
Cryptocurrency Benefits Quotes

There are 122 quotes

"The network effect is why social media is so powerful. It's the same with Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, but now you can be the beneficiary of it."
"Not allowing someone else to control your money is a huge plus."
"Regulation is only going to help cryptocurrencies even further."
"Bitcoin wins, Square wins, the customers win."
"The less negative externalities less friction the better the hours the less the middlemen cryptocurrency particularly hex cuts out middlemen."
"Finance crap the less negative externalities less friction the better the hours the less the middlemen cryptocurrency particularly hex cuts out middlemen."
"The sheer ability to store value in an agreed-upon framework, basically speaking a network with a limited supply, and being able to send and transmit that value to anyone in the world in a censorship-resistant nature is extremely powerful."
"It's just a simple way to transfer value with no intermediaries."
"For many people, crypto is an antidote to chaos in the existing monetary system."
"Bitcoin fixes this and why bitcoin fixes the world."
"Cryptocurrency as a potential savior from the technocracy."
"Bitcoin offers greater diversification than other investments too."
"Bitcoin is literally the exact opposite of inflation."
"Peer-to-peer electronic uncensorable unstoppable anonymous cash for the world is what still has me so excited to this very day."
"Bitcoin lowers the cost of doing business and eliminates the possibility of fraudulent transactions."
"Ethereum brings investing to the normal person... it's like markets and internet combined versus gold."
"Cryptocurrency solves a lot of these problems, instead of just the government printing free money all the time."
"Crypto not only solves the government stealing all your money, but also middlemen."
"Bitcoin is essentially on its encrypted network that is unassailable where you and I can do transactions without a bank and without a government, and nobody can stop us."
"Whatever they do is actually good for Bitcoin because if you look at the last time that there was a debt ceiling crisis which was in 2011 what you can see is that gold started to rise."
"Crypto provides investor protection, how transparency anyone can audit this."
"Bitcoin is going to make you a ton of money. That's the long-term utility."
"Bitcoin adoption through time is going to be a good thing."
"Crypto should be there to make your life better. It should be adding some improvements to your daily life."
"That's the cool thing about earning interest on bitcoin it's a you know capped supply asset and so when you combine the store of value with compound interest you get investment results that are that are you know quite simply phenomenal."
"Gradually people will discover Bitcoin and they'll start to realize that the solution to the problem is Bitcoin."
"Crypto offers quick and easy payments, innovative financial services, inclusive access to previously unbanked parts of the world."
"Bitcoin serves as the exact opposite of these institutions, where you can basically get all the security and the preservation of purchasing power, but you get the sovereignty as well."
"Bitcoin might actually become a net positive that, with a little mindfulness of the environment, might actually accelerate renewables and help make it more profitable."
"Bitcoin is a profound tool to opt out of a ruinous fiat system."
"If you own bitcoin, you can very plausibly defend yourself against a powerful adversary."
"Bitcoin is the key to taking control of your financial destiny."
"Crypto enables a more fair, free, accessible, and transparent financial system."
"If you are holding bitcoin, you are winning."
"Bitcoin is a system where you can hold your wealth personally, secretly, confidentially, and nobody can interfere with it. That's what it really is."
"What most bitcoiners would argue is if you put gold and bitcoin next to each other from a utility standpoint bitcoin is more efficient."
"Bitcoin is the strongest form of private property humans have ever had."
"Bitcoin is the way out of their controlled system that favors only the wealthy and the elite."
"Cryptocurrencies have the potential to solve arduous problems of financial inclusion."
"Bitcoin has a much higher intrinsic value than gold."
"Cryptocurrency is a hedge against that. Cryptocurrency people can say okay, well if the dollar is being devalued then I'm going to put I'm going to put my assets in cryptocurrency."
"We're running our economy on inflation right now and it is going to bite us in the butt. Bitcoin's a savior, period."
"We don't need that but we got addicted to it. We're addicted to inflation and bitcoin's a savior period. That's the point of the stream."
"Property and freedom: that's what Bitcoin provides."
"Bitcoin provides rules without rulers, allowing for global coordination."
"You have guaranteed purchasing power with Bitcoin."
"Bitcoin is digital property with all the benefits of gold, property, and money."
"Bitcoin/crypto is the answer because you are your own bank."
"You're guaranteed to lose purchasing power mathematically guaranteed to lose purchasing power with the dollar and all fiat money. With Bitcoin, you're mathematically guaranteed to increase purchasing power."
"As long as central banks keep printing, Bitcoin keeps rising."
"Crypto maybe the answer to these things. Crypto solves the problem of central intermediaries running our financial system."
"Trust is a big asset, especially global decentralized trust."
"I was lucky enough to find Bitcoin in 2016 as a solution to the Fiat Ponzi. Bitcoin is the solution."
"Crypto is a way for us to take a piece of that pie back."
"Bitcoin solves real-world problems, like transferring money internationally."
"Crypto provides the people the opportunity to be involved in the financial system are unlimited."
"If bitcoin does continue to rise in value, if you have a hundred million dollars in debt and you make 350 million dollars from the rise in bitcoin's price, well you can pay off your debt quite easily."
