
Experiment Quotes

There are 599 quotes

"What would you do if you could become CEO of Yes Theory and control everything we do for 48 hours? You'll be able to do whatever you want with our time, money, and social media accounts."
"Universality of gravity... a hammer and feather without air resistance should fall at the same rate."
"O God, who hast created all things and hast given unto us discernment to understand the good and the evil, through thy Holy Name grant that this experiment may become true and veritable."
"We've been running the experiment now for long enough to see that the collapse of democracy because of largesse has not happened."
"I am going to be locking them in these houses and leaving them for a few in-game days to see who loves who."
"The whole point of this experiment is just to see what would happen if left to their own devices."
"This video was by far, out of every experiment video I have made, the most successful one because I enjoyed every single book I read."
"This could be the most remarkable economic experiment ever in the history of mankind, and we are the beneficiaries because we are in early."
"Here is a barleycorn of a different kind to those which grow in the farmer's fields and which the chickens eat; put it into a flower pot and see what will happen."
"Wish is a fun place. It's like the promise of saving you money, but the number of items that show up that are just abominable and you cannot use them at all... Did it save you money? Yeah, so we're gonna waste Alex's money to find out if it's a waste of money."
"4chan is the world's greatest experiment in free speech."
"During an experiment, he was hit with an electric spark some 3.5 million volts, and that when this happened, he's quoted as saying, 'I could see the past, present, and future all at the same time.'"
"Randy Gardner didn't sleep for 264 hours, that's 11 full days, just because he was curious to see how he would cope."
"The purpose of the Cavendish experiment was to calculate the gravitational constant, G. We knew these two masses, and the distance between them. So measuring the force of attraction allowed us to calculate G."
"This is a super crazy Lanky Box video because we are testing what happens if the rainbow friends explode."
"So was it worth doing the trolley experiment? I think it was definitely worth it."
"That's actually crazy, tonight before we started I wanted to do a ball experiment, so we went to a Dollar General and just bought these balls."
"Patience is better, but its fruit is sweet." - Marshmallow experiment
"It's odd to think that humans find it easier to emulate animals than vice-versa." - The ape and the child experiment
"The perception of others plays an important role in self-development." - A class divided
"The Milgram experiment shows that there is a little bit of evil within everyone." - Milgram experiment
"Normal people are capable of doing terrible things if they are provided with the right environment." - Stanford Prison Experiment
"This whole Bitcoin experiment in El Salvador, it's already working."
"The containment is part of this freewill experiment, to protect us from outside interference."
"Wearing a mask all day, let's see if my oxygen level goes down or not."
"This is an experiment, so if you would let me know in the comments if this type of video is helpful to you, if you find it entertaining or fun to watch and you get some good insights, I would love to know in the comments."
"A global experiment from which there is no return."
"It's a grand experiment in either the madness of crowds or the smartness of crowds."
"I didn't eat food for 15 days and tracked data."
"Let's see what we can do with one and a half Grand to spend."
"I'm doing this for you guys so you don't have to."
"Wow, I'm kind of happy this is sort of working."
"This discovery comes from the data of this experiment right here known as Apogee."
"This was just a social experiment, and you were the nicest person so far."
"Experiment one and experiment for M and Q stay the same, but X doubles. What happens to the rate? Bam, doubles."
"Looks good so far. I'm gonna pull it out. It's still in one piece."
"Well guys, I guess I'm gonna have to say it, this one actually kind of works."
"The Minimalist lifestyle is an interesting experiment in moving together as a group and learning together."
"Liz truss came in with a big bold experiment... it has not gone at all well."
"Fingers crossed as we try to light this sucker off."
"I'm not gonna try to pretend to be a car expert but what I'll do is I'm gonna buy this car, I'm gonna drive it for a month..."
"Go vegetarian for 30 days and see how it goes." - John, British ethologist
"I wanted to test out my homemade shoes on a run like this."
"Co-Ed School was an experimental group made up of six males and four females."
"I'm doing something called the jar, it's a very like a social experiment type thing."
"If someone thinks caffeine does not affect them and they're struggling with their sleep, I challenge them for seven days to just have it in the morning and just see what happens."
"Experiment 1006: The prototype is a unique creature."
"Do a practice run. Live a weekend without energy. Live a weekend without the power."
"To set the stage for our experiment, let me first say that cheese pools are so important, so magical."
"Oh man! I melted down all the sour patch kids."
"I have banana peel on the ground, I'm gonna see if it's really slippery like it is in the cartoon."
