
Job Challenges Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Goodness, what a complex job. What a complex, high stakes, high consequence job."
"No one across the counter is like, 'I can't wait to ruin this person's day and make them three hours delayed.' They want you to leave."
"Our job never stops, and it could be exhausting, it could be challenging, but perseverance, that is what it takes, and resiliency, that is what it takes for change."
"When you're in a job that dictates overcoming adversity...it sets you up to be like 'I'll do whatever the [__] I want.'"
"The difficult part of my job relates to your high level of intellect, which paradoxically makes it more difficult for you to understand unless you remember how important it is to have moments of insight."
"There are some days when the very last thing I want to do is turn these lights on and start talking into the camera I just don't have it in me but I do it anyway cuz it's it's my job now."
"I spent years working minimum wage, very difficult jobs. Retail jobs, the hardest job I ever worked was unpacking boxes at Ross. At one point I had three minimum wage jobs at a time."
"It was a very close call but we have won the championship over Cal."
"I'd rather do this impossible job and try than walk away from something that I love. I respect that about Solkjaer."
"Every time you go back to that job... it will be a step of faith."
"Our job is to understand you are being pranked."
"Every job I have done was different. Every time you learn."
"Talking about the enormity of the job that Eric tanhag's got actually I think what we've seen over the last couple of weeks is that we're in a better position over the last couple of weeks than we've been for most of the season."
"It's not an easy job, and you're dealing with young children, which is not an easy job either."
"We're pretty much working full-time jobs and we're trying our best."
"Understand their problems. Know what the biggest challenges are in this position or that this company is facing."
"A farmer's job is not exactly a sort of easy holiday."
"This is the best job in the world, it's also the hardest job."
"I feel really bad for these people because the job seems pretty hard."
"I cannot do my job without understanding... the institutional issues that lead to... the issues that my job deals with."
"Job at this level you have to be a true fighter, you have to be a dog, you know, willing to go in there and just mix it up."
"It's rare you can just fall into creative jobs."
"People think your job's so easy, but it's still hard to wake up some mornings."
"If part of your job is to contain something, then how the hell do these critters get out? It's kind of like asking the police why crimes still happen."
"You really need some grace. It's really hard to define the job. You deal with a lot of really terrible things all the time on a regular basis."
"It's widely acknowledged that the job of food delivery drivers is far from easy."
"There will be a job available for you that may be hard to do but could give you more flexible time."
"It's tough, it's a tough job. Especially tough without tools."
"The most challenging thing ironically wasn't the job because we were prepared for it, but having to leave the family."
"Picture a tow truck driver doing his job, putting a big cop-looking blue Yukon up on the tow truck, and all of a sudden, now it's raining solid metal chairs."
"I go to work now and now and I just exhale. I'm like, 'okay, what we gonna do?' And that's, that's pretty incredible."
"Rushing to build is one of the least sexy parts of the job."
"Entitled parents want to take it all down. This lifeguard just wants to do their job and try to save lives."
"I think one of the dangers of doing this for a job is that if you lose perspective, it gets dangerous."
"Oh my god did I underestimate this frigging job."
"The job I have is harder than the presidency. Why? Because you've got to please God."
"When you're a little bit underqualified for the job but you still show up and do your best."
"I did this gig for eight years without backup, and you better believe I screwed up lots of times. But that is how you learn."
"by far the hardest part of this job so far has been getting this bracket back in place"
"Dog walkers can all agree that this is one of the most awkward parts of the job. Maybe bring a poop bag next time."
"It's rough. You have a family, you know. It's a rough job."
"This job kind of forced me to get outside my comfort zone and challenge myself."
"The difficult and most interesting part of our job really is thinking of all of the problems that we will need to solve to achieve our goals."
"Every shift they turn up, they have no idea what they're going to be confronted with."
"Customers are the best and the worst parts of every job, and even the same customer can be both."
"Mr. Koskinen, you have a tough job. There’s no question about it and I don’t know anybody that approaches it with a smile like you do."
"Streaming is easily the hardest job I've had. The post-stream social exhaustion is so real."
"This job is very difficult, but then just hold on and be patient."
"Oh my god, I don't know how normal people with real jobs do this."
"This job can be very challenging at times."
"I'm feeling like a little bit frustrated at the moment, mainly because with my job, you're always kind of coming up with ideas."
"The hardest part of the job is just being able to cope emotionally, being secure enough in yourself to put yourself out there."