
Pharmacology Quotes

There are 276 quotes

"Genetic response to drugs plays a crucial role in how you're going to look as a natural as well as what you're going to respond like to drugs."
"Drugs don't do anything new to in your body; all they really do is speed up or slow down what's already occurring."
"Agonists are drugs that have affinity and intrinsic activity."
"Codeine is broken down in the liver to morphine, and Dextromethorphan is broken down to Dextrorphan."
"Understanding the mechanism of action of drugs, their effects, and side effects is crucial to excelling in medical fields and ensuring patient well-being."
"Sublingual... under your tongue... it's very vascular and that means that your body absorbs it very, very quickly."
"Diuretics as a whole get rid of everything, except the special ones. Luke diuretics get rid of everything."
"Glucocorticoids... are very potent anti-inflammatory drugs."
"Heparin enhances antithrombin 3 activity, decreasing thrombin and factor 10 activity."
"Not many drugs reliably promote acceptance and compassion for the self and others... even MDMA doesn't always lead to this effect but it's relatively common."
"Remember there are so many different genotypes that the type of genotype is that actual type of genotype determines which type of drug combination you use."
"Guanosine analogs like acyclovir and valacyclovir terminate DNA replication and RNA formation."
"Acyclovir and valacyclovir are primarily indicated in HSV and VZV infections, while ganciclovir treats CMV infections."
"Ganciclovir and acyclovir have been shown to increase the risk of TTP, while acyclovir can also cause nephrotoxicity."
"The viral DNA polymerase has no idea that it's any different from a nucleotide, terminating the replication process."
"Maraviroc prevents the docking of HIV by blocking the CCR5 receptor and the gp120 interaction."
"Ribavirin inhibits a crucial enzyme, hindering the virus's ability to replicate."
"Guanosine analogs like acyclovir and valacyclovir mimic nucleotides, terminating viral replication."
"It's important RNA formation, this is going to be NS5B inhibitors."
"They literally look like a nucleotide and when he tries to add them into the growing DNA it inhibits further DNA formation."
"Maximize your learning by mastering the drug endings."
"Remembering key points is crucial in pharmacology."
"A French cardiologist said that he had cured alcoholism by inventing a pill."
"Molly is certainly the best pharmacist anywhere around."
"This drug dissolves blood clots, it's a clot buster, it's called tPA, tissue plasminogen activator."
"It was a spectacular improvement over amphetamine, it was a psychedelic that had very interesting effects."
"I find that really interesting because what we're talking about is like switching out certain drugs for other drugs."
"Levophed is becoming the first-line drug in treatment in different areas of shock."
"Benzodiazepines in general they all share the mechanism that they increase the frequency of the GABA D chloride channel opening."
"Anything that has a marked physiological effect is a drug."
"A drug is something that modulates your biological activity."
"The pharmacological effects of drugs are completely independent from whether or not they're illegal."
"I was going into the unknown I really really was um and you know there wasn't there wasn't a whole lot of hope there was oh you're gonna get used the wrong way and this is that and but I was at I was at a point where I had to see what I could do."
"65% of the world's top 500 drugs are derived from natural compounds like this spider's venom."
"I will talk about it openly because I believe that there's a time and a place for pharmacological intervention."
"MDMA increases the release of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine in the brain and its most notable effects are on serotonin contributing to this intense mood lift and the emotional closeness experienced by users."
"Many of the most transformative drugs in the nervous system perturb the uptake, degradation, or production of endogenous transmitters."
"Understanding pharmacology is really key to understanding how these drugs work."
"There's a rich and complex pharmacology of cannabinoid receptors."
"Partial agonists produce a response that is less than 100%."
"It's got a very interesting history to it, it's a very, very safe drug."
"The first line of treatment would be a drug class called the bisphosphonates..."
"Plants aren't just food; they underpin our medicines, our building materials, our ecosystems. Without plants, there is no life."
"The staple of treatment for this condition is pharmacological treatments."
"Topiramate has an ability to decrease glutamate activity and it has the ability to increase GABA activity which is pretty cool."
"Catalytic inhibitors are really a fantastic way to shut down proteins of interest."
"Beta-lactam and macrolide would be appropriate here."
"Pharmacology is about 16 to 23% of the USMLE Step 1."
"Ceftazidime is the only third generation cephalosporin that covers pseudomonas."
"Remember, if you see a pharmacological agent within a test question, bam, recall the mechanism of action."
"Alpha blockers as antihypertensives are quite successful agents. They are blocking the Alpha One receptors on the arterials and veins."
"Beta-2 receptors naturally want to induce vasodilation, but if you inhibit the beta-2 receptors, this will cause the exact opposite of that, which will induce vasoconstriction."