"The change was insane because we did it for about like 30 videos and all 30 of them with the closed mouth actually led to higher watch time on the video."
"This is where he let me know that I'm actually an experiment that he made, that has a rapid rate of learning and an almost bottomless potential under the proper conditions."
"The Colorado experiment was a gross misappropriation of Science."
"I'm conducting a brave experiment to see whether gadgets can help me enjoy a staycation."
"It's time for science without guidance featuring the Beaker Boys."
"The true purpose of the harbinger experiment was to find proof of the metaphysical, a world we could not see."
"This Vault experiment would be right at home in the Fallout games."
"This is the best part, guys. We'll see if it actually works."
"We have this incredible experiment in democracy that was created not so long ago with this incredible foundational document, in spite of its extraordinary flaws."
"Project 333 is a challenge or an experiment... to be curious about how these things are impacting our lives."
"I think they'll like this experiment, they like this."
"He developed an experiment to create a plant so revolutionary that it would end starvation forever."
"We will experiment because it's science."
"It's been a really good experiment, and we're still learning constantly."
"I promise you, friends, the results of today's experiment will have your jaw drop to the floor."
"Can this tiny little module take the GT3 out of limp mode? Well, we're about to find out."
"In the name of science, I would say this experiment was successful."
"This experiment will thrust me to the highest ranks of mad science."
"It's a very much a democracy. It's a social experiment."
"The 2099 experiment wasn't without its flaws and has its fair share of missed opportunities and underwhelming stories."
"The experiment had worked, kind of. The room did disappear and we reappeared exactly three hours into the future."
"When you put a cup with a ball inside the microwave, the ball will still be inside the cup."
"Maybe the aliens are conducting an experiment to see what humans are like and what matters to them."
"This is the brilliance of mountain biking. We've retested the experiment and the results are the same."
"The only relevant scientific experiment for every human on the planet going forward."
"Our goal would be try to find a coyote decoy and then... set it all up exactly where James pond was... and see if it comes back."
"And this is actually an experiment that was seemingly born out of boredom by TikTok user D.J. Waffle."
"And when we power up the super Continuum laser, we'll see something really interesting."
"It was an astounding engineering experiment and that alone is worth a book."
"...this seems to be a bit too easy for this unit. Let's plug it into our caravan and see if we can run the airon off the PS2000."
"I give up for now it's actually cloudy right now but when it is sunny I'll be more determined to figure it out but I've heard it worked so it might be because I have this case on and I just don't want to take it off."
"By catching it, we wanted to see how long it might take the glove to break by catching the ball."
"I get really excited when I do this. It explodes."
"This is like a science experiment. I don't know why this opened like this. This is a chaotic start to an already chaotic video idea."
"This is a trial run for Victorian Albert someday."
"Forget everything I think, forget what I've read, whatever, just do it, an experiment."
"I'm going to make a giant electromagnet experiment and I need your help."
"Our gravity-powered boat worked great. The water ran down from high up, giving it more speed due to gravity."
"Hydro dipping: a fun experiment you can do at home with paint and water."
"We made a lightning bolt that totally jumped a long way, that was impressive."
"The concoction is almost ready. Let's pour it in the face mask maker machine and add a tablet of mint. The face mask is being made. My experiment is coming together."
"We're now going to make homemade sticky stuff and test it against spider attack."
"Human beings are an experiment in individualized free will."
"Zebras have fascinating patterns. Scientists experimented, dressing up horses with zebra lookalike coats. Zebra patterns repel flies; flies stay away from the horse bodies."
"I challenge you to try this hairstyle without the products and then again with products and I promise you you'll notice the difference."
"Essentially every single situation in the original Foundation trilogy is met with the kind of procedural thinking that's required in order to run a proper experiment."
"...the real proof that a black hole is not a crazy idea is experiment, right? Is observation."
"So we take a big container of water and then we find a way to pressurize the water."
"More air would have to get into this glass to decrease the suction and because the playing card is keeping a seal on the glass the suction of the air is holding the weight of the water up."
"It was incredible to watch you two cutting off the pipe, it really works, doesn't it?"
"Portland's brave experiment had paid off."
"It was really a wonderful experiment that I'm glad I did because I'm definitely gonna be implementing this in the future."
"The dream of autopia with Hilbert's ultimately this experiment accomplished little... a resounding success... what the remaining 70 pages of this 100 page report contains... Maps, images, and 3D scans... huge scientific value."
