
Scapegoating Quotes

There are 113 quotes

"The CCP never admits its mistakes. If it needs to appease the people, it will choose to punish some scapegoats."
"Immigrants are being scapegoated for issues they have nothing to do with in our economy."
"The identified patient is the person that the family blames most of their problems on, but they're actually usually just fitting into the family how they're supposed to fit in."
"The scapegoat can spend a lifetime paying for sins they never committed."
"If you speak up... you will be scapegoated immediately."
"Be prepared to be scapegoated... that's a small price to pay for your freedom."
"They're going out there and blaming gay people instead of the guns that are actually killing people."
"The French public were poor and frustrated and angry, and Marie was kind of a scapegoat for that anger."
"It's a common tactic for authoritarian governments...they need a scapegoat to fall back on."
"How do you explain all those protesters who seem to disagree with you? Well, they're being paid by George Soros of course."
"If you have any compassion at all, you shouldn't let a guy like that get scapegoated."
"There's no doubt that Rachel Nichols was thrown on the bus and then ran over five times."
"Blaming video games for mass shootings is about as effective as the same people who cry about high-capacity magazines or cry about mental healthcare."
"This is about ripping families apart, arresting immigrants and blaming someone for our problems so we can ignore the fact that Trump and these right wing officials are grifters."
"Shaw's defense will lean into these other dudes did it, it wasn't me."
"It's always easier to blame scientists because that makes for a better story and a more juicy conspiracy."
"If prices go up and you can't get food and the supply chains are bad, and some other stuff's going on, it's not because of them, it's that there's this guy Putin."
"It's amazing though that Biden has been able to use as a scapegoat for his failures, placing it directly on Donald Trump. Now what is crazy about that is, Donald Trump moved the meter and moved us so far ahead."
"Happy to be the scapegoat for why this thing isn't going to happen."
"It's a genre of music being blamed, but it just so happened that a lot of people that's affiliated with this is a part of street organization."
"They scapegoating basically, they blaming something for what that been going on in New York City since I was a little kid."
"The music is the scapegoat for the problem they just create in the music."
"We're all part of society. Scapegoating won't help. We need to focus on the real big picture."
"People like to blame China because it distracts attention from their own shortcomings and weaknesses."
"There's a scapegoating going on here, and China's totally blameless."
"Conservative leaders have pathologized their numerous fears of failure and powerlessness into one targetable word; a word that covers almost every group they feel victimized by."
"The regime can quickly blame International Travelers if the waves get out of control."
"Transpeople and also trans kids have become a very ugly scapegoat of a movement that 15 years ago was mostly targeting gay men."
"Who do they blame? Who do they assign as the scapegoat who betrayed them?"
"Blame a scapegoat class for this problem anti-Semitism in particular."
"Frank Vogel is being scapegoated for a horrible situation that LeBron James created."
"Everyone wants to blame him. Oh, ever since he bought the team, the team's been in the luck."
"Police were racist and the two of them are only in prison now because the police were covering for some rich white man's son."
"Blaming progressives weak Democrats search scapegoats shows your cowardice."
"The story can't end there. People needed someone to blame and they needed a way to distance themselves from the wars."
"We need to actually be pointing out the scapegoating and saying the reason we can't have nice things is because these folks over here are lying to you about who's to blame for the fact that you ain't got nice things already."
"People wanted something to blame, something as exciting as a scapegoat, and the press loves a story."
"Violence in video games will continue to be a scapegoat for shitty politicians."
"The police seem to, as usual, be an easy scapegoat, a convenient scapegoat to blame because of that frustration."
"It was convenient for business owners and corporate politicians to scapegoat workers as the problem."
"Trans people are just being used as a scapegoat."
"That's why so many people use that as a get out of jail free card, and it's up to us as news consumers to realize that."
"Trump only focuses on antifa to scapegoat the white. I do think Trump does that."
"Dungeons and Dragons may not have been the only trigger behind the satanic panic of the 1980s, however, it was certainly a very popular punching bag."
"It's illogical, but it also tracks with history, where it's like, you know, at times of chaos where people feel uncertain and, you know, whatever, there's a scapegoat, here you go, here's the people to blame."
"Leaders blame a certain group for the suffering and hardships present in the society as a whole."
"He would do a switcheroo and use Matheny as the scapegoat."
"The government will [expletive] people over and then convince them of some scapegoat as the reason why you're living in this awful situation."
"Just screaming D&D bad to the ignorant masses is an easier way to exploit a tragedy."
"The notion that marijuana of all things is to blame for the mass shooting is so incredibly ignorant and intentionally deceptive."
"What black Americans do is become the vicarious scapegoat for the rest of America to blame any time times get hard."
"The scapegoating of communism is a convenient cover for fascism."
"Being the scapegoat in a narcissistic family is to be saddled with all the narcissistic parent's problems and essentially sent into exile."
"Scapegoating seeds in people's minds that we can't let everybody get a say because some people are bad and dangerous."
