
Home Comfort Quotes

There are 337 quotes

"I feel very, very relaxed in this flat. I knew it was mine the minute I walked through the front door."
"If you want something, don't cheap out because it's your home and you want to feel like home."
"Being back home feels so good, just sitting here making a video with you guys."
"For a lot of people, staying home with your pets all day is the best part about it."
"Keeping blankets on the couch... it just feels cozy."
"Incorporating just nice lounge that is comfortable to wear that you feel cozy in is definitely a mood boost."
"I decided to keep the carpet in here, maybe I'll change my mind later, but for now, it makes the room feel and look very comfortable."
"From the second I walked in, I felt at home. I wake up every morning and I'm at peace."
"Good sheets are an essential part of life and a mandatory part of our bedroom."
"Be at home. Give yourself permission to do what brings you joy."
"Sex toys make being at home way more enjoyable."
"It's good, it's a great feeling when you sat at home and you just in your head you and your little whatever you doing."
"A bath tray... so nice... just put a book on or your iPad or your phone or some wine."
"An oil diffuser... just a really good idea for anyone... so nice."
"Nothing beats the relief of coming home even after a fun vacation."
"Crochet chaos and cozy corners - welcome to my sanctuary!"
"Invest in a desk warmer for your tea mug." - Cristine
"You know what we all feel like, you know, we just feel better when we get home, don't we? And we're in comfortable surroundings."
"It's actually more fun in your own home than in the cafe."
"Every house has a peculiar scent, one you can detect on any of its residents, and that defines the family. This was my smell, my family smell. It smelled like home."
"You now have a comfortable place to hang out and watch the games, make some music, and enjoy the family."
"Our wood-burning stove might be our favorite thing."
"Moody and dramatic spaces are in. Embrace dark, bold colors for cozy, stylish interiors."
"People always say you need to get the squeaks off your door. No, I like the squeaks on the door and the bell because it lets me know when somebody's walking in."
"She wants to put some makeup in her drawers and be able to just sit here and get ready and get all pretty."
"Please at least leave us alone in our living rooms. Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel belted radios and I won't say anything."
"It feels amazing to be home. It's great to be back at home base. We absolutely love being at home, just feels good."
"For me, a home is somewhere very cozy... New York has really become my home."
"Making sure that every time you walk into your home, you're in a place that feels comfortable and adapted to your needs is the kind of purchase that really does radiate throughout your life and pay a lot of dividends."
"Getting this right it's like being at home sitting beside a crackling wood fire when it's raining outside it really does place you in the zone and is a lot more immersive."
"One of the biggest things to take away from 2020 was adding the coziness factor back into your home."
"I always feel really nice after I've baked something and the house smells of baking."
"This room is completely done and the boys love it in here."
"Truly a mood, but today I'm gonna share with you guys some of my current favorite just kind of like cozy at home kind of more like lifestyle favorites."
"I'm so grateful for because I just love like getting into a fresh bed I feel like bedding is always such a handy thing to receive as well so I'm super super happy and I cannot wait to put this on my bed."
"It's kind of just like a collected little area, but it's so cozy and cute."
"Make your bedroom a real nice cozy warm safe place to be and recuperate and rejuvenate. That's Sound Advice."
"Being home for them is their favorite thing... they naturally love being home."
"Now we can stay nice and warm at night as we just relax with the ocean view. Oh, isn't that just comfy and incredibly pleasant looking?"
"That's what the Queen of Pentacles wants, a home that has love and comfort and peace of mind and good food and time to cook that food."
"Schedule a day at home to rest, recharge, and find harmony within."
"Fireplaces are just really cozy and they're very Alex and I we love to just be by a fire."
"Our house feels like a home now, and I love it. We both love our house."
"Let's talk about Nugget comfort couches and NuggetTok."
"Use down or feather inserts for plump, luxurious cushions."
"The wood stove...it really is the heart of the home when it's going."
"We're home. We're in our living room. We feel fantastic."
"Home should be a place that is comfortable and happy and a refuge no matter what it looks like."
"Embrace the comforts of home even in all of its imperfections."
"This is basically the bedroom the living area... it is very nice... I would love to be here in a thunderstorm."
"Freedom can be found in the home, by the fireplace. What does freedom look like for you?"
"It should feel like an extra room in your house where your friends hang out."
"This is a really incredible bed base... it just gives you that support."
"Being able to do it as a family and we still had one another... so we could go out into the world and kind of like do these fun things and big things but then we kind of came back to this home."
"Coming home is like coming home to an empty house if I don't have the odd skull to make it feel like it's all lovely and cozy."
"We all just want something that just excites us and we want something that just feels special. We are in our homes more than ever before."
"I don't ever feel like I'm actually in a van because this is my house."
"The apartment changed into my bathrobe cuz I'm gonna go have a bath and just chill."
"It's good to have a home to come back to, isn't it?"
"It just makes the house so much cozier and, you know, just puts me in a really bloody good mood."
"He feels rather delighted that the bathroom is big enough for them."
"Welcome to the living room! Here we have the most comfortable couch that will ever exist."