"Fill a big exercise ball of oil and let's see what happens when we drop it off the second floor."
"History's greatest experiment creates tomorrow's greatest superhero."
"Dropping an object with zero initial velocity."
"We're going to go ahead and fill it up and see what that does."
"This is so cool! The fluid in the beaker is potassium iodide, which absorbs x-rays more than the rest of the water in the plant's tissue, so you can actually see the water movement throughout the plant."
"But the idea, the experiment we ran through today I think was a success."
"There's no lead in it, it's just the jacket pulled the bullet out, pull all the lead out, put the copper jacket back on. This is probably like a 30 grain projectile out of a 308. It should do hardly any damage. Let's see what happens."
"If you didn't have a knowledge of atoms and molecules and other modern chemistry, you might actually believe that you were close to creating gold from lead if you were able to accomplish this experiment."
"Here's a fun science experiment you can do with science and friction together."
"A control treatment is not an actual treatment, right? Or at least not in the sense that you're adding something, right? You're just keeping it basic. And a control treatment is used to make sure that there is no placebo effect."
"Gentlemen please, we're forgetting one obvious option. I propose we submit a joint formal request to use SCP 914 for this experiment."
"Let's start by doing an experiment. What is an experiment? It's a way to find something out that we don't know."
"It's a new day and it's time to cut this thing open to see if we actually carbonated a watermelon."
"Look at that walking water lemon battery. It's pretty cool."
"The result of a freakish Army experiment: the intellect of Einstein fused with the body of a basketball Power Player."
"I would love to do an experiment that proves that time is fundamental."
"But at the same time, if we don't do this experiment, how we're gonna know? Maybe we just created the Japanese Wagyu A5 by mistake, rehydrating everything with butter."
"We launched a bunch of the same size pumpkins and got a pretty good idea of how far we were throwing."
"We're making this video because we want to see what difference different levels of group sets make to different levels of riders."
"He can travel 1,200 miles in a phone call, thanks to this new extremist experiment."
"Here's an experiment you can do with a plastic bottle."
"So there you go, an experiment you can try at home. Delicious!"
"Torricelli's experiment had not only created an airless space, it had also shown that the atmosphere has a specific weight."
"I'm going to light it and basically going to start the experiment."
"The briggs rauscher oscillating clock: a surprising experiment that shows even when you think a reaction is complete, it may still have some way to go."
"Yo, I think it's working guys, I think it's working."
"I was reading that a scientist in Michigan is doing an experiment where he reads only bad news to one group of monkeys and good news to another group and the group that only hears the bad news seems to be happier. Go figure."
"The top eye and nothing on the bottom, not even mascara, is like a vibe. It makes me feel so weirdly naked, and I'm trying it out."
"I was skeptical, so I asked him to draw a picture of the creature in another room while I drew it in mine."
"Experiment, just don't put the plastic wrap back over the leftovers when you're done, right? Would not recommend that."
"total experiment today could go bad but spoiler alert if you're seeing this at least something went right or else the video would have never got posted right"
"I just thought it would be a fun little experiment to share with everyone."
"The whole goal with this experiment was to take 10 of the exact same container and then plant them up with really simple arrangements."
"It's a really interesting experiment fiddling with the format of a TV series."
"I demonstrated here for you the remarkable effect of mixing a fuel with oxygen."
"The first part of that experiment was: does the mind modulate the strength at all? The answer appears to be yes. We got a significant result, both in laboratory studies and also in an online study, suggesting that the mind can modulate entanglement strength to some degree."
"All right, we're going to try the internet's favorite trick today. We have Eric's fully deflated football here, my air hose from the air compressor, and a heat gun."
"Look… by far the best thing to come out of this whole experiment was definitely the hair."
"Think back to the double slit experiment: We know that a light beam acts as a bunch of waves and we get interference."
"We're doing an experiment for the next month and every show, almost every show, there's one where I may have an opportunity to interview the Amish in our community."
"In today's video not only am I going to share with you how you can water glass your eggs at home successfully, but I'm also going to show you what eggs that have been water glassed for one year look like."
"So I guess it's fair to say the 2022 Phillies experiment broke baseball."
"I'm going to run an experiment for you guys to see: Does the dividend capture strategy actually pay off?"
"we're not sure what happened but our latest experiment accidentally opened up a Vortex portal"
"Science is based on the repeatability of an experiment, and you better not just be able to do it at Texas State. You better be able to do it at UT, at the University of London, at the University of Calcutta. It's the basis of science."
"You, the audience, have been the real subjects of tonight's show."
