
Health Misconceptions Quotes

There are 156 quotes

"People love to hear good news about their bad habits."
"A slow metabolism is not a broken metabolism; it's not a sign that something is inherently wrong with your body."
"What is the issue here? Is it really calories in versus calories out? Is fat the enemy? Sneak preview: no, it's not."
"People who eat more red meat are unhealthy. Problem solved. News headline: Red meat shortens your life. Except it's correlation."
"Blueberries give you a strong heart, turmeric cures arthritis, and caffeine both cures and causes cancer, the so-called Schrödinger's carcinogen."
"Eating disorders are not caused by low calorie diets, it's a personality trait."
"The whole natural-things-can't-harm-you mindset is dangerous and it needs to die already."
"Vitamin C is supposed to prevent capillary breakage...but if you take it synthetic, you actually cause that bleeding."
"Mankind is not supposed to have the health problems it does, and what we call aging is not normal."
"It's not accurate and telling individuals that they might kill themselves is a very unhealthy way of supporting people who are in distress."
"Studies now show that cholesterol itself may not be harmful. The problem happens when cholesterol becomes damaged or oxidized."
"Most of you that are suffering chronic pain...is doing so unnecessarily."
"More people die of heart attacks with normal cholesterol."
"This is the biggest joke because all almonds produced in the US have to be pasteurized so that raw is totally bogus."
"It's not as simple as fat is bad; indeed eating more healthy fat might actually reduce heart disease."
"Skinny equates to happy and healthy? Actually, no."
"Obesity is not the problem because obesity is the fat you can see. Metabolic syndrome is the problem because that's where all the money goes."
"Vitamin D works like a steroid, it is a steroid, it's not even a vitamin."
"Fat shaming and skinny shaming are not the same because if you're shaming somebody for being skinny then you're shaming them for a healthy physique provided that they aren't real thin."
"Diabetes is not and never was caused by eating a high carbohydrate diet and it's not caused by eating sugar."
"This idea that burning glucose as a fuel is ideal is clearly not consistent with the literature."
"When it comes to belly fat, there are two aspects. Number one: it's not your fault."
"Orange juice: Disproportionately the benefactor of society's short-sighted ideas on health food."
"Unfortunately, vitamin K has become defined by its role in clotting to the exclusion of all the other roles in the body."
"Last thing I'm going to say is that testosterone will not cure your depression."
"It's not a one-to-one ratio of dietary cholesterol to blood cholesterol."
"Does the liver turn that sugar to fat? Hang on, not if you're energy-starved or an extremely active person. Then that sugar is likely burned for fuel and not turned into fat."
"but there are so many people out there who've been brainwashed into thinking that fiber is this essential thing that they decided it was a necessary product this was necessary poop like a champion"
"I think the message though that you have to do it to improve your longevity I think is wrong. I don't think it will aid in your longevity at all. I don't think there is, as a general rule, a positive netted effect of aging or of fasting."
"Anybody who says meat and veg is bad for humans got a screw loose."
"The most common problem we see all the time is underestimation of calories."
"So it's really no surprise that she's hell-bent on suggesting that someone's size determines their health and that someone in a larger body can't possibly be metabolically healthy."
"It's not lack of willpower that's what these sort of calories people they always say it's all about your willpower no there's so much else to it."
"Not having fat does not automatically make something health food."
"The vagina is a self-cleaning organ, it's not like you need a tiny Roomba in there getting all those hard-to-reach corners."
"All fat people are not unhealthy and miserable, each individual has their own relationship to health and their bodies."
"Your body doesn't understand the difference between a diet and starvation."
"Going solo doesn't signify isolation; it signifies the courage to pursue genuine connections and embrace one's individuality."
"Fat doesn't make you fat, excess calories do."
"I know a lot of times every time I mention something like use healthy salt for this, people push back and they're like salt's just sodium chloride that's all it is. No, it's not."
"I just I'm in so much pain because natural doesn't mean better."
"People thought... sugar... it's not bad for you... now we know it's really bad for you."
"Blaming cholesterol instead of the inflammation is like blaming one of the firemen instead of the fire."
"To blame cholesterol for heart disease is like blaming the fire trucks for the fire."
"Everyone's genes are so drastically different, so to say 'oh well it's mostly genetics for everyone' is just extremely ignorant."
"There are some foods which just contain just such high levels of this stuff... many of these foods are supposedly super super healthy foods."
"Everyone's focused on cholesterol being bad, but it's very, very important."
"What if someone avoided seeking medical attention because they thought, 'Oh I'm eating this healthy raw food diet that's good like that's all the medical attention I need right it'll protect me?'"
