control over the commercial sector means that Chinese companies are beholden to the party state and can be compelled to sacrifice corporate interests for government favor."
"The CCP's priority is deception, lies in Saving Face at all costs."
"The world must open its eyes to the truth and see that the CCP abuses the people of China."
"China affects our lives and it affects everybody's lives. I mean, look at the pandemic, look where we are now. That is because of the way the CCP handled the pandemic in the outbreak in the beginning."
"Taiwan has humiliated the Chinese Communist Party."
"A lot of people have been very critical of Disney kowtowing to the CCP in this movie."
"They want to dominate the world, they want to change the way each and every one of you live here in the United States" – Warning about the CCP's ambitions.
"The CCP is using the virus to expand its information controls and surveillance."
"The Chinese Communist Party just shut down the world with a virus."
"People in Japan and many Western countries have a different perception of the CCP than they used to."
"The Chinese Communist Party locking up a million plus Uyghur Muslims."
"This is the CCP exporting this high-tech totalitarianism system."
"The CCP's form of warfare a lot of people call it unrestricted warfare."
"The man of ideological faith has started to realize that the CCP is not worth saving."
"Taiwan Foreign Ministry spokeswoman O Tiangan declared that the CCP has never ruled Taiwan for a single day."
"More and more people are becoming aware of the nature of the Chinese Communist Party or the CCP."
"In 1989 the CCP did something that shocked the entire world."
"The Chinese Communist Party is the greatest threat to the United States' economic and national security."
"The CCP celebrated its 100th anniversary on Thursday. For the party, it's about glorifying its past. But what kind of past? It's a black day in history."
"The CCP causes misfortune not only to China but also to the entire world."
"The CCP's past 100 years of crimes against humanity."
"How much loyalty does the Chinese Communist Party demand from its members?"
"I always wanted to see the CCP fall, unfortunately it's the people they make fall."
"The bureaucratic logic of the CCP is adverse elimination: good people will be eliminated and bad people will stay."
"Preventing the CCP from exporting its benevolent surveillance practices and stopping the spread of digital authoritarianism is an inevitable battle."
"The CCP is facing anti-dumping investigations and corresponding sanctions from the world."
"When it comes to Chinese Communist Party, your geography doesn't matter."
"The Chinese Communist Party crushes them. It's a surveillance State, they put some of them in prison, they can't practice their faith in the way that they want to. It destroys the very Humanity of the Chinese people."
"The CCP's overseas police stations were set up without permission, leading to unease and fear among those seeking safety in the UK."
"Lee cared more about Ordinary People compared to many other senior CCP officials."
"As long as the CCP is not overthrown... none of them will work out. The system is corrupted to a degree that's passed the point of no return." - Zhang
"The Chinese Communist Party has lied and will continue to lie about coronavirus to protect the regime." - U.S Senator Ben Sasse
"The goal of the Chinese Communist Party is to get into your mind and determine what you're allowed to think."
"Over 400 million Chinese people have quit the Chinese Communist Party."
"The Chinese Communist Party is a real and urgent threat not just to our democracy, but to your businesses because they don't want to just compete, they want to put you out of business, and they don't play by the rules."
"Why does the CCP treat the Chinese people like this? The primary goal of CCP is to stay in power."
"Poor economics definitely would bring the CCP closer to war."
"Catherine always looks like a queen in waiting."
"The Chinese Communist Party needs development of its people to maintain its legitimacy."
"The Chinese Communist Party has light is lying and will continue to lie about coronavirus."
"We don't want the CCP in the Sunshine State." - Ron DeSantis
"China's social credit system is widely been viewed as Draconian; it's been taken as a mass surveillance scheme, a way designed by the CCP to Snoop on private citizens and punish them for perceived social transgressions."
"No business is untainted while CCP policies have been destructive."
"We tried to win the CCP over with honey, believing that economic engagement would lead to reforms. We were wrong."
"For over 20 years, the CCP has been attacking us, our government, our defense contractors, our technology firms in cyberspace."
"The CCP has all the power in China, and there's no one who is beyond their reach."
"Only time will tell how it will play out for China and the CCP."
"...the strategy of denial is a deterrence by denial, the way to do that is you convince the CCP leadership, not just that an invasion is going to be costly, but it's going to fail."
"I absolutely condemn what the CCP is doing."
"The Chinese Communist Party doesn't represent the Chinese people."