
Opportunism Quotes

There are 488 quotes

"Be greedy when others are fearful and fearful when others are greedy."
"I think Big Pharma is absolutely opportunistic."
"I also think the Democrat Party is absolutely opportunistic."
"Our biggest advantage against the computers and the funds is, as retail traders, we have the ability and the opportunity to be opportunistic."
"Every single time there's a tragedy, our leaders don't act in the best interest of the people. They see opportunity, and they grab as much as they can."
"I believe we can redeem this coupon right here for a free island."
"Everybody's nice to you when they think they have something to gain from you."
"I strongly recommend whenever possible that you be lucky."
"People don't give other people a shot unless there's something in it for them."
"When you smell blood in the water, you gotta behave like a shark would."
"Every crisis is an opportunity to cram down a social justice viewpoint on the world."
"Truth be told, there's never been a better time to jump into Raid Shadow Legends."
"I guess now we know who was the grifter after all."
"You always hear the expression, 'time to buy is when there's blood in the streets.'" - Jim Rickards
"We're going to take whatever the Lord gives us and we're going to use it to our advantage."
"You know, never pass up that opportunity to do the right thing for somebody."
"Putin is a master manipulator, and he’s a master at trying to take advantage of opportunities."
"Ryder is clearly a smart kid, and a shrewd businessman, and he takes his opportunities where he sees them."
"America is a country of the grifted and the grifter. They can't have a country with one without the other."
"Every moment is perfect to do whatever you want."
"It was never about what was best, it was always about what was politically useful for them."
"He got out when he had to and made as much money as he could for his family."
"You'll be buying assets from people who basically are in distress so you can more or less name your price."
"The time to buy is when there's blood in the streets."
"When people are buying I want to be the one selling it to them...when people are selling I want to be the ones buying it."
"Use your head, don't take anything for what you can't make money off of."
"If you're gonna want to take advantage of all those things."
"To say, 'Wow, the next verse is really gonna get screwed,' I mean, guys, if somebody was in the business to screw somebody flipping a car... it's not something that's uncommon here in the United States."
"Just a matter of taking advantage of the opportunities you get."
"The spirit world is waiting for an opportunity to enter people's lives."
"Work smart, not hard. I think he just found an opening for the first time in this one."
"I see this story about people saying 'Yo we found a way to exploit your system.'"
"You want to be one of the people that takes advantage of the opportunity."
"When there's blood in the streets this is when people get rich."
"You have to take a chance, man. You have to. You've seen a billionaire, [expletive]."
"Dear pessimist and optimist, while you guys are arguing about whether the glass is half-full or half-empty, the opportunist is getting themselves some shameless points."
"What that proved is that James O'Keefe's initial success was luck not any like actual sense of cunning he's just he's just in the he just puts himself out there and he occasionally gets somebody to say something on camera."
"It's also kind of interesting that the parents signed this two million dollar TV deal which, I mean, I don't know who's going to say no to 2 million, right?"
"There's always opportunities in up times and down times."
"I know he was really thinking that he had a real in there."
"Success has many fathers and failure is an orphan... You being successful is going to bring a ton of people who want in."
"That's what makes Charles so great, is that he's dangerous everywhere. Guy made a slip, he took a huge advantage of it."
"It worries me when for-profits have discovered humanitarian disasters as being opportunities."
"The fact that like people don't realize that this woman was using this story to push her book and make money is crazy to me."
"Opportunistic watch dealers swipe them all up and start selling them for three, four times as much."
"Politicians don't let a crisis go to waste and that is what this is really about."
"If your enemy is making a strategic mistake, don't interrupt them."
"He uses chaos as a means of seizing opportunity."
"Free stuff's free stuff, so take advantage of it."
"It's more about being opportunistic about buying the right thing at the right price."
"When there is blood in the streets...that's the time to be shopping and buying."
"Was he a hero of the Spanish Reconquista or a self-interested opportunist who sided with whichever side he could benefit most from?"