"It's important to have no makeup day to let your skin breathe, skin doesn't breathe basically."
"Obesity is not equal or imbalance, it's really hormonal imbalance."
"Natural does not mean better. Natural does not mean safer."
"Nutrition alone and leaning out is not going to give you a crazy shredded six pack."
"It's not about the weights... Diet culture is toxic."
"A person is given something which doesn't have any actual active healing ingredients, that's a placebo, but they feel better, that's the placebo effect."
"We're heavily brainwashed to think that plants are not only are they not harmful they're actually necessary for you."
"Just because you don't have antibodies doesn't mean you don't have immunity."
"Iron begets death. If their belief is that iron leads to death, it makes sense for the Alliance to recruit people with iron deficiencies."
"Han confronts his son hoping to bring him home, but instead Kylo kills his father and faces Rey in a duel; she defeats him but leaves him alive as Starkiller Base explodes."
"Being overweight is not in fact healthy, living a healthy lifestyle is not easy."
"Everything you know about weight loss is wrong."
"Over exercising and under eating is not the answer."
"Self-love and body positivity are not the same as promoting obesity and being really underweight."
"You're not gonna immediately disintegrate into a pile of ash if you have a bunch of promiscuous sex."
"Stop treating serious health issues like mental illness to push your products because that's just not fair."
"There is no one with any blood type who needs meat, who needs to be eating cholesterol, who needs animal fat. That's a myth."
"Blood type is irrelevant when it comes to your diet. Blood type doesn't do anything. Blood type means nothing."
"Being thin does not mean healthy. Thin people can still be fat on the inside and just as unhealthy as overweight people."
"Nothing happens in the back, you don't get cancer overnight."
"It's not happening, it's not real, right? We're not really sick."
"Humans obviously are carnivores, but more specifically, the so-called chronic diseases that we treat today as doctors are not diseases at all."
"With peace and love, we have to stop using this whole mercury is or is not in retrograde to dismiss our mental health struggles."
"Yes, you can absolutely be heavier than what society would like you to be and be a very healthy person."
"There's no problem, vaccines are perfectly safe, even though we paid out four billion dollars in damages."
"You can't absorb that vitamin they're telling you if you go in the Sun... if you don't go in the Sun you're gonna get wrinkles."
"It's insanity to think we're so forward when we're wiping off bacteria we have a harmonious relationship with."
"Not one of those stupid doctors said maybe it's just your diet."
"Obviously, it's not a gay disease. And if it was, who cares?"
"In my experience, people with psychosomatic illness do not have a weak mind, they actually have a very strong mind."
"Because a lot of these issues with body composition are not issues with body fat we are not over fat we are under-muscled as a society."
"I have never in 20 years seen vitamin D toxicity. I do not think it exists."
"The current research shows that blood cholesterol levels are not related to your dietary cholesterol intakes within normal ranges."
"Fasting will slow your metabolism, but is that bad? We don't always want a lightning-fast metabolism. Your basement metabolic rate will stay elevated."
"If you really want to raise your cholesterol, eat a lot of crap shoot food from McDonald's and the likes."
"Food that's high in cholesterol doesn't cause you high cholesterol in your blood, inflammation causes high cholesterol."
"Fat is a necessary part of any diet; eliminating it completely will never be healthy."
"You got Aaron Rogers MFL Hall of Fame quarterback talk about I was immunised because he went to a dark room and took some herbs and spices and meditated"
"I mean who doesn't love bacon i guess there's a few people you know things like that they're satiating they're healthy even though we've been told bacon is going to give us a little heart attack"
"Salt does not cause hypertension, it does not cause heart attacks or strokes."
"Given these clear findings were published 55 years ago, it's quite amazing we persisted with the misguided notion that seed oils could ever be healthy."
"Your metabolism is so repressed that you simply lose the ability to drop body fat without starvation."
"There really is no such thing as too much protein."
"The whole point of eating a salad is to eat healthy. If you're eating that much sugar, it defeats the purpose."
"The problem is not the meat; it's clearly the processed carbohydrates that taste way too good and we eat way too much of it."
"Misinformation about the healthiness of plant-based diets drives me mad."
"Fat isn't bad for you but rather sugar is the main issue..."
"If you understand that what the issues is is really a hormonal issue, then you can say, 'Well, now what we need to do is look for ways not to cut calories because it's not a calorie problem.'"
"Vaccination by definition is supposed to prevent your infection by a virus. Therefore, if you have been vaccinated, it should be impossible for you to contract the virus."