"Bitcoin is America's life raft if and when the dollar fails. Russia and China could combine their hash to censor the network around the 51 attack."
"Cryptocurrency solves all this except for the volatility, but if the volatility is mostly upside, that's just extra yield."
"Bitcoin gives people individual sovereignty."
"We can already send Bitcoin almost free and instantly anywhere in the world."
"The point of crypto is to give back the power to the people for their finances."
"Bitcoin is the solution to all of the problems of the traditional financial system."
"Bitcoin allows us to exit that system and transfer value in a unique way."
"Bitcoin being or becoming the native currency of the internet can solve many problems."
"Bitcoin is a harsh teacher but it's also a really good teacher."
"For the first time in human history, we have a money that cannot be corrupted through imposition or fiat." - Robert Breedlove
"Master nodes... basically help a project build their network... in exchange they're gonna give you some kickback in the form of their cryptocurrency."
"Cryptocurrencies lower the cost of servicing."
"Bitcoin is more than just digital money. It's a censorship-resistant network."
"If crypto can provide some relief to a country being brutally attacked by a powerful neighbor, its social value becomes indisputable."
"Bitcoin is an incredible innovation... it's arguably even sounder as a form of money than gold."
"Deposit one Bitcoin worth 27,000, withdraw 13,500 in USDT, never get liquidated, never pay interest, never have to pay it back unless you want to."
"I think the incentive skew so heavily there and the way that happens and why Bitcoin would fix this is that it is essentially when you can't create money from thin air and ever you can't have artificially cheap Capital."
"A well-designed cryptocurrency is a system which accrues value for the people that own parts of it."
"The entire point of cryptocurrency... is that we're trying to get away from a world where we are charged... to use our money."
"Crypto's all about self-sovereignty, control of your own money, understanding how the game has been rigged for people in most societies for thousands of years. This is the first money in human history that basically people can start controlling."
"The Social Good app allows you to earn up to 100 crypto cash back by shopping at over 1800 of your favorite online stores."
"Crypto is amazing because crypto brings you so many different opportunities."
"Cryptocurrencies are the best tools we've ever had to disempower people from controlling people buy and sell a trade and do with other people."
"The upgrade may bring Ether a store of value or deflationary asset appeal."
"Thanks to bitcoin, I was able to pay my developers and pay my friends. So this permissionless innovation is really what makes it so great."
"Crypto trading is open 24/7, 365 days a year, offering vital access and trading capability to today's modern society."
"Bitcoin is laying the foundation for a stable global economy the likes of which we haven't seen in 150 years."
"Bitcoin is exciting because it shows how cheap it can be. Bitcoin is better than currency."
"It's truly decentralized, you have full control over your own funds."
"As the world goes into these negative interest rates, I think people will be increasingly interested in escaping that financial system and accessing what can be found in crypto."
"Bitcoin is 1,000 times better than the traditional system."
"Imagine economically how different the world would be if South America and Africa adopted Bitcoin."
"Digital currencies could be an instrument to bank the unbanked."
"With Polygon, it'll take away all the high transaction fees that Ethereum has."
"Crypto is surpassing traditional banking in innovation and efficiency."
"Why is crypto better than the existing banking system? Self-custody. No third party intermediaries to charge fees."
"Real utility solving a real problem is exciting for XRP holders."
"Financial freedom through working here in the cryptocurrency market - I know you can too if you want financial freedom."
"Bitcoin has perfected scarcity, the first money in history with a 0 terminal inflation rate."
"Cryptocurrency because it's the only thing that's out there that will be able to keep up or exceed the rate of inflation to maintain your purchasing power."
"Only in crypto do you get free money dropped on you like this."
"As inflation kicks off, people are starting to realize that bitcoin is the only safe haven we have."
"Banks love bitcoin because they know that this is going to take over the entire banking sector."
"Institutions realize that Bitcoin is superior to gold... we're going to surpass the gold market cap."
"D5's the point of crypto and that's how you avoid the issues with centralization."
"Bitcoin against stuff that you need like food energy is buying more of it."
"Cryptocurrency is a good idea on many levels."
"Once we have stablecoin regulation, there's a trillion dollars of extra locked value."
"The beauty of crypto is that it can make a business better."
"Bitcoin is resistance to politicization, that's what makes it important."
"Bitcoin provides power over your own freedoms, which we're entitled to as human beings."
"Bitcoin is a currency that allows for deflation. It's a transition from one system to another."
"There's nothing out there that's a better transfer of wealth, a redistribution of wealth to lower income people than crypto."
"Inflation never stops. It robs people of their buying power. Bitcoin is the best hedge against inflation."
"Crypto isn't only about trading or speculating, it's about having complete control and ownership over value that is permissionless."
"But the whole purpose of Bitcoin is it can't be confiscated unless they physically, you know, force it out of you."
"Bitcoin crypto is a great equalizer right it is going to bring fabulous wealth across the world and is going to care very little about who you are or where you're from."
"Transactions equal reflections at a mass scale."
"Cryptocurrency allows people to have control over their finances and their money, and it's going to be extremely powerful in the future."
"Cryptocurrency and this new financial market really holds the potential to create banking for the two billion people who do not have access to the banking system today."