"This residential fridge has really made this space feel like a home."
"Just going home feels like it's the best feeling in the world."
"I love having a TV in the bedroom. It makes things super cozy at night."
"One of my favorite things about the fan is not just the air movement, but it actually has a dimmer switch on it so I can create whatever kind of ambience I'm looking for here at night as well."
"Luigi's chilling back at home to do my laundry, to make me some food, to make my bed..."
"Being back at home and living at home and having my family with me has literally improved my mood, mindset, and mental health."
"These big pillows really do make a huge difference on a bed this high."
"This little chair will be waiting for one of you and a rocking chair for another who likes to rock and a big armchair for two to curl up in."
"The world is crazy enough so to be able to come home and just let loose whatever that looks like."
"Love it, love the reading lights next to the bed too."
"If it's so great outside why are all the bugs trying to get in my house?"
"Wow, this is quite the place you’ve got here! Much better than my cold cave!"
"Make your home as comfortable as possible, a refuge, an oasis."
"This room makes me so happy coming in here when the curtains are closed it's just so cozy."
"Virtual events are very fun because it's kind of like a crafty getaway but you can stay home and be in your jammies."
"Alice H. Parker's central heating system changed the way people felt in their homes."
"Some of the best money you can ever spend is to have a wood burning fireplace."
"It's nice to be able to have this table just sitting here. You can enjoy your morning coffee and really take in the view."
"It's comforting, it's welcoming, it's everything that you want home to be."
"Nordstrom throw blanket—nice, affordable, and comes in various colors."
"This is where we have our family over I love having a guest room."
"It's a jumper for the house, so I love that so much, just a nice plain white jumper for wearing in-house or whatever."
"It's giving cozy Farm like doesn't that just give you a comforting feeling."
"You're just as safe in the van as you are in your house."
"It's just their scent... their bar of soap to use whenever they come back."
"It just adds a little bit of warmth into your home."
"It's just nice to have something that I can throw on in the morning and cuddle up in."
"This is the magic time of the year when the AC is off, the furnace is off, and you're opening the windows at night."
"Last night was the first night that I slept in my house and it was just so beautiful."
"I touch up my makeup when I got home I put on my pajamas I have no idea why I did those things."
"If you can get an electric fireplace in your RV, I 110% recommend it."
"Wouldn't it be cool if you had lots of places in your house like that too? Making your house into a retreat... it's invaluable."
"Heated blanket: the ultimate solution for cold nights."
"They can be really someone who would rather stay home and bake things with you."
"Honestly, I am so happy here and in our loft, and it just really feels like home."
"I cannot wait for you to see it decked out for the holidays but mostly uh just for easy comfortable old house living let's go inside."
"This is a space heater, this is an object that was not available the whole time I was building and I think it is so cool, I absolutely love it."
"I'm excited we're actually going to have a stove, you know? I guess I can make y'all some banana bread tonight, what you think about that?"
"I always suggest that you have a towel over your shoulder, put your best bikini on, and then just join the lounge room time if we can't get out you make the most of it."
"Just because I'm in the house doesn't mean I can't feel cute and feminine."
"All I really want to do is have a home that's comfortable and play video games."
"Looks like the sun gonna be shining soon from my aquarium right there."
"You guys deserve to have a home that you enjoy being in that brings a smile to your face when you walk in a room."
"Make your home your favorite place on earth."
"Nothing makes me happier than home cooked meals but especially my mom's."
"This window seat is my favorite spot in the house."
"I wish I had some type of water feature. Besides that, I have everything I need."
"Home sweet home, let's go inside, drop off our mushroom. Very nice, you can see our little collection is growing."
"So I just wanted to say hey, I'm home, this might fit but I'm about to change into some comfy."
"It would just be nice to have it feel like a grown-up, relaxing cozy space."
"I love sitting at home, ordering DoorDash and watching TV."
"It's always so sad to like leave a really good trip but it feels so okay when you come back to a clean welcoming home."
"I just want to stay at my house with my family and just be a person."
"Nothing beats being together at home in the evenings and like having a shower, getting into bed, and watching something really sweet on Netflix."
"Don't you just love coming home after a long day? A few things top that feeling of leaving the world outside when you lock your door behind you."
"I'm going to curl up in front of this roaring and crackling fire until dinner is ready."
"I just like having rugs because it's...more homely and actually yeah, it feels warmer on your feet especially in those cold mornings."
"I love my cool mist humidifier fan. It makes the room a lot cooler, especially during the night."
"The only seat left for this race is the one you have at home."
"It's so nice to take a bath when we moved in I literally took a bath every single day for like three weeks straight."
"I quite like this bit on the side where you've got this in this sort of recliner position so it's nice to have somewhere to just relax and chill out a bit more."
"The pandemic isn't great but being home is nice and being able to commit to something regular like this has been a lot of fun."
"I was never so glad to be away from a place in my life I could breathe easy I was I just felt safe at home everything was fine."
"Comfort inside the home, a spacious environment, room to move, and clean air to breathe."
