
Playability Quotes

There are 315 quotes

"We are finally at a point where Cyberpunk 2077, for many, is worth playing and is actually playable now."
"Mount and Blade goes from a game with a large amount of content to a game that is almost endlessly playable."
"These are gorgeous yoyo, they play unbelievably good."
"It's amazing how just switching a card to the word instant immediately makes it go from like 'I wouldn't play it' to 'totally playable and good'."
"Some figures are meant to be played with, complete with multiple facial expressions and accessories for placement in dioramas or photos."
"This set is a pretty great playset for the most part."
"Fully playable and you're gonna have a lot of fun."
"I'm very happy with what we're getting for the price, and it really does look like a very expansive play feature."
"Of all the releases to come along in the console's infancy, Super Mario World has held up the best and remains the most playable 25 years later."
"This one thing alone makes the game infinitely more playable than basically every other Pokemon game ever."
"The music does come together with the action sometimes, and it’s very cathartic, but the game is such a noise hurricane I can only play it in bursts."
"This is a super easy to play and very effective build and I think you'll enjoy it."
"Literally unplayable. The guy is absolutely sensational."
"Just a game that stands on its own two feet as a deeply playable thing, confident in that playability."
"The play factor is amazing, you can do all sorts of different things with these."
"The game that made the biggest impact in terms of just playability these days? Mario Galaxy."
"I want to have power-ups which will increase my score and add some more playability to this game."
"A more immersive and cool way to play the game."
"Nalet stands out as a breath of fresh air. He's extremely easy to pick up and play."
"This combat system retains all of the spectacular presentation of 15 but it makes it actually playable."
"A big plus in Mech Arena is that the whole game is designed to offer you a short and intense match on tightly designed maps."
"This is not just a nostalgia trip, it's because the game is actually fun to play still."
"There's still plenty of stuff we have to play."
"The general playability of anthem was horrific, if I can say that."
"Not all games are designed for unlimited endless play."
"Four drops just weren't that big which made the downside more than worth enduring."
"Despite its flaws, Fallout 4 is still playable and awesome."
"It's now actually completely playable and recommendable."
"Ranger abilities... more interesting to play."
"Don't view any of these characters as ones I think are bad playable characters."
"It doesn't have to be photorealistic, just make it play really well."
"Despite its size, this Hulkbuster has everything for playability and articulation."
"Hold Buster smash actually worth that 30 bucks."
"Playability on this one pretty good average probably compared to what we're about to take a look at."
"So these are in my opinion the three best sets for playability for the Rise of Skywalker so far."
"And then you actually have nice interior spots and moveable weapons and spring-loaded shooters on this Millennium Falcon that are hidden in the front end here so very very nice set 160 dollars though is a rather high price."
"Super smash bros melee was annoying to say but brilliant to play."
"Call of Duty is meant to be fun, goofy, and unrealistic, while still providing a somewhat grounded environment for players."
"It means that each playthrough is over quickly enough that you don't have the chance to get tired of it."
"And it reminds me of something like an actual play feature on a Lego set where you could easily swap between the two different parts."
"This is something that I think can actually play quite well and work really well as a display set."
"The x1 ninja charger probably has one of the best play features I've seen in a long time."
"The diversity and depth of the errands make it hard to set the controller down."
"Poppin is one of the best and most playable twin b games... an easy a for me."
"Super r-type... isn't nearly as bad as its reputation... very much a game worth playing."
"Such a fantastic game, completely unplayable until now!"
"It's a magical marketing combo of giant animal robots, self-propelled action features, and a play structure where building the toy is part of the fun."
"This game is amazing and really fun to play."
"Bastion's straightforward damage makes him playable, especially in lower ranks."
"As for the rest of the game, however, it's in a much more playable state now."
"The core idea behind Sonic the Hedgehog was to make a game that would get better the more you played it."
"This guitar it just dominates in terms of overall playability."
"We're at a point now where pretty much all of the guns are usable and fun to play."
"Finally, Cyber Bug or Cyberpunk is playable. I'm so sorry, God damn it, I didn't even hit anybody."
"Some games' gameplay just holds up though, you know?"
"Volatility comes with the territory as Bitcoin's market cap gets bigger and bigger."
"It's just a really nice mixture and it also has a really cool play feature."
"This has to be one of the most play feature packed Lego sets of all time."
"When a guitar is aged, it's not just an aesthetic thing, it feels old, it feels more broken in, and a big part of that is the rolled fingerboard edges."
"...I want my guitars to play themselves."
"The set contains 27 pieces and a minifigure who's primed and ready to scoop some ice cream."
"Yes, the body is gloss but that's not going to affect your playability on the neck."
"This thing is really a joy to play."
"whether it's vintage fretboard or this 12 radius, it always just helps the guitar just to play better"
"In fact, despite his renown among guitarists, Steve is perhaps most revered for his ability to play things that almost shouldn't be playable on a guitar at all."
"Such a fun guitar to play because the way it sounds right here, it's just really, really crazy."
