
Intellectual Humility Quotes

There are 140 quotes

"Listen to the experts in all of these fields because I think expertise matters. I think people who study things know more than people who don't study things."
"How absolutely arrogant would it be to say, 'I have a worldview and it provides me an explanation for everything'? That's laziness. That's somebody who doesn't care about the truth, they're just really uncomfortable with not being able to acknowledge when they're wrong."
"It eliminates what I believe to be one of the greatest tragedies of mankind, and that is people arrogantly, naïvely holding opinions in their minds that are wrong, and acting on them, and not putting them out there to stress test them."
"If you have any one mission in life, it's not to convince people that there's no God, it's to convince people that 'I don't know' is often the correct answer and it's often the best answer."
"My main goal isn't to thrive on being the big brand intellectual titan because when you do that, that just means they are still responding simply to power."
"If your theory is found to be against the second law of thermodynamics, I can give you no hope; there is nothing for it but to collapse in deepest humiliation."
"There's a level of intelligence and intellectual humility it takes to get new information and change your mind."
"Intellectual humility is the cornerstone of any sincere intellectual inquiry."
"Then that shows intellectual humility, if you are so dogmatic as it seems as though you are impenetrable to possible countering arguments."
"I feel like the smartest people I've ever met in real life are people that are willing to go like oh I don't know I got to look more into that yeah it's people that like can admit the limits of their knowledge yeah for sure"
"We need the intellectual humility to recognize our own fallibility, and that too requires honesty and courage."
"We need honesty and courage to be willing to change our beliefs and stances if evidence, reason, and compelling argument persuade us that they are in need of revision."
"The key is to get to the point where you start realizing how little you know."
"As more as you know and as more you think you know, you realize that you know nothing."
"There's nothing like the passage of time to make the smartest people in the world look like idiots."
"I think it's Newton who said that everything he's discovered has been by standing on the shoulders of giants. Look at it that way..."
"The understanding that you don't know everything is very deep and important."
"We are all much smarter than we think we are but much less smart, dumber than we think you out, by a lot so."
"Disassociate our self-worth with being right."
"If you could be convinced from science that maybe you're wrong on this would you be happy to accept a different view?"
"Intellectual humility is admitting that your ideas and beliefs may not be accurate."
"It means intellectual humility, it means the willingness to learn."
"The sign of a good scientist is if you don't really know for sure you don't say that you know for sure."
"In a world filled with uncertainties and diverse viewpoints, it becomes imperative to cultivate intellectual humility and open-mindedness."
"I was actually embarrassed by association because the the the the sort of the arrogance the hubris and this is just lack of intellectual humility the basic intellectual humility that is required for you to be able to learn anything."
"Every time I learned something only testified to how much I didn't know."
"The fact that there are multiple different voices making different claims doesn't mean that we need to throw our hands up and say we can't access truth ever in any way."
"We do a disservice to ourselves in the field by trying to find out what is this and this is the answer and this is the only answer. There's multiple answers."
"Self-deprecating humor is always the way to go."
"The greater is your area of knowledge, so too does your perimeter of ignorance."
"Saying 'I don't know' is one of the most powerful statements."
"We all give the opinions, thoughts, and feelings of scientists a lot of stock and value, and rightly so, but even scientists who are among the brainiest of the brainy don't know everything. There are things that baffle even them."
"Curiosity and humility over belief... that's so incredible."
"Focus on the right questions, don't think you have the answers."
"For every single position you believe in, you should always be able to ask yourself: What would it take me to convince me that I'm wrong?"
"Life simply isn't a matter of following certain rules and that the more you know the more you understand you don't know."
"I AM comfortable with stating 'I don't know', when speaking about things the brightest and most accomplished humans on the planet have not yet figured out."
"You guys make me feel incredibly dumb, like listening to you guys, the way you can break everything down, it's just awesome."
"Being willing to revise our beliefs prevents us from becoming ideologues."
"The gateway to belief revision is being willing to say 'I don't know.'"
"That's knowing when you are wrong, even being pleased to be disproved."
"The quest for truth should always supersede one's ego-defensive desire to be proven right."
"Epistemic humility, I grew up in a household where this quality was sorely lacking."
"Striving to get it right, not to always be right, and to not let our identities get caught up in our opinions and beliefs."
"Getting people to recognize that their knowledge is limited, and there's more out there, that's step one."
"It's okay to just say I don't know and let's just let it sit there."
"The truce of my hemispheres of thought almost became relegated to the single truth I could fully agree upon... I know nothing and therefore anything is possible."
"Being open to the possibility that you might be wrong is the most reasonable thing that anyone can say in a debate."
"If you can sum up the whole world in five bullet points, then you probably don't know very much about the world."
"You can't do that if you refuse to admit that you even could be wrong."
"It is not bigotry to be certain we are right, but it is bigotry to be unable to imagine how we might possibly have gone wrong."
"The majority of the intelligent people I know who have a [ __ ] pile of knowledge on this topic almost every single one of them says I'm not a researcher."
"The more you learn, the more you realize how little you know."
"There is nothing more daunting and humbling and to realize I don't know boy anything."
"Not only will I learn things, but I might even change my mind. I could be wrong about any of my favorite ideas."
"If you are completely ignorant about interest, residuals, royalties, percentages, go and hire a CPA for two hours of their time."
"Everybody is Newton, Darwin, and Einstein and so there is no modulation of any epistemic humility and that to me is a personal affront, it really angers me."
"Get over your goddamn selves. You aren't that smart."
