
Counter-terrorism Quotes

There are 122 quotes

"Our civil liberties are being excessively curbed in the name of counter-terrorism."
"There are some situations, such as beating ISIS, having a good economy, these are fantastically good things for human beings."
"We have gone after Al Qaeda's leadership like never before and Osama bin Laden is dead."
"In response, on the 15th of September Meir authorised Mossad to launch an operation to hunt down the terrorists responsible for Munich."
"Had the request for additional forces been approved, the war on terror could have ended a decade earlier than it did."
"The HRT acts as a counter-terrorism unit within the borders of the United States..."
"another way we should consider like how to stop terrorism is just destroy Isis"
"We wanted to demonstrate to the terrorists in the Middle East that we had the will and the capability of going after them anywhere at any time."
"This summit will mark the beginning of the end for those who practice terror."
"Our only vital national interest in Afghanistan remains today what has always been preventing a terrorist attack on America's homeland."
"We will continue our fight against radical Islamic terrorism."
"We believe in zero tolerance policy to this kind of killing or terrorism."
"Biden opposed killing Soleimani. He was very much... we killed this number one terrorist."
"We've been killing terrorists, creating jobs, raising wages, enacting fair trade, securing our border."
"Pornography is a form of control, a sophisticated form of control."
"For us who are seeking to defeat these terrorist groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS it cannot be done through military action alone."
"The US began bombing Afghanistan only days after the attacks, with one of their primary goals being to hunt down Bin Laden."
"Normally when I think of justified drone strikes, it's usually like these people are militia members who are literally right now planning future violence against civilians and against America."
"Islam is not part of the problem in combating violent extremism; it is an important part of promoting peace."
"I feel peaceful... like I just feel peaceful."
"The arrest and prosecution was the first instance of U.S. law bringing an individual into custody overseas."
"There is a popular resistance against these terrorists."
"By removing Soleimani, we have sent a powerful message to terrorists. If you value your own life, you will not threaten the lives of our people."
"Military action alone cannot sustainably eradicate the complex challenges linked to terrorism."
"America did strike a series of terrorist encampments and it was very successful."
"What are you supposed to do as a CT, what are you supposed to do, stare at the smoke, push through it?"
"Al Qaeda was kept really off balance and unable to strike at a strategic level for 20 years."
"The world needs greater unity and determination to defeat Russian Terror faster and protect lives."
"Solar panels and wind turbines don't poison our water or pollute our air."
"Our war on terror begins with Al Qaeda. It does not end there."
"We will stop radical Islamic terrorism because we cannot allow it to tear up our nation and indeed to tear up the entire world."
"King Salman and Crown Prince Muhammad have taken dozens and dozens of measures to crack down on terrorists."
"We've got a chance to really deliver a fatal blow to this organization if we follow through aggressively."
"In 2011, MI6 hacked into Al Qaeda's online magazine and replaced bomb-making instructions with a recipe for cupcakes featured on Ellen."
"Al-Qaeda is accelerating its attacks on Western targets, and the CIA will now more than ever need to hunt them down."
"SEAL Team Six moves in and engages the al-Qaeda bomber, killing him and everyone with him."
"If somebody else carries it out it's terror. If we carry it out it's counterterror."
"This massive International terrorism run and supported by the United States is considered a great Triumph of counterterrorism."
"What is Terror is breed on poverty and so if we can create value that Wildlife can create a value then that we can start hedging some bets against things like terrorism."
"When we try to adopt a more restrained strategy, Al Qaeda recovers, you know typically takes them a couple years but they recover and they become a bigger threat and so that happened in the Pakistan border region from 2005 to 2008."
"That's what really drove us to our campaign against core Al-Qaeda which was very effective against the next most dangerous threats in Yemen and Syria later where there were threats to the Homeland and to Europe."
"We tried to get information from these IEDs so we can get left of the bang. So if you can imagine on a timeline, boom would find the bomb and place it, the bomb maker, the supplier, the financier, all those guys, and follow the chain backwards."
"The GIGN is one of the most elite counter-terrorism units in the entire world, made up of only 400 operators. The GIGN have a flawless track record of 1800 publicly known missions, rescuing anywhere between 600 to 1300 hostages depending on who you ask."
"It’s not the most political move, but it stops this sit dead in its tracks and heavily disincentivizes future terrorists because it’s no longer an effective strategy."
"With just 5 years of training, the gsg9 had molded itself into one of the finest counterterrorism organizations in the world."