"I don't have many tips for the people of America, but if they find themselves behind Donald Trump with a statically charged balloon, take your chance."
"Kosuga may have exploited the vague laws and done a fantastic job of exposing the cracks."
"Give them an inch and they'll take a kilometer."
"Transformational change always requires a hook for the left. COVID was the best hook they've ever seen, and they will not let it go ever." - Ben Shapiro
"Life is just about capitalizing. That's why I be so mad at [__] that feel entitled."
"Everything that dies just presents a new opportunity."
"You hit the block you hit the road and now you came up now [] who sat up here who didn't want to take that journey with you they want to reap the benefits of that that's where we get these little dusty hater [] from."
"Once you get some sense of the way the world works, how do you take advantage of it or how do you keep from being taken advantage of?"
"Whatever opportunity is given to you, spirit is saying don't wait, make sure you are taking inspired action."
"If Russia falls apart, China will be able to walk in and say, 'Hey, your own mate.'"
"The best attitude to have with earnings season is if things do go south and lots of companies sell off, look at that as an opportunity not as a problem."
"John saw this as an opportunity to seize church property."
"Ambitious politicians see a crisis as an opportunity to usurp power."
"Everybody takes advantage of us when it's convenient."
"The NDP are now grifting off of Tucker Carlson's comments."
"Holy [__], he really doesn't miss an opportunity... that's real edgy comedy."
"I think Jay is an opportunist... before she leaves."
"Every big news event becomes an opportunity to amass followers, money, and clout."
"Everyone leaves, which is the best time to be buying."
"It really forces you to be more outgoing and live in the now and really grab opportunities that are offered to you right here, right now."
"The game was hunting for someone who was seeking what the game offered."
"These are blank checks that he could fill out to anyone."
"When you have a get out of jail free card, why not abuse it?"
"Let's go get Delhi. They're saying, 'Oh right now, yeah, they've got problems with rebellions already.' You know what? They're not managing themselves very well. Let's just conquer them."
"Crashes are opportunities to buy, not reasons to panic."
"Online testing for college is the worst thing for education but the greatest gift to me."
"What are crises to Ordinary People are opportunities to them."
"When everyone else is being fearful... that's exactly when you want to be greedy."
"I'll just buy the dip I'll take the discount."
"You can make money with Republicans in office, you can make money with Democrats in office."
"It's not wrong to make money off of bad news."
"If I just say what they want to hear, then I'll make money off of it."
"Either you can sit there and watch it happen you can be one of the people that are burned by it or you can be one of the people that take advantage of the situation."
"It's always good to get some money from somewhere."
"I think there will be class action lawsuits. I think there's a lot of opportunistic class action lawyers in the United States who are loving this right now."
"As long as it's out there, you might as well look at the pictures."
"When there's blood in the streets, perfect time to DCA."
"There is no shortage of money at all on the planet. When things go badly for some, they're actually going well for others."
"Let's see who gets to this person fast enough you could probably steal it from them."
"When others are greedy, that's when you want to be fearful. But when others are fearful, that's when you want to be greedy."
"It’s clear as day that if you give this band of thieves a shot, they’re gonna find a way to steal your heart."
"I pursue everything, I take every meeting, I take every call, I say yes to opportunity because even if I know the deal, it's no good, I do know that it could lead somewhere."
"Are you gonna sell me other things? I got no problem with that if I'm making money."
"Be greedy when people are fearful, be fearful when people are greedy."
"Every good dog has his day, and a real good dog has two days around that window."
"I see through the media [ __ ]. I see where she's on but I'm not mad at her... Get your coins wendy how you doing."
"You can actually make some money off of finding the things."
"We can't live in a country where presidents show up at the scenes of tragedy and craft speeches for power and profit."
"You've got to be ready to absolutely pounce on this."
"I think there are forces out there that know how to capitalize on trends and pop up around people who come forward legitimately or illegitimately with an amazing story."