"What caused the Big Bang? We don't know. Sometimes 'I don't know' is the right answer."
"I think it's really important that with things we can't explain, we have to always keep an open mind."
"Being okay with people thinking you're stupid because you're always open to learning something new."
"Willing to be shown data and go, 'Okay, I was wrong about that.'"
"A true genius admits that he or she knows nothing."
"There is usually only a limited amount of damage that can be done by dull or stupid people. For creating a truly monumental disaster, you need people with high IQs."
"Just telling you guys where I'm at with the evidence. I'm okay being wrong."
"Science questions itself all the time, daily, right? It's constantly evolving."
"Acknowledging these people's opinions and at least questioning why they might be thinking this way, well that's important."
"Science isn't claiming to have the truth, it's seeking the truth."
"Just because you know one thing doesn't mean you know everything."
"So long as we are questioning and open to the fact that we may be wrong about something we are keeping ourselves available to learn more about the world around us."
"To seek truth, one must ask the right questions. Those void of truth never ask about anything because their ego and arrogance prevent them from doing so. Therefore, they will always remain ignorant." - Suzy Kassam
"Not every idea that came out of Einstein's mouth was solid gold, people have limitations."
"The greatest progress I've ever made is when I've been proven to be wrong about something that I held to be true for a long time and had been forced to change my mind."
"One of the great challenges in this world is knowing enough about a subject to think you're right but not enough about the subject to know you're wrong."
"You need to become comfortable in not knowing and not pretending to know."
"I want to be proven wrong... but it's just my true thoughts."
"I thought I was a genius, but no, I'm not a genius."
"Anyone who says they know everything doesn't know everything."
"Getting comfortable with 'I don't know' is key."
"In general, we are all much smarter than we think we are, much less smart, dumber than we think you are by a lot."
"Just because something sounds silly to your tiny peanut brain doesn't mean it is actually silly."
"What I know, I know. What I do not know, I do not know."
"Arrogance says we already know the answer before we need to check it, and that's pretty bad."
"After all, every now and again everyone makes mistakes: human errors should not be what defines our intellect or our ability to scrutinize."
"How little we know, but more importantly, how our tools are limited."
"You're pretending to know things you don't know when you assert something."
"As a scientist, this actually bothers me a lot. This whole idea that there is a central body, that there's an agreed-upon set of facts that we know, we don't know crap about this at this point in time."
"Calling somebody stupid doesn't make you any cleverer."
"When you leave Maga it isn't about heating the people you were around but it is about rekindling and resurrecting the relationships that you had before Trump and Maga."
"Accept that you're going into it with a bias but be willing to admit you're wrong."
"The roadblock to discovering the right answer is anyone who's convinced they already have it."
"The ability to say 'I don't know' takes honesty. It takes courage. It's the first step towards knowledge."
"My thoughts are never fully formed because there's always more to learn."
"Certainty about a complicated issue should signal a need for humility."
"It takes more courage to say I don't know than to make up an answer."
"The most educated person in the world now has to admit, I shall not say confess, that he or she knows less and less."
"Just because there's really smart people out there who might be able to argue their point better than you doesn't mean you're wrong."
"If you're willing to identify that you don't know when you don't know and you're willing to be shown to be wrong and to be honest in the discussion that surrounds us, I don't know how you can really go wrong."
"What is the problem in saying I believe this but I might be wrong... let's discuss it if you get that call us next week tell us what you believe and why we can have a discussion about it."
"There's adequate evidence of it and the more we learn about the planet the more we learn how little we truly know."
"Science is not in the certitude business; it's in the doubt business."
"We need people to trust less, be more critical, have more intellectual humility."
"It's imperative to cultivate intellectual humility and open-mindedness, approaching the quest for knowledge with curiosity and embracing the vastness of possibilities."
"The more you know about a subject the more you realize there's so much more to know."
"Intellectual humility is to believe that this is the truth but at the same time, understand that in dialogue with others, I can learn a lot about different paths."
"Even very great minds to which I think Dostoevsky certainly belongs always come with their own blindness."
"If I've seen a little farther than other men, it's by standing on the shoulders of giants."
"He was far more interested in the learning, than being right."
"If you don't know something, it's actually better to say that you don't know than to pretend you know."
"It does make sense to have a certain sense of humility as well about what we know and what we don't know."
"For I found myself embarrassed with so many doubts and errors that it seemed to me that the effort to instruct myself had no effect other than the increasing discovery of my own ignorance."
"We recognize that truth-seeking requires courage, rational judgment, and intellectual humility."
"I'm not afraid of challenges to what I've said; I'm not afraid of being wrong either."
"All of this calls for a little bit of intellectual humility."
"We have to tolerate pluralism and disagreement, and we have to be cosmologically modest about what we can know."
"Being wrong is a new experience for me, but now I see that the mysteries of this universe are far deeper than I ever dreamed."
"If you don't know the answer, say 'I don't know'."
"If you're the smartest person in your room, you're actually the dumbest."
"If you want to always be right, you need to always be prepared to change your mind."
"Open-mindedness cannot mean I accept things as possible just because someone posited it. It has to mean that I am not so stuck in the arrogance of my own mind that I think every conclusion I've made is the final conclusion and can't be changed."
"...keep asking questions and try to get comfortable with saying I don't know because that's going to be the answer quite often."
"Sometimes the best thing we can say is 'I don't know' because if I want to proportion my beliefs to the evidence and I don't have strong evidence, then 'I don't know' is the honest thing to do."
"People that are intelligent and well-informed always believe that there's the possibility that there's something they don't know."