
Gaming Preferences Quotes

There are 311 quotes

"The fun aspect is more important than ultra-realism."
"I enjoy there being some sort of grind in a game, as do a lot of other people."
"If I go into a server and the entire server has Infinity, I'm telling you right now I'm just getting off for the day."
"We loved Blackout because it had longer time to kill, that had smooth and fluid movement."
"Ultimately, this is what people want these days: They just want fun games that they can play to escape the realities of the world."
"I'm a PlayStation guy at the end of the day, but I have to say, if I didn't have any biases going before this, I'd probably end up getting an Xbox Series X if I had to pick between one system."
"Plus, the expansive open world is always something I'll have in racing games."
"I mean I really like Mayday, what can I say? It may be one of my favorites."
"There needs to be a version of this game that appeals to and maintains the attention of the PVE player. If not, then I guess there's always that Riot MMO, right boys?"
"If Christian Whitehead showed up at my door and told me I had to choose between Sonic 3 and Knuckles or Knuckles Chaotix to get a mobile port, I would probably choose Knuckles Chaotix."
"I’d guess the most popular answer for that would be Blizzard, but I didn’t get into their games that much, besides 'Diablo 2' and 'Warcraft 3',"
"No objective mode is kind of a no play for me."
"Why do so many players still play on version 1.8.9? It's not just about elytras or the sniffer."
"Radiant spark is the best of all the four covenants."
"I'd much rather play something that's replayable and offers unique gameplay like Dead Space over [modern games]."
"I want more smaller games that you actually finish."
"I think guild halls and player housing, people really want. People want to create their own fun. People want to create their own experiences."
"There will be people who want to tackle a co-op action shooter looking purely for that grinding gameplay loop, just as there'll be those who want to learn the story."
"For 1440p gaming though, I could probably take it or leave it because, you know, I play games like Watch Dogs, Control, Assassin's Creed..."
"Performance over looks when it comes to competitive gaming."
"I want to do some of that cops and robbers mode, that one's my favorite."
"Everybody has their favorite duplicants, Meep is my favorite."
"I love fixed camera angle horror; it's a shame that it seems to have been abandoned as time moves on."
"Microtransactions break my immersion, well then don't play the game."
"People like different things in games, that's all."
"Would they go at so far as to actually abolish democracy... that's essentially the central issue of our political conflict right now."
"Graphics will never be worth a big big big change of what made a game a game just because of graphics and I think we can all agree on that I think a lot of people enjoy play a lot more than fancy graphics."
"Just the thought of playing something that doesn't involve a land kind of ruins it for me."
"PC gaming is about choosing what's important to you..."
"You can always turn off final smashes if they break the flow of the game for you."
"What's your guys's favorite battle pass skin that you've seen?"
"Everyone loves an open world, just a heads up!"
"No one wants skill-based matchmaking, give us screwdriver-based matchmaking."
"Don't tell me that The Witcher 3 is superior on consoles. I'll take my high frame rates and resolutions thanks."
"Maybe we just don't care about the same things, maybe you're totally cool with a game that is mostly geared for one person."
"Whether you chose to experience Skyward Sword with the joy-cons motion controls or with the stick, we can finally lay this contentious bit of Zelda history to rest."
"Either make it so you don't need to actually use a perk to get point man or make it so we have point streaks instead of kill streaks by default."
"I'm a guy who prefers gameplay and story over that, you know, the prettiest graphics in the game."
"So no voice two protagonists, no other weird role-playing restrictions that make it like the fallout 4 of the Elder Scrolls franchise and please do not make it online multiplayer."
"Fighting God while playing as God with cool music is my video game weakness."
"When you log onto play Magic, you want to play Magic, not Hearthstone."
"It felt like give me story, give me God of War."
"Double battles are my favorite way to play Pokémon."
"Technically speaking, the best way to play Minecraft is arguably on a phone."
"RPGs aren't just about walking around finding things and fighting enemies. I like story-driven RPGs."
"Even a good standard definition CRT is better-suited for retro gaming, and much less trouble."
"We all have such different tastes in games that ultimately no matter what I say and how objective it may be, we just game differently."
"If you put base building in your video game, I'm probably gonna like it."