"...the feelings of shame and the feelings of wanting to escape go that shame onto other people in the community that they think are weirder or less acceptable or less able to fit into society."
"Someone here was trying to throw you under the bus."
"You're all standing out here, all set to crucify somebody. You're all desperate to point some kind of finger at a neighbor."
"They were willing participants in this throw you under the bus thing."
"But just as we see in the real world, all too often instead of blaming the jackals at the top of the food chain who are responsible for all of this, we turn against each other."
"Satanism was used as a scapegoat for people's psychotic behavior and things like that because it fitted into the narrative."
"It's really easy to make a boogeyman."
"Everybody was more in shock the fact that they forgot all about those three and focused on my brother."
"This is called the scapegoating process and it is a use of Violence by the group against one of its individuals in order to prevent the outbreak of widespread violence amongst the whole group."
"We see that pattern throughout history: Whenever there's widespread fear, turmoil, hardship, all of a sudden the Jewish Community becomes the focal point."
"Fours often feel like they don't fit into families or have been unfairly scapegoated."
"Stop playing the blame game. Stop blaming God, stop blaming your wife, stop blaming your husband, stop blaming your children, stop blaming your parents, stop blaming the system."
"The family scapegoat... comes to believe that something inside of them is broken and bad."
"Scapegoats often get involved in anti-social behaviors... because they have internalized this feeling of 'I am bad'."
"The only way to get him acquitted however is to pin the crime on Adrian, a completely innocent tormented woman who has been destroyed because of the petty rivalry of these two men and the chaos they've left in their wake."
"What is sinister is trying to use the whole issue of migration as one of the anti-work issues, so that immigrants become the scapegoat for the failures of government."
"Authoritarian populism very often scapegoats people; it finds an enemy."
"Pedophilia is not about one person, it's about a movement, and unfortunately, they used R Kelly as a scapegoat to deflect from the white-owned, white-controlled, white-led, white-financed pedophile movement."
"They looked for a scapegoat naturally and one of the scapegoats that they found was the Christians."
"People often use their mental health as a scapegoat for their terrible actions."
"It seems like right from the get-go Hazy was the easy target"
"There aren't many if any big issues that have ever been solved by scapegoating or demonizing a group of people."
"People needed to draw their attention somewhere and to say that oh what really happened what what is new that caused this, oh Jewish people are now here let us then therefore use them as an explanation for why everything is going poorly for us."
"Black men are always going to be used as the scapegoat and the Fall Guy when it comes to the criminal activities that go on in this country behind the scenes."
"If video games were causing violent behavior, you could just ban video games and then that would be great. But that's not the reason."
"...anti-semitism is often not far around the corner because people are often looking for a scapegoat to understand why life is so unfair or why they've gotten a bad lot in life and you can bet the anti-semite is going to be there to hand them the excuse."
"Guys like Bernie Madoff and Harvey Weinstein were certainly scapegoats for the larger ills or crimes of a deeper industry."
"When a whole people panic, then an object for their hate must be found, a naming, an immediate object."
"These people don't want the facts, they want a scapegoat."
"You can't make a scapegoat out of someone just because you want to hit headlines."
"Blaming one scapegoat for the entirety of the problem is how scapegoating is deceitful."
"The problem with scapegoating is that it's a lie in the extent of the blame."
"Witchcraft is women being scapegoated under false accusations."
"Intolerance to immigrants is an easy sell. They look different to you and they sound different to you so everything must be their fault."
"Scapegoating seems to be an important aspect of identity formation."
"I think it's unfair of you all to believe that if not for Laura's existence, your parents would have stayed together."
"A thoughtless, frightened search for a scapegoat has a fallout all its own."
"We are a nation of immigrants who turn on immigrants as scapegoats when normal politics doesn't work anymore."
"Metternich is the sort of scapegoat to try and satiate the new democratic nationalist movement."
"If someone has ever accused you of something to avoid getting blamed themselves, then we're sorry to say you have been thrown under the bus."
"Every one of you's standing here all set to crucify - all set to find a scapegoat - all desperate to point a finger at a neighbor."
"People in power are quick to single out a group and say, 'Oh, look out, they're here to take your jobs or threaten your culture,' or some other lie."
"Scapegoating is blaming somebody else for your behavior."
"If you understand how and why scapegoating works, you can then inform yourself as to how to resist this role."
"Nero needed a scapegoat for the fire of Rome."
"It's very important to not willingly allow yourself to be somebody or a bunch of people's scapegoat."
"Scapegoats are people within a group who are blamed for mistakes, misfortunes, or the faults of others."
"Angela Hawk is being made into a scapegoat for the accidental death of an infant child whose parents exercised their right to have a home birth."
"Scapegoating one person for the actions of others is an ancient tradition."
"One of Jonah Jameson's superpowers is the ability to blame any situation on Spider-Man, no matter what happened or who was involved."