"Tonight's experiment is all about spreading an idea."
"...One Piece World Seeker was an interesting experiment to say the least."
"This is a really exciting time for me on T-2 in Fermilab, about two weeks ago, one of our spokespersons, Chris Paulie, presented the first result from our muon g minus 2 experiment."
"We're gonna wear some really over the top beautiful outfits and some disgusting horrible ugly outfits to see how they make me feel."
"The daring World War II experiment is about to begin: the test drop of two replica Nazi bombs onto a battleship outline marked as a Target area in the sand."
"No eating or drinking during a science experiment."
"Welcome to an experiment here that's going perfectly smoothly so far."
"The point of this video series was to say it was a fun experiment to say what can how far can you take a $400... Squire. Yeah, and I think we've shown you can take it pretty far."
"To all of you who asked us to test this out there you go I hope we answered your questions satisfactorily and we're very sorry that you can't make diamonds in your kitchen using a pencil."
"What an experiment this is but it's really really rewarding to see the full circle happen right here before our eyes on the farm."
"This experiment is gonna go down."
"It's a pasta about a Russian experiment that took place in the 1940s."
"I'm only gonna be eating Ikea food for the next 24 hours."
"Next to demonstrate Chaos Theory, we've locked Boris Johnson in a room with an aardvark and some magic mushrooms."
"This fact that you cannot lose sight of the small scale. If you do, you will not be able to explain the experiment. You have to include that in there."
"Can you fit two dogs in the boot? Let's find out shall we."
"You might not want to do this in 6 months, just try it out for six. I'm like that works."
"The lead has just started to oxidize and the oxides are molten now."
"We ended up with about 100 grams of lead at the end of the second experiment."
"I must say, this is quite cute, what a cool little experiment."
"There is a global experiment that is performed on 1.6 billion people across 70 countries twice a year, and it's called daylight savings time."
"We're going to have it delivered and the whole point of this video is can we make a keto version of Chinese takeout at home by the time the delivery gets here."
"In order to do this, the scientists recruited 24 male students and randomly assigned them the role of either inmate or guard."
"Another argument I got for many years is ok you run some experiment and people screw up but if we get the stakes high enough then people will get it right."
"It's like an experiment you know it's like a privilege to be able to work with the person you love."
"Tonight we'll be trying kind of a older Tik Tok viral recipe"
"The success of this experiment foreshadowed the freedom of religion eventually enshrined in the Bill of Rights."
"So for the next 48 hours, I'm going to be subjecting myself to apparently a string made of gummy tape and lackluster candy necklaces strewn about my body."
"Overall, I do think my lovely little experiment was a success because I was in fact able to put it on, move my arms around and not feel completely like a boa constrictor had wrapped around my neck."
"Treat your life as a science project."
"I'm conducting a little experiment... I'm not having caffeine during my workouts and I'm going to see how I feel."
"Alright so I curled my hair properly for the first time this morning let's see how it's turned out"
"The experiment never ends, the painting is never finished."
"If you really want to see how good this works, do it on a guy that you don't have that many emotions for. Then watch what happens."
"I did a small experiment in May when it was released and tracked the rise of it [Fourth Wing]."
"I wanted to put it to the test and see how much you can do in the real world using only Bitcoin for 24 hours."
"My first experiment is going to be one very similar to that which was done by Hertz to propagate the first radio waves."
"Determined to get the world back to the way it was, they rerun the experiment."
"The motion of antimatter in the gravitational field of the earth finally has a sound and promising experimental foothold."
"Can you make slime underwater? That is what we're going to be finding out today."
"I thought it was not possible to make slime in water, but this proves it. It's possible that slime can live underwater."
"I've actually thought about submitting portfolios full of lorem ipsum just to see if anybody notices."
"America is too good an experiment to give up on it now."
"The higher protein group lost about eight percent more body weight."
"...it's an experiment and it's not an experiment it's false sorry someone else did did it before."
"But, in fact, it was… b) lettuce - grown over fifteen months on the ISS, then eaten in fifteen minutes in the first ever space salad."
"This night is the culmination of one man's grand experiment."
"...hey LC here from Bell Conor reached out wanting to do this challenge we don't normally Advocate a buong only diet but be interest to see what comes of this experiment what a crazy bastard."
"If there is one experience for which we can test simultaneously your audio argument about late modernity, the lock-in was a perfect sort of natural experiment."
"We're making a water balloon out of ice inside an ice egg. We're doing the reverse."