"At the end of the day the playability is what's most important to me I like to have fun with my toys."
"Super impressive, super large, and it's got tons of playability."
"For playability, this round goes to Retro Card."
"I enjoy this figure a lot. I think it offers a lot of play options and I think it's a lot of fun, and at the end of the day, that's what we're going for. We're going for fun and playability, and I think this guy delivers."
"There's a lot of functionality here, a lot of playability that you can get with these zords."
"We wanted to have this as like a fully playable castle."
"It's an extremely diverse instrument with logical playability and a workflow for every musician."
"This guitar is very comfortable to play."
"This guitar just comes alive the more you play it, it is incredibly diverse."
"They also added some articulation so that's so awesome to see and he's definitely one of the most fun Predator figures to pick up and play with and pose around."
"This just feels like such a great rhythm guitar with that combination of the action set with the big chunky neck. This is very incredibly comfortable to play."
"It's fine, I mean, we're sitting at above 50 FPS consistently, which is more than playable for a game like this."
"...the articulation on this movie Venom body is pretty damn awesome you could really get him into a lot of great Venom-like poses and it's a whole lot of fun to play with."
"Snappiness and immediacy with each note."
"It's got this double cut with ultimate access to the upper register here which is just a really really fun kind of speed speed boat of a guitar to play."
"Low output guitars feel very easy to play."
"Attack on the Burrow is a great set with a bunch of awesome minifigures and some really cool interior details."
"If a bad shot gets closer to the hole and is in play, that's a win."
"...this is just an awesome build the wings can move up and down pretty well there are ball Shooters at the end of each wing it has to detach cockpit and tail."
"This is an amazing UCS set that also has a lot of great playability."
"When it comes to the irons, again, turf interaction and forgiveness, right? That's why I haven't played muscle backs in quite a while, even though I'm a pretty good ball striker, because if you don't hit the center with those, you might pay for it."
"They didn't have to give us this added accessory but again it adds a lot of play value."
"The bottom line is more playability and I love that."
"I think it would make a really awesome play piece as well as a display piece."
"Okay, so it may look a little bit plain when it's empty, but then so do most playsets. Here you have a lot of really nice spots for really small vehicles and figures and you don't have to buy up medium-sized or large-sized vehicles to bulk this thing up."
"Starscream does have landing gear so he can actually roll along the ground really nicely."
"If you're after a guitar that's incredibly effortless to play, quite versatile as well, then read on."
"It's that last little bit of shaping that makes the guitar that much more playable."
"The action is the lowest I've ever played on an acoustic out of the box in my entire life."
"I like my strings relatively close to the pickups... I like my finger to kind of roll over the strings."
"Intuitively, you might expect narrower frets to play more accurately in tune."
"Now the lanes are very smooth and very playable from almost any angle."
"You can be wishing this thing around; it's going to be really, really fun to handle."
"The Sentinel is the toy that you're going to be able to get into the more aggressive poses."
"The guitar is easy to play, you can vibrato and bend without any resistance."
"It's super nice to have that even balanced tension."
"It's a player's neck and the reason being is if you're gonna play this every night, you're gonna sweat into it, it doesn't get sticky."
"I mean there's tons of play space on this thing, this is awesome."
"They are going to continue to sound better the more you play them."
"It's one of the easiest acoustic guitars in the world to play."
"It feels so good, it's electric guitar-like."
"This process really makes the guitar a lot more comfortable to play."
"It makes a fantastic toy and actually is a relatively satisfying instrument to play."
"This neck feels really, really comfortable and very smooth so far."
"It's so easy to play, to get some beautiful sound."
"This guitar is just absolutely bananas. It's so much fun, it plays so nice, it's just flawless in every way."
"If you max out all these I candy options, it actually becomes quite playable."
"The final metric today is playability and let me tell you this was the easiest to decide, it's a 10 out of 10."
"Whether you buy a $500 guitar or a $5,000 guitar, they all have the same playability."
"Those guys were great at creating golf courses that were playable and enjoyable and interesting for members yet could be ramped up to it from a championship standpoint."
"Playability is far more important than the tone thing because if the guitar is playable, you're going to produce better tone automatically."
"Almost anything that plays on here is super enjoyable."
"You could make the best golf club on the planet, but if it sounds horrible, nobody's going to play it."
"It plays beautifully smooth, it's just an all-around stellar guitar."
"I really love the look of these; I really love the playability."
"There's just something about the way these things feel when you play them that I love."
"The taper of the neck changes a little bit as it goes up the neck to make it kind of faster and more comfortable."
"A compound radius fretboard... it's curved on the front but the curve changes from a 10 inch radius which is fairly flat to a 14 inch radius down here at the weedly deadly end of the fretboard."
"The playability and the craftsmanship, the workmanship is absolutely phenomenal by both builders."
"A setup is as much about intonation as it is about playability."
"The articulation is incredible; you could definitely have a whole bunch of fun playing with them."