"So, what I really want you to understand with fibrates is if I were to kind of highlight what they're really, really doing with their mechanism of action..."
"Albumin is extremely important because it loves to bind onto particular drugs inside the blood."
"Solubility affects how much of that drug reaches the systemic circulation."
"People don't fail drugs drugs fail people"
"I invented a drug called impresterone. It grants men STD inoculation for 24 hours, male birth control for 24 hours, and Viagra for 24 hours in one pill."
"...we do have some new pharmacological agents that are beneficial in weight loss..."
"An antihistamine medication will not be effective against the action of all chemical mediators."
"Agonists mimic neurotransmitters or block their reuptake."
"Antagonists block neurotransmitters, while agonists mimic or enhance their effects."
"Norepinephrine is primarily an alpha 1 agonist... but at higher doses, it does have beta 1 activity."
"Now epinephrine can exert the exact same effects as this. It's just the question is, how does the epinephrine exert its effects on all these different types of receptors when it's released from the adrenal medulla?"
"Prednisone: Used in a wide range of conditions, from skin disease to neoplastic diseases to pulmonary disorders."
"Beta blockers all end with a suffix of 'olol' or 'LOL,' which sounds like 'low' and indicates their effect on lowering heart rate and blood pressure."
"Selective beta blockers, like atenolol and metoprolol, focus only on beta1 receptors, reducing side effects like bronchoconstriction."
"Carvedilol, a third-generation non-selective beta blocker, also blocks alpha-1 receptors, making it effective for lowering blood pressure."
"Beta blockers have clinical uses as antihypertensives, for heart failure, angina, post-MI, and dysrhythmias."
"Factor 10a inhibitors for prophylaxis in high-risk patients."
"Ketamine is fascinating, we don't quite know how it works."
"Zanaflex, with the generic name tizanidine, is a muscle relaxant."
"Ketamine is rapid-acting, producing a response within a day."
"Ketamine is able to rapidly increase release of BDNF."
"Ketamine represents a dramatic advance for the field."
"The ability to rapidly treat patients with ketamine is a huge advance."
"Ketamine is not the perfect drug."
"Morphine is a central nervous system depressant used to relieve the pain associated with myocardial infarction. It also decreases apprehension and prevents cardiogenic shock."
"We need everything, every drug in the world there is, they use it from virtual T3T for you, know DNP, god knows, you know all these kind of things."
"The pharmacology of the Amazon contains some of the most powerful compounds on Earth medicinal compounds that are contained in the plants and that's according to Western medicine that's not a joke"
"Most drugs are reversible, they will fall off, meaning that you need to have excess drug available to take that place."
"...kinases are a tractable target for drug discovery..."
"Inhibit the glutamate or boost GABA. Bingo!"
"The dopamine agonists can be used as monotherapy."
"The Mao B inhibitors help prevent the dopamine degradation or the breakdown in the brain."
"Not all antidepressants are the same, and based on their mechanism of action, their profile, tolerability, side effect profile, and efficacy profiles are also different."
"There's gonna be a tremendous amount of things which were done with typical pharmacological intervention that maybe shifted over in large part to these psychedelic medications."
"Stimulants bind to dopamine and norepinephrine transporters, they increase synaptic dopamine and norepinephrine."
"It'll hit the beta receptor and increase the patient's heart rate."
"Metformin enhances insulin sensitivity, blocks gluconeogenesis, and decreases GI absorption."
"So what I want to do is if I give a drug like a beta-2 blocker it's going to inhibit bronchodilation and actually cause bronchial constriction."
"Nicotinic receptors - just remember there are two types, N sub N and N sub M. N sub N you find them in ganglia and in your adrenal medulla. N sub M in skeletal muscles at the neuromuscular junction."
Anything that has "trop" in it - tropocainamide, atropine, ipratropium, tiotropium, benztropine, etc.
"Biochemically, rapamycin is an extremely clean drug."
"Common inhibitors of the CYP1A2 is going to be fluvoxamine and inhibitors of the CYP2D6 are going to be bupropion, fluoxetine, paroxetine, and CBD."
"Aripiprazole: a partial dopamine agonist at the dopamine subtype 2 receptor."
"IV ketamine is 100% bioavailable because every milligram of ketamine that goes into this tubing that goes into your vein will reach your brain."
"Focus on the mechanism of action of the drug class and then you will be able to understand all those other parts of each individual medication."
"Muscle relaxants have two main categories: locally acting neuromuscular blockers and centrally acting skeletal muscle relaxers."
"There are literally drug compounds that have multiple medicinal uses by humans."
"Nearly 70 percent of FDA-approved drug targets a circadian so that means the efficacy of the drug is strongly modulated by time of the day when the drug is taken."
