
Market Crash Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"After the 2000 2001.com crash, tech companies plummeted. The NASDAQ fell by almost 80 percent between the years of 2000 and 2002."
"Time to discuss this crazy crypto crash. I hope everybody is okay emotionally, spiritually."
"Market crashes and recessions create more millionaires than any other time."
"When these artificial conditions end, you usually get a collapse in the credit market which leads to a sharp down move in stock."
"They do this with the stock market, they do this with real estate, and this is how the wealthy make money when the stock market crashes."
"This is the reality: greatest bubble in history, crash."
"Who do you think is responsible for crashing this? The government."
"You want to understand the risk of a crash in your city because if prices are going down by 20, 30, or 40 percent, you definitely don't want to be buying today."
"This is an environment where bitcoin likely failing, falling hard, crypto's likely falling hard."
"Does the future earnings potential of the United States need to be 20% of where it was one month ago to be a real crash?"
"U.S home prices could plunge 20% by next summer."
"Real estate typically doesn't fall that much during a crash and rebounds very quick."
"Crypto comes at you quick, life comes at you fast, and now we've got a crash we're dealing with."
"Everything is crashing with Bitcoin and Ethereum hitting their lowest price levels since the year 2020."
"Bitcoin has crashed down below 16k previously I've said it will probably go to 15K given the magnitude it could go of FTX could go 13k or even touch 10K but that's going to be a very dramatic crash."
"Even if the market does crash unless you're within a few years of retirement chances are that's just a good time to keep buying even more."
"Rates decline? Homes drop rapidly. The crash is coming, get ready."
"You make more money in a crash than you do in a boom."
"As long as greed lives inside people and as long as there's the ability to manipulate, there will be big crashes."
"This is going to be an epic market crash that will rival the Great Depression."
"It's too late to warn people any longer of the coming market crash." - Michael Burry
"The whole idea of a recession and market crash makes a lot of people uneasy and anxious and scared but for the minority people for investors it is great news."
"When we start to see more and more Panic selling in in the markets in the economy is starting to dip into recession my guess is it gets sold across the board."
"Folks, this is the biggest mania in history and it's gonna end up with the biggest disaster in history, the biggest crash in history."
"Bitcoin tumbled as much as 17% amid news that El Salvador's cryptocurrency rollout was faltering. Really? That's why the largest digital token fell to 43,050."
"Wow, we didn't know that! Matter of fact, the hashtag #marketcrash was the number one trending hashtag on Twitter today."
"A market crash can trigger a worldwide economic recession."
"You want to see a real crash? Take a look at what's already happened to the cryptocurrencies."
"There's a real potential you could see a larger crash ahead."
"If we do see a crash, don't panic, look at the opportunity that's there."
"Almost nobody was prepared for the market crash of 2022."
"Rest in peace to those who bought the dip in airlines and cruises... what a genius move, right?"
"And also when margin debt hit an all-time high, we had the 2007 and 2008 market crash because all market indicators are saying get out now while you still can."
"When you start to see these asset prices crash the people that come in and then buy are the ones that come out as winners over the long term."
"The first step in profiting from a crash is to just know that a crash will come. You know it's inevitable, your portfolio will be hit, and it's only a matter of time."
"By the time you figure out, 'Oh my gosh, she was right, this is really crashing,' it ain't going to be about, 'Hey, watch out, be careful, be prepared,' I'm going to be out crushing it."
"The best time to invest in these stock market crashes."
"The Federal Reserve could print unlimited amounts of currency right now and they could announce a new bailout if they wanted to stop the crash but they don't want to stop the crash, they want to cause it."
"Crashes are an immense and incredible opportunity to then get the companies that you want on deep discount."
"Assets are going to come collapsing down and you're going to have an opportunity of a freaking lifetime."
"This just crashed by 57%. Terrifying implications for the US economy."
"A crash is just not something you want to be in the market for unless you are really a died in the wall buy and hold sort of person."
"If you're all in stocks and the stock market crashes, but you've got cash, you can go shopping in the wreckage."
"Even if the market tanks 90%, I'll just keep holding."
"Every single time guys, there's no avoiding the crash that happens."
"Now is going to be a really good time to distract yourself from the madness of the financial markets and really think to yourself what can you do to get educated to take advantage of the fallout."
"Do you think this is going to be addressed by a giant massive crash of asset prices?"
"The biggest advantage to invest during a market crash is that you can buy stocks really cheap. It's like going through your local store and you see everything is on sale for at least 40% off."
"As a long-term investor, you actually want the markets to crash."
"I really hope we are approaching critical mass of this industry and we're heading for another crash."
"The bottom fell out of the crypto market."
"If your dream is a housing crash that will level the financial playing field, that's probably only going to make things worse."
"During a market crash, you need to be buying, and then five years later, seven years later, ten years later, you pat yourself on the back and say, 'Damn, I made a whole lot of freaking money.'"
"The worst affordability of all time is causing a tremendous crash and collapse in home buyer demand."
"The more that home prices go above incomes and mortgage payments go above incomes, the bigger the crash is going to be."
"When crypto falls from trillions, or meme stocks fall from tens of billions, Main Street losses will approach the size of countries."
"This endless routine of kicking the can down the road will end, and the stock market will crash as a result."
"The next crash will probably germinate in a different corner of the financial ecosystem before spreading."
"Whenever that inverts and the two-year is higher than the ten-year, we have had a market crash along with a recession."
"Remember, after the .com bubble bursts, it didn't recover for another 15 years."
"In contrast, if we had a market crash and their stock was very very cheap, that hundred dollar investment they made would be very aggressive; it would accumulate more of the inexpensive stock."
"The rental market is going to crash in America over the next 12 months."
"Stock market crashes are events that you don't want to miss as an investor."
"Leverage is great when everything's fine. When the wheels come off the market, people with a lot of leverage get destroyed; they get wiped out."
"You should be looking forward to a stock market crash because it is an opportunity to transfer wealth."
"The U.S. housing market has the ability of crashing our economy."
"This was the fastest bubble ever that we've had, so the fastest crash should not be ruled out."
"If the Market comes down 30%, you got money and you're able to buy these incredible entries."
"A Black Swan event in financial markets is a crash triggered by a shocking, highly unpredictable event."
"They create the bubble, they live through the bubble, and most importantly, they caused the crash."
"The biggest fixed income sell-off in history... it exceeded the size of the '94 moves certainly and losses on duration and also in moves across the yield curve."
"I like it when it crashes because it's more exciting down there, and the best investments are dirt cheap."
"Black Monday saw Equity markets around the world suddenly plunge, wiping out an estimated 1.7 trillion dollars."