"So when the game hands you'll win you just got to take it."
"I'm [expletive] taking it. I have no pride, shame, ego, nothing. Smart. What are the odds? Easy clap there."
"I've been told for years that I'm supposed to believe that 81 million Americans voted for Joe Biden. So you're goddamn right I'm gonna take what I can get."
"China might not have started the Opium epidemic in the United States, but they've clearly not let a good crisis go to waste."
"Take advantage of those government programs."
"There has never been a better time to start living the American Dream."
"Take fullest advantage of the free things that are happening all around you all the time."
"I think Putin's been waiting for this. Motive and opportunity."
"Things are bad when you kind of look at a sunken ship and be like, 'Oh, that's actually a really good way for me to get stuff.'"
"Opportunity is the greatest economist. It uses everything, even your mistakes, for your benefit."
"Be greedy when people are fearful and fearful when they are greedy."
"We went there to go do our shows and visit like we wasn't trying to get on no [ __ ], they came to us and we just did our [ __ ]."
"Ruined could care less about trust or goodwill. Those things meant nothing to him. He 100 got something tangible from the trade."
"Guys, let's take advantage of these money printers. Let's find the money printers for the other people in the next bull run and let's make as much money as we can."
"You'll be a fool not to take advantage of that. That's right, that's right."
"Ball on the ground - scoop and score all the way to the house."
"Conor Gallagher, take advantage of the uncertainty around you."
"I blame the media. They flip-flop when it's convenient..."
"Rather than using COVID to unify America, the left saw this and say perfect opportunity to make Trump the villain. Ding ding ding ding ding, you win. He's out."
"That's how I became assistant to the regional manager at a store I'm not even employed by."
"Cash-grab, ripoff films like what you are about to see are able to be squirted out in junction with popular movies."
"Buy when there's blood in the streets and sell when there's euphoria in the air."
"Mr Wonderful himself will gladly take your money and endorse anything you put in front of him if the price is right."
"If you're a very talented player and you see someone that's struggling, do you seek them out to try and get some easy KOs? That could be a strategy that comes out to play."
"Stalin inherited both Lenin's revolutionary opportunism and the tsarial problem of flanking powers."
"Be fearful when others are greedy, but greedy when others are fearful."
"Family, not just friendship or connection. You are loyal to the friends you make throughout the way, but almost every single one of those friends are just vehicles in which you can make money through by way of missions."
"It's amazing how suddenly everyone's a feminist when it lets them perpetuate hate against brown people."
"Everybody who knew how to cheat in a certain way did it."
"Master the art of timing... stand back when the time is not yet ripe and strike fiercely when it has reached fruition."
"There's plenty of people doing that grift anytime a major issue arises."
"When others are fearful, you should be greedy. The experienced investors are buying when others are being fearful."
"Hell no. Hell no. Opportunity hell yes. [Expletive] yes."
"You can take advantage of the circumstance rather than being taken advantage of."
"The Vatican saw an opportunity to profit like never before."
"You use the tools that are afforded to us that they own, that they can shut down whatever they want."
"She is a clown chaser, and what happens to car chasers? They get rich."
"What he did it because there's 25,000 new bitcoin millionaires and I think Elon is smart."
"It's not my job to fix that; it is my job to take advantage of that."
"As long as you can grab them on a weekend when maybe you should only have maybe 18 or 15, then at the end of the day, you've done a better job than the rest."
"I had no choice I had to do it see the opportunity or when I go everyone gonna Remember My Name Big Smoke."
"For someone who has clearly suffers with a reputation of not being driven by principles, not being consistent, not being reliable, it being very unclear what he stands for, being very opportunistic, I think that this would be."
"Some people have actually developed careers out of being hot in crowds."
"There is no crisis that will not be exploited by the state to create more opportunity for power."
"I want you guys to get into the habit of taking free stuff. You will be getting free stuff from your opponents."