"Different g-protein coupled receptors so what do we say about two drugs that do the same thing so they have the same final effect but they come about it in two different ways or through two different pathways that's synergy that is the very definition of drug synergy."
"MDMA suspends the amygdala, the fear center of the brain."
"Psilocybin binds to track B a thousand times more than SSRIs."
"Propofol is in a nutshell the world's most powerful anti-breathing drug."
"If you can predict the ligands, you can begin to design drugs basically. Wow."
"Some drugs are derived from plants, like nicotine from the tobacco plant."
"Nowadays, we can think about a different kind of pharmacology which is the development of a degrader."
"So to give an example, there are some cases where SSRIs will decrease the hallucinogenic effects, psychedelic effects of given compounds."
"Do drugs block acetylcholine? There are many drugs that interfere with acetylcholine."
"Natural progesterone has unique pharmacodynamic activity and a safety profile compared to synthetic progestins."
"All progestogens are not equal to progesterone."
"Epinephrine counteracts the effects of histamine by causing vasoconstriction and bronchodilation."
"Licorice has an indirect mineral corticoid effect so it inhibits the effect of spironolactone."
"In children, we do because children actually interestingly I didn't get a chance to talk about this oftentimes it may be more mono phasic."
"The molecular structure of methamphetamine is similar to adrenaline."
"Methamphetamine does not cause sudden rises in blood pressure but works more gently and lasts longer."
"Methamphetamine does not only pour neurotransmitters into the gaps but also blocks their reabsorption."
"If the patient was prescribed hydrocodone but we see Hydromorphone in the urine, that is definitely possible based on how the drugs metabolize. Just know that."
"This systematic review found statistically significant evidence on meta-analysis for the three pharmacological agents versus placebo in the treatment of PTSD."
"Epinephrine can bind two different isoforms of the various adrenergic receptors."
"Albuterol activates beta 2 receptors, which, when it does that, will mimic the sympathetic nervous system and open up the bronchioles."
"Every single drug that we know and love acts at the synapse. All of these drugs just change how neuron A communicates to neuron B by acting at the level of the synapse."
"Drugs must bind to a specific site to elicit a response, called the drug receptor site interaction."
"Aspirin and NSAIDs block the production of prostaglandins."
"Acetylcholine is the one we most commonly use, and that can actually provoke the coronary artery vasospasm."
"When someone has too much atropine action on the eyes right people are too much dilated and ciliaris is too much relaxed right can he focus on the near objects knows all the VN is blurred so one way to remember that side effect is that person is blind as bad."
"Nitroglycerin decreases preload and myocardial O2 demand; crucial for unstable angina treatment."
"Epinephrine can acts on alpha and beta receptors equally which makes it very powerful because beta is very important because it's in your heart."
"Tocolytic agent inhibits uterine contractions."
"Xylazine is added to opioids to potentiate effects and act as a filler."
"Treatment for the stable patient with myasthenia gravis involves acetylcholinesterase inhibitors."
"What is going to be a medication which acts as a weak opioid, increases serotonin and norepinephrine but also decreases a seizure threshold that's going to be tramadol."
"An idiosyncratic reaction happens when something unusual or abnormal happens when a drug is first given."
"Why do we respond differently to these drugs?"
"Know your drug antidotes: vitamin K for warfarin, protamine sulfate for heparin, naloxone for opiates."
"Combining negative allosteric modulator of the mGluR with a psychedelic that can reopen critical periods."
"Low dose naltrexone... upregulation of the opiate receptors... blocking the opiate growth factor receptor... one of the more important things."
"Many anti-malarial drugs can do way more than just cause strange dreams."
"Our comprehensive review covers decades of pharmacology topics, providing a deep dive into anesthesia pharmacology."
"Ketamine, an analgesic, has been really interesting. It is an antagonist of this NMDA receptor, has profound effects on otherwise intractable major depressive disorder."
"What's the antidote for TPA toxicity? The answer is Aminocaproic Acid."
"GLP-1 works in multiple ways: it increases insulin secretion, reduces glucagon secretion, slows down gastric emptying, and is associated with decreased appetite."
"Just potency is not sufficient for a molecule to become a drug."
"Objective is to identify a molecule which can be used for treating a disease."
"Adrenaline is the life-saving drug because histamine is bronchoconstricting and vasodilating, adrenaline is bronchodilating and vasoconstricting."
"Pharmacodynamics is what the drug does to your body."
"Cannabidiol is not intoxicating, it is psychoactive however."
"The last antibiotic that I want to review for you is cefiderocol, which has a unique mechanism of action compared to the other beta-lactams."