"I want you to be able to go home turn your thermostat on and adjust your heat or your AC to what you want it to be"
"Spring is around the corner, warmer weather is around the corner. You won't be in your home as much, you won't have the four walls staring at you as much."
"It is definitely Cozier than our previous one but it is still so nice I love it so much."
"People need to have something in their homes that helps them feel better."
"I love it honestly I would say is it tasting my dreams it helped me get here and not live in the office but now I can just eat in the office and then go to my own home yep."
"...with the balcony window open you get a nice cross breeze in from the ocean."
"I wanted it to basically function like we're at home, like a brick and mortar house."
"This is the backyard, pretty chill, pretty relaxing."
"I'm just picturing being by the fireplace and doing some s'mores. That's going to be so nice."
"I am a homebody, and this RV lifestyle allows us to put this thing exactly where I want to be."
"We're warmer in the winter and we're cooler in the summer."
"This fireplace does all I feel like I would need it to do to stay warm in this current condition."
"I've never been so glad to have a roof over my head and a bed to come back to."
"It's like having a barista at home."
"I'm telling you, as soon as we have hot water back, I am running a nice big bubble bath."
"Two days in the house, utter bliss."
"I'm home, and it's so wonderful sleeping in my own bed."
"You want the relative humidity in your house to be in the comfort zone of between 30 and 60 percent."
"Last year was our first year heating our house exclusively with wood, and we absolutely love it."
"I love the days when Bonnie's home; it's just all my kids under one roof. I love it."
"A fine fire was blazing upon the hearth. It was a novelty, and by no means an ungrateful one."
"Having this 10ft tall shower with a window in it is a nicer shower than most homes and it's going to be a big thing that I do every day that doesn't feel like I'm cramped into this tiny little space."
"I love that you can get the windows vented and get a good breeze through there."
"I'm so excited to sleep in my own bed."
"Experience Japan from the comfort of your own home through snacks."
"Thanks, Octonauts. Y'all come back and visit anytime, you know where to find Mama. Mama's always home."
"I'm just happy that we even have a home and decorations and even a Christmas tree."
"Winter is a time to hibernate; it is cold, dark, wet, miserable. It is the time to be at home."
"I love the option of the fireplace."
"Will this be a warm place for my husband to come home to every night? Yes."
"A vacation for me is first of all if I could sleep and be in my house, in my own bed, in my own house with my dog."
"Good news though, your shower is gonna seem like the biggest thing you've ever been in in your life."
"I love the windows that it has; has a lot of nice oversized windows to let in a lot of natural light."
"There's nothing like coming home to your own bed, to a clean house."
"I'm loving how cozy our bedroom already is and it's only going to get cozier."
"These little things, these little things, what make it home."
"Nothing says home like the smell of baking."
"With the toy hauler, we pull over into a rest area, get out of the truck, come into here, and we're home."
"I'll always romanticize my drinks at home."
"I am such a homebody. I like vacations, but I like my house."
"There's so much light in the flat now because it's sunny for like the longest period in the day, and I just love that."
"It's so cozy in here with the fireplace going."
"I'm so excited when I get home, I'm gonna be eating my Cinnamon Toast Crunch."
"I'm gonna make some decaf tea in this nice tea kettle that I have."
"I love this incredibly big shower."
"Experience Japan through the comfort of your own home."
"The real heart of this home is clean, safe electric heating."
"Always have quality bed linen... it makes the world of difference."
"I'm excited for a cozy Friday night in."
"There's just something really nice about sitting and having dinner in my own home that I really enjoy."
"A perfect time to be testing the latest way to warm the crib."
"You are never more than 10 meters from your own toilet."
"Your bedroom should be a place that you look forward to retreating to every night."
"It's the ultimate self-care experience from the comfort of your home."
"This feels like an apartment; this is my home."
"Waking up to her kitchen never gets old."
"The pandemic has had an even greater impact on this; specifically, the comfort a home provides and the level of safety in a community were top priorities."
"Life is better with a soap foamer."
"Ever since I can remember, home comforts have always been something of huge importance to me."
"Home becomes a sanctuary from the troubles of the big city."
"If you're trying to create a cozy, warm home for the winter, faux fur blankets definitely give off that look."
"That is a fantastic sized bed, isn't it?"
"I'm absolutely loving every minute of being home right now."
"It's cathartic and relaxing just to be in your own house."
"For me, one of the real pleasures of the winter months is returning from a brisk Sunday walk and being greeted by something sizzling and spitting in the oven at home."
"I'm living comfortably in my new home and I've welcomed a new family member."
"It is possible to bring a Bengal or two, or maybe more, into your home and not feel like you're living in a zoo."
"Once my mattress gets here and everything is settled, I'll be able to sleep really well in this apartment."
"I'm so looking forward to firing up the wood stove for fall."
"I probably should be inviting some friends and family over to enjoy the new outdoor sofa, but honestly, right now I think I just want to take a nap."
"Flowers by the bed, a clean kitchen, these are the touches that turn a house into a home."
"Enjoy coffee shop-like coffee at home."
"We're comfortable in our own home thanks to you."
"I personally love the smell of home when I come back home, it smells like food, the food is delicious."