"Never too late to try anything, I'll say anything for 20 quid, Rich, you know that."
"The left is in a fundamentally stronger position this time to politicize the facts."
"Find your opportunity in this weird time right now because it's there."
"I love search and rescue. I'm never going to stop as long as they'll let me fly and search."
"Two very different mindsets... all about what you can get out of the situation."
"Oh, that's a nice pile of money right there."
"Life throws a dodge ball at you and you've got to make the most of it."
"Some people get opportunities man they just, you know, they dip out on you, some people use you, some people misuse you."
"Make the money while you can...especially in sports."
"That was an insane sale, we just made $500 off of other people's cameras."
"When others are fearful, it's time to be greedy."
"There was a lot of money to be made from the events of September 11th."
"By the time you figure out, 'Oh my gosh, she was right, this is really crashing,' it ain't going to be about, 'Hey, watch out, be careful, be prepared,' I'm going to be out crushing it."
"We're gonna get this money that's right yeah we're gonna finesse some people."
"If I said to you, 'Do you want free money?' you'd be an idiot to be like, 'No, I don't like free money.'"
"They capitalized off a perfect opportunity to be on the correct quote-unquote side of history."
"Finders keepers, there's no way that we would be able to locate the owner of that money."
"There are no rules you have to use the power while you have it."
"You don't want to be the guy, but you can partner up with a guy and still get the money."
"The moment you take and place them on a pedestal all they see is opportunity. Stop giving them opportunity."
"What you consider trash is their treasure; somebody is waiting for you to relinquish control so they can grab it."
"The sociopaths are going to start pretending they were always on our side and they're going to try and make shows agreeing with us."
"Sell some t-shirts, hashtag Gorilla Glue Girl of 2021."
"The key to success right now is as they destroy their own institutions, we have to move in swiftly and powerfully."
"Far too many are just looking to make a profit off the tragedy."
"He sees the presidency as his get out of jail free card."
"These two stories taken together are a perfect encapsulation of how DC operatives will sell out their country and party."
"Be aware that horrible people out there, horrible famous people, will take advantage of horrible situations for their benefits."
"You want to be greedy when people are fearful and you want to be fearful when people are greedy."
"It really feels like she's trying to add oppressions to her resume."
"The best investors in the world use the bear markets to their advantage."
"Much like for your back pay of real life, he's always there, always pouncing on any sort of situation, any sort of opportunity."
"It's like Rahm Emanuel said: Don't let a good crisis go to waste."
"With controversy can come volatility... We use the volatility to our advantage."
"The positive thing about being stabbed in the back is you get a new weapon."
"If anybody sees weakness, they'll jump on it."
"It's almost like taking advantage of [expletive] that comes your way, turning that [expletive] into lemonade."
"In 1981, like thousands of others, Shoko Asahara was sucked in by its teachings, becoming a devout member. But rather than gaining enlightenment, Asahara gained something even better: he got an idea."
"It's important to be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful."
"You should be loyal to nothing for the rest of the year and use your [__] as a come-up bag."
"Time will tell but at the end of the day, I was listening to the earlier segment they found a way to get into something they had no standing to even get involved in."
"If your competitor is down and out, take advantage of those opportunities."
"Exploit your advantages while you've got them."
"When things are very, very cheap, you buy with both hands and both feet. You grab all you can."
"Hey, if you see a very rare, you take a very rare."
"With thousands of homes being burnt down, it seemed like an easy deal."
"Opportunistic stealing is a commonly reported behavior; apparently there are no statutes in the Sasquatch book of rules."
"Use your head, make the most of every opportunity."
"There's another side to this... Some people are using this opportunity to make money from the homeless."
"Life is about taking advantage of opportunities."
"You're just clout chasing off of the wave that was already created. You didn't have the ability to create your own wave, you decided to ride the wave of Club Shay."
"We are observing the end of an empire, and everyone's looting it."