"No one is asking for legacy to be the primary format."
"I think ideally, if we have time, we'll do Toy Time, then maybe the Molten Galaxy, I love that one."
"My ideal destiny would include a mode where I can hop in and out with no pressure to perform."
"I'm okay with a couple of hoops for raiding, but they have to be account-wide."
"There's so many people out there who are playing on Horde because it's just simply more convenient."
"Old dungeons stink? I disagree, but I see the appeal of new systems."
"I'm the type of guy where if I played modded minecraft I would never enjoy vanilla ever again, so it's just like ignorance is bliss as far as I'm concerned."
"I love fantasy RPGs, man, like that are extremely difficult."
"But that's about it, you know. Despite the fact that I don't personally enjoy mobile games, it definitely has a right to exist."
"I think it's cool. I don't want it to be nerfed, I just want it to be a choice."
"Gamers do not want to be in any kind of situation where they can't just sit there and just play their game whenever they freaking want to."
"It seems like a lot of people want more games like Skyrim or Morrowind with like a new creative spin."
"Graphics aren't really that important in an FPS game in my opinion; gameplay mechanics are definitely more important."
"I am not a fan of skill based matchmaking and here is why."
"The only thing that matters to me in a game is if it's fun."
"In my opinion, SCUF for FPS games and the Edge is the better all-rounder Pro Controller."
"How you play a video game should always be optional."
"If your Metroid game is too hard to be a Metroidvania game, we'll go with people who make easier games."
"If Capcom can't give us Dino Crisis just yet I'm happy to sell for more Devil May Cry games or Mega Man X if you're feeling crazy"
"I miss having puzzles and going and doing interlocking stuff."
"My whole chat yesterday was like, is there an option in settings to disable the weddings and go back to the old ones because they wanted to keep the world, but not the weddings, that's how bad it is."
"It's hitting all those key specifications that gamers love to see, really nailing that sweet spot."
"I prefer games where you don't have to grind."
"I kinda just wish I could play as the default shark. This looks pretty damn good."
"Which civilization do you want to be? I want to be the elves first of all but there's new jobs."
"In the meantime, though, I have other stuff to play from franchises I simply care more about."
"As solo players, this is not the direction they want the game to take. They don't like seeing other people around, they don't like the MMO elements."
"I just want to say that every once in a while I enjoy games like this. Something that doesn't have like super crazy loud jump scares that they just throw out you."
"Dungeon grinding should not be better than questing."
"1440p is a sweet-spot for me. I don’t particularly need 4k."
"Ultimate is a better game than Melee, but these days I'd much rather play and watch Ultimate."
"I always thought that I hated turn-based until Persona, and now that I've played Honkai, the thought of going back to generic combat sounds so boring to me."
"If they do it number eight do it like that yes like that like that that we need."
"Despite my background in PvP gaming, I've always had a weak spot for relaxing games."
"For the love of God can we get rid of these stupid bars and just show ping numbers."
"This has got to be one of my favorite bloody moons too."
"Gamers want engrossing stories featuring strong character development."
"I want things the size of Blackrock Depths but in New World's aesthetic and style."
"Elden Ring has had the most hype for it but I'm gonna go Zelda because I love Zelda."
"I like fantasy type of stuff like that's why I just want Elder Scrolls to come back man like a little fantasy too but I love sci-fi too."
"Making things...I think that you should have to like...play with other people. If you don't like playing with other people, maybe don't play a massively multiplayer game."
"I don't really like spiritualist empires normally but the megachurch is just so much fun to play as."
"I would never understand people who fawn over realism in games. Is the thing fun? No, remove it."
"I always choose a flat 60 more or less. There's almost no reason for that higher res mode to be there."
"I literally don't play Fortnite at all. I don't... I don't play Fortnite. I don't."
"If you did like games like Control, if you like games like Metroid Prime, you know you probably will like this one."
"What do you guys look for in a game? Replayability and if it uses the Unreal Engine."
"I still can't believe that when given the option... Simmers picked laundry and knitting."
"I've always said that when it comes to games gameplay is why I play them... graphics are the last thing Pokemon should be criticized for."
"Would you rather them focus less on older games or more on newer ones?"