"The likelihood of you getting sick and actually sick and dying from eating food which is expired even well past its expiration date is incredibly low."
"Healing is technical, it's not just whoo-hoo waving a magic wand and burning some sage, you know, and saying a couple of prayers and boom I'm healed, hell no."
"Frozen yogurt is essentially just ice cream only a bit more tart lower in fat and sometimes containing some potentially beneficial bacteria but just because it's lower in fat doesn't mean it's healthy."
"Bran muffins can pack as much sugar as a donut they're big they have a lot of fat and they have a lot of sugar."
"There are no known chemical dependencies or addiction to cannabis."
"For almost 2000 years, losing blood was seen as a good, healthy, and normal thing for people to have done to their bodies."
"They're gonna probably make it like illegal to [ __ ] with one sure so you gotta train a dog to [ __ ] with it."
"We've lost of what a proper human diet is... somehow the food companies have got us to believe that kind of food is love."
"Saturated fatty acids in the bloodstream which greater your risk of heart attack. Now you eat more saturated fats and the saturated fatty acids in the bloodstream go down."
"Fully recovered is not fully recovered, and that's true for many phenomena."
"Being fat doesn't mean you're unhealthy, unethical, or lazy. It doesn't need an excuse."
"I hate the discourse around chemicals are bad. Chemicals are gonna kill you, girls. Chemicals are in our food, they're in our air, they're everywhere."
"Drink your celery juice if you like it if you enjoy it but don't tell me that celery juice is going to cure my PCOS because it's not."
"Yeah, yeah, I know that seems to be a common misconception in the industry is time and ways to change your body. People think they can happen overnight and it can't."
"Don't delude yourself into thinking that [extreme sports] will create optimal long-term health."
"There's no correlation between size and health."
"Just because someone's losing weight doesn't mean they're getting healthy."
"Your immune system is not some weakling. It becomes a weakling if you destroy it with sugars, dirty air, dirty water, dirty food."
"Ultimately we cannot judge someone's health by just looking at their body."
"Health is not just determined on what you look like on the outside, health is also what happens on the inside."
"Far from being some scientific or medical development, fatphobia as it relates to black women did not originate with medical findings."
"There's nothing about a carnivore diet that would make you stop making saliva."
"Just like the vagina the vagina's self-cleaning anyone who's selling you cleaning products for your vaginas you shouldn't do are you saying don't douche."
"It seems like it's getting popular and people are believing that it is healthy when it is actually lowering their level of health."
"There's no studies that show that a lower level of thyroid is actually better for longevity."
"What is diet culture? Diet culture is promoting weight loss through dieting, and a lot of it is based in marketing."
"What's it getting a jab, two jabs to protect yourself and your family versus having this kind of arrogant point of view that 'Oh, I'm good, it doesn't affect me, I'm fit and healthy'?"
"I don't think people really think that what they ate led to diabetes."
"You can't eat soul food and still be healthy, really?"
"Cholesterol is not the problem that we've been told that it was, and I think there's hard evidence for that."
"Your coochie doesn't have to smell like flowers... it's gonna smell like metal... because blood has iron in it which is going to smell like metal."
"Processed foods in the 1920s? Yeah, I have a book from like 1928 or something on how to use Crisco because it's so healthy for you. I know."
"Nobody dies of menopause, nobody dies of gray hair, nobody dies of baldness. How can this drive longevity?"
"Just because someone is fat or just because someone is thin doesn't necessarily mean that person is healthy or unhealthy."
"Olive oil is a highly refined food no matter how extra virgin."
"There's quite a few misconceptions about what's healthy or not to eat during pregnancy."
"Gluten-free junk food is still junk food."
"Eating more frequently doesn't boost your metabolism."
"Heart disease is not a statin deficiency, diabetes is not a metformin deficiency, depression is not an SSRI deficiency."
"We're all doomed to have knee replacement surgery, and the answer is no."
"I thought red meat was bad for my kidneys, but my kidney function has actually doubled."
"Despite popular belief among doctors and the public, the conceptual model of dietary saturated fat clogging a pipe is just plain wrong."
"It's not all in the calories, and it's not all about your BMI."
"Weight is such an inaccurate measurement of your health."
"Vegan food does not mean that it's healthy."
"We have a flawed view of what is actually important in the gut, simply due to the fact that we cannot give a thousand people endoscopies."
"Just because someone is fat doesn't mean they're unhealthy and just because someone is thin doesn't mean they're healthy either."
"It can be so misleading, right? You are reducing your circumference fat."
"Low fat doesn't equal healthy. Low calorie doesn't equal healthy."