"It's really exciting to see this much playability in one box."
"The articulation is crazy good and so much more fun and pleasing to play with."
"That's how a guitar should play, that's how it should sound."
"I think the build, the design, the efficiency, the playability is just off the charts."
"These figures are fun, they're extremely versatile, very flexible, well balanced, hold their poses."
"The play value is about as high as I could ask for."
"I really like that it adds some play features to this set that are really unique."
"If this had some interior detail, some real play space beyond just having a parking spot for the Batmobile, then I feel like the value would be a little bit better."
"You can reenact a lot of good scenes from the movie with this set."
"This figure is definitely a fun figure to pose around."
"It does a really really good job of being a toy set for kids as young as six years old."
"It sounds great, it feels great, it's fun to play, and gosh darn it, it looks great too."
"That blaster does add for a ton of playability as well as display options."
"Restring Zero again, some of the best combination of a good sharp edge, playability duration, and amazing snapback."
"This one gets the best contouring and just the best play features."
"It's really easy to play, but it's really musical."
"The Jack Specific figure is a better looking figure, but the Tomi one is definitely the better toy."
"The game is always playable in its most updated state."
"Playability, I think, is really the key factor."
"You're buying a guitar first of all to learn on, and to learn on you want something that's nice and easy."
"It plays like butter; it is beautiful beyond all."
"It's a good feeling golf club, this from Ping, you know, it's got that playability."
"The multi-contact system that is under the keys makes a huge difference when playing B3 type organ."
"The zero fret is comfortable and smooth, and the frets are silky smooth; they basically play themselves."
"It's a very flat fretboard, which I like; I think it makes playing, especially more complex chords, really easy."
"It's so easy to play, so light, sounds amazing, very versatile."
"I love this little cinema from our generation; it is so cute and it has a ton of play value for kids."
"The necks play and feel like a dream."
"They feel more responsive and more alive; they're just more fun to play."
"The interior is fun as well, while somewhat lacking, you can fit all your troops inside."
"This is not necessarily a simple game, but I do think once you get the rules down, it does run pretty quickly and smoothly."
"I'm able to hit the keys without hitting too many bad notes in there just because I feel like the key action is slightly heavier than your normal synth action."
"These rackets are really good, you can pick them up, you can play with them anytime, anywhere."
"It's all good stuff to keep it nice and fresh and out for it is the aim is to make it play better."
"Yamaha's pretty good, but I've seen plenty of expensive Gibsons which were unplayable."
"Years of constant play with brand new strings, this beauty rings."
"It's really light, the neck is fantastic, it feels amazing."
"Lower action generally means easier to play, and that's important for a beginner."
"At its core, it was and is a very playable and very decent guitar."
"It's super comfortable to play, it's super easy to play."
"Guitars are wonderful in that the more you play them, the better they get."
"It's effortless; this guitar is insanely easy to play."
"A really playable gaming experience."
"It's really important if you're thinking about string life and playability."
"It's very easy to play; it's kind of the best balance of all things."
"I hope that some of the things that we talked about here can really shine a light on four or five of the different basic things that can affect playability of your guitar."
"It plays like a dream, it sounds awesome."
"We're averaging pretty much between 170 to 210 FPS in high settings, which is definitely playable."
"The dwell is superb with this blade when playing open ups."
"The transition to get the turret from in here to up here is really smooth; I love that play feature."
"You have infinite dynamic layers... you can really feel the playability, expressivity from the dynamic layers."
"Hopefully now you understand just how stupid the majority of developers are when it comes to making their game playable."
"It is a good set with some great play features, and it's really fun to move around and play with."
"It's incredibly sturdy, sturdy, totally playable, a really awesome job, man."
"Lego scales them up a lot to be able to add in some playability and get the detail in there that really needs to be there."
"Black has no weaknesses; every piece is doing something, and it's very easy to play."
"It's a lot of fun to play, and I genuinely enjoy it."
"We've got an easier to manage action, we've got an increased dynamic range out of that action."
"It's actually quite nice now, the feel of the action is extremely playable."
"It plays really, really nicely; the build quality is great."
"We're getting decent enough frame time, very very playable."
"It feels like silk when you play it, it's just so easy to play, stays in tune fantastically well."
"Minecraft definitely playable, 100% playable."
"The shorter scale length makes J45s magical; that's why people love them, they're springy, they have a little less tension on the strings but overall they sound great."
"It's really easy to play up and down."
"I'm really impressed that even though with all the weird that happened, I'm able to get to this point where this game is playable."
"I think that it is designed well as a Lego set; there's a fair amount of room to play on and around it."
"This just looks so fun and so cool to play with."
"I love this set even just in its isolation; it's so much playability, so many details, color schemes really nice, it's just really cozy."
"This build is really meant to be played with for D&D."
"Gameplay comes first; if something looks good but doesn't play well, then it's kind of a failure on our side."
"So I look at Polymath as a really playable instrument."
"This guitar is sweet, it plays great."