"The faster the onset and offset of the volatile anesthetic."
"Clinical pharmacology is the study of drugs and biologics in humans."
"The beauty of this concept is that the same drug can produce bradycardia as well as tachycardia."
"Synergy in pharmacology: when one plus one equals more than two."
"The future of psychedelic drug discovery will be a prolific one with a vast pharmacopoeia spanning from long duration trips to short duration ones."
"...there absolutely are differences pharmacologically speaking, but the question is how will these different types of compounds ramify to create different therapies."
"Everyone remotely involved in healthcare needs some knowledge of pharmacology."
"Beta agonists cause hypokalemia but beta blockers cause hyperkalemia, for the most part."
"Tamoxifen and Raloxifene are selective estrogen receptor modulators, also known as SERMs."
"NSAIDs work by decreasing the production of prostaglandins, thereby reducing inflammation, relieving pain, and reducing fever."
"This medication is as you might expect a serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor."
"The mechanism of action is quite similar, we're going to be blocking the serotonin reuptake pump as well as blocking the norepinephrine reuptake pump."
"The combination of levodopa with carbidopa is called Sinemet."
"Any medication that deals with Airway, breathing, or circulation, especially in a medical emergency, you need to know that."
"Welcome, NCLEX Crusaders, to this new seven-day training on pharmacology."
"The focus of our seven-day training will be basically to teach you some pharmacology concepts, also to practice questions together."
"Pharmacology is the science of drugs including their ingredients, preparation, uses, and actions on the body."
"We called it the entourage effect, and we found that compounds that are present in cannabis and do not have any significant cannabinoid activity by themselves affect the activity of the cannabinoids of the plant."
"The activation of CB1 causes the well-known cannabis effects, the activation of CB2 leads to essentially protective actions."
"Pharmacodynamics and dose-response curves: Potency is the relative dose of two drugs, efficacy is the ability of a drug to produce a specific clinical effect."
"We have improved outcomes greatly in PH through advances in drug therapy."
"Scorpion toxins may have application in dermatology, cancer treatment, and as anti-malarial drugs."
"A lead is a molecule that's very likely to be further developed to be a drug candidate."
"That single finding led to the development of a whole family of drugs that is the treatment today for acid in the stomach for heartburn."
"One good thing that's a benefit to pharmacology is that there are also a ton of YouTube videos that have really intellectual, really educated people who are able to explain concepts."
"Meyer-Overton principle was an attempt to correlate lipid solubility and potency of anesthetics."
"Pharmacology is the scientific study of how various substances interact or alter the function of living organisms."
"Epi is a catecholamine that stimulates the alpha, beta 1, and beta 2 receptor sites; it causes potent vasoconstriction, increased heart rate, contractility, and cardiac output."
"Agonist medications initiate or alter a cell activity by attaching to receptor sites, prompting a cell response."
"The therapeutic index is the relationship between the median effective dose and the median lethal dose."
"An agonist is a drug with good affinity for the receptor and the ability to produce an intrinsic effect on the cell."
"An antagonist... has good affinity for the receptor but little or no intrinsic effect on that cell."
"The liver breaks down toxins and this is also true for drugs."
"Pharmacology makes perfect sense once you understand what the flip you're talking about."
"Understanding pharmacology and when to use certain drugs is key to the art of anesthesia."
"Minoxidil is a vasodilator that works by opening up potassium channels on smooth muscle."
"NSAIDs inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandins, which decreases renal perfusion and will decrease GFR."
"These drugs are basically sodium channel blockers."
"These are not really analgesics, these are anti-convulsant drugs."
"Potency is basically the lowest dose of a drug needed to begin to show its effects."
"We do not have any drug which can reverse the deficits or we do not have any drug which can dramatically arrest the progression of the disease."
"Welcome everyone to day six of our seven-day NCLEX pharmacology training."
"The goal of the ITP... is to develop a fundamentally sound way of testing one question: does this drug extend mouse lifespan?"
"Many recreational drugs and medications modulate neurotransmitter amounts. And that is how they work."
"Dexmedetomidine is a sedative, hypnotic, anxiolytic, analgesic drug all in one."
"Bitterness in general relates to compounds that are going to have a pharmacological effect."
"A drug that mimics the action of a particular signal molecule is known as a mimic drug or agonist."
"Do animals have emotions? Well, Prozac works on dogs the same way it works on people."
"Some of our most important drugs are made from plants that South American people have used for centuries."
"An adverse drug reaction is a noxious and unintended response that occurs at doses normally used in men for diagnosis, prophylaxis, or therapy of disease."
"SSRIs block the reuptake of serotonin."
"Factors that influence drug action include age, gender, body weight, environment, and the general health of the individual."