"As much as I wouldn't be sad to see the pump meta stay in the game... I would like to see it changed up."
"I really want mythics back... I love the idea of vaults, it adds such a fun element to spawn fighting."
"As long as classes, gear, or items aren't locked behind the premium seasonal pass I'll likely just ignore it."
"Would I have liked it in a loot box? Yeah, maybe."
"Believe it or not, people still want to play fun games, moreso than they want a good narrative that’s only entertaining every few months or years when most of the original story has been forgotten."
"I am a personal very big fan of having rank up choice."
"If you're an OG minecraft player, you don't be playing with auto jump."
"I'm just happy it's not another side scroller."
"It's a fine little system. It really does come down to whether or not you want to have focus on handheld gaming or being able to go back and forth between handheld and console gaming."
"The big takeaway when it comes to Islands in a Hidden Cup is just the fact that a small percentage of people at the high level might prefer it."
"If I start playing a game and it really isn't my thing, I should definitely have the ability."
"Here's my problem though is I wouldn't mind the idea, Roger, I just don't want it to do with Mario Kart 8."
"What Call of Duty game has your favorite created class system?"
"If we're playing Halo, I want to go back to death match, I want to go back to capture the flag, king of the hill."
"This is why I just can't go back to vanilla because this is so good."
"I've always liked fire type and two if you look at the the average stat totals overall in terms of fully evolved Pokemon fire is the second highest next to Dragon which I think interesting."
"I preferred the moment to moment stuff more, especially the side quests."
"I don't like Street Fighter any of them... I just don't enjoy these games as much as Tekken in which every move needed to be planned..."
"If a game's got good characters, a setting I like, and a story I can get invested in, I'm gonna like it."
"Some people like the battling aspect, they like to have the best Pokemon, they like to you know be able to take other people on, all that kind of stuff. For me, it's mostly about just collecting."
"Apex Legends is fantastic another battle royale title really I think at this point people are gonna gravitate to one or two battle royale titles and really just stick with them."
"I think this is one of my favorite skins from this season without a doubt."
"Your differences are your greatest superpower."
"I like short and sweet games with a good story and skill-based single-player games."
"Whistle warrior, my favorite uncommon skin. I have to put her in the god tier."
"There's no incentive for me to go spend time in the dark zone."
"It's available on PC, Xbox One, and PS4 so no matter your platform preference, you can still live out your grimdark gang war fantasies."
"I've come up with a little bit of a list of things that I would absolutely love to see added into career mode."
"I'd love to see a lot more customization when it comes to that aspect."
"The Volt SMG is my preferred SMG of choice this season."
"It's never gonna replace the bow in my permanent set of weapons."
"I want factions. I want a really cool torn down Boston."
"People don't like getting Creative Fairy Fire."
"As good as Fontaine is, genuinely if Navia wasn't a character I never would have touched Genshin again."
"Gamers around the world had already made up their minds that they were not going with Xbox this generation."
"Ultimately it doesn't matter whether something's single-player or multiplayer, people play something that's compelling and of high quality."
"I play war games for the war, you play war games for the game."
"I like both modern and the classic Paper Mario."
"I've always liked creative mode, with all the magic stuff, that you can do endgame stuff. And that's nuts."
"More people are excited about Game Pass than they are about owning an Xbox."
"I'd love to see Mario Strikers, Mario Golf, or Mario sluggers."
"Give them the dungeons, give them the puzzles, and give them the traditionally told story."
"It's clear that many people want full endurance races to return."
"Players want quality content, immense choice, and games that respect their time and money."
"Let people play the game for what they want to play the game for. Don't try to make people do a bunch of [__] that doesn't matter."
"I found myself loving this game for many of the exact same reasons I love 2D Castlevania."
"Can someone tell me one reason to play a fighting game over a racing game or Call of Duty Zombies or any two plus player platformer?"
"The majority of video game players just want a balance of competition and fun."
"These are my favorite cars in the entire game."
"I honestly think there's no problem with enjoying your games how you like, especially if you're trying to commentate over them at the same time."
"Honestly though, I prefer today's lightning spells for that exact reason."
"I'm super curious to hear what you guys have to say especially curious to hear what your favorite Call of Duty of all time is."