"He had a whole library of books, including by Mike Scheuer who ran the CIA unit dedicated to hunting down bin Laden."
"You can see how that kind of becomes a rationale for just an literally endless counterterrorism operation."
"John also served in Blue Light which is America's first counterterrorism unit."
"Delta is so lethal because they're like the number one DA counter-terrorism group there is."
"If you have intelligence of a pending terror attack, you think this is all BS, it's almost certainly not going to happen, but if it does happen and you were sitting on that intelligence, oh boy."
"We should do both things: continue to hit terrorists because they threaten our country, but at the same time support dialogue."
"We must be far more robust in identifying these ideologies and defeating them across all parts of our societies."
"They are not only Israel's number one counterterror unit but they are also considered to be one of the best counterterror units in the world."
"New regulations were brought into place to help stop money laundering and counter terrorist financing."
"We had to understand that counterterrorism was going to be number one, counterintelligence protecting our secrets from the Chinese was number two, and cyber was number three."
"The war on terror was the right response to 9/11."
"The strategy of taking out terrorists who threaten us while supporting partners on the front lines is one that we have successfully pursued in Yemen and Somalia for years."
"I always thought it was absurd... to go into Afghanistan and I fully endorsed the necessity going to Afghanistan to eliminate al-Qaeda."
"Joint Task Force 2 is Canada's elite tier 1 unit, primarily tasked with performing counter-terrorism operations."
"That was a very effective period in America's fight against Al Qaeda."
"...we had what was the most consequential success of that little time period."
"To combat the threat of terrorism, I've got to be an expert in the techniques of close-quarter battle."
"Perhaps as a lawyer, I can take a role in the war against terrorism by doing what lawyers do best: go after the pocketbooks of the terror organizations."
"Red Cell was the first unit of its kind and would bring a new kind of approach to counter-terrorism the likes of which had never before been seen by the world."
"You cannot in the end defeat terrorism simply through uses of guns and missiles; you defeat terrorism through governance and good working democracies."
"For any counter-terrorist operation to be a success, there are three essential factors it must have: speed, surprise, aggression."
"Crypto has for years proven to be an ineffective tool for terrorism financing at scale."
"We've got to look at this from that perspective and see that we need a combined global comprehensive effort to deal with this."
"It is not true to say that by insisting the terror be curbed we are hindering the peace process."
"We call upon a gathering of all the Somali religious scholars... and they came to Somalia, sat for almost a week, and issued a fatwa where they collectively, unanimously, and categorically rejected and nullified Al Shabab's claim to Islamic ideals as part of their war."
"We can't deal a lasting defeat to the Islamic state until we get after the underlying conditions that feed radical extremism."
"Using Afghanistan as a counterterrorism platform... has been a reason we haven't had another 9/11."
"Our intense focus on recovery and helping the injured and the families of those who were killed is matched only by our determination to prevent and our unity to track down, root out, and pursue terrorists."
"This was a real plot against the city of New York... and it was stopped not entirely but in large measure because of the techniques we were talking about here tonight."
"If we can find investment in education and investment in the private sector, then there will be no supply to terrorism."
"We are strongly determined to take any necessary measures in order to root out terrorism and to eradicate it no matter where."
"The coalition is united in the fight against ISIS, and this meeting seeks to accelerate international efforts to defeat ISIS in the remaining areas it holds in Iraq and Syria, while maximizing pressure on its branches, affiliates, and networks."
"There's a big difference between the approach of this President and the last administration in terms of giving the generals and the leaders in the national security team and the Defense Department the tools and authority they need to prosecute the case against ISIS."
"Our civil liberties are being successfully curbed in the name of counterterrorism."
"We need to enhance international dialogue and cooperation against terrorism."
"It's critical that the whole world responds to terror in a unified and principled manner."
"We are reaffirming our shared goal: to disrupt, dismantle and defeat al Qaeda and its extremist allies in Afghanistan and Pakistan."
"The President has asked us to do everything we can to defeat ISIS and, in particular, to ensure that we defeat ISIS in this so-called caliphate in the terrain that they're endeavoring to hold on to in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and other areas."
"Securing the homeland against terrorism remains our top priority."
"The U.S. government’s ability to locate and neutralize the infamous leader of al-Qaeda was seen as a critical step toward the future of international counterterrorism operations."
"Every responsible nation must work together to strip these groups of their territory, their financing, and the false allure of their evil ideology."