"Bring back master loot for guilds and let people trade whatever they want. It's very simple with no bullshit."
"I love this mode, man. That 50 versus 50 is my jam."
"If you hate RPGs, you're probably not going to like Skyrim, and that's one of the biggest selling games of all time."
"I love this game's difficulty settings. My favorite being the option to have players get up from death after combat or heal status effects after rest."
"Big Team Battle and Operations are the superior modes."
"Sony recently broke down the top five most played games... Unsurprisingly, PC players do want to try PlayStation exclusives."
"I look forward to more comments... if you like this sort of stuff that's absolutely fine... if you hate what I would like in FIFA that's also absolutely fine... not everything is for everyone."
"Sino is a character who I absolutely love and will probably be maining alongside Chao for a long time..."
"A lot of PC guys they might get a console to complement their PC."
"Yo, 2K has literally given me everything that I want in this build."
"Who cares about cutscenes? Let's skip right to the action!"
"Imagine being the person that boots up a Call of Duty instead of Elden Ring. Not in this house, ladies and gentlemen, not now, not ever."
"I would prefer a focused classic game, a focused boost game, or a focused adventure game."
"Divinity Original Sin isn't for everyone, but if you're looking for more of a hardcore style RPG, Divinity Original Sin will be right up your alley."
"I still prefer a good story over the loot collection stuff."
"We need more games like Baldur's Gate not less."
"It feels like gamers today, they value... instead of valuing like an actual rewarding decision-focused combat system, what they really want is to be able to pick up lots of shiny little objects and look at their loot."
"If you ask the Western player base, they want something different."
"If a game doesn't give you the ability to kick someone in the face, well then it's really not worth playing."
"I've just been really itching for a good Souls-like to play."
"Personally, I think rogues are maybe the most fun, mages are the most efficient, and warriors are probably just the best all around."
"We don't want DPS races or min-maxing stats."
"As much as I'm happy with Lava Burst, if we got a couple more buffs to Lightning Bolt, Lava Burst will be going in the bin."
"We don't need multiplayer for now, China, I freaking love The Wizard of Oz."
"I use circle, LT only. Yeah, circle, yeah, circle, yeah."
"It's okay to play Minecraft with keep inventory on. Video games are supposed to be fun, not stressful."
"I still just want like kind of a back to basics in terms of gameplay and stuff like that."
"The double sniper setup is definitely my favorite. It's what I enjoy using the most and it's also really great because when you swap weapons of course it's faster than reloading."
"Problem is 90% of the people that buy Call of Duty never play the campaign."
"Identify a main set of weapons you really enjoy playing with."
"Basically, I want more games like Fall Guys. That's it. That's my conclusion."
"Extensions should be what you want to kill more of."
"This is for sure a weapon that is going on my wishlist"
"For the youngsters of 2021 who have no patience, they will probably get more out of simply having a nice glass of milk... after all, milk's perfect for a schoolboy."
"In real life, I have vases of flowers; in video games, I want death and carnage."
"I do use the exterminator a lot but for other sections I'm using weapons that I don't generally use like the ghost lantern."
"Everybody plays commander their own way, and for me, I like a very social table."
"I don't know how much POE I'll be playing in the future... I'm the type of guy who very much dislikes making similar characters."
"If I want to play the game at its best, I want fucking VR."
"Most of the gaming market just wants to play the game and not have to learn extra things."
"Do you like Minecraft Pocket Edition? Not really, I don't like playing Minecraft on my phone."
"I want good games... I don't care if it has like some messages I don't agree with, I'll be like okay, but I'm still playing the game."
"I find they're less dependent on online play and more focused on story driven games."
"Allah is probably my favorite hunter like balance concerns right now aside because he's probably one of the strongest hunters I'd probably put him on the level with who you like"
"Let me know what games you guys are excited about, what do you want to see me play this year?"
"All I did was just test out the controls and I would play on casual mode for you casuals."
"I like Nurgle stuff, man. I like him. You like the stinky boys?"
"I hope they let you choose whether you have cross-play or not."
"As long as it's not another Fire Emblem sword-wielding character, please God, no." - Nintendo Direct commentator
"I find Gwent way more interesting than Hearthstone and Magic to be completely honest because it's kind of different."